Preview of this Guide ........................................................................................................................................6
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description ....................................................................................................6
Chapter 7 - Service, Warranty and Tech Support .......................................................................................7
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)................................................................................8
Internet Protocol (IP) .......................................................................................................................................10
Front Panel...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Back Panel ......................................................................................................................................................12
Link 1 (2 and 3) Connector .......................................................................................................................12
Power Connector ...................................................................................................................................... 12
EtherNet Port ............................................................................................................................................13
WAN Links ................................................................................................................................................13
Loading your Software ....................................................................................................................................20
Before Y ou Begin......................................................................................................................................24
Setting up your IP Address..............................................................................................................................26
Selecting your WAN Protocol..........................................................................................................................27
Activating your WAN Ports..............................................................................................................................28
WEB Server..................................................................................................................... ......................... 30
Proxy Server Management Menu....................................................................................................................40
Proxy Server Configuration .............................................................................................................................41
Tech Support ................................................................................................................................................... 45
Service ............................................................................................................................................................ 46
About the Multi-Tech BBS ...............................................................................................................................47
Logging on to the Multi-Tech BBS............................................................................................................. 47
Downloading a File ...................................................................................................................................47
Reading a Message ..................................................................................................................................48
Leaving a Message...................................................................................................................................48
About CompuServe.........................................................................................................................................48
About the Internet............................................................................................................................................ 48
About the Multi-Tech Fax-Back Service ..........................................................................................................49
Appendix A - Cabling Diagrams.......................................................................................................................52
Appendix B - Script Language.........................................................................................................................53
Appendix C - Regulatory Information ..............................................................................................................55
Glossary of Terms.............................................................................................................................59
Chapter 1 - Introduction and
ProxyServer User Guide
Welcome to Multi-Tech’s new ProxyServer™, model number MTPSR3-200, a single, secure gateway
that provides multiple LAN users with high performance Internet access. The ProxyServer functions
as a TCP/IP proxy server that resides on the outer edge of your firewall and provides up to 168K of
bandwidth to LAN users. The ProxyServer 200-Series features a 10BaseT or AUI port for local LAN
connection, Command Port for configuration, and three internal K56flexTM modems* with Multilink
Point-to-Point Protocol (MLPPP) allowing for a bandwidth up to 168K bps. System management is
provided through the command port using bundled Windows® software which provides easy-to-use
configuration menus.
Note: Though these modems are cabable of 56K bps download performance, line impairments,
public telephone infrastructure and other external technological factors currently prevent maximum
56K bps connections.
Figure 1-1. ProxyServer
Preview of this Guide
This guide describes the ProxyServer and tells you how to install and configure the unit. The
information contained in each chapter is as follows:
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Chapter 1 describes the ProxyServer 200-Series Proxy Server. A description of the Transmission
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and Internet Protcol (IP), front panel indicators, back
panel connectors are provided. A list of relevant specifications is provided at the end of the chapter.
Chapter 2 - Installation
This chapter provides information on unpacking and cabling your ProxyServer. The installation
procedure describes each cable connection starting with connecting the power cord, command port,
LAN and finally the WAN.
Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
Chapter 3 details the software loading which configures the IP port and default WAN links. The
ProxyServer software diskettes are Windows® based. Each field within a dialog box that is alterable is
*Though this modem is capable of 56K bps download performance, line impairments, public
telephone infrastructure and other external technological factors currently prevent maximum 56K
bps connections.
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Chapter 4 - ProxyServer Software
Chapter 4 describes the ProxyServer 200-Series Proxy Server software package designed for the
Windows ® environment. The Proxy Server Program Group has five icons that allow for Proxy Server
configuration, download default setup, download firmware update, Configuration port setup, and WAN
device configuration from the program manager. Each field within a dialog box is explained in detail
and when fields relate to each other, that relationship is explained.
Chapter 5 - Remote Configuration
This chapter provides procedures for changing the configuration of a remote ProxyServer. Remote
configuration allows you to change the configuration of a unit by simply connecting two modems
between the two ProxyServers and remotely controlling the unit.
Chapter 6 - Router Management
Chapter 6 describes a typical Telnet Client applications (i.e., proxy server and WAN device
Chapter 7 - Service, Warranty and Tech Support
Chapter 7 provides instructions on getting service for your ProxyServer at the factory , a statement of
the limited warranty , information about our user bulletin board service, and space for recording
information about your ProxyServer prior to calling Multi-Tech’s Technical Support.
