Multitech MTMMC-G-F4, MTCBA-G-F4, MTSMC-G-F4 Reference Manual

Wireless GPRS-F4 Modems
with IP Connectivity
MultiModem® GPRS (MTCBA-G-F4)
IP Connectivity AT Commands
Reference Guide
Copyright and Technical Support
IP Connectivity AT Commands for Wireless GPRS-F4 Modems Reference Guide Products that use these commands:
MultiModem MMCModem SocketModem
This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior expressed written permission from Multi­Tech Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2007-2008, by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranty with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Furthermore, Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.
Revisions Revision Level Date Description
A 05/17/07 Initial release. Based on Wavecom IP WIPSoft V2.02 commands. B 08/16/07 Updated the +WIND command in Appendix A. C 01/16/08 Updated the cover page and updated the product name of the MMCModem. D 03/11/08 Updated for Wavecom IP WIPSoft commands, version 3.11. E 05/09/08 Add +WOPEN command (open the TCP/IP stack).
SocketModem®, MultiModem®, Multi-Tech®, and the Multi-Tech logo are registered trademarks of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MMCModem is a trademark of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. WAVECOM®, WISMO®, Open AT® and certain other trademarks and logos appearing on this document, are filed or registered trademarks of Wavecom S.A. in France or in other countries. All other company and/or product names mentioned may be filed or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
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Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. IP Connectivity AT Commands for GPRS-F4 Wireless Modems (PN S000437E) 2
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4
Acronyms and Abbreviations..................................................................................................................... 4
AT Command Syntax ................................................................................................................................ 5
Command Line .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Information Responses and Result Codes................................................................................................ 5
Principles ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Socket Identification .................................................................................................................................. 6
Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Open the TCP/IP Stack ............................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands .................................................................................. 7
IP Stack Handling +WIPCFG .................................................................................................................... 7
Bearers Handling +WIPBR...................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 3 – IP Protocol Services .............................................................................................................. 18
Service Creation +WIPCREATE .............................................................................................................18
Closing a Service +WIPCLOSE .............................................................................................................. 24
Service Option Handling +WIPOPT ........................................................................................................26
Chapter 4 – Data Exchange for Protocol Services.................................................................................. 30
File Exchange +WIPFILE ........................................................................................................................ 30
Socket Data Exchange +WIPDATA ........................................................................................................ 36
Chapter 5 – Ping Services ......................................................................................................................... 43
PING Command +WIPPING ..................................................................................................................43
Chapter 6 – Application Examples............................................................................................................ 45
TCP Socket ............................................................................................................................................. 45
TCP Client Socket ................................................................................................................................... 47
UDP Socket ............................................................................................................................................. 49
PING........................................................................................................................................................ 51
FTP .......................................................................................................................................................... 52
HTTP ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
SMTP....................................................................................................................................................... 54
POP3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 55
Creating a TCP Server ............................................................................................................................ 56
Create UDP Sockets, TCP Clients, & TCP Servers................................................................................ 57
Change the MAX_SOCK_NUM Option Value......................................................................................... 60
Create UDP Sockets, TCP Clients, TCP Servers & 1 FTP, etc. Session ...............................................62
Subscribe/Unsubscribe WIPSoft AT Commands .................................................................................... 66
Chapter 7 – Error Codes ............................................................................................................................ 67
Appendix A – GSM/GPRS +WIND Command........................................................................................... 69
General Indications +WIND................................................................................................................... 69
Index............................................................................................................................................................. 72
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Chapter 1 – Introduction
Acronyms and Abbreviations
APN Access Point Name ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange AT ATtention BBC Blind Carbon Copy CC Carbon Copy CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol CHV Card Holder Verification CID Context IDentifier CMUX Converter Multiplexer CPU Central Processing Unit DNS Domain Name System GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node GPRS General Packet Radio Service GSM Global System for Mobile communicatio006E HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol IP Internet Protocol IPCP Internet Protocol Control Protocol M Mandatory MS Mobile Station N/A Not Applicable MSCHAP Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication MSS Maximum Segment Size NU Not Used O Optional OS Operating System PAP Password Authentication Protocol PDP Packet Data Protocol PIN Personal Identity Number POP3 Post Office Protocol PPP Point-to-Point Protocol SIM Subscriber Information Module SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol TCP Transmission Control Protocol TOS Type Of Service TTL Time To Live UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter UDP User Data Protocol URL Uniform Resource Locator WIP Wavecom Internet Protocol
Chapter 1 – Introduction
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Chapter 1 – Introduction
AT Command Syntax
Command Line
Commands always start by the standard prefix AT+WIP and end with the <CR> character. Optional parameters are shown in brackets [ ].
