MultiFRAD 3000-Series (Model Numbers FR3060 and FR3100)
This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior expressed written permission from
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and
specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
Furthermore, Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from
time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. to notify any person or
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Record of Revisions
AManual released. All pages at revision A.
This Product is covered by one or more of the following U.S. Patent Numbers:
5.355.365; 5.355.653; 5.452.289; 5.453.986
Trademark of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. are MultiFRAD and the Multi-Tech logo.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft.
Preview of this Guide ................................................................................................................................. 6
Front Panel Description.............................................................................................................................. 8
Back Panel Description ............................................................................................................................ 10
Power Connector ............................................................................................................................... 10
T echnical Specifications........................................................................................................................... 12
IP Setup ................................................................................................................................................... 30
IP Statistics ........................................................................................................................................ 36
IPX Port Statistics.............................................................................................................................. 37
STP (Spanning T ree) Port Statistics.................................................................................................. 38
Data Port Statistics................................................................................................................................... 42
WAN Port Setup....................................................................................................................................... 45
Point to Point Setup ................................................................................................................................. 46
Tech Support ............................................................................................................................................ 67
Recording MultiFRAD Information ..................................................................................................... 67
Contacting Tech Support via E-mail................................................................................................... 67
Service ..................................................................................................................................................... 68
The Multi-Tech BBS ................................................................................................................................. 68
To log on to the Multi-Tech BBS......................................................................................................... 68
To Download a file.............................................................................................................................. 69
About CompuServe.................................................................................................................................. 70
About the Internet..................................................................................................................................... 70
About the Multi-Tech Fax-Back Service ................................................................................................... 70
Appendix A - Cabling Diagrams................................................................................................................ 72
Appendix B - Regulatory Information ....................................................................................................... 75
Appendix C - Network Overview .............................................................................................................. 76
Chapter 3 details the software loading and configuration procedures. The MultiFRAD software
diskettes are windows based, and configuration options are available, and described in this chapter.
Chapter 4 - MultiFRAD Software
Chapter 4 describes the MultiFRAD software from an applications approach, and includes examples
of possible uses.
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Chapter 5 - Remote Configuration
This chapter provides procedures for changing the configuration of a remote MultiFRAD. Remote
configuration allows you to change the configuration of a unit by simply connecting a PC with
communications software to a remote MultiFRAD that has communications software and a modem
connected to the command port. You can then configure the unit.
Chapter 6 - Router Management
Chapter 6 describes a typical Telnet Client application.
Chapter 7 - Warranty, Service and Tech Support
Chapter 7 provides instructions on getting service for your MultiFRAD at the factory , a statement of
the limited warranty , information about our user bulletin board service, and space for recording
information about your MultiFRAD prior to calling Multi-Tech’s Technical Support personnel.
MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
Front Panel Description
The front panel of the MultiFRAD contains three main groups of LEDs that provide the information on
the LAN connections, Voice/Fax channel activity (not currently available), and the general status of
PWRPower. This indicator lights when the ON/OFF switch is in the ON position.
BTGBooting. This indicator lights when the MultiFRAD is booting.
Composite Link
RCVReceive. This indicator blinks when the composite link is receiving data.
XMTTransmit. This indicator blinks when the composite link is transmitting data.
CDCarrier Detect. This indicator lights when the MultiFRAD detects a carrier signal.
CTSClear To Send. This indicator lights when the composite link device is ready to transmit
V35V.35 Interface. This indicator lights when the composite link is configured for a V.35
EXTExternal Link. This indicator lights when the MultiFRAD is configured for an external
composite device.
LNKLink. This indicator lights indicating that the MultiFRAD is connected to the local area
network. It will blink slowly when management frames are detected, quickly when at least
one, but not all, pvc’s are active, and will light solidly when all pvc’s are active.
RCVReceive. This indicator blinks when packets are being received from the local area network.
