Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically
disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Furthermore, Multi-Tech
Systems, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof
without obligation of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes.
Revision Level Date Description
A 07/15/03 Initial release.
B 03/08/04 Added Values to each command. Added new commands.
C 09/28/04 Changed data/fax call to ATD<nb>; and voice call to ATD<nb> Changed Autobauding is supported (operating from 2400 to 115200) D 08/04/05 Added “Length of Phone Numbers” section to Chapter 3. Changed maximum length of
phone numbers to 60 digits. Added <mode> to +CMGF values. Added new command,
+CMMS. Removed values 2 and 4 from \N. Increased I/O ports to ten in the index value
of +WIOR and +WIOW. Added more text to +WRIM. Removed one note from +CGCONT.
Changed the font size from 10 point to 9 point; this brought the manual under 200 pages.
E 01/23/06 Added ®and ™ to products listed on the cover. F 05/10/07 Added the +WMBS, a command that supports quad band builds. Updated the Technical
Support contact list.
G 08/24/07 Updated the +WIND command.
H 01/16/08 Updated the cover and MMCModem product name.
I 09/25/08 Updated the +ECHO commands and removed Fax commands. Removed all references to
HR (Half Rate). Added four new Phonebook commands: WCOS, WPGW, WPGR, WPGS.
Added SMS Command: WMCP. Updated to version 6.57d.
MultiModem, SocketModem, and the Multi-Tech logo are registered trademarks of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MMCModem is a trademark of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
Technical Support
Country By Email By Phone
Europe, Middle East, Africa: +(44) 118 959 7774
U.S., Canada, all others: 800-972-2439 or 763-717-5863
World Headquarters
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
2205 Woodale Drive
Mounds View, Minnesota 55112
Phone: 763-785-3500 or 800-328-9717
Fax: 763-785-9874
Internet Address:
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 2
Scope of This Document ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Related Documents .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 2 – AT Command Features ........................................................................................................................... 10
Line Settings ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Command Line ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Information Responses and Result Codes ............................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 3 – General Behaviors ................................................................................................................................... 11
SIM Card Insertion and Removal Procedures .......................................................................................................... 11
About the Length of Phone Numbers ....................................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 4 – General AT Commands ........................................................................................................................... 13
Product Serial Number +CGSN .............................................................................................................................. 14
Select TE Character Set +CSCS ............................................................................................................................ 14
Phonebook Character Set +WPCS ........................................................................................................................ 14
Capabilities List +GCAP ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Repeat Last Command A/ ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Power Off +CPOF ................................................................................................................................................... 16
Set Phone Functionality +CFUN ............................................................................................................................ 16
Phone Activity Status +CPAS ................................................................................................................................. 17
Report Mobile Equipment Errors +CMEE ............................................................................................................... 17
Keypad Control +CKPD ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands .......................................................................................................................... 19
Dial Command D .................................................................................................................................................... 19
Hang-Up Command H ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Answer a Call A ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Redial Last Telephone Number DL ........................................................................................................................ 22
Automatic Dialing with DTR %D ............................................................................................................................. 23
Single Numbering Scheme +CSNS ........................................................................................................................ 24
Gain Control +VGR, +VGT ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Microphone Mute Control +CMUT .......................................................................................................................... 26
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 3
Table of Contents
Chapter 6 – Network Service Commands .................................................................................................................. 31
Signal Quality +CSQ ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Operator List Management +WOLM ...................................................................................................................... 33
Read Operator Name +WOPN ................................................................................................................................ 34
Selection of Preferred PLMN List +CPLS ............................................................................................................... 36
Preferred Operator List +CPOL .............................................................................................................................. 37
Read Operator Name +COPN ................................................................................................................................ 39
Enter PIN +CPIN .................................................................................................................................................... 40
Enter PIN2 +CPIN2 ................................................................................................................................................ 42
PIN Remaining Attempt Number +CPINC .............................................................................................................. 42
Introduction to Phonebook Commands .................................................................................................................... 45
About the Parameters .............................................................................................................................................. 45
Move Action in Phonebook +CPBN ........................................................................................................................ 54
Subscriber Number +CNUM ................................................................................................................................... 55
Set Voice Mail Number +CSVM .............................................................................................................................. 56
Create and Delete a Phonebook Group +WPGW ................................................................................................... 57
Read a Phonebook Group +WPGR ........................................................................................................................ 58
Settings of a Phonebook Group +WPGS ................................................................................................................ 59
Chapter 9 – Short Messages ....................................................................................................................................... 60
Preferred Message Format +CMGF ....................................................................................................................... 64
Save Settings +CSAS ............................................................................................................................................ 65
Show Text Mode Parameters +CSDH ..................................................................................................................... 65
New Message Indication +CNMI ............................................................................................................................ 66
List Message +CMGL ............................................................................................................................................. 69
Write Message to Memory +CMGW ....................................................................................................................... 71
Send Message from Storage +CMSS .................................................................................................................... 72
Set Text Mode Parameters +CSMP ........................................................................................................................ 72
Service Center Address +CSCA ............................................................................................................................ 74
More Messages to Send +CMMS .......................................................................................................................... 79
Calling Line Identification Restriction +CLIR .......................................................................................................... 83
Calling Line Identification Presentation +CLIP ....................................................................................................... 83
Connected Line Identification Presentation +COLP ............................................................................................... 84
Advice of Charge +CAOC ...................................................................................................................................... 85
Accumulated Call Meter +CACM ............................................................................................................................ 85
Accumulated Call Meter Maximum +CAMM ........................................................................................................... 86
Price Per Unit and Currency Table +CPUC ............................................................................................................ 86
Call Related Supplementary Services +CHLD ....................................................................................................... 87
List Current Calls +CLCC ....................................................................................................................................... 88
Supplementary Service Notifications +CSSN ......................................................................................................... 89
Unstructured Supplementary Service Data +CUSD ............................................................................................... 90
Closed User Group +CCUG .................................................................................................................................... 91
Chapter 11 – Data Commands .................................................................................................................................... 92
Using AT Commands During a Data Connection ..................................................................................................... 92
Bearer Type Selection +CBST ............................................................................................................................... 93
Service Reporting Control +CR ............................................................................................................................... 94
Cellular Result Codes +CRC .................................................................................................................................. 95
DTE-DCE Local Rate Reporting +ILRR.................................................................................................................. 95
Radio Link Protocol Parameters +CRLP ................................................................................................................ 96
Other Radio Link Parameters +DOPT ..................................................................................................................... 96
Select Data Compression %C ................................................................................................................................. 97
