Multi-Tech Systems MT5600BLV.90, MT5600BAV.90 User Manual

MT5600BA/BL Series
MT5600BA–V.92 MT5600BA–V.90
Data/Fax Modem
User Guide
MultiModemII User Guide
MT5600BA–V.92, MT5600BA–V.90, MT5600BL–V.90 P/N S000276C Revision C
All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior expressed written permission from Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Furthermore, Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in the content hereof without obligation of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.
Record of Revisions
Revision Date Description
A 10/03/02 Initial release of MT5600BA Global V.92. (Also replaces S0000129 Rev. C - the
MT5600BA/BL User Guide).
B 02/17/03 Changed cover. Changed text to indicate that the following
V.25bis HDLC NRZ?, V.25bis HDLC NRZI?, and V.25bis BISYNC
C 07/31/03 Added setting the country code using the LCD panel. Add country codes list.
MultiModemII, Multi-Tech, and the Multi-Tech logo are trademarks of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98/ Me/NT/2000/XP are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brand and product names mentioned in this publication are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
This device is covered by one or more of the following patents: 6,031,867; 6,012,113; 6,009,082; 5,905,794; 5,864,560; 5,815,567; 5,815,503; 5,812,534; 5,809,068; 5,790,532; 5,764,628; 5,764,627; 5,754,589; 5,724,356; 5,673,268; 5,673,257; 5,644,594; 5,628,030; 5,619,508; 5,617,423; 5,600,649; 5,592,586; 5,577,041; 5,574,725; 5,559,793; 5,546,448; 5,546,395; 5,535,204; 5,500,859; 5,471,470; 5,463,616; 5,453,986; 5,452,289; 5,450,425; D353,598; 5,355,365; 5,309,562; 5,301,274. Other patents pending.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Description and Features ......................................................................... 5
Product Description .............................................................................................. 5
Features ............................................................................................................... 5
Safety Warnings .................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 2 - Installation ............................................................................................... 7
Step 1 - Connect the Modem to Your System ...................................................... 7
Step 2 - Install the Modem Driver ......................................................................... 9
Removing an Old Modem Driver .......................................................................... 9
Step 3 - Setting Your Country Code ................................................................... 10
Step 4 - Install PhoneTools ................................................................................ 11
Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel ............................................................................ 12
Modem Configuration ......................................................................................... 12
LED Indicators ................................................................................................... 12
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) .............................................................................. 13
Option Selection .......................................................................................... 13
Menu Structure ............................................................................................ 13
Menu Overview .................................................................................................. 14
Status Trunk ................................................................................................ 15
Basic Options Trunk .................................................................................... 16
Advanced Options Trunk ............................................................................. 18
Remote Configuration Options Trunk........................................................... 20
Diagnostic Options Trunk ............................................................................ 20
Phone Number Memory Options Trunk ....................................................... 21
Caller ID Options Trunk ............................................................................... 21
Menu Options .............................................................................................. 22
Status .......................................................................................................... 22
Basic Options .............................................................................................. 23
Advanced Options ....................................................................................... 25
Remote Configuration Options..................................................................... 27
Diagnostic Options ...................................................................................... 27
Phone Number Memory Options ................................................................. 27
Caller ID Options ......................................................................................... 28
Chapter 4 - Leased Line Operation .......................................................................... 29
Two-Wire Setup ................................................................................................. 29
Four-Wire Setup ................................................................................................ 30
Dial Backup and Leased-Line Restoral .............................................................. 31
Dial Backup and Leased Line Restoral Setup .................................................... 31
Chapter 5 - Remote Configuration ............................................................................ 33
Basic Procedure ................................................................................................ 33
Setup ................................................................................................................. 33