AT+WIPcmd=<Param1>[,<Param2>] <Param2> is optional. When the AT+WIP command is executed without <Param2> the default value of <param2> is used.
Information Responses and Result Codes
Responses start and end with <CR><LF>, except for the ATV0 DCE response format and the ATQ1 (result code suppression) commands.
If the command syntax is incorrect, the ERROR string is returned.
If the command syntax is correct but transmitted with the wrong parameters, the +CME
ERROR: <Err> string or the +CMS ERROR: <SmsErr> string is returned with adequate error codes if CMEE was previously set to 1. By default, CMEE is set to 0, and the error message is only ERROR.
If the command line has been executed successfully, an OK string is returned.
In some cases, such as AT+CPIN? or (unsolicited) incoming events, the product does not return the OK string as a response.
In the following examples <CR> and <CR><LF> are intentionally omitted.
WIPSoft is an Open AT® application that implements the TCP/IP protocols using custom AT commands. This Open AT® application operates in co-operative mode and must be downloaded to the Wavecom Wireless CPU®. The commands are sent from an external application and the corresponding responses are sent back from the Wavecom Wireless CPU® to the external application. WIPSoft uses the APIs provided by wipLib and provides custom AT command interface to the external application.
AT+WIP commands involve:
A host computer, which issues AT+WIP commands
Wavecom’s wireless CPU®
The rest of the Internet / Intranet
Host CPU
AT Commands
Wavecom WCPU
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Chapter 1 – Introduction
Multiplexing: Several sockets can be operating at once. The +WIPDATA command allows to temporarily identify the UART in data mode with a given socket. The data written on UART is transferred through the socket. The data which arrives on the socket can be read from the UART. In AT mode, the host receives an unsolicited event when the data arrives on the socket.
Multiple UARTs: There can be several UARTs simultaneously active at once, and different UARTs can map a different socket simultaneously. However, you cannot map a single socket on several UARTs simultaneously.
Socket Identification
Sockets are identified by a pair of numbers: the first one identifies the protocol; the second one identifies a given socket of this protocol.
Possible Protocols
The possible protocols are:
1 = UDP
2 = TCP in connect mode (Client)
3 = TCP in listen mode (Server)
4 = FTP
5 = HTTP
6 = SMTP
7 = POP3
Two pairs with a different protocol number but the same index identify two distinct sockets. Example: Both 1,7 and 2,7 are valid identifiers simultaneously; the former identifies a UDP socket and the later, a TCP connected socket.
Number of Sockets
The number of sockets per protocol is limited.
UDP: 8 sockets
TCP Clients: 8 sockets
TCP Servers: 4 sockets
Getting Started
Open the TCP/IP Stack
Use the following command to open the TCP/IP stack:
AT+WOPEN=1 Open the TCP/IP Stack
If WOPEN is set to 0, the TCP/IP stack is not opened. In some instances, this may be the default setting.
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Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands
Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT
Important Note: Before you can use any of these commands, you must open the TCP/IP stack. Use the
following command: AT+WOPEN=1 Open the TCP/IP Stack
IP Stack Handling +WIPCFG
Description: The +WIPCFG command is used for performing the following operations:
Starts TCP/IP stack
Stops TCP/IP stack
Configures TCP/IP stack
Displays version information
Description Notes:
This command can be used even if the SIM card is absent.
The +WIND indication from which this command is allowed is 3, which
provides information about the SIM presence after a software reset and also
indicates whether the SIM is inserted or removed. See Appendix A – GSM/GPRS +WIND AT Command.
Command Syntax: If <mode>=0, 1 AT+WIPCFG=<mode>
Response OK
If <mode>=2 AT+WIPCFG=<mode>,<opt num>,<value>
Response OK If <mode>=3 AT+WIPCFG=<mode>
Response WIP soft vXX.YY.ZZ on Open AT OS vA.B
OK If <mode>=4 AT+WIPCFG=<mode>,<action>
Response OK
Read Syntax: AT+WIPCFG? Response <optnum> and <value>
Test Syntax: AT+WIPCFG=? Response OK
Parameters/Defined Values:
<mode> Requested Operation
0 stop TCP/IP stack 1 start TCP/IP stack 2 configure TCP/IP stack 3 display TCP/IP application version 4 TCP/IP stack configuration management
<opt num> Configuration Option Identifier
0 WIP_NET_OPT_IP_TTL – Default TTL of outgoing data grams
This option is a limit on the period of time or number of iterations or
transmissions that a unit of data can experience before it should be discarded. The time to live (TTL) is an 8-bit field in the Internet Protocol (IP) header. It is the 9th octet of 20. The default value of this parameter is
64. Its value can be considered as an upper bound on the time that an IP datagram can exist in an internet system. The TTL field is set by the sender of the datagram, and reduced by every host on the route to its destination. If the TTL field reaches zero before the datagram arrives at its destination, then the datagram is discarded. This is used to avoid a situation in which an undelivered datagram keeps circulating in the network.