ProxyServer User Guide
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
TCP/IP is a protocol suite and related applications developed for the U.S. Department of Defense in
the 1970s and 1980s specifically to permit different types of computers to communicate and
exchange information with one another. TCP/IP is currently mandated as an of ficial U.S. Department
of Defense protocol and is also widely used in the UNIX community .
Before you install TCP/IP on your network, you need to establish your Internet addressing strategy.
First, choose a domain name for your company . A domain name is the unique Internet name, usually
the name of your business, that identifies your company. For example, Multi-Tech’ s domain name is (where .com indicates this is a commercial organization; .edu denotes educational
organizations, .gov denotes government organizations). Next, determine how many IP addresses
you’ll need. This depends on how many individual network segments you have, and how many
systems on each segment need to be connected to the Internet. You’ll need an IP address for each
network interface on each computer and hardware device.
IP addresses are 32 bits long and come in two types: network and host. Network addresses come in
five classes: A, B, C, D, and E. Each class of network address is allocated a certain number of host
addresses. For example, a class B network can have a maximum of 65,534 hosts, while a class C
network can have only 254. The class A and B addresses have been exhausted, and the class D and
E addresses are reserved for special use. Consequently , companies now seeking an Internet
connection are limited to class C addresses.
Early IP implementations ran on hosts commonly interconnected by Ethernet local area networks
(LAN). Every transmission on the LAN contains the local network, or medium access control (MAC),
address of the source and destination nodes. The MAC address is 48-bits in length and is non-
hierarchical; MAC addresses are never the same as IP addresses.
When a host needs to send a datagram to another host on the same network, the sending application
must know both the IP and MAC addresses of the intended receiver . Unfortunately, the IP process
may not know the MAC address of the receiver. The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), described
in RFC 826 (located at provides a mechanism for a host to
determine a receiver’s MAC address from the IP address. In the process, the host sends an ARP
packet in a frame containing the MAC broadcast address; and then the ARP request advertises the
destination IP address and asks for the associated MAC address. The station on the LAN that
recognizes its own IP address will send an ARP response with its own MAC address. An ARP
message is carried directly in an IP datagram.
Other address resolution procedures have also been defined, including those which allow a diskless
processor to determine its IP address from its MAC address (Reverse ARP, or RARP), provides a
mapping between an IP address and a frame relay virtual circuit identifier (Inverse ARP, or InARP),
and provides a mapping between an IP address and ATM virtual path/channel identifiers (ATMARP).
The TCP/IP protocol suite comprises two protocols that correspond roughly to the OSI Transport and
Session Layers; these protocols are called the Transmission Control Protocol and the User Datagram
Protocol (UDP). Individual applications are referred to by a port identifier in TCP/UDP messages.
The port identifier and IP address together form a “socket”. Well-known port numbers on the server
side of a connection include 20 (FTP data transfer), 21 (FTP control), 23 (Telnet), 25 (SMTP), 43
(whois), 70 (Gopher), 79 (finger), and 80 (HTTP).
TCP, described in RFC 793 ( provides a virtual circuit (connection-
oriented) communication service across the network. TCP includes rules for formatting messages,
establishing and terminating virtual circuits, sequencing, flow control, and error correction. Most of
the applications in the TCP/IP suite operate over the “reliable” transport service provided by TCP.
UDP, described in RFC 768 ( provides an end-to-end datagram
(connectionless) service. Some applications, such as those that involve a simple query and
response, are better suited to the datagram service of UDP because there is no time lost to virtual
circuit establishment and termination. UDP’s primary function is to add a port number to the IP
address to provide a socket for the application.
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
The Application Layer protocols are examples of common TCP/IP applications and utilities, which
•T elnet (Telecommunication Network): a virtual terminal protocol allowing a user logged on to
one TCP/IP host to access other hosts on the network, described in RFC 854 ( ftp://
•FTP: the File Transfer Protocol allows a user to transfer files between local and remote host
computers per IETF RFC 959 (
•Archie: a utility that allows a user to search all registered anonymous FTP sites for files on a
specified topic.
•Gopher: a tool that allows users to search through data repositories using a menu-driven,
hierarchical interface, with links to other sites, per RFC 1436 (
•SMTP: the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the standard protocol for the exchange of
electronic mail over the Internet, per IETF RFC 821 (
•HTTP: the Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the basis for exchange of information over the
World Wide Web (WWW). Various versions of HTTP are in use over the Internet, with HTTP
version 1.0 (per RFC 1945) ( being the most current.