Changing the Remote Configuration Password.................................................. 33
Changing the Remote Escape Character ........................................................... 34
Chapter 6 - Callback Security ................................................................................... 35
Setup Procedures .............................................................................................. 35
Turning Callback Security On and Off ................................................................ 35
Assigning Callback Passwords .......................................................................... 36
Calling Procedure .............................................................................................. 38
Callback Security Commands ............................................................................ 39
Callback Assignments Form .............................................................................. 40
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting ..................................................................................... 41
None of the Indicators Light ............................................................................... 41
The Modem Does Not Respond to Commands .................................................. 42
The Modem Cannot Connect When Dialing ....................................................... 43
The Modem Disconnects While Online .............................................................. 44
The Modem Cannot Connect When Answering ................................................. 45
File Transfer Is Slower Than It Should Be .......................................................... 45
Data Is Being Lost.............................................................................................. 45
There Are Garbage Characters on the Monitor .................................................. 46
The Modem Doesn’t Work with Caller ID ........................................................... 46
Fax and Data Software Can’t Run at the Same Time ......................................... 46
Appendix A - Regulatory Compliance ....................................................................... 47
FCC Part 68 Telecom ........................................................................................ 47
Fax Branding Statement .................................................................................... 48
Canadian Limitations Notice............................................................................... 48
EMC, Safety, and R&TTE Directive Compliance................................................ 49
International Modem Restrictions ....................................................................... 49
New Zealand Telecom Warning Notice .............................................................. 49
South African Notice .......................................................................................... 50
Appendix B - Technical Specifications ...................................................................... 51
Appendix C - Warranty, Service, and Technical Support .......................................... 53
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Warranty & Repairs Policies ...................................... 53
Online Warranty Registration ............................................................................. 54
Service ............................................................................................................... 54
Replacement Parts ............................................................................................ 55
Technical Support .............................................................................................. 56
Internet Sites ...................................................................................................... 56
Appendix D - Upgrading the Firmware ..................................................................... 57
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 57
Upgrade Overview ............................................................................................. 57
Step 1 - Identify the Modem Firmware ............................................................... 57
Step 2 - Identify the Current Firmware Version .................................................. 58
Step 3 - Download the Upgrade File .................................................................. 58
Step 4 - Extract the Upgrade Files ..................................................................... 58
Step 5 - Clear Your Stored Paramenters ........................................................... 59
Step 6 - Upgrade the Modem’s Firmware........................................................... 59
Step 7 - Restore Your Parameters ..................................................................... 59
Appendix E - Installing a Modem Under Linux .......................................................... 60
Introduction ........................................................................................................ 60
Standard Linux Serial Port Definitions ................................................................ 60
Installation .......................................................................................................... 60
Setup ................................................................................................................. 60
Appendix F - Pin Descriptions .................................................................................. 62
RS-232 Pin Descriptions .................................................................................... 62
RS-232 Cable Pinouts ....................................................................................... 63
Leased Line Pinouts .......................................................................................... 64
Index ........................................................................................................................ 65
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide

Chapter 1 - Description and Features

Chapter 1 - Description and


Congratulations on your purchase of the MultiModemII modem. You have acquired one of the finest intelligent data/fax modems available today from one of the world’s oldest modem manufacturers: Multi­Tech Systems, Inc. This user guide will help you install, configure, test and use your modem.

Product Description

This modem supports two-wire and/or four-wire leased lines. The four-wire leased line includes the dial backup and automatic leased line restoration features. Please note that, because leased-line operation consists of two client modems connected to each other, the maximum leased line data rate is 33.6K bps.
The MT5600BA-V.92 modem supports both two-wire and four-wire leased lines. The MT5600BA modem supports a two-wire leased line. The MT5600BL modem supports a four-wire leased line.
The MultiModemII offers interactive automatic dialing. You can store four command lines or telephone numbers of up to 30 characters each in the modem’s nonvolatile memory. The modem pulse- or tone­dials, and recognizes dial tones and busy signals for reliable call-progress detection. It can also detect AT&T calling card tones. It is FCC-registered for connection to telephone networks without notification to the telephone company.
The MultiModemII front panel includes a liquid crystal display and four buttons, which together can be used to either display the current connection status of the modem or to configure the modem. The MultiModemII also can be configured through standard AT commands.

About AT Commands

AT Commands for this product are published in a separate document and included on the MT5600BA/BL System CD that accompanies your modem.
F eatures
Complies with major international standards to ensure compatibility with other modems.
Uses DTMF and tone detection to distinguish data and fax calls when used with software that supports these features.
Supports serial port speeds to 230.4K bps with compatible serial ports
Supports Caller ID (North American versions only).
Displays status and configuration information on a front panel LCD.
Supports automatic fallback to slower speeds in noisy line conditions, and fall-forward to faster speeds as conditions improve.
Supports both synchronous and asynchronous data transfer.
Support two-wire leased line operation. Also supports four-wire leased line operation with dial backup and leased line restoration.
Supports callback security and remote configuration.
Supports AS400 applications.
Automatically disables compression when transferring already-compressed files.
Can autodial, redial, pulse (rotary) and touch-tone dial.
Detects dial tones and busy signals for reliable call-progress detection.
Compatible with the standard AT command set used by most communication programs.
Supports Plug and Play (PnP).
Can be flash upgraded.
Supports V.17, Class 1, and Group 3 fax standards, (V.92 support Class 2 also) allowing it to communicate with other fax modems as well as with fax machines.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide

Safety Warnings

Use this product only with UL- and CUL-listed computers.
To reduce the risk of fire, use only 26 AWG or larger telephone wiring.
Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
Never install a telephone jack in a wet location unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.
Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface.
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
Avoid using a telephone during an electrical storm; there is a risk of electrical shock from lightning.
Do not use a telephone in the vicinity of a gas leak.
Chapter 1 - Description and Features
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide

Chapter 2 - Installation

Chapter 2 - Installation

Step 1 - Connect the Modem to Your System

Turn off your computer. Placing the modem in a convenient location, connect it to your computer’s serial port, to the telephone line, to your leased line, to AC power, and, optionally, to your telephone.
MultiModemII connections with V.92 transformer and V.90 transformer.
Connect the Modem to Your PC
Plug one end of the serial cable into the RS-232 connector on the modem, and the other end into a serial port connector on your computer, such as COM1 or COM2.
Connect the Modem to the Telephone Line (Dialup Connection)
Plug one end of the modular phone cable into the modem’s LINE jack, and the other end into a public switched telephone network (PSTN) wall jack.
Important: The LINE jack is not interchangeable with the PHONE jack. Do not plug the phone into
the LINE jack or the line cable into the PHONE jack.
Note: Regulatory agencies may impose certain restrictions on equipment connected to public
telephone systems.
Connect theTwo-Wire Leased Line
MT5600BA – Plug one end of a two-wire phone cable into the modem’s LINE jack; connect the other end to a leased line wall jack or terminals.
MT5600BL Plug one end of a two-wire phone cable into the modem’s LEASED jack; connect the other end to a leased line wall jack or terminals.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Chapter 2 - Installation
Connect the Four-Wire Leased Line
MT5600BL Only – Plug one end of a four-wire phone cable into the modem's LEASED jack; connect the other end to a four-wire leased line wall jack or terminals.
Modems with a leased-line jack support the dial backup feature. For dial backup operation, plug one end of your dialup modular phone cable into the modem’s wall jack.Plug one end of a two-wire or four-wire phone cable into the modem’s LEASED jack, and connect the other end to a leased-line wall jack or terminals.
Modems with a leased-line jack support the dial backup feature. For dial backup operation, plug one end of your dialup modular phone cable into the modem’s LINE jack and the other end into a PSTN wall jack.
LINE jack and the other end into a PSTN
Connect the Phone to the Modem (Optional)
For voice-only calls, plug a telephone into the modem’s PHONE jack.
Connect the Modem to the AC Power Outlet
Plug the power transformer into an AC power outlet or power strip. Plug the power transformer’s cable into the POWER jack on the modem.
Note: Use only the power transformer supplied with the modem. Use of any other transformer voids
the warranty and can damage the modem.
Po wer-On T e st
Test the modem by turning it on (a power switch is located on the front panel). When you apply power, the modem performs a diagnostic self-test, indicated by the TM indicator lighting for a few seconds, after which the LCD should light. If this does not happen, check that the power switch is on, the power transformer is solidly connected, and the AC outlet is live. If these measures do not work, see the “Troubleshooting” chapter.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Chapter 2 - Installation