XMTTransmit. This indicator blinks when packets are being transmitted to the local area
COLCollision. This indicator lights when a collision is in progress; that is, when two nodes are
transmitting packets at the same time.
LNKLink. This indicator lights indicating that the MultiFRAD is connected to the local area
Channels 1 and 2
V35V.35 Interface. This indicator lights when the channel is configured for a V.35 interface.
XMTTransmit. This indicator blinks when the channel is transmitting data.
RCVReceive. This indicator blinks when the channel is receiving data.
Channels 3 through 10
XMTTransmit. This indicator blinks when the channel is transmitting data.
RCVReceive. This indicator blinks when the channel is receiving data.
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Voice/Fax Channels 1 - 8
Note: the Voice/Fax Channels are not currently supported.
FXSForeign Exchange Station. This indicator lights when the voice/fax channel is configured
for FXS operation.
FXOForeign Exchange Office. This indicator lights when the voice/fax channel is configured for
FXO operation.
E&MEar & Mouth Operation. This indicator lights when the voice/fax channel is configured for
E&M operation.
FAXFax. This indicator lights when there is fax traffic on the voice/fax channel.
XMTTransmit. This indicator lights when voice or fax data is being transmitted.
RCVReceive. This indicator lights when voice or fax data is being received.
XSGTransmit Signal. This indicator lights when the FXS-configured channel is of f-hook, the
FXO-configured channel is receiving a ring from the telco, or the M lead is active when the
voice/fax channel is configured for E&M operation (i.e., the MultiFRAD is receiving a ring
from the PBX).
RSGReceive Signal. This indicator lights when the FXS-configured channel is ringing, the FXO-
configured channel is off-hook, or the E lead is active on the E&M-configured channel.
MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
Back Panel Description
The connectors are as follows:
Power Connector
The POWER connector is used to connect the external power supply to the MultiFRAD. The
connector is a 6-pin circular DIN connector.
Frame Ground (GND) Connector
Use the GND connector to connect the MultiFRAD’s frame ground to the PBX’s frame ground when
the MultiFRAD is configured for E&M operation.
CHANNEL 2 (RS232/V.35)
CHANNEL 1 (RS232/V.35)
Internal Composite Link (T1 DSU) Connector
This connector is not currently supported.
Monitor (XMT/RCV) Connector
This connector is not currently supported.
Command Port Connector
Use this DB-25 female connector to connect the MultiFRAD to a PC running Windows in order to
configure the MultiFRAD.
External Composite Link (RS232/V.35) Connector
Use this DB-25 male connector to connect the MultiFRAD to an external modem, DSU, ISDN
terminal adapter, or any device that is synchronous, full duplex, and supplies clocking signals on pins
15 and 17. The connection interface can be either RS232 or V.35.
Ethernet 10Base-T Connector
Use the Ethernet 10Base-T (UTP) connector to connect the MultiFRAD router port to a LAN. The
connector is an RJ-45 jack.
Channels 1 & 2 (RS232/V.35) Connectors
The connectors for Channels 1 and 2 are used to connect the MultiFRAD to data devices. A data
device can be a HDLC synchronous device such as a multiplexer or an asynchronous device such as
a PC. These two data channels can be either RS232 or V.35. The connectors are DB-25 female
Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Channels 3 - 10 Connectors
These DB-25 female connectors are used to connect the MultiFRAD to channel devices. These
connections can be to either asynchronous or HDLC synchronous RS232 data equipment such as
Voice/Fax Channels 1 - 8 Connectors
Note: the Voice/Fax connectors are not currently supported.
Use the E&M connector to connect the MultiFRAD Voice/Fax channel to the E&M connector on an
analog PBX (Private Branch eXchange) trunk when linking two PBX’s together. The E&M connector
is an RJ-48 jack.
Use the FXO (Foreign eXchange Office) connector to connect the MultiFRAD V oice/Fax channel to
an analog station card on the local PBX. This connection is also commonly referred to as an OPX
(Off Premises eXtension). The FXO connector is an RJ-11 jack.