V42bis Data Compression +DS .............................................................................................................................. 97
V42bis Data Compression Report +DR .................................................................................................................. 98
Select Data Error Correcting Mode \N .................................................................................................................... 98
Chapter 12 – V.24 and V.25 Commands ..................................................................................................................... 99
DTE-DCE Character Framing +ICF ...................................................................................................................... 100
DTE-DCE Local Flow Control +IFC ...................................................................................................................... 101
Set DCD Signal &C .............................................................................................................................................. 101
Set DTR Signal &D ............................................................................................................................................... 102
Set DSR Signal &S ............................................................................................................................................... 102
Back to Online Mode O ......................................................................................................................................... 102
Result Code Suppression Q ................................................................................................................................. 102
DCE Response Format V ..................................................................................................................................... 103
Default Configuration Z ........................................................................................................................................ 103
Save Configuration &W ......................................................................................................................................... 103
Echo E .................................................................................................................................................................. 104
Request Identification Information I ...................................................................................................................... 105
Chapter 13 – Specific AT Commands ...................................................................................................................... 107
General Indications +WIND .................................................................................................................................. 109
Analog Digital Converter Measurements +ADC .................................................................................................... 111
Mobile Equipment Event Reporting +CMER ........................................................................................................ 112
Read Language Preference +WLPR .................................................................................................................... 113
Write Language Preference +WLPW ................................................................................................................... 113
Read GPIO Value +WIOR ..................................................................................................................................... 114
Write GPIO Value +WIOW ................................................................................................................................... 114
Play Tone +WTONE ............................................................................................................................................. 117
Play DTMF Tone +WDTMF .................................................................................................................................. 118
Data Rate +WDR ................................................................................................................................................. 120
Select Voice Gain +WSVG ................................................................................................................................... 121
Status Request +WSTR ....................................................................................................................................... 121
Ring Indicator Mode +WRIM ................................................................................................................................ 122
32kHz Power Down Mode +W32K ....................................................................................................................... 123
Custom Character Set +WCCS ............................................................................................................................ 124
Network Operator Name +WNON ........................................................................................................................ 129
CPHS Information +WCPI .................................................................................................................................... 129
Customer Service Profile +WCSP ......................................................................................................................... 130
Change Default Player +WCDP ............................................................................................................................ 130
CPHS Mail Box Number +WMBN ........................................................................................................................ 131
Alternate Line Service +WALS ............................................................................................................................. 132
Wavecom Open AT Control Command +WOPEN ............................................................................................... 133
Set Standard Tone +WSST .................................................................................................................................. 135
SIM Toolkit Set Facilities +STSF .......................................................................................................................... 140
SIM Toolkit Indication +STIN or +STRIL .............................................................................................................. 142
SIM Toolkit Get Information +STGI ...................................................................................................................... 143
Unsolicited Result: SIM Toolkit Control Response +STCR .................................................................................. 146
SIM Toolkit Give Response +STGR ..................................................................................................................... 146
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 6
Quality of Service Profile Requested +CGQREQ .................................................................................................. 151
Quality of Service Profile Minimum Acceptable +CGQMIN .................................................................................. 154
GPRS Attach or Detach +CGATT ........................................................................................................................ 155
PDP Context Activate or Deactivate +CGACT ..................................................................................................... 156
Enter Data State +CGDATA ................................................................................................................................. 157
GPRS Mobile Station Class +CGCLASS ............................................................................................................. 158
Select Service for MO SMS Messages +CGSMS ................................................................................................ 159
GPRS Network Registration Status +CGREG ...................................................................................................... 161
Request GPRS IP Service D ................................................................................................................................ 162
Automatic Response to a Network Request for PDP Context Activation +CGAUTO ........................................... 164
Manual Response to a Network Request for PDP Context Activation +CGANS .................................................. 165
Show PDP Address +CGPADDR ......................................................................................................................... 166
Cellular Result Codes +CRC ................................................................................................................................ 166
Service Reporting Control +CR ............................................................................................................................ 167
Examples of Full GPRS AT Commands ................................................................................................................. 170
Chapter 16 – Other AT Commands ........................................................................................................................... 171
ME Error Result Code: +CME ERROR: <error> ................................................................................................... 173
Message Service Failure Result Code +CMS ERROR ......................................................................................... 174
Specific Error Result Codes ................................................................................................................................... 174
Failure Cause from GSM 04.08 Recommendation +CEER ................................................................................... 176
Specific Failure Cause for +CEER ......................................................................................................................... 177
GSM 04.11 Annex E-2: Mobile Originating SM-Transfer ....................................................................................... 178
Unsolicited Result Codes ....................................................................................................................................... 179
Final Result Codes ................................................................................................................................................. 179
Intermediate Result Codes ..................................................................................................................................... 179
GSM Sequences List .............................................................................................................................................. 182
CPHS Information Field .......................................................................................................................................... 184
Appendix B - ME SIM Toolkit Support ...................................................................................................................... 187
Appendix C – Structure of the Terminal Profile ...................................................................................................... 188
Appendix D – Command Type and Next Action Indicator ..................................................................................... 190
Appendix E – Coding of Alpha fields in the SIM for UCS2 ..................................................................................... 191
Appendix F – Command Execution and Dependence on SIM ................................................................................ 193
General Commands ............................................................................................................................................... 193
Call Control Commands ......................................................................................................................................... 193
Network Service Commands .................................................................................................................................. 194
Short Messages Commands .................................................................................................................................. 194
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 7
Data Commands .................................................................................................................................................... 195
Specific AT Commands .......................................................................................................................................... 196
Index ........................................................................................................................................................................... 198
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 8
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Scope of This Document
This document describes the AT-command based messages exchanged between an application and the Multi-Tech Systems,
Inc. products in order to manage GSM-related events or services.