Range: 0-255 (default value: 64)
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Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands
IP Stack Handling +WIPCFG Continued
1 WIP_NET_OPT_IP_TOS – Default TOS of outgoing parameters.
The IP protocol provides a facility for the Internet layer to know about the various tradeoffs that should be made for a particular packet. This is required because paths through the Internet vary widely in terms of the quality of service provided. This facility is defined as the "Type of Service" facility, abbreviated as the "TOS facility".
The TOS facility is one of the features of the Type of Service octet in the IP datagram header. The Type of Service octet consists of following three fields:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
| | | |
| | | |
The first field is "PRECEDENCE". It is intended to denote the importance or priority of the datagram.
The second field is "TOS" which denotes how the network should maintain the tradeoffs between throughput, delay, reliability, and cost.
The last field is "MBZ" (Must Be Zero"), is currently unused and is set to 0. The TOS field can have the following values:
1000 -- minimize delay 0100 -- maximize throughput 0010 -- maximize reliability 0001 -- minimize monetary cost 0000 -- normal service
Range: 0-255 (default value: 0)
2 WIP_NET_OPT_IP_FRAG_TIMEO – Time to live in seconds of
incomplete fragments.
When a datagram’s size is larger than the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) of the network, then the datagram is divided into smaller fragments. These divided fragments are sent separately. The “WIP_NET_OPT_IP_FRAG_TIMEO” option specifies the Time to live for these fragments.
Range: 1-65535 (default value: 60)
3 WIP_NET_OPT_TCP_MAXINITWIN Number of segments of initial
TCP window.
This option is used to specify the number of segments in the initial TCP window.
A TCP window specifies the amount of outstanding (unacknowledged by the recipient) data a sender can send on a particular connection before it gets an acknowledgment back from the receiver. The primary reason for the window is congestion control.
Range: 0-65535 (default value: 0)
4 WIP_NET_OPT_TCP_MIN_MSS – Default MSS of off-link connections
This option is used by the Open AT Plug-in WIP Lib internally. This parameter specifies the maximum size of TCP segment which would be sent. By default, the value of this parameter is set to 536. Hence Open AT Plug-in WIP Lib would not send any TCP segment having a length greater than 536 bytes without header.
Range: 536-1460 (default value: 536)
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Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands
IP Stack Handling +WIPCFG Continued
This option is used to specify the port on which the debug traces are to be sent.
Range: 0-3 (default value: 0)
6 WIP_NET_OPT_SOCK_MAX – Total number of sockets (TCP and
This option specifies the maximum number of TCP and UDP sockets that
can be created at one particular time.
Range: 1-23 (default value: 20)
7 WIP_NET_OPT_BUF_MAX – Total number of network buffers
The total number of network buffers which will be used that can be
specified using this option.
Range: 4-42 (default value: 32)
8 WIP_NET_OPT_IP_MULTI_MAX – Total number of multicast group
Caution: The option WIP_NET_OPT_IP_MULTI_MAX is read only
parameter. Multicast is the delivery of information to a group of destinations
simultaneously, using the most efficient strategy to deliver the messages over each link of the network only once. IP Multicast is a technique for many-to-many communication over an IP infrastructure. An IP Multicast group address is used by sources and the receivers to send and receive content. Sources use the group address as the IP destination address in their data packets. Receivers use this group address to inform the network that they are interested in receiving packets sent to that group. For example, if some content is associated with group, the source will send data packets destined to Receivers for that content will inform the network that they are interested in receiving data packets sent to the group This option is used to set the total number of multicast group.
9 WIP_NET_OPT_IP_ROUTE_MAX – Size of IP routing table
The Routing tables refer to a database on a router which is used to store that routers' information on the topology of the network. This option is used to specify the size of the routing table.
Range: 0-2730 (default value: 0)
10 WIP_NET_OPT_RSLV_QUERY_MAX – Maximum number of DNS
resolver queries
This option specifies the maximum number of DNS queries that will be sent
to the DNS server. This option is used if the IP address is specified as alphanumeric string.