•HTML: WWW pages are written in the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), an ASCII-based,
platform-independent formatting language, per IETF RFC 1866 (
•Finger: used to determine the status of other hosts and/or users, per IETF RFC 1288 ( ftp://
•POP: the Post Office Protocol defines a simple interface between a user’s mail reader
software and an electronic mail server; the current version is POP3, described in IETF RFC
1460 (
•DNS: the Domain Name System defines the structure of Internet names and their association
with IP addresses, as well as the association of mail, name, and other servers with domains.
•SNMP: the Simple Network Management Protocol defines procedures and management
information databases for managing TCP/IP-based network devices. SNMP, defined by RFC
1 157 ( is widely deployed in local and wide area network.
SNMP V ersion 2 (SNMPv2), per RFC 1441< adds security
mechanisms that are missing in SNMP, but is also more complex.
•Ping: a utility that allows a user at one system to determine the status of other hosts and the
latency in getting a message to that host. Ping uses ICMP Echo messages.
•Whois/NICNAME: Utilities that search databases for information about Internet domain and
domain contact information, per RFC 954 (
•Traceroute: a tool that displays the route that packets will take when traveling to a remote
ProxyServer User Guide
Internet Protocol (IP)
IP is the Internet standard protocol that tracks Internetwork node addresses, routes outgoing
messages and recognizes incoming messages, allowing a message to cross multiple networks on
the way to its final destination. The IPv6 Control Protocol (IPV6CP) is responsible for configuring,
enabling, and disabling the IPv6 protocol modules on both ends of the point-to-point link. IPV6CP
uses the same packet exchange mechanism as the Link Control Protocol (LCP). IPV6CP packets are
not exchanged until PPP has reached the Network-Layer Protocol phase. IPV6CP packets received
before this phase is reached are silently discarded. (See also TCP/IP.)
Before you install TCP/IP on your network, you need to establish your Internet addressing strategy.
You first choose a domain name for your company. A domain name is the unique Internet name,
usually the name of your business, that identifies your company . For example, Multi-Tech’s domain
name is (where .com indicates this is a commercial organization; .edu denotes
educational organizations, .gov denotes government organizations). Next, you determine how many
IP addresses you’ll need. This depends on how many individual network segments you have, and
how many systems on each segment need to be connected to the Internet. You need an IP address
for each network interface on each computer and hardware device.
IP addresses are 32 bits long and come in two types: network and host. Network addresses come in
five classes: A, B, C, D, and E. Each class of network address is allocated a certain number of host
addresses. For example, a class B network can have a maximum of 65,534 hosts, while a class C
network can have only 254. The class A and B addresses have been exhausted, and the class D and
E addresses are reserved for special use. Consequently , companies now seeking an Internet
connection are limited to class C addresses. The current demand for Internet connections will
exhaust the current stock of 32-bit IP addresses. In response, Internet architects have proposed the
next generation of IP addresses, Ipng (IP Next Generation). It will feature 16-byte addressing,
surpassing the capacities of 32-bit IP. Still in its design phase, IPng (also known as IPv6) is not
expected to be widely deployed before the end of this century .
An IP address can serve only a single physical network. Therefore, if your organization has multiple
physical networks, you must make them appear as one to external users. This is done via
“subnetting”, a complex procedure best left to ISPs and others experienced in IP addressing. Since
IP addresses and domain names have no inherent connection, they are mapped together in
databases stored on Domain Name Servers (DNS). If you decide to let an Internet Service Provider
(ISP) administer your DNS server, the ISP can assist you with the domain name and IP address
assignment necessary to configure your company’s site-specific system information. Domain names
and IP addresses are granted by the InterNIC. To check the availability of a specific name or to obtain
more information, call the InterNIC at (703)742-4777.
Front Panel
The front panel contains three groups of LEDs that provide the status of the LAN connection, link
activity, and general status of the ProxyServer. The EtherNet LAN LEDs display the activity of the
LAN in whether the ProxyServer is connected to the LAN, transmitting or receiving packets, and if a
collision is in progress. The Link LEDs display the status of the three links that can be connected to
the ProxyServer with whether a link is ready to transmit or receive serial data, and if an external
communications device with a V.35 interface is connected to the ProxyServer. The last group of
LEDs indicate whether the self test passed or failed and if the power On/Off switch on the back of the
ProxyServer is turned On.
RDReceive Data indicator blinks when packets are being received from the local area network.