Use the FXS (Foreign eXchange Station) connector to connect the MultiFRAD Voice/Fax channel to
an analog station instrument (telephone, fax machine, or key telephone system). The FXS connector
is an RJ-11 jack.
MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
Technical Specifications
•Provides access to frame relay networks for SLIP, PPP, async and HDLC sync devices.
•Trunk and Data ports may be configured as EIA-232 or V.35
This chapter will guide you through the unpacking and installation of your MultiFRAD. The installation
procedure, which is preceded by important safety instructions, will provide step by step instruction on
cabling and powering-on the MultiFRAD. Chapter 3 will provide instruction on loading and
configuring the MultiFRAD software.
Unpacking your MultiFRAD 3000
Remove all items from the box. Your shipping box should contain the MultiFRAD, a power supply ,
various cables, software and manual diskettes, and a MultiFRAD 3000-Series Quick Start Guide.
Please inspect all items before proceeding with the installation. If any of the items appears to be
damaged in any way , do not power up the unit; contact Multi-Tech’ s Technical Support personnel for
advice (See Chapter 7). If no damage is observed, configure the MultiFRAD using the information in
this chapter.
Safety Warnings
1. Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
2. Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet
3. Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been
disconnected at the network interface.
4. Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
5. Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a
remote risk of electrical shock from lightning.
6. Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
Cabling your MultiFRAD involves making the proper Power, Command Port, Ethernet, and Channel
connections. Figure 3 shows the back panel connectors and the associated cable connections. The
MF3060 supports up to 6 data channels and the MF3100 supports up to 10 data channels. The MF
3060 cannot be upgraded to support 10 channels. Table 1 details the procedures for connecting the
cables to your MultiFRAD.
Chapter 2 - Installation
PC or
Terminal Units
Statistical Multiplexers
Channel Connections
CHANNEL 2 (RS232/V.35)
CHANNEL 1 (RS232/V.35)
Power Connection
Command Port Connection
T1 CSU/DSU or Comparable
Link Device
Ethernet Connection
1Connect one end of an DB-25 cable to each of the data channel connectors on the back of
your MultiFRAD (labeled CHANNEL 1-6 for the MF3060, CHANNEL 1-10 for the MF3100).
See Figure 3. Connect the other end of each cable to the channel devices. Repeat for each
of the up to 6 or 10 channels you are connecting.
NOTE: only Channels 1 and 2 support the RS232/V.35 protocol, and all channels support
either asynchronous or HDLC synchronous RS232 data equipment such as multiplexers.
2Connect one end of an DB-25 (female) cable to the Ext. Composite Link Connector on the
back of the MultiFRAD (as shown in Figure 3). Connect the other cable end to your T1 CSU/
DSU or compatible link device.
3If you have a LAN, make the network connection by connecting a RJ-45 (UTP) cable to the
10 BASE-T Ethernet connector (shown in Figure 3) on the back of the MultiFRAD. Connect
the other end of the cable to your LAN.
Figure 3. Cable Connections
T able 1. Cabling Procedure
MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
4Connect the MultiFRAD to a PC using an appropriate RS232 cable. Plug the male end of the
cable into the Command Port on the back of the MultiFRAD and the other end into the pc’s
serial port. See Figure 3.
5Connect one end of the power supply to a live AC outlet and connect the other end to the
MultiFRAD as shown in Figure 3. The power connector is a 7-pin circular DIN connector.
6Turn on power to the MultiFRAD by placing the ON/OFF switch on the back panel to the ON
At this time your MultiFRAD is completely cabled. Proceed to the next section to load your software.
This chapter will guide you through the installation and initial configuration of the MultiFRAD software
included in your shipping box. Chapter 4 will provide a more detailed description of the software and
it’s features.