Related Documents
This interface specification is based on the following recommendations:
[1] ETSI GSM 07.05: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2);
Use of DTE-DCE interface for Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS)
[2] ETSI GSM 07.07: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2);
AT command set for GSM Mobile Equipment (ME)
[3] ITU-T Recommendation V.25 ter: Serial asynchronous automatic dialing and co ntrol
[4] ETSI GSM 03.40: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2);
Technical implementation of the Short Message Service (SMS) Point-to-Point (PP)
[5] ETSI GSM 03.38: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2);
Alphabets and language-specific information
[6] ETSI GSM 04.80: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2):
Mobile radio interface layer 3, Supplementary service specification, Formats and coding
The words, “Mobile Station” (MS) or “Mobile Equipment” (ME) are used for mobile terminals supporting GSM services.
Terminal Equipment (TE) is the Man-Machine Interface of a GSM device (modem or handset). A TE can be a hanset
MMI or the AT Command interface.
A call from a GSM mobile station to the PSTN is called a “mobile originated call” (MOC) or “outgoing call”, and a call
from a fixed network to a GSM mobile station is called a “mobile terminated call” (MTC) or “incoming call”.
In this document, the word “product” refers to any Multi-Tech product supporting the AT commands interface.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 9
Chapter 2 – AT Command
Line Settings
A serial link handler is set with the following default values (factory settings):
• Autobaud
• 8 bits data
• 1 stop bit
• no parity
• RTS/CTS flow control
Please use the +IPR, +IFC and +ICF commands to change these settings.
Command Line
Commands always start with AT (which means ATtention) and finish with a <CR> character.
Chapter 2 – AT Command Features
Information Responses and Result Codes
Responses start and end with <CR><LF>, except for the ATV0 DCE response format and the ATQ1 (result code
suppression) commands.
• If the command syntax is incorrect, an ERROR string is returned.
• If the command syntax is correct but transmitted with the wrong parameters, the +CME ERROR: <Err> or +CMS
ERROR: <SmsErr> strings are returned with adequate error codes if the CMEE was previously set to 1. By
default, CMEE us set to 0, and the error message is only “ERROR”.
•If the command line has been performed successfully, an OK string is returned.
In some cases, such as “AT+CPIN?” or (unsolicited) incoming events, the product does not return the OK string as a
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 10
Chapter 3 – General Behaviors
Chapter 3 – General Behaviors
SIM Card Insertion and Removal Procedures
SIM card Insertion and Removal procedures are supported. Software functions rely on positive reading of the hardware
SIM detect pin. This pin state (open/closed) is permanently monitored.
When the SIM detect pin indicates that a card is present in the SIM connector, the product tries to set up a logical SIM
session. The logical SIM session will be set up or not depending on whether the detected card is a SIM Card or not. The
AT+CPIN? command delivers the following responses:
• If the SIM detect pin indicates “absent”, the response to AT+CPIN? is “+CME ERROR 10” (SIM not inserted).
• If the SIM detect pin indicates “present”, and the inserted Card is a SIM Card, the response to AT+CPIN? is
“+CPIN: xxx” depending on SIM PIN state.
•If the SIM detect pin indicates “present”, and the inserted Card is not a SIM Card, the response to AT+CPIN? is
•These last two states are not given immediately due to background initialization. Between the hardware SIM
detect pin indicating “present” and the previous results the AT+CPIN? sends “+CME ERROR: 515” (Please wait,
init in progress).
When the SIM-detect pin indicates card absence, and if a SIM Card was previously inserted, an IMSI detach procedure is
performed, all user data is removed from the product (Phonebooks, SMS etc.). The product then switches to emergency mode.
When the hardware SIM detect pin is not managed, the software cannot know the state of the SIM (SIM inserted or SIM
removed) except for the initialization of the modem. In this case, the SIM must be present in the rack before the
initialization of the modem can be taken into account.
If the SIM is removed and it had been detected at the time of initialization of the modem, the following message is
displayed: +CME ERROR: 13. If the SIM is inserted in the rack and it was not present at the time of the initialization of the
modem, the state of the SIM remains unchanged (SIM removed). It will have to initialize the modem again so that it is
Background Initialization
After entering the PIN (Personal Identification Number), some SIM user data files are loaded into the product
(Phonebooks, SMS status, etc.). Please be aware that it might take some time to read a large phonebook.
The AT+CPIN? command response comes just after the PIN is checked. After this response user data is loaded (in
background). This means that some data may not be available just after PIN entry is confirmed by ’OK’. The reading of
phonebooks will then be refused by “+CME ERROR: 515” or “+CMS ERROR: 515” meaning, “Please wait, service is not
available, init in progress”.
This type of answer may be sent by the product at several points:
• When trying to execute another AT command before the previous one is completed (before response),
• When switching from ADN to FDN (or FDN to ADN) and trying to read the relevant phonebook immediately,
• When asking for +CPIN? status immediately after SIM insertion and before the product has determined if the
inserted card is a valid SIM Card.