Step 2 - Install the Modem Driver

If you use Windows 98/Me/NT 4.0/2000/XP; you must install the modem driver. The drivers are installed easily since Windows supports Plug-and-Play.
Installing the Modem Driver for Windows 98/Me/2000/ XP
1. Make sure your modem is connected properly, and then turn on your computer. Windows should
detect your new modem and open the Install New Modem wizard.
Note: If Windows cannot find a modem, your modem may be turned off, it may be plugged into
the wrong connector on your computer, or the serial cable may be faulty. See “None of the LEDs Light When the Modem Is Turned On” and “The Modem Does Not Respond to Commands” in the “Troubleshooting” chapter.
2. Insert the MultiModemII system CD into your CD-ROM drive, and then click OK.
3. Windows installs and configures the modem.
4. Click Finish to exit.
Installing the Modem Driver for Windows NT
1. Make sure your modem is connected properly, and then turn on your computer. Windows should
detect your new modem and open the Install New Modem wizard. Note: If Windows cannot find a modem, your modem may be turned off, it may be plugged into
the wrong connector on your computer, or the serial cable may be faulty. See “None of the LEDs Light When the Modem Is Turned On” and “The Modem Does Not Respond to Commands” in the Troubleshooting chapter of the User Guide.
2. In the Install New Modem wizard, select Don’t detect my modem; I will select it from a list, and then click Next. A dialog box with a list of manufacturers and a list of modem models appears.
3. Insert the MultiModemII system CD into your CD-ROM drive, and then click Have Disk.
4. In the Install from Disk dialog box, select the drive that the CD is in, and then click OK.
5. A list of modems appears. Select your modem and click Next.
6. Select the port that the modem is connected to, and then click Next.
7. Windows installs and configures the modem.
8. Click Finish to exit.

Removing an Old Modem Driver

When your new modem replaces another modem, the old modem driver remains in Windows, and the old modem driver is still selected in HyperTerminal and other Windows applications. Though you can change the application connection descriptions one at a time, it is easier to force Windows applications to use the new modem by removing the old modem driver from Windows.
1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Modems icon to open the Modems Properties dialog box.
3. In the list box, select the old modem.
4. Click Remove, and then click Close.
5. The next time you dial a HyperTerminal connection, it will select your new modem and ask you to
confirm the selection.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Chapter 2 - Installation

Step 3 - Setting Your Country Code

(MT5600BA V. 9 2 Only)
The MT5600BA-V.92 modem is a global modem - it can be used all over the world. Different countries have different requirements for how modems must function. Therefore, before you can
use your modem, you must configure it to match the defaults of the country in which you are using it. You can use one of two configuration methods:
· Using the LCD Panel to Set Your Country Code
· Using the Global Wizard to Set Your Country Code
· Using AT Commands to Set Your Country Code
Using the LCD Panel
Basic Options
Advanced Options
Remote Config
Phone Number Memory
Caller ID
Country Select
1. Start at the Status LCD and use the down arrow to move down the menu tree to the Country Select LCD.
2. Use the right arrow to move from the Country Select LCD, across the Country Setting Options LCD, to the
Current Setting LCD.
3. If the current setting shown is not the one for your country, arrow across to the Country Profile LCD. The
question mark represents the question Is this the country you want? If B5 is the one you want, press Enter; if its
not the one you want, arrow across until you see the code you desire. See the list of Country Codes on the back of
this card.
4.When you reach the country code you want, press Enter. After pressing Enter, you will see the message Option Set.
5. After setting the country profile, you can re-power the modem or use the arrows to move back and up the menu
tree to return to the Status LCD.
Country Setting Options
Country Profile 99?
Country Profile 03?
Country Profile 09?
Current Setting
Country Profile 01?
Country Profile 04?
Country Profile 6C?
Country Profile B5?
Country Profile 02?
Country Profile 00?
Country Profile 9F?
Country Codes
· B5All countries use the Country Code B5 except for the following codes.
· 99 – The following countries use the Country Code 99:
Hong Kong Israel, Poland Hungary Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of) Slovenia India Korea (Republic of) Vietnam Indonesia Philippines
· 01Argentina
· 02Taiwan
· 03New Zealand
· 04Singapore
· 00Japan
· 09Australia
· 6CMalaysia
· 9F – South Africa
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Chapter 2 - Installation
Using the Global Wizard
The Global Wizard configuration utility is recommended for computers running in Windows. The Wizard can configure your modem for a specific country with just a few mouse clicks.
1. Insert the MultiModemII system CD into the CD-ROM drive. The Autorun dialog box
2. Click Initial Setup and Country Selection. The Global Wizard dialog box appears. Click Next.
3. The Global Wizard searches for your modem and identifies it. Click Next after your modem is identified.
4. Select the country in which the modem will be used. Click Next.
5. Review your choice of country. If it is correct, click Next to configure the modem.
6. When the Global Wizard announces that the parameters have been set, click Finish to exit.
Using AT Commands
If you are comfortable using AT commands, you use them to configure your modem. You must enter these commands in your communication program's terminal window (a program such as PhoneTools). Execute the following AT commands:
Type AT+GCI= OK displays. Type AT&F&W to save your country code. Press Enter. OK displays. Type ATI5 to verify your country code has been configured. The country code is then displayed in hexadecimal format as in this example:
Country Hexadecimal Code
Euro/NAM B5
Note: See Multi-Tech's Web site for a list of country codes. Go to
nn (nn
stands for the country code). Press Enter.