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Figure 1-2. Front Panel
TDTransmit Data indicator blinks when packets are being transmitted to the local area network.
CLCollision indicator lights when a collision is in progress; that is, when two nodes are
transmitting packets at the same time.
LKLink indicator lights indicating that the ProxyServer is connected to the local area network.
RDReceive Data indicator blinks when the link is receiving data.
TDTransmit Data indicator blinks when the link is transmitting data.
CDCarrier Detect indicator lights when the link detects a carrier signal.
TRTerminal Ready indicator blinks when the link is ready to transfer data.
FAILFail indicator lights when a self test fails to complete as expected.
POWER The power indicator lights when the On/Off Switch is in the ON position.
ProxyServer User Guide
Back Panel
The cable connections for the ProxyServer are made at the back panel. Three groups of cables are
used on the ProxyServer, the Command Port, Link 1 (2 and 3) RJ11, and the EtherNet. The cable
connections are shown in Figure 1-2 and defined in the following groups.
RJ11 LINK Connectors (3)
Link 1 (2 and 3) Connector
These Link 1 (2 and 3) connectors are used to connect the ProxyServer to a WAN. These connectors
are RJ1 1 connectors.
EtherNet 10Base-T Connector
The EtherNet 10Base-T connector is used to connect the ProxyServer to a LAN using unshielded
twisted cable. This connector is an RJ45 jack.
EtherNet 10Base-2 Connector
The EtherNet 10Base-2 connector is used to connect the ProxyServer to a LAN using thin Coax
Ethernet Connectors:
10-BASE T (UTP RJ45)
and 10 BASE 2 (BNC Coax)
Figure 1-3. Back Panel
Power Connector:
6-pin Cirucular DIN
RJ45 Command
Port Connector
Command Connector
The Command connector is used to configure the ProxyServer using a PC with a serial port and
running Windows® software. The Command connector is an RJ45 jack and a short adapter cable is
provided to convert to a standard serial port DB25 female connector.
Power Connector
The Power connector is used to connect the external power supply to the ProxyServer. The Power
connector is a 6-pin circular DIN connector. A separate power cord is connected to the power supply
and the live AC grounded outlet.
Applications to be supported later.
•Protocols - Point-T o-Point Protocol (PPP), Multilink Point-To-Point Protocol (MLPPP), and
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)
•EtherNet Lan Interface - 10Base-T (twisted pair) or 10Base-2 (ThinNet) BNC connector
•Single 19.2K bps asynchronous Command Port using a short RJ45 to DB25 cable with a
DB25 female connector
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
WAN Links
•Three internal K56flexTM modems* with MultiLink Point-To-Point Protocol for a bandwidth up
to 168K bps.
•Voltage - 115 VAC (Standard), 240 Volts AC (Optional)
•Frequency - 47 to 63 Hz
•Power Consumption - 10 Watts
•Dimensions - 1.625" high x 6" wide x 9" deep
5.63cm high x 22.34cm wide x 33.51cm deep
•Weight - 2 pounds (.92 kg)
•PC with Windows 3.1x, and one serial comm port to connect to the Command Port of the
*Though this modem is capable of 56K bps download performance, line impairments, public
telephone infrastructure and other external technological factors currently prevent maximum 56K
bps connections.
ProxyServer User Guide
Chapter 2 - Installation
ProxyServer User Guide
This chapter is organized in the way you will unpack and cable your ProxyServer. The unpacking
section describes the contents of the shipping box and shows how the ProxyServer is packaged. The
installation procedure describes each cable connection and shows where that cable is connected to
the ProxyServer.
The shipping box contains the ProxyServer, external power supply, a plastic bag containing cables,
your Quick Start Guide, and two diskettes (i.e., the ProxyServer 200-Series User Guide, and the
ProxyServer Software). Inspect the contents for signs of any shipping damage. If damage is
observed, do not power up the unit, contact Multi-Tech’s Technical Support for advice (refer to
Chapter 7). If no damage is observed, place the ProxyServer in its final location and perform the
Installation Procedure in Table 2-1.
Save the shipping box in case reshipment is necessary .
Quick Start Guide
Figure 2-1. Unpacking
The installation procedure in Table 2-1 provides the cable connections for up to three WANs, two
types of connections for your ethernet, a short adapter cable to connect to your PC for software
loading, and finally your power connection. If additional RAM needs to be added, perform the
procedures in Table 2-2. Figure 2-2 shows the ProxyServer’s external connections.