About the Length of Phone Numbers
Phone numbers can consist of up to 60 digits. The first 20 digits are stored in the SIM in the phonebook file (EF
or EF
If there are no more free records in the EF
) corresponding to the selected phonebook. The next digits are stored in other extension SIM files (EF
Number of Digits Nb of Records in EF
1 to 20 1 0
21 to 40 1 1
41 to 60 1 2
, the behavior is:
• if the user tries to store an entry that exceeds 20 digits: +CME: 20
• if the user tries to dial an number that exceeds 20 digits: +CME: 20
Nb of Records in EF
, EF
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 11
Since the maximum length for the numbers in the ADN, FDN, and LND phonebooks is 60 digits:
•if the user tries to dial a number that exceeds 60 digits: +CME: 3
Before the user can perform a call, the number of free records in the EF
is checked for availability of free space to
store this number.
• If there are free records left, the call is setup.
• Otherwise, +CME: 20 error is returned (Memory Full).
See Recommendation 3GPP 11.11 for more details.
Chapter 3 – General Behaviors
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 12
Chapter 4 – General AT Commands
Chapter 4 – General AT
Manufacturer Identification +CGMI
Description: Displays the manufacturer identification.
Values: No parameters
Syntax: AT+CGMI
Command Possible responses
Note: Get manufacturer identification
Request Model Identification +CGMM
Description:Displays the supported frequency bands. With multi-band products the response may be a combination
of different bands.
Values: No parameters
Syntax: AT+CGMM
Command Possible responses
Note: Get hardware version
Note: Get hardware version
Note: Get hardware version
Note: Get hardware version
Note: Get hardware version
Note: Get hardware version
Note: Multiband: GSM 900 MHz extended band and DCS
1800 (default configuration)
Note: 900 Extended
Note: DCS
Note: PCS
Note: GSM 850
Note: Multiband: GSM 850 and PCS
Note: Command valid, Wavecom modem
Request Revision Identification +CGMR
Description: Displays the revised soft ware version.
Values: No parameters
Syntax: AT+CGMR
Command Possible responses
Note: Get software version
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 13
657_09gg.Q2406B 2015268 100506 17:01
Note: Software release 6.57, generated on the 5th of October
Chapter 4 – General AT Commands
Product Serial Number +CGSN
Description: Allows the user application to get the IMEI (Interrnational Mobile Equipment Identity, 15-digit number) of
the product.
Values: No parameters
Syntax: AT+CGSN
Command Possible responses
Note: Get the IMEI
Note: Get the IMEI
Note: IMEI read from EEPROM
Note: IMEI not found in EEPROM
Select TE Character Set +CSCS
Description: Informs the modem which character set is used by the DTE. The modem can convert each character of
entered or displayed strings. This is used to send, read or write short messages. See also +WPCS for
the phonebooks’ character sets.
Values: <Character Set>
GSM GSM default alphabet.
PCCP437 PC character set code page 437.
CUSTOM User defined character set (cf. +WCCS command).
HEX Hexadecimal mode. No character set used; the user can read or write hexadecimal
Note: GSM default alphabet
Note: PC character set code
Note: Get possible values
Note: Command valid
Note: Command valid
Note: Possible values
Phonebook Character Set +WPCS
Description: Informs the modem which character set is used by the DTE for the phonebooks. The modem can
convert each character of entered or displayed strings. This is used to read or write phonebook entries.
See also +CSCS for the short messages character sets.
Values: <Character Set>
TRANSPARENT Transparent mode. The strings are displayed and entered as they are stored in
SIM or in ME.
CUSTOM User defined character set (cf. +WCCS command).
HEX Hexadecimal mode. No character set used; the user can read or write
hexadecimal values.
Syntax: AT+WPCS=<Character Set>
Command Possible responses
Note: Transparent mode
Note: Custom character set
Note: Get possible values
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 14
Note: Command valid
Note: Command valid
Note: Possible values
Chapter 4 – General AT Commands
Request IMSI +CIMI
Description:Reads and identifies the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) of the SIM card. The PIN may
need to be entered before reading the IMSI.
Values: No parameters
Syntax: AT+CIMI
Command Possible responses
Note: Read the IMSI
Note: IMSI value (15 digits), starting with MCC (3 digits) / MNC (2 digits,
3 for PCS 1900)
Card Identification +CCID
Description: Orders the product to read the EF-CCID file on the SIM card.
Values: No parameters
Syntax: AT+CCID
Command Possible responses
Note: Get card ID
Note: Get current value
Note: Get possible value
Note: If there is no EF-CCID file present on the SIM, the +CCID answer will not be sent, but the OK message will
be returned.
+CCID: “123456789AB111213141”
Note: EF-CCID is present, hexadecimal format
+ CCID: “123456789AB111213141”
Note: Same result as +CCID
Note: No parameter but this command is valid
Capabilities List +GCAP
Description: Displays the complete list of capabilities.
Values: No parameters
Syntax: AT+GCAP
Command Possible responses
Note: Get capabilities list
Note: Supports GSM and FAX commands
Repeat Last Command A/
Description: Repeats the previous command. Only the A/ command itself cannot be repeated.
Values: No parameters
Syntax: A/
Command Possible responses
Note: Repeat last command
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 15
Chapter 4 – General AT Commands
Power Off +CPOF
Description:Stops the GSM software stack as well as the hardware layer or modem activity. The AT +CFUN=0
command is equivalent to +CPOF.
Values: No parameters
Syntax: AT+CPOF[=1]
Command Possible responses
Note: Stop GSM stack
Note: Stop the modem
Note:After AT+CPOF[=1], the modem will not respond to AT commands. To reset it, use the hard
Note: I n autobaud mode, after an AT+CPOF, unsolicited information that wakes up the modem is
sent at 9600 bps until an AT command is sent. When an AT command is sent, the modem
will synchronize to the sender’s speed.
Caution: When starting up, if autobauding is enabled and no AT command has yet been received, the
product sends all unsolicited responses (like RING) at 9600 baud.
Note: Command valid
Note: Command valid
Set Phone Functionality +CFUN
Description:Selects the mobile station’s level of functionality. When the applicati on wants to stop the product with a
power off, or if the application wants to force the product to execute an IMSI DETACH procedure, then it
must send: AT+CFUN=0 (equivalent to AT+CPOF).