Range: 1-511 (default value: 4)
11 WIP_NET_OPT_RSLV_CACHE_MAX – Size of DNS resolver cache
It allows to set the maximum size of the DNS resolver cache. The size of the cache is maintained by the WIP library.
Range: 1-292 (default value: 4)
12 AT_WIP_NET_PREF_TIMEOUT_VALUE – Used for TCP sockets to
configure the packet segmentation on IP network side
This option is used to specify the maximum time to wait between two successive data chunks received from the mapped UART/serial port (please see +WIPDATA AT command). It allows the application to buffer a certain amount of data before writing on IP network side.
Each unit in the range represents 100 msec. For example, value 10 for this option will give a wait time of 1sec (10 *100mesc).
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Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands
IP Stack Handling +WIPCFG Continued
Default value for AT_WIP_NET_OPT_PREF_TIMEOUT_VALUE option is
0. This value means that no specific process is done to avoid TCP packets
segmentation: data are written onto IP network without any delay after the reception of data from the mapped UART/serial port (please see +WIPDATA AT command). In this case some TCP packets sent on the IP network may be smaller than TCP_MIN_MSS value.
Setting e.g. a 10 value for this option will make the application to wait at least 1 second or twice the TCP_MIN_MSS value to be reached before sending data on IP network. In this case, TCP packets size sent on the IP network should be equal to at least TCP_MIN_MSS (Default value = 536 bytes).
Range: 0 – 100 (default value: 0)
<action> Requested operation on TCP/IP stack parameter management
0 Configuration storage (when existing) is freed 1 Stores the configuration parameters
<value> Value range for different configuration options
<XX.YY.ZZ> WIP soft release version
<A.B> Open AT® OS release version
Parameter Storage: Only one IP stack configuration set can be saved into the FLASH memory.
AT+WIPCFG=4,1 is used to store the TCP/IP stack configuration
parameters into the FLASH memory
AT+WIPCFG=4,0 is used to free the TCP/IP stack configuration storage
Executing AT+WIPCFG=1 will apply default parameters when existing. Still, it is possible to change option values at run time using AT+WIPCFG=2,<optnum>,<optvalue>.
Possible Errors: The possible error message is displayed only if “AT+CMEE=1” is activated else
“ERROR” is displayed.
+CMEE AT error
800 invalid option 801 invalid option value 802 not enough memory left 820 error writing configuration in FLASH
821 error freeing configuration in FLASH
memory 844 stack already started 850 initialization failed
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Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands
IP Stack Handling +WIPCFG Continued
Command Responses
OK Note: Start IP Stack AT+WIPCFG? +WIPCFG: 0,64
+WIPCFG: 1,0
+WIPCFG: 2,60
+WIPCFG: 3,0
+WIPCFG: 4,536
+WIPCFG: 5,0
+WIPCFG: 6,8
+WIPCFG: 7,32
+WIPCFG: 8,0
+WIPCFG: 9,0
+WIPCFG: 10,4
+WIPCFG: 11,4
+WIPCFG: 12,10
OK Note: Configure TTL of the IP Stack
+WIPCFG: 0,10
+WIPCFG: 1,0
+WIPCFG: 2,60
+WIPCFG: 3,0
+WIPCFG: 4,536
+WIPCFG: 5,0
+WIPCFG: 6,8
+WIPCFG: 7,32
+WIPCFG: 8,0
+WIPCFG: 9,0
+WIPCFG: 10,4
+WIPCFG: 11,4
+WIPCFG: 12,10
Note: Display software version
WIP soft v202 on Open AT OS
Mar 26 2007 11:45:46
WIPlib:v2a07 WIPSoft:v1a12
OK Note: Stop the TCP/IP Stack
OK Note: Store IP configuration parameters into FLASH
OK Note: Free IP configuration parameters stored in FLASH
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Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands
IP Stack Handling +WIPCFG Continued
It is recommended to change the default settings of the WIP stack using +WIPCFG only when it is required. Changing the parameter values especially the max number of sockets and the max TCP buffer size with the high values lead to over consumption of the stack memory which causes the WIP Soft to crash. Hence, care must be taken when the default settings of the stack is changed using +WIPCFG command.
Following option values set by +WIPCFG command are taken into consideration at the run time. The below option values except for AT_WIP_NET_OPT_PREF_TIMEOUT_VALUE will be taken into consideration at next start up only if these are saved in the flash before stopping the stack.
Following option values set by +WIPCFG command are taken into consideration in the next start up only if these are saved in the flash before stopping the stack.