Loading your Software
The following loading procedure does not provide every screen or option in the process of installing
the MultiFRAD software. The assumption is that a technical person is doing the installation and that
a thorough knowledge of Windows and the software loading process is understood. Additional
information on the MultiFRAD software is provided in the following chapter.
1.Run Windows on the pc connected to the Command Port.
2.Insert the MultiFRAD 3000 diskette into the disk drive on the pc connected to the Command
3.Win3.1 users - access Run by clicking on the File menu in Program Manager and then click
on Run. In the Run dialog box, type a:\setup or b:\setup (depending on the location of your
floppy disk drive) in the Command Line field and then click on OK.
Win95 users - click on the Start box and then click on Run. In the Run dialog box click on
the down arrow and choose a:\setup or b:\setup (depending on the location of your floppy
disk drive) in the Command Line field and then click on OK.
4.Follow the on-screen instructions to install your MultiFRAD 3000 software.
The On-Line Helps for the MultiFRAD software provide a detailed explanation of each dialog
box and each option. To access the On-Line Help, click on the ? button in the dialog box
about which you would like additional information.
Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
5.You may choose the Destination Location of your MF3000 software or you can choose the
default destination by clicking on the Next button. If you click on the Browse button you can
choose from several. It is recommended to choose the default destination.
6.Do you want to download default setup? dialog box is displayed. Click on the Yes button to
7.The MultiFRAD 3000 software has been successfully installed, click on Finish to continue
configuring your MultiFRAD.
8.To configure your MultiFRAD, a series of five default dialog boxes, MultiFRAD - Novell IPX
Protocol Default Setup, MultiFRAD - IP Protocol Default Setup, MultiFRAD - WAN Port
Default Setup, MultiFRAD - Data Port Default Setup, and MultiFRAD - Frame Relay DLCI
Default Setup will be displayed.
MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
If your network protocol is IPX, continue with the following steps. If you are not using IPX
routing, click on IPX Routing Enable check box to disable IPX, then click on the OK
button, and proceed to step 13.
9.Router Name: You can use the default Router Name or you can assign a new Router Name
in this field. If you assign a new Router Name, it must be a printable ASCII string of a
maximum of 47 characters. The router name is used by the MultiFRAD to advertise its
service in the IPX inter-network.
10.Ethernet: You can enable Auto Learn Network Numbers by leaving the default Yes or you
can manually assign the network numbers by clicking on No in the Auto Learn Network
Numbers field.
If no file server is connected to the Ethernet segment, then this field should be No
If you enable Auto Learn (Yes), the MultiFRAD will learn the IPX network numbers from the
file server.
If you select No for Auto Learn, record the network numbers assigned by the network file
server for each of the four frame types (Raw (802.3), LLC (802.2), EthernetII (Type II),
SNAP) in the space provided below.
RAW (802.3) Frames Network Number _____________
LCC (802.2) Frames Network Number ______________
TYPE_II Frames Network Number _________________
SNAP Frames Network Number ___________________
WAN Network Number __________________________
When you manually assigning network numbers, you must make sure they match the
network numbers assigned to your local file server (if any).
11.WAN: Enter the WAN network number for the Frame Relay WAN Port by clicking on the
Network Number box and back spacing through the default number and entering your new
WAN Number. Make sure the WAN network number is the same as the MultiFRAD on the
other end of the link.
The WAN network number has to be assigned by the Network Administrator and must be
unique throughout the entire inter-network.
Note: The WAN port does not have the capability of learning the network number, unlike the
LAN port (i.e., the WAN port does not have a file server).
12.Click on OK when you are satisfied with your selections.
13.If you clicked OK from the IPX Protocol Default Setup dialog box (step 8), the IP Protocol
Default Setup dialog box is displayed.
Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
14.To change the IP parameters, proceed to the next step. If you are not using IP routing, click
on the IP Routing Enable check box to disable IP routing and proceed to step 20 (the WAN
Ports Default Setup).