This command executes an IMSI DETACH and makes a backup copy of some internal parameters in
SIM and in EEPROM. The SIM card cannot then be accessed.
If the mobile equipment is not powered off by the application after this command has been sent, a re-
start command (AT+CFUN=1) will have to issued to restart the whole GSM registration process.
If the mobile equipment is turned off after this command, then a power on will automatically restart the
whole GSM process.
The AT+CFUN=1 command restarts the entire GSM stack and GSM functionality: a complete software
reset is performed. All parameters are reset to their previous values if AT&W was not used.
If you write entries in the phonebook (+CPBW) and then reset the product directly (AT+CFUN=1, with
no previous AT+CFUN=0 command), some entries may not be written (the SIM task does not have
enough time to write entries in the SIM card).
In addition, the OK response will be sent at the last baud rate defined by the +IPR command. With the
autobauding mode the response can be at a different baud rate, it is therefore preferable to save the
defined baud rate with AT&W before directly sending the AT+CFUN=1 command.
Values:<functionality level>
0 Set minimum funtionality; IMSI detach procedure
1 Set the full functionality mode with a complete software reset
Syntax: AT+CFUN=<functionality level>
Command Possible responses
Note: Ask for current functionality level
Note: Set minimum functionality, IMSI detach procedure
Note: Set the full functionality mode with a complete software reset
+CFUN: 1
Note: Full functionality
Note: Command valid
Note: Command valid
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 16
Chapter 4 – General AT Commands
Phone Activity Status +CPAS
Description: Returns the activity status of the mobile equipment.
Values: <pas>
0ready (allow commands from TA/TE)
1unavailable (does not allow commands)
2 unknown
3ringing (ringer is active)
4 call in progress
5asleep (low functionality)
Syntax: AT+CPAS
Command Possible responses
Note: Current activity status
+CPAS: <pas>
Report Mobile Equipment Errors +CMEE
Description:Disables or enables the use of the “+CME ERROR: <xxx>” or “+CMS ERROR:< xxx>” result code
instead of simply “ERROR”. See the Appendix for +CME ERROR Result Codes description and +CMS
ERROR result codes.
Values:<error reporting flag>0 Disable ME error reports; use only << ERROR >>
1 Enable <<+CME ERROR: <xxx> >> or
Note: Disable ME error reports, use only << ERROR >>
Note: Enable << +CME ERROR: <xxx> << or
<< +CMS ERROR: <xxx> >>
+CMEE: (0,1)
Keypad Control +CKPD
Description: Emulates the modem keypad by sending each keystroke as a character in a <keys> string.
The supported GSM sequences are listed in the Appendix A.
If emulation fails, a +CME ERROR: <err> is returned.
If emulation succeeds, the result depends on the GSM sequence activated.
Note: In the case where the FDN phonebook is activated, the sequences concerning “call forwarding”
are allowed only if the entire sequence is written in the FDN.
Values:<keys>Keyboard sequence; string of the following characters (0-9, *, #)
Syntax: AT+CKPD=<keys>
Command Possible responses
Note: Check every call forwarding status
Note: Sequence not allowed
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 17
+CCFC: 0,7
Chapter 4 – General AT Commands
Clock Management +CCLK
Description: Sets or gets the current date and time of the ME real-time clock.
Values: <date and time string>
String format for date/time is “yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss”
Note: Valid years are 98 (for 1998) to 97 (for 2097). The second field is not mandatory. Default
date/time is “98/01/01,00:00:00” (January 1
Syntax: AT+CCLK=<date and time string>
Command Possible responses
Note: set date to June 9th, 2000, and
time to 5:33pm
+CCLK: “00/06/09,17:34:23”
Note: current date is June 9th, 2000
current time is 5:34:23 pm
Alarm Management +CALA
Description: Sets the alarm date/time in the modem. The maximum number of alarms is 16.
Note: The date/time should be set with the AT+CCLK command prior to using AT+CALA.
Values: <date and time string> String format for alarms: “yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss” (see +CCLK)
Note: Seconds are taken into account. <index> Offset in the alarm list, range 1 to 16
Syntax:AT+CALA=<date and time string> (set alarm)
AT+CALA=””,<index> (delete alarm)
Command Possible responses
Note: set an alarm for June 9
Note: set an alarm for March 5
Note: list all alarms
+CALA: “00/06/08,15:25:00”,1
Note: delete alarm index 3
Note: list all alarms
, 2000 at 7:30 am
, 1999 at 1:00 pm
Note: Alarm stored
Note: Invalid alarm (date/time expired)
+CALA: “00/06/08,15:25:00”,1
+CALA: “00/06/09,07:30:00”,2
+CALA: “00/06/10,23:59:00”,3
Note: three alarms are set (index 1, 2, 3)
Note: an alarm occurs (index 1)
Note: Alarm index 3 deleted
+CALA: “00/06/09,07:30:00”,2
Note: Only one alarm (index 2)
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Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands
Chapter 5 – Call Control
Dial Command D
Description:The ATD command sets a voice or data call. As per GSM 02.30, the di al command also controls
supplementary services.
Data Calls
For a data call, the application sends the following ASCII string to the product (the bearer must be
previously selected with the +CBST command):
ATD<nb> where <nb> is the destination phone number. Note: If a GPRS PPP session is already
running, the setting of CSD (GSM data call) is not supported.
Voice Calls
For a voice call, the application sends the following ASCII string to the product: (the bearer may be
selected previously, if not a default bearer is used).
ATD<nb>; where <nb> is the destination phone number.
Emergency Calls
For emergency calls:
These Emergency Numbers are available without
000, 08, 110, 112, 118, 119, 911 and 999.
These Emergency Numbers are available with a SIM card:
When EF_ECC file is missing from SIM: 112 and 911.