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Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands
Bearers Handling +WIPBR
Bearers Handling +WIPBR
Description: The +WIPBR command can be used to:
Select the bearer
Start/close the bearer
Configure different bearer options such as access point name
Description Notes:
The SIM card must be inserted in order to use this command.
This command can be used even if the PIN 1/CHV 1 is not entered.
This command can be used even if the PIN 2/CHV 2 is not entered.
Command Syntax: If <cmdtype>=0,1 or 5 AT+WIPBR=<cmdtype>,<bid>
Response OK If <cmdtype>=2 AT+WIPBR=<cmdtype>,<bid>,<opt num>,<value>
Response OK
If <cmdtype>=3 AT+WIPBR=<cmdtype>,<bid>,<opt num>
Response OK
If <cmdtype>=4 AT+WIPBR=<cmdtype>,<bid>,<mode>[,<login>,
<password>,[<caller identity>]]
Response OK
If <cmdtype>=6 AT+WIPBR=<cmdtype>,<bid>,<mode>
Response OK
Read Command: AT+WIPBR? Reads current values.
Response <bid>,<state>
[<bid>,<state>[..]] OK
Test Command: AT+WIPBR=? Lists available values
Response OK
Unsolicited Response: If <mode>=1 +WIPBR: <bid>,<status>,<local IP @>,<remote IP @>,<DNS1
@>, <DNS2 @>
Parameters/ Defined Values: <cmd type> Type of Command
0 close bearer 1 open bearer 2 set value of different bearer options 3 get value of different bearer options 4 start bearer 5 stop bearer 6 bearer configuration management
<bid> Bearer Identifier
1 UART1 2 UART2 3 N/A 4 N/A 5 GSM 6 GPRS
11..14 CMUX port over UART1
21..24 CMUX port over UART2
<opt num> Bearer Option Identifier
0 WIP_BOPT_LOGIN username (string) max: 64 characters 1 WIP_BOPT_PASSWORD password (string) max: 64 characters
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Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands
Bearers Handling +WIPBR continued
2 WIP_BOPT_DIAL_PHONENB phone number (string) max: 32 characters 5 WIP_BOPT_DIAL_RINGCOUNT Number of rings to wait before sending the
range: 0-65535 6 WIP_BOPT_DIAL_MSNULLMODEM Enable MS-Windows null-modem protocol ("CLIENT"/"SERVER"
range: 0-1 7 WIP_BOPT_PPP_PAP Allow PAP authentication
range: 0-1
8 WIP_BOPT_PPP_CHAP Allow CHAP authentication range: 0-1 9 WIP_BOPT_PPP_MSCHAP1 Allow MSCHAPv1 authentication range: 0-1 10 WIP_BOPT_PPP_MSCHAP2 Allow MSCHAPv2 authentication range: 0-1 11 WIP_BOPT_GPRS_APN Address of GGSN (string) max: 96 characters 12 WIP_BOPT_GPRS_CID CID of the PDP context range: 1-4 13 WIP_BOPT_GPRS_HEADERCOMP Enable PDP header compression range: 0-1 14 WIP_BOPT_GPRS_DATACOMP Enable PDP data compression range: 0-1 15 WIP_BOPT_IP_ADDR Local IP address (IP/string) 16 WIP_BOPT_IP_DST_ADDR Destination IP address (IP/string) 17 WIP_BOPT_IP_DNS1 Address of primary DNS server (IP/string) 18 WIP_BOPT_IP_DNS2 Address of secondary DNS server (IP/string) 19 WIP_BOPT_IP_SETDNS Configure DNS resolver when connection is established range: 0-1 20 WIP_BOPT_IP_SETGW Set interface as default gateway when connection is established range: 0-1
<value>: range of value for different bearer options <mode>: mode of operation
0 client 1 server
<state>: current state of the bearer
0 stopped 1 started
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Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands
Bearers Handling +WIPBR Continued
<status>: result of the connection process
0 successful any other value: to be matched to error code value (e.g., “814”
means PPP authentication failure)
<local IP @*>: local IP address <remote IP @*>: remote IP address. (first node in internet) <DNS1 IP @*>: Domain Name Server address <DNS2 IP @*>: Domain Name Server address <login>: PPP login <passwd>: PPP password <caller identity>: optional ASCII string (type ascii*).
If not specified, then target will accept all DATA calls
(independently of caller identification). If specified, then target
will only accept calls from <caller identity> (which are the GSM
data call number of the GSM client).
*IP @ are displayed in alpha numeric dot format. e.g.…When no IP address is known, ““ is displayed.