15.The default Ethernet IP Address has to be changed to your unique LAN address. Assign an
acceptable unique IP address to the Ethernet port.
16.Change the default Subnet Mask and Frame Type to the values you have assigned to your
LAN port.
17.The default WAN Address has to be changed to your unique W AN address. Assign an
acceptable unique WAN Address to the WAN port.
18.Change the default Subnet Mask and Remote Address for WAN to the values you have
assigned to your WAN.
19.Click on OK when you are satisfied with your selections.
20.The WAN Port Default Setup dialog box is displayed. The WAN Port is enabled in this dialog
box. Frame Relay is also enabled. If your WAN port is going to be used in Point-to-point
protocol, click on the Enable PPP. If PPP is enabled, then the Modem Command Setup field
is active and either Asynchronous or Direct Connect needs to be enabled.
The WAN port can be further configured once the installation of the software is completed, by
clicking on the MultiFRAD Configuration icon and clicking on the WAN button.
21.Click on the OK button in the WAN Port Default Setup dialog box.
22.The Data Port Configuration dialog box allows you to individually configure each of the ten
data channels. After configuring a given channel, you may copy that channel’ s configuration
to any of the other channels by selecting the desired channels in the “Duplicate To” group
and clicking on the “Copy” button.
If your data device is a synchronous device, ensure that the clocking and, if an internal clock
is used, the Speed is correct. Also, check the Encoding Scheme, Between Frames, and
InterFrame Timer are correct for your channel device. Refer to user documentation for the
parameters of the channel device.
MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
If your data device is an Asynchronous device, then click on Asynchronous check box, and
set the Baud Rate by clicking on the Baud Rate down arrow and the drop down list box
displays the baud rate. Also, select the W ord Length, Parity, Stop Bits, etc. for your device.
Refer to the user documentation for the parameters of the data device.
23.Click on OK when you are satisfied with your data port configurations.
24.If you enabled PPP in the WAN Ports Default Setup dialog box, proceed to step 36.
If you enabled Frame Relay in the WAN Ports Default Setup dialog box, the Frame Relay
DLCI Default Setup dialog box is displayed with all the groups inactive.
Your MultiFRAD can detect DLCIs and the frame relay management type when the unit is
connected to an active frame relay network service. At this point your MultiFRAD is not
communicating with the frame relay network. But if you know your DLCIs and want to add
them at this point, you can continue with the next step. If you wish to wait until your
MultiFRAD is communicating with the frame relay network, proceed to step 36 to finish
installing your software.
25.Click on the New (+/-) button and the Frame Relay New DLCI dialog box is displayed with
Enter DLCI Number field active. Enter a DLCI number that was provided by your service
provider at subscription time.
Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
26.Click on the OK button, the Frame Relay DLCI Default Setup dialog box is displayed with the
all the groups active and your DLCI displayed in the DLCIs field.
You can map a protocol stack and/or data port to a DLCI.
27.To map this DLCI to a protocol stack, click on a protocol stack’s down arrow for each protocol
that your LAN is using. When you click on the down arrow for a protocol, the listing displays
None and your logical IP WAN addresses and/or logical IPX network numbers.
28.To map this DLCI to a data port, click on Data Port Mappings and choose the Port
number(s) that you want to associate with this DLCI.
29.Ensure that Throttle Up and Down in the Congestion Management category is selected.
30.Ensure that Adhere to CIR + Be check box in the Mode category is selected. Multi-Tech
recommends this setting initially .
31.Click on the Committed Information Rate numeric box in the Settings (in Bits/second)
category and enter the CIR value provided by your service provider at subscription time for
this DLCI.
32.Click on the Excess Burst Rate (Be) numeric box in the Settings (in Bits/second) category
and enter the Be value provided by your service provider at subscription time for this DLCI.
33.The Compression option in the Others group may be desirable at low link speeds. With a
high speed link, Multi-Tech recommends not using this feature.
