rCell API Developer Guide
Models: MTR-H5, MTR-H6, MTR-G3, MTR-EV3, MTR-C2 (Software Version 3.0.9)
S000576, Version 1.0
This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior expressed written permission from Multi-Tech Systems,
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Copyrightc 2014, by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any
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Revision History
0.11/4/13Jason ReissInitial Document
0.21/30/13Jason ReissAuto-Gen Script and Reference Updates
0.32/27/13Jason ReissRemoved Unused Elements
0.43/11/13Jason ReissUpdated Logout Instructions
0.56/1/13Sean GodinezUpdated Auto-Gen Scripts and Document Content
0.66/6/13Sean GodinezAdded Statistics and Help Section
0.711/21/13Sean GodinezUpdated for rCell v3.0.9
0.812/2/13Sean GodinezAdded ’DRAFT’ Watermark
0.912/4/13Jason ReissUpdated document layout
1.01/15/14Sean GodinezRelease
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6.3.5Using Curl to delete a firewall filter rule by name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
6.3.6Using Curl to delete a firewall filter rule by index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
6.3.7Using Curl to save current configurations and reboot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
4Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiConnect
rCell API Developer Guide
The MultiConnect
rCell is a cellular router that uses a RESTful JSON API for managing configurations, polling
statistics, and issuing commands. This document provides information on the design, patterns, and methods
within the rCell API. The Appendix of this document has additional information for those unfamiliar with the
REST architecture or JSON data format. For additional examples and use-cases, explore the JavaScript within
the rCell website, specifically https://[rcell ip]/js/api.js.
All API requests will be directed to the https://[rcell ip]/api url. The majority of requests follow the same RESTful
pattern. Following the api url will be a collection name or a command directive. For example, information on
the current DHCP settings can be found in the DHCP collection at https://[rcell ip]/api/dhcp. A full list of
collections and commands can be found in section 4. For all examples in this document, the rCell’s IP address is
2.1Making Requests
The RESTful interface allows users to retrieve data, add data, update data, and delete data using call methods:
GET, POST, PUT and DELETE, respectively. These methods can be set in the HTTP header, or they can be
set in the URI using the key: method. Using the URI parameter method is a useful way to execute RESTful
requests through a web browser. Additional URI parameters can be found in section 2.9 URI Parameters.
All API requests return a JSON object. The JSON response will always contain the members code and status.
The status member indicates a high-level result of the request and has two possible values: success and fail. The
code member is an HTTP response code describing the outcome of the API result. For a full list of response
code values, see section 3.2.2 Error Codes.
If an API call was successful, it may contain the member: result. This member contains data that was either
requested or data that was generated as part of the API request. If an API call was unsuccessful, the JSON
response will contain the member error. This member is a short description of the failure.
Example: Retrieving the current DHCP setting using the method URI parameter.
1 G ET
3 S t a tus : HTT P /1. 1 2 00 OK
4 {
5" c ode " : 2 0 0 ,
6" r e sult " : {
7" de f a u l t G a t e way " : "192 . 1 6 8 . 2 . 1 " ,
8" d o m a i n " : "" ,
9" e n a b l e d " : tr u e ,
10" fi x e d A d d r e s ses " : [
12" ip" : "1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 2.15" ,
13" ma c " : " 0 0 : 1 A : 1 2 : 1 9 : 3 F : 60 "
15] ,
16" l e a s e T i m e " : 864 0 0 ,
17" l e a s e s " : [
19" e x p i ration " : 70 359 ,
20" h o s tName " : " my - p c " ,
21" ip" : "1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 2 .103" ,
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiConnect
rCell API Developer Guide5
22" ma c " : " 0 0 : 3 a : 8 3 : 1 0 : 2 4 : DC "
24] ,
25" m a x L e a s e s " : 20 0 ,
26" o p t i o n s " : [ " d hcp - au t h o r i t a t i v e " ] ,
27" r a n g e E n d " : "192.16 8 . 2 . 2 5 4 " ,
28" ra n g e S t art " : "19 2 . 1 6 8 . 2 . 1 0 0 " ,
29" su b n e t A d d r ess " : "192. 1 6 8 . 2 . 0 " ,
30" su b n e t M ask " : "25 5 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 0 "
32" s t atus " : " su c c e ss "
33 }
The API allows requests to path to specific elements or groups of embedded elements. For example, if a user
only wanted to know if DHCP was enabled, they could make the request: https://[rcell ip]/api/dhcp/enabled.
Example: Path to an element within the DHCP collection.
1 G ET
3 S t a tus : HTT P /1. 1 2 00 OK
4 {
5" c ode " : 2 0 0 ,
6" r e sult " : t r u e ,
7" s t atus " : " su c c e ss "
8 }
Accessing objects within an array can be done using the index of the desired object in the path. Some collections
support using an object’s unique identifier in place of the object’s index; generally, this unique identifier is a member
called name or guid. For example, suppose an rCell was configured with a GRE tunnel named MyGreTunnel, and
a user wanted to know the IP address of the remote end point of that tunnel. The user could make a RESTful
GET request to https://[rcell ip]/api/greTunnels/MyGreTunnel/remoteIp.
