Multi-Tech Systems MTSGSM User Manual

SoftGSM Kit
SoftGSM Kit
User Guide
User Guide
88310800 Revision A
MultiMobile (Model MTSGSM)
This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior expressed written permission from Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1999, by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Furthermore, Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.
Record of Revisions
Revision Description
A Manual released. All pages at revision A. (2/12/99)
MultiMobile, Multi-Tech, and the Multi-Tech logo are trademarks of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. SoftGSM is a trademark of Micro Systemation AB. Windows NT, Windows 95, and Windows 98 are a registred trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other product names
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Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
2205 Woodale Drive
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Tech Support (800) 972-2439
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The CE mark is affixed to the enclosed MultiTech product to confirm compliance with the following European Community Directives:
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Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................6
Preview of this Guide ........................................................................................................................................6
Related Documentation.....................................................................................................................................7
T echnical Specifications....................................................................................................................................8
Data Transmission Support ........................................................................................................................8
Short Message Service (SMS) Support...................................................................................................... 8
Commands Supported ................................................................................................................................8
GSM Handsets supported .......................................................................................................................... 8
Cables provided..........................................................................................................................................8
Operating systems supported..................................................................................................................... 8
User Interface .............................................................................................................................................9
Computers supported .................................................................................................................................9
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Unpacking .......................................................................................................................................................12
Requirements.................................................................................................................................................. 12
Connecting the Phone to the Computer....................................................................................................13
Chapter 3 - Software Installation
Installing the Software .....................................................................................................................................16
Loading your Driver Software..........................................................................................................................16
Utility Software ............................................................................................................... .................................19
Phonebook Manager.................................................................................................................................19
SMS Manager...........................................................................................................................................19
Getting Help..............................................................................................................................................20
Chapter 4 - SMS and Phonebook Applications
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................22
Short Message Service Utility .........................................................................................................................22
Receiving SMS Messages........................................................................................................................22
Sending SMS Messages .......................................................................................................................... 23
Phonebook Utility ............................................................................................................................................ 23
New Phonebook .......................................................................................................................................24
New Record ..............................................................................................................................................24
Delete ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Read Phonebook ......................................................................................................................................25
Write Phonebook ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Settings ...........................................................................................................................................................26
Chapter 5 - SoftGSM AT Commands, S-Registers and Error Codes
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................30
Standard A T Commands ........................................................................................................................... 30
Fax A T Commands ...................................................................................................................................34
Extended A T Commands ..........................................................................................................................35
S-Registers ...............................................................................................................................................42
Error Codes .............................................................................................................................................. 45
Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................48
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)............................................................................................................... 48
General FAQs........................................................................................................................................... 48
Windows 95/98 FAQs ............................................................................................................................... 51
Windows NT FAQs ...................................................................................................................................51
Troubleshooting Procedures ........................................................................................................................... 52
Chapter 7 - Warranty, Service, and Technical Support
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................54
Software User License Agreement.................................................................................................................. 54
Limited Warranty .............................................................................................................................................55
On-line Warranty Registration...................................................................................................................55
Tech Support ................................................................................................................................................... 55
Recording MultiMobile SoftGSM Information ............................................................................................55
Contacting Tech Support via E-mail..........................................................................................................56
Service ............................................................................................................................................................56
The Multi-Tech BBS ........................................................................................................................................56
To log on to the Multi-Tech BBS................................................................................................................ 56
To Download a file..................................................................................................................................... 57
About the Internet............................................................................................................................................ 57
About the Multi-Tech Fax-Back Service ..........................................................................................................58
Appendix A - Understanding GSM...................................................................................................................60
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................60
About GSM Data.......................................................................................................................................60
For More Information ................................................................................................................................65
GSM Acronyms.........................................................................................................................................71
SoftGSM Kit

Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description

MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide


Welcome to Multi-Tech’s MultiMobile SoftGSM, model MTSGSM, consisting of a cable and software (driver and utility applications) which enables digital, cellular, radio communications. The special Multi-Tech cable provides the connection between a GSM-compatible PC and a GSM-supported handset. The driver software loads the device drivers providing access to Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) services. The utility software provides access to additional services such as Phonebook Manager and Short Message Service (SMS) Manager.
GSM is a digital cellular radio network used throughout most of the industrial world. It provides wireless customers with the most advanced digital technology available in the marketplace today . GSM simplifies data transmission to allow laptop and palmtop computers to be connected to GSM phones. It provides integrated voice mail, high-speed data, fax, paging and short message services (SMS) capabilities. With GSM, customers get the advantage of the most secure communications, unparalleled call privacy , and fraud prevention. In addition, GSM of fers the best voice quality of any digital wireless standard. Independent laboratory and field test reports validate near wireline parity .
Figure 1-1. MultiMobile SoftGSM
MultiMobile SoftGSM is licensed for users of any Multi-Tech mobile product. Multi-Tech’s MultiMobile SoftGSM kit supports Ericsson, Nokia, and Siemens phones using GSM only (not the Personal Communications Service that AT&T, Sprint, and others use).

