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Multi-Tech, SocketModem, and the Multi-Tech logo are registered trademarks of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiConnect is a trademark of Multi-Tech
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The Multi-Tech products are not designed, manufactured or intended for use, and should not be used, or sold or re-sold for use, in connection with
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The Multi-Tech products and the final application of the Multi-Tech products should be thoroughly tested to ensure the functionality of the Multi-Tech
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Contacting Multi-Tech
Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base provides immediate access to support information and resolutions for all Multi-Tech products. Visit
Support Portal
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About MultiConnect PCIe.............................................................................................................................................. 6
Attaching Power Supply Blades .................................................................................................................................... 6
Power Supply and Blades............................................................................................................................................ 6
Attaching the Blades ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Multi-Tech Mini PCIe Pinout ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Standard Mini-PCI Express Pinout ............................................................................................................................ 11
Pinout for Cellular USB Only ....................................................................................................................................... 13
USB Design ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Developer Board and Schematics ........................................................................................................................... 16
Top ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Installing a Communications Device onto the Board.................................................................................................. 31
Installing a SIM Card .................................................................................................................................................. 31
Safety Notices and Warnings ................................................................................................................................. 32
Radio Frequency (RF) Safety ....................................................................................................................................... 32
Sécurité des fréquences radio ................................................................................................................................. 32
User Responsibility...................................................................................................................................................... 33
Approvals and Certification......................................................................................................................................... 34
Example HSPA+ H5 Labels......................................................................................................................................... 34
Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) ............................................................................................ 37
International Modem Restrictions .............................................................................................................................. 37
Industry Canada and FCC ............................................................................................................................................ 37
Requirements for Cellular Antennas with regard to FCC/IC Compliance ................................................................. 38
Industry Canada and FCC Identification Numbers ................................................................................................... 38
Antenna System Cellular Devices................................................................................................................................ 42
FCC and IC Antenna Requirements Toward License Exempt Radio Transmitters (Bluetooth/Wlan)....................... 42
Notice regarding Compliance with FCC and Industry Canada Requirements for RF Exposure ................................ 42
Cellular Antenna Information ................................................................................................................................... 42
Antenna Cable Information ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Antenna Specifications ............................................................................................................ 44
MTPCIE-H5 DC Electrical Characteristics..................................................................................................................... 53
Absolute Maximum Rating........................................................................................................................................ 53
Typical Power Flow .................................................................................................................................................... 59
Power Measurements................................................................................................................................................. 60
Receiver Features for Cellular Devices ..................................................................................................................... 61
Frequency Bands......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Installing Drivers for Non-UIP HSPA+ Devices......................................................................................................... 63
Installing on Linux ..................................................................................................................................................... 63
Windows Release Notes .......................................................................................................................................... 64
Downloading the Windows USB Driver ................................................................................................................... 64
Windows Notes ........................................................................................................................................................ 64
Installing on Windows 8, 7 or Vista ......................................................................................................................... 65
Installing on Windows XP ......................................................................................................................................... 66
Uninstalling Windows Drivers ................................................................................................................................... 67
Remove Microsoft Installed Drivers.......................................................................................................................... 67
Using Linux with H5 Devices .................................................................................................................................. 69
Testing Serial Ports.................................................................................................................................................... 69
Create a PPP Connection ............................................................................................................................................ 69
C Programming............................................................................................................................................................ 70
Test Program() .......................................................................................................................................................... 73
The MultiConnect™ PCIe embedded cellular modem is a complete, ready-to-integrate communications device that
offers standard-based penta-band HSPA+ 21, dual-band EV-DO Rev A, or CDMA performance. This quick-to-market
communications device allows developers to add wireless communication and GPS tracking to products with a
minimum of development time and expense. The MultiConnect PCIe embedded cellular modem is based on
industry-standard open interfaces and utilizes a PCI Express Mini Card form factor.
The following documentation is available by email to or by using the Developer Guide
Request Form at
■ MultiConnect PCIe Developer Guide – This document. Provides an overview, safety and regulatory
information, design considerations, schematics, and device information for developers.
■ AT Command Guide – Device specific AT command reference guide.
Developer Kit Contents
Your Developer Kit (MTPCIE-DK1) includes the following:
Developer Board1 - MTPCIE-DK Developer Board
Power Supply1 - 100-240V 9V-1.7A power supply with removable blades, 1 - US blade/plug, 1 - EURO
Some modems do not include all the pins shown above. Refer to your model’s Device Guide for model
specific pinout information.
SDIO can operate up to 25Mhz. Treat the SDIO traces to Host like a bus and keep the bus length as short as
possible. Multi-Tech recommends adding series termination resistors on all the SDIO traces.