Example: Path to an element within an object in an array using the object’s unique identifier.
1 G ET
3 S t a tus : HTT P /1. 1 2 00 OK
4 {
5" c ode " : 2 0 0 ,
6" r e sult " : "1 6 6 . 1 8 4 .38.73" ,
7" s t atus " : " su c c e ss "
8 }
2.2Logging In
To use the API, a user must be authorized and have equal or greater privileges than the API call they are
invoking. A user can login with valid credentials by passing their username and password to the login URL ( ) either as URI parameters or within a JSON object. The following call will
login the user admin, and return the session information including an authorized token. The API attempts to
cache the token as a cookie in the user’s web browser for authorizing future calls. As an alternative to using a
browser cookie, this token can be passed as a URI parameter using the key: token. Additional URI parameters
can be found in section 2.9 URI Parameters.
Example: Login using username ’admin’ and password ’admin’.
1 G ET
3 S t a tus : HTT P /1. 1 2 00 OK
6Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiConnect
rCell API Developer Guide
4 {
5" c ode " : 2 0 0 ,
6" r e sult " : {
7" a d d r e s s " : "192.16 8 . 2 . 1 0 3 " ,
8" pe r m i s s ion " : "ad m i n " ,
9" p o r t " : "5 9 4 8 6 " ,
10" t i m e s t a m p " : "2 : 58 : 4 0 : 38 9 " ,
11" t o k e n " : "B7083A0B14C0F0BEFFBE D 8 9 B 9 9 E F B C ",
12" u s e r " : "ad m i n "
14" s t atus " : " su c c e ss "
15 }
A token may timeout due to inactivity. The timeout configuration is in the rCell’s Remote Access collection (
api/remoteAccess/timeoutSeconds ). There are two authorizers, one for website access and one for non-web
browser usage, such as command line utilities like wget and curl. The same user can not be logged in through the
same authorizer from more than one IP address. If a user is already logged in and attempts to login from another
IP address, a conflict error will be returned. A user can logout from any IP address with the proper credentials.
2.3Logging Out
The logout call requires that the caller has equal or greater permissions than the user they are logging out. If a
user wants to logout, they can pass their authorized token in the following call:
At any point, a user can retrieve their session information using the following API call:
1 G ET
3 S t a tus : HTT P /1. 1 2 00 OK
4 {
5" c ode " : 2 0 0 ,
6" r e sult " : {
7" a d d r e s s " : "192.16 8 . 2 . 1 0 3 " ,
8" pe r m i s s ion " : "ad m i n " ,
9" p o r t " : "5 9 4 8 6 " ,
10" t i m e s t a m p " : "2 : 58 : 4 0 : 38 9 " ,
11" t o k e n " : "B7083A0B14C0F0BEFFBE D 8 9 B 9 9 E F B C ",
12" u s e r " : "ad m i n "
14" s t atus " : " su c c e ss "
15 }
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiConnect
rCell API Developer Guide7
2.5Passing JSON Data
Data can be sent to the rCell by passing a JSON object as the request content or by passing a JSON object in
the URI parameter: data. As an example, the following request uses a RESTful PUT call to edit the current
DHCP configurations by passing in a JSON object with the enabled member set to false
Example: To disable DHCP, send the following request:
A call to save ( https://[rcell ip]/command/save ) will write current changes to the device settings. Commands
are executed using RESTful POST requests. A full list of commands can be found in section 4.1 Commands.
Example: To save the current changes, send a request to:
2.7Selecting a Version of an API Call
As the rCell API evolves and new features are added, backwards compatibility can be maintained by setting the
desired API version within the request. The API version can be set through the version URI parameter, or through
the URL path by subscripting the version number with the letter ’v’. If a request has only one version, this value
is ignored.
Example: To use version 1 of the API, all API requests would be made through https://[rcell ip]/api/v1/[request path]
or https://[rcell ip]/api/[request path]?version=1. If a version is not specified, the request will be executed using
the latest API version.
2.8Element Descriptions
The API provides documentation on collections and elements through https://[rcell ip]/api/help. For a description
of an element or group of elements, use the path to retrieve the data and prepend help to the collection component.
For example, if a user wanted information on the DHCP element enabled ( https://[rcell ip]/api/dhcp/enabled
), they could submit a RESTful GET request to https://[rcell ip]/api/help/dhcp/enabled.
Example: Retrieving a description of the DHCP member enabled.
1 G ET
3 S t a tus : HTT P /1. 1 2 00 OK
4 {
5" c ode " : 2 0 0 ,
6" r e sult " : {
7" dh c p _ e n a b led " : "en a b l e or disa b l e D H C P s erver ( de f a u l t : tr u e ) : BO O L "
9" s t atus " : " su c c e ss "
10 }
The API also provides a separate set of help descriptions that are used by the rCell website for context-sensitive
help-on-hover content. The path to each description follows the menu and category embedding of the rCell
8Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiConnect
rCell API Developer Guide
Example: Retrieving a more human-readable description of the DHCP member enabled.