1If additional RAM needs to be added, perform the procedures in Table 2-2.
Chapter 2 - Installation
T able 2-1. Installation Procedure
WAN Connections
PC Connection
Ethernet Connection
Figure 2-2. Back Panel Connections
Power Connection
2Connect the external power supply to the ProxyServer and a live AC outlet. The POWER
connector on the back panel of the ProxyServer is a 6-pin circular DIN connector.
3Connect a PC running Windows® to the COMMAND connector on the back panel of the
ProxyServer. Use the short RJ45 to DB25 cable provided with your ProxyServer to connect
directly to your PC, or to the serial cable from your PC.
4Configure the ProxyServer for your application using the procedures in Chapter 3.
5Connect a network cable to either the ETHERNET 10BASE-T (RJ45) or a coax cable to the
10BASE-2 (BNC) connector on the back panel of the ProxyServer. Connect the other end of the
cable to the network.
6Connect an RJ1 1 phone cable for the first link connection to the LINK 1 connector on the back
panel of the ProxyServer. Connect the other end of the cable to the line jack. Connect the second
RJ1 1 phone cable to the LINK 2 connector on the ProxyServer and the other end to the second
line jack. Connect the third RJ1 1 phone cable to the LINK 3 connector and to the third line jack.
ProxyServer User Guide
Adding Additional RAM
A second SIMM connector is provided for adding addition RAM to the ProxyServer. The procedure for
adding additional RAM is provided in Table 2-2.
T able 2-2. Adding Additional RAM Procedure
1Ensure that the external power supply is disconnected from the ProxyServer.
2Turn the ProxyServer upside down and remove the two cabinet mounting screws midway back,
along the edges of the base.
Figure 2-3. Cabinet Mounting Screws
3Turn the ProxyServer right side up and tilt the back down slightly and the base will slide out of the
4Place the unit with the LEDs facing you.
5Slant the SIMM at a 45 0 angle to the back of the base and align the centering notch of the SIMM
with the center tab on the SIMM connector.
6Gently press down on the ends of the SIMM until the two latches latch over the SIMM and the
two vertical pins enter the holes in the SIMM.
Figure 2-4. Installing a SIMM
7Slide the base back into the cabinet with the LEDs going toward the front and the back side
grounding tabs pressing against the side of the cabinet.
8Turn the ProxyServer upside down and replace the two cabinet mounting screws that were
removed in step 2.
9Turn the ProxyServer right side up and return to Table 2-1 to connect the cables.
Chapter 3 - Software Loading
and Configuration
ProxyServer User Guide
This chapter covers procedures for loading the software and configuring your ProxyServer.
Loading your Software
1Turn on your PC connected to the Command Port of your ProxyServer and run Windows®.
2Create a backup copy of your ProxyServer software diskette before you install the software.
Store the master diskette in a safe place and install the ProxyServer software using the backup
copy .
3Insert the Proxy Server diskette into the disk drive on the pc connected to the Command Port.
4Win3.1 users - you can access Run by clicking on the File menu in Program Manager and then
clicking on Run.
Win95 users - click on the Start box and then click on Run.
5. In the Run dialog box, type a:\install or b:\install (depending on the location of your floppy disk
drive) in the Command Line field and then click on OK.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the Proxy Server software.
IP Port Configuration
This dialog allows for the configuration of IP parameters that are generally applicable to IP Proxying
on all ports.
7. The default LAN IP address has to be changed to your unique LAN address.
8. If your ISP dynamically assigns the W AN port IP addresses, do nothing and proceed to the next
If a static WAN IP address needs to be assigned, highlight WAN 1, then click on the ISP assignsDynamic Address check box to disable the feature, then click on the IP Address field and enter
your IP WAN 1 address. Also, enter the Net Mask for WAN 1.
Highlight WAN 2 and repeat the above process.
Highlight WAN 3 and repeat the above process.
Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
9. For the Client Side Internet Parameters, click on the Gateway Address field and enter your
gateway IP address.
10. Click on OK button and the WAN Port Setup dialog is displayed.
Default WAN Links Configuration
11. Determine if MultiLink PPP (MLPPP) is going to be enabled, i.e., all three WAN links bonded
together. If MLPPP is going to be used, then click on MultiLink PPP and proceed to step 12.
If MLPPP is not going to be used, proceed to step 18.