34.Click on the Management type supported by the Frame Relay network. The network
management type is supplied by your service provider at subscription time.
35.Repeat steps 25 through 34 for each new DLCI.
36.The Checking MultiFRAD dialog box is displayed.
MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
The Setup utility is "Ready to Download default setup Choose OK to proceed." Click on OK
to proceed.
37.Writing Setup dialog box is displayed as the setup configuration is written to the MultiFRAD.
38.After the setup is written to the MultiFRAD, the unit is rebooted.
39.Check to ensure that the BTG LED on the MultiFRAD is Off after the download is complete
and the MultiFRAD is rebooted.
40.Win3.1 users - you are returned to your Program Manager where the MultiFRAD Program
Group and Program Item (Windows icons) have been created.
Win95 users - you are returned to your MultiFRAD 3000 folder which will be visible on your
Your MultiFRAD is operational at this time.
41.If you need to further configure your MultiFRAD once the software is installed, proceed with
the following:
Win3.1 users - from the Program Manager, click on the MultiFRAD Configuration icon in
the MultiFRAD 3000 Program Group. The main Setup dialog box is displayed.
Win95 users - from your desktop, highlight Programs, MultiFRAD 3000 folder, and then click
on MultiFRAD Configuration. The main Setup dialog box is displayed.
Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
42.From the main Setup dialog box, click on the Frame Relay button.
43.A Frame Relay dialog box stating “MultiFRAD has detected and added following DLCIs” is
displayed. Click on the OK button.
44.A second Frame Relay dialog box is displayed, stating “MultiFRAD has detected
Management T ype to be Annex A. Hence it has set Management type to Annex A from
Annex D”. The Management Types are Annex A, Annex D, or LMI. Any one could appear in
this dialog box.
Click on the OK button and the Frame Relay , DLCI dialog box is displayed.
MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
45.Click on a DLCI that you want to map. The Mappings, Map Data Ports, and all the other
groups become active.
46.To map this DLCI to a protocol stack, click on a protocol stack’s down arrow for each protocol
that your LAN is using. When you click on the down arrow for a protocol, the listing displays
None and your logical IP WAN addresses and/or logical IPX network numbers.
47.To map this DLCI to a data port, click on Data Port Mappings and choose the Port
number(s) that you want to associate with this DLCI.
48.Ensure that Throttle Up and Down in the Congestion Management category is selected.
49.Ensure that Adhere to CIR + Be check box in the Mode category is selected. Multi-Tech
recommends this setting initially .
50.Click on the Committed Information Rate numeric box in the Settings (in Bits/second)
category and enter the CIR value provided by your service provider at subscription time for
this DLCI.
51.Click on the Excess Burst Rate (Be) numeric box in the Settings (in Bits/second) category
and enter the Be value provided by your service provider at subscription time for this DLCI.
52.The Compression option in the Others group may be desirable at low link speeds. With a
high speed link, Multi-Tech recommends not using this feature.
53.Repeat steps 45 through 52 for each new DLCI.
54.Click on the OK button when you are satisfied with your selections.
56.Writing Setup dialog box is displayed as the setup configuration is written to the MultiFRAD.
57.After the setup is written to the MultiFRAD, the unit reboots.
58.Check to ensure that the BTG LED on the MultiFRAD is Off after the download is complete
and the MultiFRAD is rebooted.
59.Win3.1 users - you are returned to your Program Manager where the MultiFRAD Program
Group and Program Item (Windows icons) have been created.
Win95 users - you are returned to your MultiFRAD 3000 folder which will be visible on your
This chapter describes the MultiFRAD 3000 software from an applications approach in how the
configuration can be changed with recommendations on the impact of that change. The major
configuration parameters were set during your loading of the software and downloading of your
configuration at the end of the software installation. The MultiFRAD 3000 software is designed for the
Microsoft ® Windows ® environment.