Preview of this Guide

This guide describes the MultiMobile SoftGSM and explains how to install the driver software. The information contained in each chapter is as follows:
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
This chapter describes the MultiMobile SoftGSM, identifies related documentation, and lists the technical specifications.
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
This chapter provides information on unpacking the contents of your MultiMobile SoftGSM Kit, defines the computer and software requirements, and describes how to set up (i.e., connect the GSM phone to your laptop).
Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
This chapter details the installation of the device drivers.
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Chapter 4 - SMS and Phonebook Application
This chapter describes the SMS (Short Message Service) and Phonebook applications and how you can use them to send and receive messages.
Chapter 5 - AT Commands, S-Registers and Error Codes
This chapter describes the commands used to control the operation of your MultiMobile modem.
Chapter 6 - Troubleshooting
This chapter presents a series of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) which helps ensure proper operation of your modem.
Chapter 7 - Service, Warranty and Tech Support
This chapter provides instructions on getting service for your MultiMobile SoftGSM, a statement of limited warranty , information about our Internet presence, and space for recording information about your MultiMobile SoftGSM prior to calling Multi-Tech’s Technical Support.
Appendix A - Understanding GSM
Appendix A provides background information on the evolution of GSM.

Related Documentation

The complete documentation package for the MultiMobile SoftGSM Kit includes this User Guide and a printed Quick Start Guide. The Quick Start Guide, shipped with the unit, provides the necessary information for a qualified person to unpack, cable, and install the software to ensure proper operation. The following guide is provided on the Manuals diskette that ships with each MultiMobile SoftGSM Kit, and you can always find the latest version at Multi-Tech’s Web site.
At the Multi-Tech Home Page (, Click Support, then Manuals, then MultiMobile SoftGSM Kit and you will find the following guide listed by title:
MultiMobile SoftGSM Kit User Guide
MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide

Technical Specifications

Data Transmission Support

Non-transparent data mode, uses Radio Link protocol (GSM 04.22)
Transparent data mode (GSM 04.21)
Transmission speed: 300-9600 bps (limited by the GSM Network)
Support for UDI (Unrestricted Digital Information; used for ISDN connections)
Support for V.42
Data Compression under RLP* (Radio Link Protocol)

Short Message Service (SMS) Support

Mobile T erminated (MT)
Mobile Originated (MO)
PDU (Protocol Data Unit) mode
CONCA T (Concatenated) mode - more than 160 characters in a single message

Commands Supported

A T command set for GSM Mobile Equipment - GSM 07.07
Interface for SMS - GSM 07.05

GSM Handsets supported

Nokia 51 10, 5190, 6110, 6150, 6190
Ericsson 318, 388, 628, 688, 768, 788, 788e, 868, 888
Siemens S10
Note: Additional handset support will be added when available.

Cables provided

Multi-Tech provides one of 4 different cables (depending on your handset).
MTSGSM-N6100 (for Nokia 5110, 5190, 6110, 6150, and 6190 handsets)
MTSGSM-E388 (for Ericsson 318 and 388 handsets)
MTSGSM-E688 (for Ericsson 628, 688, 768, 788, 788e, 868, and 888 handsets)
MTSGSM-S10 (for Siemens S10 handset)

Operating systems supported

Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows NT
*Not all carriers support V.42 information.
under RLP. Check with your subscriber service for support

User Interface

The MultiMobile SoftGSM Kit disk provides the following software applications (Refer to Chapter 4)
SMS send/receive application
Phone Book management application

Computers supported

SoftGSM is "Toshiba Approved" (Toshiba has tested and approved SoftGSM).
All major brands of laptop GSM-compatibles that meet MultiMobile SoftGSM requirements
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide
SoftGSM Kit

Chapter 2 - Getting Started

MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide


The MultiMobile SoftGSM Kit includes two disks (i.e., the software setup disk and the manuals disk with the MultiMobile SoftGSM Kit User Guide), the appropriate PC-to-phone cable, and a printed Quick Start Guide.
Four USB V.90 Modems
Quick Start Guide


A host-based GSM node requires the following:
PC with minimum 486 processor
At least 8 Mbs RAM
At least 3 Mbs of free hard disk space
Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT Note: Windows NT users must have Administrator privileges (super user rights) to install
MultiMobile SoftGSM under Windows NT.
IMPORTANT: Cellular phone subscriptions MUST include corresponding services (data, fax and SMS); otherwise, MultiMobile SoftGSM will not work. Check with your network operator.
Figure 2-1. MultiMobile SoftGSM Kit Contents


This section describes how to make your MultiMobile SoftGSM operational. For additional information, refer to the Help files.