Caution: The options WIP_BOPT_IP_DST_ADDR, WIP_BOPT_IP_DNS1 and
WIP_BOPT_IP_DNS2 are “read only” for GPRS/GSM client
Parameter Storage
Several bearer configuration set can be saved. Calling twice AT+WIPBR=6,<bid>,1 with the same <bid> will store the last configuration set.
AT+WIPBR=6,<bid>,1 is used to store the bearer configuration parameters set
associated with the bearer <bid> into the FLASH memory.
AT+WIPBR=6,<bid>,0 is used to free the bearer configuration parameters set
associated with the bearer <bid>.
Executing AT+WIPBR=1,<bid> will open bearer <bid> with default parameters of the bearer when existing.
Possible Errors
The possible error message is displayed only if “AT+CMEE=1” is activated else “ERROR” is displayed.
error code
800 invalid option 801 invalid option value 802 not enough memory left 803 already open 804 not available on this platform 807 bearer connection failure: line busy 808 bearer connection failure: no answer 815 bearer connection failure: PPP authentication failed 816 bearer connection failure: PPP IPCP negotiation failed 820 error writing configuration in FLASH memory 821 error freeing configuration in FLASH memory
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Command Responses
AT+WIPBR=1,6 Note: Open GPRS bearer AT+WIPBR=2,6,11,”APN name” Note: Set APN of GPRS bearer AT+WIPBR=3,6,11 Note: Get APN of GPRS bearer AT+WIPBR=4,6,0 Note: Start GPRS bearer AT+WIPBR=5,6 Note: Stop GPRS bearer AT+WIPBR=0,6 Note: Close GPRS bearer AT+WIPBR=1,5 Note: Open GSM bearer AT+WIPBR=2,5,0,"login" Note: Set the login for GSM bearer AT+WIPBR=2,5,1,"password" Note: Set the password for GSM bearer AT+WIPBR=2,5,2,"phonenumber" Note: Set the phone number for GSM bearer AT+WIPBR=2,5,15,"" Note: Set the local IP address for GSM bearer AT+WIPBR=2,5,16,"" Note: Set the destination IP address for GSM bearer AT+WIPBR=3,5,15 Note: Read the local IP address for GSM bearer
AT+WIPBR=3,5,16 Note: Read the destination IP address for GSM bearer
AT+WIPBR=4,5,0 Note: Start the GSM bearer as a client AT+WIPBR=3,5,15 Note: Read the local IP for GSM bearer AT+WIPBR=3,5,16 Note: Read the destination IP for GSM bearer AT+WIPBR=5,5 Note: Stop the GSM bearer AT+WIPBR=0,5 Note: Close the GSM bearer
Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands
Bearers Handling +WIPBR Continued
6,1 OK Note: Bearer UART1 is open but not started bearer GPRS is open and started
Note: No bearer has been opened yet OK
+WIPBR: 6,11,”APN name” OK OK
+WIPBR: 5,15,"" OK Note: Local IP address is not set as GSM bearer and is still not connected +WIPBR: 5,16,"" OK Note: Destination IP address is not set as GSM bearer and is still not connected OK
+WIPBR: 5,15,"" OK +WIPBR: 5,16,"" OK OK
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Chapter 2 – General Configuration AT Commands
Bearers Handling +WIPBR Continued
Starting a Bearer
The mandatory parameters to start a bearer in
server mode: <cmdtype>, <bid>, <mode>, <login> and <password>
client mode: <cmdtype>, <bid> and <mode>
Depending on the mode and the bearer type, additional parameters are required or forbidden:
Bid Mode Other Parameters
1,3,11,14,21,24 0 None 1,3,11,14,21,24 1 <PPP login>, <PPP password> 5 0 None 5 1 <login>,<password>[,<caller identity>] 6 0 None
Starting bearer as a server requires additional parameters as mentioned in the above table.
For PPP server, only parameters <login> and <password> are required. They will be
compared with remote PPP client login and password.
For GSM server, <login> and <password> will be used for PPP over GSM establishment
(same behavior as described for PPP server).
The <caller identity> is an optional ASCII string (type ASCII*). If not specified, then target will accept all DATA calls (independently of caller identification). If specified, then target will only accept calls from <caller identity> (which is the GSM data call number of the GSM client.
Opening bearer only consists in associating the IP protocol stack with the specified bearer. The corresponding bearer setup has to be done through the adequate already existing AT commands (please refer to +WMFM commands for UART1 and UART2, +CMUX command for CMUX virtual ports and GSM/GPRS AT commands).