Recommendations are provided in some case that if you change this parameter or that parameter, it
may affect your unit in this way. The approach in this chapter is not to cover every dialog box and
describe every option, your new Help menu system provides that information. The Help menus
define each button, option, field, and recommend values where applicable. The Help menus are a
dynamic help system in that information is presented corresponding to the active dialog box. You do
not have to scan through unrelated information in order to find the Help menu you are looking for.
Before You Begin
Before you begin, lets cover a few procedural matters so that they are out of the way.
To view or change your MultiFRAD configuration in Windows95, click on the Start button, point to
Programs, then MultiFRAD 3000, and click on MultiFRAD Configuration. You may also start the
MultiFRAD Configuration from My Computer by selecting the MF3000 directory and double clicking
on the fradcon Application in the file list.
Setup Menu
The MultiFRAD 3000-Series Setup menu consists of 12 buttons in which you can point and click, an
Events window in the middle of the menu, and a status bar at the bottom of the menu. The 12
buttons allow you to display and change the protocol stacks, statistics, WAN port setup, Frame Relay
parameters, data port configuration, enable applications such as SNMP Agent, T elnet Server, WEB
Server, and assign a MultiFRAD password.
The Events window, in the center of the window, is a smaller version of the print console. It can be a
useful tool in times of troubleshooting. Its purpose is to provide information about the boot process
and ongoing information regarding the status of “events” such as the type of frame relay
management selected and which PVCs become active.
The status bar at the bottom of the Setup menu displays the status of the unit, e.g., Running, the date
that the unit was configured, the type of connection on the command port, e.g., if the pc connected to
the command port is using its serial port to communicate with the MultiFRAD or if the pc is
communicating with the MultiFRAD via an Ethernet connection. The last field on the status bar is the
Rights field which displays either Read/Write or Read only rights. The first user to communicate with
the MultiFRAD has Read/Write rights. This enables the first user to change the configuration of the
MultiFRAD. A second user has read only rights which means they can only display the configuration
of the MultiFRAD.
Chapter 4 - MultiFRAD Software
If your WAN port is configured for frame relay, then the button to the right is Frame Relay. If your
WAN port is configured for Point-to-Point, then the button to the right is PPP.
MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
IP Setup
The IP Setup dialog box allows you change the IP routing capabilities, add or delete logical W ANs,
enable the DHCP relay agent, assign DNS address, and define default and static routes. The initial
routing capabilities were established during the software installation. You can change IP routing
parameters by clicking on the Advanced tab and changing, for example, the RIP Response Time or
RIP Route Aging Time. The WAN tab allows you to change the WAN port IP address, the remote
address, and if logical WAN ports are being added for frame relay, you can add them by clicking on
the Add button.
The Ethernet IP Setup dialog box displays the parameters for your Ethernet port with the IP Address
established during the initial loading of the software.
An IP address is a combination of a network number and a host number or ID. IP address masks are
used to specify the network or subnet portion of the IP address. IP addresses and masks are 32-bit
values. These are usually provided in what is known as the dotted decimal notation. In this notation,
each 8-bit portion of the address is given a decimal quantity separated by a dot. For example, The MultiFRAD expects all IP addresses to be provided in dotted decimal notation.
Among IP addresses, address and 127.?.?.? cannot be specified as they are special case
addresses not used on the internetwork for addressing. For Class A, B, and C addresses, you will
usually specify address masks of, and respectively unless other
subnets have been set up.
The net mask specifies the network or subnet portion of an IP address. The net mask is a 32-bit
value presented in a dotted decimal notation.
From the Ethernet IP Setup dialog box you can switch to the WAN IP Setup dialog box or the
Advanced IP Setup dialog box.
The WAN IP Setup dialog box allows you to disable or enable IP routing on the WAN port, change the
port IP Address, mask, and remote IP address. If the WAN port is configured for frame relay, this
dialog box allows you to add logical WANs. How the logical IP WAN ports are configured is controlled
by the WAN Port Setup dialog box.
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