When SIM includes an EF_ECC file: 112, 911 and any emergency numbers available in the
EF_ECC file.
International NumbersFor an international number, the local international prefix does not need to be set (usually 00) but does
need to be replaced by the ‘+’ character.
Example: to set up a voice call to Multi-Tech offices from another country, the AT command is:
“ATD+17637853600;”Some countries/regions may have specific numbering rules for their GSM handset numbering.
Values: <nb> Destination phone number
<I> Optional parameter.
<I> means “invocation” (restrict CLI presentation)
<i> means “suppresssion” (allow CLI presentation)
<mem> Phonebook (one of SM, LD, MC, ON, ME, RC, MT or SN). A default value can be selected
by using the +CPBS command.
<index> Call number at indicated offset from the phonebook selected by the +CPBS command.
<name>Call number corresponding to given name from the phonebook selected by the +CPBS
The response to the ATD command is one of the following:
erbose result code Numeric code
(with ATV0 set)
OK 0 if the call succeeds, for voice call only
CONNECT <speed> 10,11,12,13,14,15 if the call succeeds, for data calls only, <speed> takes
BUSY 7 If the called party is already in communication
NO ANSWER 8 If no hang up is detected after a fixed network time-out
NO CARRIER 3 Call setup failed or remote user release. Use the
the value negotiated by the product.
AT+CEER command to know the failure cause
a SIM card:
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 19
Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands
Direct Dialing from a Phonebook (stored in the SIM card) can be performed with the following commands:
ATD> <index>; to call <index> from the selected phonebook (by the +CPBS command)
ATD> “BILL”; to call “BILL” from the selected phonebook
ATD> mem <index> allows direct dialing from a phonebook number
<mem> is SM, LD, MC, ME, RC, MT or SN.
See +CPBS command
When the FDN phonebook has been locked, only numbers beginning with the digits of FDN
phonebook entries can be called.
For example, if “014629” is entered in the FDN phonebook all the phone numbers beginni ng with these
6 digits can be called.
The CLIR supplementary service subscription can be ove rridden for this call only. “I” means “invocation” (restrict CLI presentation).
“i” means “suppression” (allow CLI presentation).
Control of CUG supplementary service information by “G” or “g” is allowed for this call only. The
index and info values set with the +CCUG command are used.
An outgoing call attempt could be refused if the AOC service is active and credit has expired (NO
When trying to set up an outgoing call while there is an active call, the active call is first put on hold,
then the call set up is carried out.
As per GSM 02.30, GSM sequences may be controlled using dial commands. These sequences can
contain “*”, “#”, but “;” is forbidden.
If the sequence is not supported or fails, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. In the case, where the FDN
phonebook is activated, the sequences concerning call forwarding are allowed only if they are written in
the FDN. See Codes and Values Appendix for the list of supported sequences.
Note: ADN phonebook is selected, 8
locations are used and 10 locations are
Note: Call succeeds
Command Possible responses
Note: Check any call forwarding status
Note: Register call forwarding on no reply, with no reply
timer fixed at 25 s.
Note: Bad sequence
+CCFC: 0,7
Note: No call forwarding
Note: done
Hang-Up Command H
Description:The ATH (or ATH0) command disconn ects the remote user. In the case of multiple calls, all calls are
released (active, on-hold and waiting calls). The specific ATH1 command has been appended to
disconnect the current outgoing call, only in dialing or alerting state (i.e., ATH1 can be used only after
the ATD command, and before its terminal response (OK, NO CARRIER, ...)
It can be useful in the case of multiple calls.
Values: <n>
0 Ask for disconnection (default value)
1 Ask for outgoing call disconnection
Syntax: ATH<n>
Command Possible responses
Note: Ask for disconnection
Note: Ask for outgoing call disconnection
Note: Every call, if any, is released
Note: Outgoing call, if any, is released
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 20
Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands
Answer a Call A
Description: When the product receives a call, it sets the RingInd signal and sends the ASCII “RING” or “+CRING:
<type>” string to the application (+CRING if the cellular result code +CRC is enabled). Then it waits for
the application to accept the call with the ATA command.
Values: No parameters.
Syntax: ATA
Command Possible responses
Note: Answer to this incoming call
Note: Disconnect call
Note: Incoming call
Note: Call accepted
Note: Call disconnected
Remote Disconnection
This message is used by the product to inform the application that an active call has been released by the remote user.
The product sends “NO CARRIER” to the application and sets the DCD signal.
In addition, for AOC, the product can release the call if credit has expired (release cause 68 with +CEER command).
Extended Error Report +CEER
Description: This command gives the cause of call release when the last call set up (originating or answering) failed.
Values: No parameters
Syntax: AT+CEER
Command Possible responses
Note: Outgoing voice call
Note: Ask for reason of release
Note: “NO CARRIER” indicates that the AT+CEER information is available for failure diagnosis.
Note: Call setup failure
+CEER: Error <xxx>
Note: <xxx>is the cause information element values
from GSM recommendation 04.08 or specific Call
DTMF Signals +VTD, +VTS
Description: The product enables the user application to send DTMF tones over the GSM network. This command is
used to define tone duration (the default value is 70 ms ± 5 ms according to 3GPP 23.014).
Values: <n> tone duration.
This refers to an integer <n> that defines the length of tones emitted as a result of the +VTS
command. This does not affect the D command.
A value different than zero causes a tone of duration <n> *100 milliseconds.
A value of zero (default value) causes a tone duration of 70 ms ± 5 ms.
Note: The value is used modulo 256.
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Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands
Syntax: AT+VTD=<n>
Command Possible responses
Note: To define 600 ms tone duration
Note: To set the default value (70 ms ± 5 ms)
Note: Query current tone duration
AT+VTD=? AT+VTD: <0-255>
Note: Command valid
AT+VTD: <n>
Description: The product enables the user application to send DTMF tones over the GSM network. This command
enables tones to be transmitted only when there is an active call.