Several bearers can be opened at the same time but only one bearer can be started at a time. If both DNS1 and DNS2 are displayed as “” in the unsolicited message when bearer is opened in server mode, it means that connecting to a remote IP host through an URL will fail.
The options WIP_BOPT_DIAL_REDIALCOUNT and WIP_BOPT_DIAL_REDIALDELAY will not be implemented through AT commands. Nevertheless, for future compatibility reason, Opt num 3 and 4 are kept as reserved.
For GSM bearer, the options WIP_BOPT_IP_ADDR and WIP_BOPT_IP_DST_ADDR will display valid addresses only when the bearer is started and connected; otherwise, it will display an address "".
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Chapter 3 – IP Protocol Services
Chapter 3 – IP Protocol Services
Service Creation +WIPCREATE
Description: The +WIPCREATE command is used to create UDP, TCP client and TCP server
sockets associated with the specified index and FTP/HTTP/SMTP/POP3 service. Only one FTP/HTTP/SMTP/POP3 session at a time is available.
If a local port is specified while creating a socket, the created socket will be assigned to this port; if not, a port will be assigned dynamically by WIP application. If peer IP and peer port is specified, the created socket will be connected to the specified IP and port.
TCP server cannot be used to transfer data. To transfer data, it creates a local TCP client socket. This process of creating local socket is referred as “spawning”. When a server socket is created using, socket passively listens on a specified port for incoming connections. The below mentioned diagram shows different states managed for TCP server.
Server listening to the remote socket for connect request
On reception of a connection request from a remote client socket, a server socket does the following:
Spawns a new socket (client) to connect to the remote socket
Data transfer is done between the spawned socket and the remote socket
Server socket remains in the listening mode and is ready to accept the
request from other clients
Description Notes:
A SIM card must be inserted in order to use this command.
The PIN 1/CHV 1 code must be entered to use this command.
The PIN 2/CHV 2 does not have to be entered to use this command.
The +WIND general indication command value from which +WIPCREATE
is allowed is 4. This value (4) indicates that the product is ready to process AT commands (except phonebooks, AOC, SMS), but is still in emergency
mode. See Appendix A – GSM/GPRS +WIND AT Command.
Server Socket Create
Close Server Socket channel
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Chapter 3 – IP Protocol Services
Service Creation +WIPCREATE Continued
This diagram shows how to establish a connection.
Server Socket Client Socket
Connect request
Spawn a new socket
Client Socket Spawned
Transfer data
Socket Closed
Command Syntax: For a definition of <mode>, see Parameter/Defined Values on the next page. If <mode>=1:
AT+WIPCREATE=<mode>,<communication index>,[<local port>] [,<peer IP>,<peer port>]
Response OK If <mode>=2
AT+WIPCREATE=<mode>,<communication index>,<peer IP>,<peer port>
Response OK If <mode>=3
AT+WIPCREATE=<mode>,<server index>,<local port>,<from idx>,<to idx>
Response OK If <mode>=4
AT+WIPCREATE=<mode>,<index>,<server>[,<peer_port>],<username>, <password>
[,<account>] Response OK
If <mode>=5
AT+WIPCREATE=<mode>,<index>,[<server>[,<peer port>]][,<username>,<password>] [,<header list>[...]]] Response OK
If <mode>=6 or 7 AT+WIPCREATE=<mode>,<index>,<server>[,<peer port>][,<username>,<password>] Response OK
Read Command: AT+WIPCREATE? Displays current values.
Response OK
Test Command: AT+WIPCREATE=? Displays available values.
Response OK
Unsolicited Response: If <mode>=1 or 2
+WIPREADY: <mode>,<communication index>
If <mode>=3
+WIPACCEPT: <server index>,<communication idx>
If <mode>=5, 6 or 7 +WIPREADY: <mode>,<index>
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Service Creation +WIPCREATE Continued
Parameters/Defined Values:
<mode>: Specifies Type of Socket
1 UDP 2 TCP Client 3 TCP Server 4 FTP 5 HTTP Client 6 SMTP Client 7 POP3 Client
<index>: TCP/UDP/FTP/HTTP/SMTP/POP3 Session Identifier
<local port>: Local TCP/UDP Port
<peer IP>: Peer IP Address; a string between quotes indicating an address either
in numeric form (e.g. “”) or as a DNS entry (e.g. “”)
<peer port>: Peer Port or the Server Port For TTCP/UDP, this parameter is the port of the peer socket
For FTP,HTTP,SMTP and POP3, this parameter is the server port Range: 1-65535 (Default Value for FTP: 21) (Default Value for HTTP: 80)
(Default Value for SMTP: 25) (Default Value for POP3: 110)
<from idx>: Minimum Index for Spawned TCP Sockets
Range: 1-8
<server index>: TCP Server Socket Identifier
Range: 1-4
<to idx>: Maximum Index for Spawned TCP Sockets
Range: 1-8
<communication index>: Indexes Reserved for Spawned Sockets
It cannot be used by other sockets even if the spawned sockets are not created yet. Range: 1-8
<server>: Server Address or Proxy Address
This parameter is the server address for FTP, SMTP and POP3 protocol and for HTTP it is proxy server address. It can either be a 32 bit number in dotted-decimal notation (“”) or an alpha numeric string format for hostname.