12. Click on Dial Number for WAN 1 and enter the telephone number supplied by your ISP for WAN
1. The telephone number can be a standard local number and it can include a long distance
13. Click on User Name for WAN 1 and enter your user name that you negotated with your ISP for
WAN 1. The User Name can be up to 40 alphanumeric characters. The User Name is not case
14. Click on Password for WAN 1 and enter your password that you negotated with your ISP for
WAN 1. The password can be up to 15 alphanumeric character and also is not case sensitive.
15. Repeat the above three steps for WAN 2.
16. Repeat the above three steps for WAN 3.
17. Click on OK button to continue installing the software
18. If the WAN ports are not bonded together (no MLPPP), but are used as individual WAN ports
being connected to the same ISP, click on Dial Number for WAN 1 and enter the telephone
number supplied by your ISP for WAN 1. The telephone number can be a standard local number
and it can include a long distance prefix.
19. Click on User Name for WAN 1 and enter your user name that you negotated with your ISP for
WAN 1. The User Name can be up to 40 alphanumeric characters. The User Name is not case
ProxyServer User Guide
20. Click on Password for WAN 1 and enter your password that you negotated with your ISP for
WAN 1. The password can be up to 15 alphanumeric character and also is not case sensitive.
21. Repeat the above three steps for WAN 2.
22. Repeat the above three steps for WAN 3.
23. Turn on power to the Proxy Server and the Checking Router dialog box is displayed.
The Setup utility is “Ready to Download default Setup Choose OK to proceed.” Click on OK to
24. Writing Setup dialog box is displayed as the setup configuration is written to the Proxy Server.
25. After the setup is written to the Proxy Server, the unit is rebooted.
26. Win3.1 users - you are returned to your Program Manager where the Proxy Server Program
Group and Program Item (Windows icons) have been created.
Win95 users - you are returned to your ProxyServer folder which will be visible on your desktop.
Chapter 4 - ProxyServer Software
ProxyServer User Guide
This chapter describes the ProxyServer 200-Series Proxy Server software package which is
designed for the Microsoft ® Windows ® environment. The Proxy Server Program Group has five
icons that allow you to configure your Proxy Server, download a default setup or firmware update,or
configure a local port from the Program Manager by double clicking on one of the icons.
Two levels of describing the Proxy Server software are provided; the Help screens contained in the
application provide the first level which is to define the options in a dialog box, the second level define
a task and how the dialog boxes need to be setup to perform that task. For example, in the IP Setup
dialog box, the LAN IP Address must be a static address that is assigned by the LAN Administrator.
This address must be unique to your LAN. This information is provided in the on-line Help. Now , the
task of assigning an LAN IP Address is described in this User Guide and covers the dif ference
between a static IP Address and a dynamic IP Address assigned by your local ISP as the port is
activated. The task approach in this User Guide is going to assume that you have access to the
Helps and therefore will not go into defining options or buttons within a dialog box, but more into the
task that need to be performed.
Before You Begin
Before you begin, let’s cover a few procedural matters so that they are out of the way.
To view or change your ProxyServer configuration, double click on the Proxy Server Configuration
You may also start Proxy Server Configuration from the File Manager by selecting the Proxy directory
and double clicking on the roucon.exe program in the file list. Local port setup can also be started
from File Manager by selecting psetup.exe from the file list.
You may also run Proxy Server Configuration from either the Program Manager or the File Manager
by clicking on the Run command in the File Menu, then typing: C:\ proxy\ roucon.exe in the
Command Line field. Local port setup can also be run from the Command Line by typing: C:\ proxy\
Setup Menu
The Proxy Server Setup menu organizes your configuration process into two categories: Stacks and
Drivers, and Other Setup. The Stacks and Drivers define the Proxy Server IP Protocol stack and the
device drivers define how the WAN is used, i.e., Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), MultiLink PPP,
(MLPPP), or Serial Line IP Protocol (SLIP) .
The other Setup group defines the proxied applications, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) for assigning IP parameters to the workstations on the LAN, applications such as TFTP for
transferring files between two nodes, telnet for terminal emulation at a remote workstation, and
filtering of data packets for getting through the link.
Chapter 4 - ProxyServer Software
Certain options are enabled depending on the state of the target. If no ProxyServer (target) is found,
click on the Configuration Port Setup icon in the ProxyServer program group, specify the right local
port parameters and retry running this application. You can also connect to the target through a dialup
ProxyServer setup also has a console terminal for displaying various debugging messages output
from the target. You can control the display of these messages using this application. Normally you
should turn off the display of all messages for better performance of the router .
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