1 G ET
3 S t a tus : HTT P /1. 1 2 00 OK
4 {
5" c ode " : 2 0 0 ,
6" r e sult " : {
7" Se t u p _ D H C P _ S e t t i n g s _ E n a b l e d " : " Chec k t o use a DHCP serv e r o n n etwor k "
9" s t atus " : " su c c e ss "
10 }
2.9URI Parameters
URI parameters are reserved keys that are used to modify the functionality of API calls, override HTTP header
values, and bundle multiple API requests together. Below is a list of available URI keys and descriptions of their
URI KeyDescription
fieldsApplies a RESTful action to multiple collections/elements. Each request path is separated by a comma. Requested
data within a field is returned using the path by replacing ’/’ characters with ’ ’ characters.
1 G ET, serial/client/enabled&method=GET
3 S t a tus : HTT P /1. 1 2 00 OK
4 {
5" c ode " : 2 0 0 ,
6" r e sult " : {
7" l a n _ i p " : "192. 1 6 8 . 2 . 1 " ,
8" se r i a l _ c l i e n t _ e n a b l e d " : fal s e
10" s t atus " : " su c c e ss "
11 }
methodAllows passing RESTful action (GET, PUT, POST, & DELETE) in URI. This overrides the HTTP header method.
See section 2.1
applyAllows the request to be applied at the given timestamp without restarting. Currently, only apply=now is
tokenAuthorized Login Token. This can be passed to authorize an API call. A token is returned upon a successful
login. If a user is logged in, the whoami request will return the users current token. See section 2.2
inactivityAllows requests to be made without bumping the user’s token expiration date. This is useful for automated polling
loops that still want to allow a user to timeout due to inactivity (inactivity=true)
sessionReserved for internal use. This member will be overwritten.
dataAllows passing a JSON Object in the URI.
defaultThis option will retrieve the factory defaults of a collection when using a RESTful GET request, and set a collection
to its factory defaults when using a RESTful PUT request. (default=true)
versionSets the API version to use during the request. See section 2.7
usernameUser’s login name. Used for logging into the API. See section 2.2
passwordUser’s login password. Used for logging into the API. See section 2.2
logoutUserUser to be logged out. Only used on api/logout request. See section 2.3
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiConnect
rCell API Developer Guide9
All API requests return a JSON object. The JSON response will always contain the members code and status.
The status member indicates a high-level result of the request and has two possible values: success and fail. The
code member is a HTTP response code describing the outcome of the API result. Certain actions or events in
the API may result in a URL redirect, such as trying to access API methods when a user is not logged in. In these
situations, the JSON response may contain the member referrer.
In the event of a successful request a success message will be returned with the member status set to success
and code set to 200. If data is sent in the response it will be found in the result field.
3.1.1Success response format
1 S t a tus : HTT P /1. 1 2 00 OK
2 {
3" c ode ": 20 0 ,
4" s t atus ": "suc c e s s " ,
5" r e sult ": { [ J S O N O b ject or Arr a y ] }
6 }
An error response will always contain the members: code, status, and error. If an error is encountered during a
request, the API will halt processing and return an error message. This means that a request with multiple errors
will receive a response containing error information on only the first error that the API finds during the processing
of that request.
3.2.1Error response format
1 S t a tus : HTT P /1. 1 [ E r r or Code ] [ Er r o r M e s s age ]
2 {
3" c ode ": [Er r o r C ode ] ,
4" s t atus ": "fa i l " ,
5" e rror ": "[ Er r o r M e ssage ]"
6 }
10Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiConnect
rCell API Developer Guide
3.2.2Error Codes
400Bad Request
404Not Found
405Method Not Allowed
406Not Acceptable
408Request Timeout
500Internal Server Error
501Not Implemented
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiConnect
rCell API Developer Guide11
4Commands and Collections
The API supports a set of special actions through the Command URL ( api/command ). To execute a command,
the call method must be a POST request. A RESTful GET request will return an array of all of the commands.
firmware upgradeUpgrades rCell firmwareupgrade file
legacy syncSynchronizes legacy configurations
restartRestarts rCell device
revertReverts all changes since the last save
saveSaves the current configurations
ddns updatePushes DDNS information to the configured DDNS server
download configDownloads the current configurations
loglvl debugSets the API’s logging level to DEBUG
loglvl infoSets the API’s logging level to INFO
loglvl traceSets the API’s logging level to TRACE
loglvl warningSets the API’s logging level to WARNING
radio cmdSend a string directly to the cellular radio
1 {
2" at": [ A T C O M M AND ] ,
3" t i meout ": [milli s e c o n d s ]
4 }
remove iconDeletes user-supplied icon
remove imageDeletes user-supplied image
remove logoDeletes user-supplied logo
reset bluetoothResets the Bluetooth hardware
reset modemResets the cellular radio hardware
reset wifiResets the WiFi hardware
restore defaultsResets the rCell with User-Defined defaults if set, otherwise factory
restore factoryResets the rCell with factory defaults