<user name>: Username for the Authentication in String Format
Authentication is disabled when this parameter is not specified for HTTP, SMTP and POP3.
<password>: Password for the Authentication in String Format
Authentication is disabled when this parameter is not specified for HTTP, SMTP and POP3.
<account>: Account Information of the User in String Format
This is required by some FTP server during authentication phases.
<header list>: HTTP Header Message (name-value pair)
The first string in the message header field is the name of the header and the second string is the value of the header.
<…> Additional HTTP message header fields.
More pairs (name, value) of HTTP message header field can be added.
Parameter Storage: None
Chapter 3 – IP Protocol Services
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Possible Errors:
+CMEE” AT error code Description
3 operation not allowed 800 invalid option 803 operation not allowed in the current WIP stack state 830 bad index 832 bad port number 834 not implemented 836 memory allocation error 837 bad protocol 839 error during channel creation 840 UDP/TCP socket or FTP/HTTP/SMTP/POP3 session is
842 destination host unreachable (whether host unreachable,
845 Attempt is made to reserve/create a client socket which is
860 Protocol undefined or internal error 861 User name rejected by server 862 Password rejected by server 865 Authentication error 866 Server not ready error
Chapter 3 – IP Protocol Services
Service Creation +WIPCREATE Continued
already active
Network unreachable, response timeout)
already reserved/opened by TCP server/client
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Service Creation +WIPCREATE Continued
Command Responses
Note: Create the UDP socket on local port 80 with communication index = 1 Ù Wireless CPU® acts as an UDP server awaiting for incoming datagram
OK Note: An unsolicited event +WIPREADY: 1,1 will be received once the UDP socket is ready for usage
on local port 80
Note: Create the UDP socket on arbitrary free local port with peer IP and peer port 80 with communication index = 1 Ù Wireless CPU® acts
OK Note: An unsolicited event +WIPREADY: 1,1 will be received once the UDP socket is
ready for usage as a UDP client that can send datagram towards the remote entity
AT+WIPCREATE=1,1,80,””,8 0
Note: Create the UDP socket on local port 80 with peer IP and peer port 80 with communication index
Note: An unsolicited event +WIPREADY:
1,1 will be received once the UDP socket is
ready for usage = 1 Ù Wireless CPU® acts as a UDP client and an UDP server : it can send datagram towards the remote entity and receiving datagram on the specified local port.
Note: Create the TCP server on port 80 with server index=1 Ù Wireless CPU® acts as a TCP server: it will from now on spawn TCP client socket from
Note: An unsolicited event +WIPACCEPT:
1,5 will be received once the TCP server is
ready for usage communication index 5 to 8
Note: Create the TCP client on port 80 with index=1 Ù Wireless CPU® acts as a TCP client : it can from now on communicate with the remote specified
Note: An unsolicited event +WIPREADY:
2,1 will be received once the TCP client is
ready for usage entity through communication index 1
Chapter 3 – IP Protocol Services
AT+WIPCREATE=4,1,””,”admi n”,”123456”
Note: Create a FTP session Ù towards the remote specified FTP server. Communication index to be used then is 1
AT+WIPCREATE=5,1,”proxyaddress”,,”user name”,”password”,”User-Agent”,”WIP-HTTP­Client/1.0”,"Accept-Encoding","gzip","Accept­Language","en-US"
AT+WIPCREATE=5,1,“proxyaddress“,,”user”,”pa ss”
Note: HTTP session with proxy and 3
message header fields
Use default 80 proxy port number
3 message header fields:
Message header field name is “User-Agent”
and header field value is “WIP-HTTTP-
Message header field name is “Accept-
Encoding” and header field value is “gzip”
Message header field name is “Accept-
Language” and header field value is “en-
Note: Authentication connection on default
proxy server port 80
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