Values: <Tone> DTMF tone to transmit. Tone is in {0-9, *, #, A, B, C, D}
Syntax: Command Syntax: AT+VTS=<Tone>
Command Possible responses
Note: To set the default value
Note: Sed tone sequence 13#
Note: Command valid
Note: If the <Tone> is wrong
Note: If there is no communication
Redial Last Telephone Number DL
Description: This command redials the last number used in the ATD command. The last number dialed is displayed
followed by “;” for voice calls only.
Values: No parameters
Syntax: ATDL
Command Possible responses
Note: Redial last number
Note: Last call was a voice call. Command valid
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Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands
Automatic Dialing with DTR %D
Description: This command enables and disables:
•Automatic dialing of the phone number stored in the first location of the ADN phonebook, (or
FDN phonebook, if it is activated using the +CLCK command).
•Automatic sending of the short message (SMS) stored in the first location of the SIM.
The number is dialed when the DTR OFF switches ON.
The short message is sent when DTR OFF switches ON.
Values: <n> (0-2) Enables or disables automatic message transmission or number dialing. Informs the
product that the number is a voice number rather than a data number.
%D0 Disables automatic DTR number dialing / message transmission.
%D1; Enables automatic DTR dialing if DTR switches from OFF to ON. Dials the phone number
in the first location of the ADN phonebook (or FDN phonebook, if it is activated using the
+CLCK command). Voice call with semicolon.
%D1 Activates automatic DTR dialing if DTR switches from OFF to ON. Dials the phone
number in the first location of the ADN phonebook (or FDN phonebook, if it is activated
using the +CLCK command). Data call without semicolon.
%D2 Activates automatic DTR message transmission if DTR switches from OFF to ON. Sends
the short message in the first location of the SIM.
Note: If the first location is empty:
• AT%D1 and AT%D2 commands will receive an OK response.
• The DTR ON event will trigger a CME ERROR: 21 or a CMS ERROR: 321
Syntax: Command Syntax: AT%D<n>[;]
Command Possible responses
Note: Activates DTR number dialing
DTR switches ON
Note: Number in the ADN’s first location is dialed automatically
DTR switches OFF
Note: The product goes on-hook
Note: Activates DTR short message sending
DTR switches ON
Note: The first short message is being sent
DTR switches ON
Note: No phone number in the ADN phonebook’s first location
(or FDN phonebook if it’s activated using the +CLCK command)
DTR switches ON
Note: No short message in the first location of the SIM
Note: Command has been executed
Note: Command has been executed
+CMSS: x
Automatic Answer S0
Description: This S0 parameter determines and controls the product automatic answering mode.
Values: <value> The number of rings before an automatic answer (3 characters padded with zeros)
Range of values is 0 to 255.
Syntax: Command Syntax: ATS0=<value>
Command Possible responses
Note: Automatic answer after 2 rings
Note: Current value
Note: No automatic answer
All others S-parameters (S6,S7,S8 …) are not implemented.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 23
Note: always 3 characters padded with zeros
Note: Command valid
Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands
Incoming Call Bearer +CICB
Description: This command sets the type of incoming calls when no incoming bearer is given (see +CSNS).
Note: Setting the +CICB command affects the current value of +CSNS.
Values: <mode>
0 Data
2 Speech
Syntax: AT+CICB=<mode>
Command Possible responses
Note: If no incoming bearer, force a voice call
Note: Interrogate value
Note: Test command
Note: Command accepted
+CICB: 2
Note: Default incoming bearer: voice call
+CICB: (0-2)
Note: Speech or data default incoming bearer
Single Numbering Scheme +CSNS
Description: Selects the bearer to be used when an modem single numberi ng scheme call is set up (see +CICB).
Note: Setting the +CSNS command affects the current value of +CICB.
Values: <mode>
0 Voice
4 Data
Syntax: AT+CSNS
Command Possible responses
AT+CSNS=0 Note: force a voice call OKNote: Command accepted
AT+CSNS? Note: Interrogate value +CSNS: 0Note: Default incoming bearer: voice call
AT+CSNS=? Note: Test command+CSNS: (0,2,4) Note: Voice or data default incoming
Gain Control +VGR, +VGT
Description:This command is used by the application to tune the receive gain of the speaker and the transmit gain
of the microphone.
Values:<Rgain> is the reception gain
<Tgain> is the transmission gain
Syntax: AT+VGR=<Rgain> and AT+VGT=<Tgain>
Command Possible responses
AT+VGT=45 OKNote: Command valid
Note: Interrogate value
Note: Test command
Note: Interrogate value
Note: Test command
Note: For the AT+VGT? command with controller 1, the value is the lower value of range; whereas,
with controller 2, the value corresponds to the entered value using AT+VGT=xx.
OK Note: Command valid
+VGR: 128
OK Note: Default receive gain
+VGR: (0-255)
OK Note: Possible values
+VGT: 32
OK Note: Default transmit gain
+VGT: (0-255)
OK Note: Possible values
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The application sends the following:
AT+VGR=<val> for receive gain AT+VGT=<val>
0 to 15 +6 db 0 to 31 +30 db 0 +0 db
16 to 31 +4 db 32 to 63 +33 db 1 +0,5 db
32 to 47 +2 db 64 to 95 +36 db 2 +1 db
48 to 63 +0 db 96 to 127 +39 db 3 +1,5 db
64 to 79 -2 db 128 to 159 +42 db … …
80 to 95 -4 db 160 to 191 +45 db 19 +9,5 db
96 to 111 -6 db 192 to 223 +48 db 20 +10 db
112 to 127 -8 db 224 to 255 +51 db 21 +10.5 db
128 to 143 -10 db 22 +11 db
144 to 159 -12 db 23 +11.5 db
160 to 175 -14 db …
176 to 191 -16 db 58 +29 db
192 to 207 -18 db 59 +29.5 db
208 to 223 -20 db 60 +30 db
224 to 255 -22 db 61 +30,5 db
62 +31 db
… …
101 +50,5 db
102 to 127 +51 db
128 to 243 -6,5 db
244 -6 db
245 -5,5 db
246 -5 db
… …
255 -0,5 db
The gain values listed here are relative, for absolute (electrical) values please refer to the specific hardware
documentation of the module used in the application.