■ Consult your modem’s device guide for device dimensions. With the modem, the Multi-Tech Mini PCIe form
factor exceeds the standard Mini PCIe maximum component height for top and bottom.
■ If you need to install components under the module, use taller connectors to avoid conflict. Multi-Tech
recommends not installing components under the module.
■ Check the Pinout table for pins that differ from the MiniPCIe spec.
Noise Suppression Design
Adhere to engineering noise-suppression practices when designing a printed circuit board (PCB) containing the
MultiConnect PCIe. Noise suppression is essential to the proper operation and performance of the modem and
surrounding equipment.
Any OEM board design that contains the MultiConnect PCIe must consider both on-board and off-board generated
noise that can affect digital signal processing. Both on-board and off-board generated noise that is coupled onboard can affect interface signal levels and quality. Noise in frequency ranges that affect modem performance is of
particular concern.
On-board generated electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise that can be radiated or conducted off-board is
equally important. This type of noise can affect the operation of surrounding equipment. Most local government
agencies have certification requirements that must be met for use in specific environments.
Proper PC board layout (component placement, signal routing, trace thickness and geometry, and so on)
component selection (composition, value, and tolerance), interface connections, and shielding are required for the
board design to achieve desired modem performance and to attain EMI certification.
Other aspects of proper noise-suppression engineering practices are beyond the scope of this guide. Consult noise
suppression techniques described in technical publications and journals, electronics and electrical engineering text
books, and component supplier application notes.
PC Board Layout Guideline
In a 4-layer design, provide adequate ground plane covering the entire board. In 4-layer designs, power and ground
are typically on the inner layers. Ensure that all power and ground traces are 0.05 inches wide.
Electromagnetic Interference
The following guidelines are offered specifically to help minimize EMI generation. Some of these guidelines are the
same as, or similar to, the general guidelines. To minimize the contribution of device-based design to EMI, you
must understand the major sources of EMI and how to reduce them to acceptable levels.
■ Keep traces carrying high frequency signals as short as possible.
■ Provide a good ground plane or grid. In some cases, a multilayer board may be required with full layers for
ground and power distribution.
■ Decouple power from ground with decoupling capacitors as close to the device's power pins as possible.
■ Eliminate ground loops, which are unexpected current return paths to the power source and ground.
■ Decouple the power cord at the power cord interface with decoupling capacitors. Methods to decouple
power lines are similar to decoupling telephone lines.
■ Locate high frequency circuits in a separate area to minimize capacitive coupling to other circuits.
■ Locate cables and connectors to avoid coupling from high frequency circuits.
■ Lay out the highest frequency signal traces next to the ground grid.
■ If using a multilayer board design, make no cuts in the ground or power planes and be sure the ground
plane covers all traces.
■ Minimize the number of through-hole connections on traces carrying high frequency signals.
■ Avoid right angle turns on high frequency traces. Forty-five degree corners are good; however, radius turns
are better.
■ On 2-layer boards with no ground grid, provide a shadow ground trace on the opposite side of the board to
traces carrying high frequency signals. This will be effective as a high frequency ground return if it is three
times the width of the signal traces.
■ Distribute high frequency signals continuously on a single trace rather than several traces radiating from
one point.
Electrostatic Discharge Control
Handle all electronic devices with precautions to avoid damage due to the static charge accumulation.
See the ANSI/ESD Association Standard (ANSI/ESD S20.20-1999) – a document “for the Development of an
Electrostatic Discharge Control for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment.” This
document covers ESD Control Program Administrative Requirements, ESD Training, ESD Control Program Plan
Technical Requirements (grounding/bonding systems, personnel grooming, protected areas, packaging, marking,
equipment, and handling), and Sensitivity Testing.
Multi-Tech strives to follow these recommendations. Input protection circuitry is incorporated in Multi-Tech
devices to minimize the effect of static buildup. Take precautions to avoid exposure to electrostatic discharge
during handling.
Multi-Tech uses and recommends that others use anti-static boxes that create a faraday cage (packaging designed
to exclude electromagnetic fields). Multi-Tech recommends that you use our packaging when returning a product
and when you ship your products to your customers.
USB Design
Multi-Tech recommends that you review Intel's High Speed USB Platform Design Guidelines for information about
USB signal routing, impedance, and layer stacking. Also:
■ Shield USB cables with twisted pairs (especially those containing D+/D-).
■ Use a single 5V power supply for USB devices. See the Power Draw section in your model’s Device Guide for
current (ampere) requirements.
■ Route D+/D- together in parallel with the trace spacing needed to achieve 90 ohms differential impedance
for the USB pair and to maintain a 20 mil space from the USB pair and all other signals.
■ If power is provided externally, use a common ground between the carrier board and the device.