Connecting the Phone to the Computer

Making the connection between the phone and the computer is easy with the MultiTech-supplied cable.
1. Connect the serial cable’s 9-pin connector to the COM port on the laptop.
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
9-pin Connector
Figure 2-2. Connection to the Computer
2. Plug the serial cable’s phone connector into the phone.
Figure 2-3. Connection to the Phone
Phone Connector
MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide
SoftGSM Kit

Chapter 3 - Software Installation

MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide

Installing the Software

MultiMobile SoftGSM software installation consists of installing the applicable device drivers and the utility software. The procedure which follows does not provide every screen or option.

Loading your Driver Software

1. Ensure that your phone is cabled to the computer (Refer to Chapter 2).
2. Insert the Setup disk into your computer’s disk drive.
3. Click the Windows 95/98 or Windows NT
4. Select the RUN command.
5. In the Run dialog box, click the down arrow and select:
Click OK or press
6. The Welcome dialog box is displayed.
on the keyboard.
Click Next >.
7. The SoftGSM License Agreement dialog box is displayed. Read it carefully! If you don’t agree, click No to stop the installation. Click Yes to continue.
Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
8. The User Information dialog box is displayed.
Enter your name and name of company , then click Next >.
9. The Choose Destination Location dialog box is displayed.
Use the default installation destination, or use the browse button to select another destination. Once you have selected the destination, click Next >.
10. The Select Components dialog box is displayed.
Select the components you want to install and Click Next >. Note: Users who: (1) do not have messaging services, should not enable the “SMS &
Phonebook Program” option; (2) do not have SMS messaging services can enable the “SMS & Phonebook Program” to use the “Phonebook” portion only . SMS will not work without the correct services from your GSM provider.
MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide
1 1. The drivers automatically detect where the phone is installed and display the following screen:
Click Yes.
CAUTION: If the drivers cannot detect where the phone is installed, the install procedure will display the Select Com Port dialog box at this time. Highlight the appropriate port and click Next >, and continue with the installation. Once finished, reboot and verify that you can use the program. If you can’t, refer to the Troubleshooting section (Chapter 6).
12. The Select Program Folder dialog box is displayed. Select where you want to install the program icons. Click Next >.
13. The Setup Complete dialog box is displayed. Before you can use the program, you must first reboot the computer.
Remove the disk, check the preferred restart option, and click Finish to complete setup.
Note: Don’t forget to register your MultiMobile SoftGSM at receive upcoming information and upgrades.

Utility Software

The MultiMobile SoftGSM utility provides SoftGSM Short Message Service (SMS), Phonebook management, Settings options, and online Help.
Click Start | Programs | SoftGSM | SMS & Phonebook to display the SoftGSM SMS &
Phonebook management dialog box.

Phonebook Manager

The Phonebook tab gives you quick and simple control over all the phone numbers and names in your personal and cellular phone databases. You can add, change, or move phone numbers and names more easily using Phonebook Manager than by using the handset controls and LCD display . In addition, you can build multiple phonebooks.
Note: MultiTech Systems recommends that you always use international phone numbers. That way you do not have to bother with different country codes when you travel.
Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
Figure 3-1. SoftGSM SMS & Phonebook management (Phonebook)

SMS Manager

The SMS tab allows you to determine the phone number of your local SMS Center and to configure the application with this number. Remember, before you can send any SMS messages, you need to know the phone number of your local SMS Center and configure the application with this number. If you do not have the SMS number, check with your network operator.
This number should be entered as an international number.
Figure 3-2. SoftGSM SMS & Phonebook management (SMS)
MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide


The Settings tab allows you to select your Service Center and identifies the path to your phonebook.dat file. In addition, it allows you to select the type of outgoing SMS and check whether or not you want the modem conversation logged.
Figure 3-3. SoftGSM SMS & Phonebook management (Settings)

Getting Help

If you have a problem with the product that is not covered in this guide or the Help files, or if at any time you need more help, view the online Help on the Internet at Dealer or Local Distributor.
or contact your
SoftGSM Kit

Chapter 4 - SMS and Phonebook Applications

MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide


With the Short Message Service (SMS) and Phonebook applications you can:
Send and receive SMS messages up to 160 characters long
Administer the phonebook (i.e., edit, add, delete, and download records) from your own
Create and store multiple phonebooks on your PC and download to your phone the one
currently needed.