Step 4 - Install PhoneTo o ls

Note: PhoneTools may or may not be included on the MT5600BA/BL system CD according to your
company's preference.
Data communications software gives you access to commands that govern how the modem operates; that is, how the modem handles incoming and outgoing data streams, etc.
MultiTech includes a data communications software package (PhoneTools) on the product CD shipped with your modem. In general, the modem will work with most data communications software packages.
1. Insert the MT5600BA/BL system CD into your CD-ROM drive. Allow Autorun to bring up the introductory screen.
2. Click on the PhoneTools icon and choose the appropriate country/language.
3. Follow the PhoneTools installation wizard. No input is needed. You may choose to view the “Readme” file and whether or not to run PhoneTools immediately.
Windows NT/2000/XP Note: During installation, an advisory screen may appear saying “FAX capture driver installation” - this may cause a delay in the installation. This is normal. The installation process has not failed or stalled. Simply wait a few moments until this screen disappears.
4. After installation, you can launch PhoneTools either from a desktop icon or from the Start |
Programs menu. Typically, it’s not necessary to reboot before using PhoneTools.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide

Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel

Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel
Like any modem, your Multi-Tech modem operates only under the control of a communication program, such as the PhoneTools program included with the modem. It also operates under other general-purpose data communication programs, such as Windows Terminal and HyperTerminal. For information on how to use the modem with the communication program of your choice, please refer to the program’s documentation.

Modem Configuration

Your modem normally is configured through Windows or through the communication program you are using. The default settings work best for most purposes. See “Step 4: Install PhoneTools” in Chapter 2 for help in setting up your communication program.
You also can configure your modem either through the front panel or by sending AT commands to the modem. The AT commands can be found in the AT Reference Guide on the CD shipped with this modem.
Figure 3-1. Front panel

LED Indicators

The MT5600BA-V.92 has six LED indicators on the front panel that indicate status and activity:
Receive Data. The RD indicator flashes when the modem is receiving data.
Transmit Data. The TD indicator flashes when the modem is transmitting data.
Carrier Detect. The CD indicator lights when the modem detects a valid carrier signal from
another modem. It is on when the modem is communicating with the other modem, and off when the link is broken.
Off-Hook. The OH indicator lights when the modem is off-hook, which occurs when the modem is dialing, online, or answering a call. The LED flashes when the modem pulse-dials.
Terminal Ready. The TR indicator lights when a communication program is using the modem. It means the modem is ready for an outgoing or incoming call. It goes off when the communication program disconnects the serial port. When it goes off, a connected modem will disconnect.
Test Mode. The TM indicator lights when the modem is in test mode.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

The MultiModemII’s backlit liquid crystal display (LCD) has two functions: to display the current status of the modem and to display configuration menus, which are selected using the four pushbuttons on the front panel.