Short Message Service Utility

The Short Message Service (SMS) utility allows you to send and receive SMS messages. SMS is an integrated paging service that allows GSM cellular suscribers to receive and send data right on their cellular phone’s LED display (up to 160 characters). When connected to your laptop, you can receive urgent e-mail, fax notifications, news and stock quotes, etc, without dialing the phone. You can receive messages even as you are making a phone call.

Receiving SMS Messages

Receiving an SMS message is very simple. The application detects incoming SMS messages whenever you are not sending SMS messages or whenever you are reading or writing to the phonebook.
When an SMS message is received, it is displayed in the New Message dialog box. From there, you can copy the message and paste it wherever you want. The date and time that the new SMS message was received is also shown in the dialog box (See Figure 4-1).
Note: SMS uses the European date and time formats. For date, the first two digits represent the year, the second two digits represent the month, and the last two digits represent the day . For time, the first two digits represent the hour (military format), the second two digits represent the minutes, and the last two digits represent the seconds.
Figure 4-1. Receiving an SMS Message

Sending SMS Messages

To send an SMS message, click the SMS tab on the SoftGSM SMS & Phonebook management dialog box and enter the message, the recipient’s number , and then press the Send SMS button. If the recipient’s number is an international number , then omit any leading zeros. For example, the Swedish number 0701234567 should be entered as 46701234567 if it is to be interpreted as an international number.
Chapter 4 - SMS and Phonebook Application
On the Settings tab, you can select the type of coding to be used when sending an SMS message. The 7-bit coding scheme should work for most transmissions.

Phonebook Utility

Phone numbers can be stored in either the memory of the phone or the SIM (Subscriber Information Module) card in your GSM phone. To simplify the handling of all the numbers, you can use the phonebook functionality of MultiMobile SoftGSM. You can work with multiple phonebooks, editing, adding and deleting records and then upload the updated phonebooks to the preferred storage in the phone (memory or SIM). You can also download your current phonebook from the phone and store or edit it on your PC.
Each phonebook record contains:
Name: used to store a descriptive text for the record
Phonenumber: contains the phone number
International: used to indicate if the phone number is an international number (i.e., it contains a country code) or is a national number
To edit the properties of a phonebook or a record, click on its name in the tree presentation, then edit its properties to the right.
The Phonebook functions include:
Figure 4-2. Sending an SMS Message
New record
New phonebook
Read phonebook (from phone)
Write phonebook (to phone)
Delete (record or phonebook)
MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide

New Phonebook

From the SoftGSM SMS & Phonebook management dialog box, Phonebook tab, click New phonebook to create a new, empty phonebook. You can set the name of the phonebook in the
‘Name’ field on the upper right (See Figure 4-3).
Figure 4-3. Creating a New Phone Book

New Record

From the SoftGSM SMS & Phonebook management dialog box, Phonebook tab, click New record to create a new entry in the phonebook. You are automatically positioned at this record so
you can edit its properties. The record is created in the phonebook that currently has the focus. You set focus to a phonebook by clicking on the phonebook or on a record contained in the phonebook (See Figure 4-4).
Figure 4-4. Creating a New Record


From the SoftGSM SMS & Phonebook management dialog box, Phonebook tab, highlight the tree item you want to delete (either a record or a phonebook), then click Delete. If you are trying to delete a phonebook, you will be asked to confirm the deletion. The deleted item is only deleted from the computer and not from the phone. To delete something from the phone, use the ‘Write phonebook’ function to write the updated phonebook (with records deleted) to the phone (See Figure 4-4).

Read Phonebook

From the SoftGSM SMS & Phonebook management dialog box, Phonebook tab, click Read phonebook to display the Read phonebook dialog box for reading a phonebook from the phone.
Chapter 4 - SMS and Phonebook Application
Figure 4-5. Read Phonebook Screen
1. Click the down arrow and select the phonebook to be read. The default choice (named ‘New phonebook’) stores the result as a new phonebook labeled ‘New phonebook’.
2. Select the storage location from which you wish to read. The available choices are the Phone memory or the SIM-card.
3. If you selected an existing phonebook to store the result, then select how you wish to store it. You can either choose to Overwrite (which overwrites all records currently in your phonebook) or to Append the result to the end of your phonebook.

Write Phonebook

From the SoftGSM SMS & Phonebook management dialog box, Phonebook tab, click Write phonebook to display the dialog box for writing a phonebook to the phone.
1. Click the down arrow and select which phonebook you want to store in the phone.
2. Select which storage method you would like the phonebook to be stored. The available choices
Note: The number of available slots varies from phone model to phone model and from SIM card to SIM card. If your phonebook contains more records than the number of available slots, then some records will not be written to the phone.
Figure 4-6. Write Phonebook Screen
are Phone memory or SIM-card.
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