Option Selection

To select most configuration options, simply display the option in the LCD, and then press the Enter but- ton to select it. An OPTION SET message appears to confirm the selection. To exit the OPTION SET message, press any button.
Some options, such as password options and phone number options, require you to enter a character string. To select a character, press the áß and â buttons. To go to the next character position, press the à button. To backspace, press the à button before selecting a character. To exit without saving, press the à button several times. To save a character string, press the Enter button.

Menu Structure

The LCD menus have a tree structure with multiple trunks, limbs, branches, and twigs. For a schematic view, refer to the menu map on the next page.
Trunks are the major divisions of the menu tree. There are seven trunks: Status, Basic Options, Ad­vanced Options, Remote Configuration, Diagnostics, Phone Number Memory, and Caller ID. Use the á and â buttons to move between trunks.
Limbs are subdivisions of trunks. Use the à button to move from a trunk onto its first limb, and the á and â buttons to move between limbs on the trunk.
Branches are subdivisions of limbs. Use the à button to move from a limb onto its first branch, and the áß and â buttons to move between branches on the limb.
Twigs are status screens and options that are accessible only from branches. Use the à button to move from a branch to its first status screen or option; then press the áß and â buttons to move between options, and press the Enter button to select an option.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel

Menu Overview

Trunks Limbs Branches Twigs
Status =
, ,
Status = Idle
( automatic selection )
Status = Online
Manual Orig.?
Manual Answer?
Basic Options
Advanced Options
Remote Config.
Phone Number Memory
Online Options
Dialing Options
Remote Config. Password
Diagnostic Options
Phone Number Mem. Ops.
Diagnostic Options
Phone Number Mem. Ops.
, ,
Line Type Options
Error Correction Options
DTR Options
Carrier Detect Options
Enable / Disable R,C,
Remote Config. Password
Analog Loopback
Digital Loopback
List Phone Numbers
Enter Phone Numbers
Current Settings= PSTN
Current Settings= &E1
Current Settings= &D2
Current Settings= &C1 &C4
Current Settings= Enabled
Enter Password A
Initiate AL?
Initiate DL?
Phone #0?
Enter Phone #0?
EC on? (&E2)
DTR normal? (&D2)
CD forced on? (&C0)
Enable RC?
Test in Progress
Terminate RDL?
Phone #1?
Enter Phone #1?
Caller I.D. Caller I.D.
Country Select
Country Setting Options
, ,
Current Setting =
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Current Setting #CID0
Country Profile XX?
Enable FCID? (#CID1)
Country Profile B5
Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel

Status Trunk

The Status Trunk shows the current operating status of the modem. Limb changes are automatic, but certain options can be accessed by pressing the à button. Note that when the modem is online, pressing the à button shows the connect status, including the data speed, connection type, and compression type.
Limbs Twigs
Manual selection
Automatic selection
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel

Basic Options Trunk

Use the Basic Options Trunk to configure the modem’s basic operating conditions. When entering a num­ber, use the áß and â buttons to scroll through a list of digits and characters. To go to the next position, press the à button. To back up or to exit without dialing, press the à button several times.
Limbs Branches Twigs
Continued on next page
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Basic Options Trunk, continued
Limbs Branches Twigs
Continued from previous page
Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel

Advanced Options Trunk

Use the Advanced Options Trunk to configure RS-232, dial backup, and callback security options. When entering a number or password, use the áß and â buttons to select a character or digit. To go to the next position, press the à button. To backspace or to exit, press the à button several times.
Limbs Branches Twigs
Continued on next page
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Advanced Options Trunk, continued
Limbs Branches Twigs
Continued from previous page
Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel

Remote Configuration Options Trunk

Use the Remote Configuration Options Trunk to enable or disable remote configuration on the modem, and to change the password. When entering the password, use the áß and â buttons to scroll through the alphabet. To go to the next character position, press the à button. To backspace or to exit, press the à button several times.
Limb Branches Twigs

Diagnostic Options Trunk

Use the Diagnostic Options Trunk to run loopback tests on the modem. When a test is in progress, the TM indicator lights.
Limb Branches Twigs
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
+ 46 hidden pages