Controller 1
for transmit gain
Controller 1
Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands
Controller 2
for transmit gain
Controller 2
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Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands
Microphone Mute Control +CMUT
Description:This command mutes the microphone input on the product (for the active microph one set with the
+SPEAKER command). This command is only allowed during a call.
Values: <mode>
0 microphone mute off (default value).
1 microphone mute on.
Syntax: AT+CMUT=<mode>
Command Possible responses
Note: Test command
Note: Ask for current value
Note: Mute ON (call active)
Note: Ask for current value
Note: Mute OFF (call not active)
+CMUT: (0,1)
Note: Enable / disable mute
+CMUT: 0
Note: Current value is OFF
Note: Command valid
+CMUT: 1
Note: Mute is active (call active)
Note: Command not valid
Speaker & Microphone Selection +SPEAKER
Description: This specific command selects the speaker and the microphone set.
Values: <ActiveSpkMic>
0 Speaker One, Micro One
1 Speaker Two, Micro Two
Syntax: AT+SPEAKER=<ActiveSpkMic>
Command Possible responses
Note: Speaker ONE and Micro ONE
Note: Command valid
Note: Speaker ONE and Micro ONE are active
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Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands
Echo Cancellation +ECHO
Description:This command enables, disables or configures the Echo Cance llation functions for voice calls (in rooms,
in cars, etc.).
It is necessary to tune the Microphone gain (AT+VGT) and the Speaker gain (AT+VGR) before
activating the Echo Cancellation.
•You can activate/deactivate the echo cancellation during a call without resetting the product if
the <Algold> parameter is not changed, but have to used the syntax with all parameters:
AT+ECHO=1,6,30,8000,256 for instance.
• To use Echo Cancellation 6, the ECHO feature must be activated.
• Note that Echo Cancellation algorithms may not be available on some modems:
Q24 Plus (AMR) Yes No
Values: <mode>
0 Deactivate Echo
1 Activate Echo
When mode = 1 is choosen, AlgoId is mandatory.
0 Echo Deactivated
1Echo Activated for Mic/Spk One
2Echo Activated for Mic/Spk Two
3Reset the product
Note: <Status> does not indicate the currently selected speaker. If Echo is activated, it indicates
the speaker for which Echo parameters are set. Echo can be activated on a non-selected speaker.
Note that Echo Cancellation algorithms may not be available on some modems. Refer to the
description above.
• Echo Cancellation 1 (4 parameters):
♦ <Volout> Specifies the maximum attenuation of the switch
0 31 db (default)
1 29 db
2 27 db
3 25 db
14 3 db
15 1 db
♦ <Step> Specifies the attenuation step between attenuation and no attenuation.
0 1 db
1 2 db
2 3 db
3 4 db (default)
♦<PcmThRel> Specifies the relative threshold between max and min energy information.
The allowed range is [0 - 31]. Default = 10.
♦<PcmThMax> Specifies threshold of max energy information.
The allowed range is [0 - 31]. Default = 7.
lgorithm 6 SupportAlgorithm 3 Support
• Echo Cancellation 6 (12 parameters):
♦ <AlgoParam> High value leads to high echo attenuation but the full-duplex quality will be
less efficient.
The allowed range is [ 0 - 63 ]. (30 by default)
♦<NoiseThres> indicates the noise threshold. Low value leads to high noise attenuation.
The threshold 32767 indicates no noise attenuation. The allowed range is [0 - 32767].
♦<NmbTaps> indicates the Number of Taps of the Adaptive Filter. The allowed range is [2 -
The default is 256.
64 taps = short Echo
256 taps = long Echo
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 27
he default is
50. The values above 512 have no effect (noise reduction will be disabled)
Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands
♦<ConvergenceTime1> Convergence time in quiet condition:
This parameter expresses duration as the number of GSM speech frames (20 ms each)
containing far end speech, upon which the switch only mechanism must run in quiet
conditions. The allowed range is [162 - 32767].
The default is 200.
♦<ConvergenceTime2> Convergence time in noise condition:
This parameter is the same as ConvergenceTime1 but for the noise condition. T he
allowed range is [162 - 32767].
The default is 550.
Important Note: <ConvergenceTime2> must be greater than or equ al to
♦<NoiseLevelMAX> Upper bound of the noise floor estimate:
This parameter is expressed as an integer of 16 bits and corresponds to the rounded
value of the noise floor estimate expressed in dB (log2). The allowed range is
[NOISE_LEVEL_MIN+1 - 31] with NOISE_LEVEL_MIN being a constant
(NOISE_LEVEL_MIN=4 in the current implementation).
The default is 15.
In order to detect far end speech on the loudspeaker's signal, the SNR is computed
regarding the far end signal power and the far end signal noise floor level. This parameter
specifies a threshold on the SNR above which the switch mechanism will be activated.
This parameter is expressed as an integer of 16 bits and must be in the range [0 - 32767].
The default is 32767.
♦<CNGAdjust> Comfort noise volume gain:
Although the comfort noise volume will self adjust to the estimated ambient noise level, it
is possible to artificially reduce its level. This parameter is expressed in fixed point as a
signed Q15, meaning that 32767 stands for 1.0, and 0 for 0.0. It ranges fro 0 to 32767.
Setting this value to 0 means no comfort noise.
The default is 32767.
The user will set the AR2 coefficients for a specific car. Their value will be estimated on a
recorded noise sequence by means of a tool provided by Wavecom (C or Matlab source
code) The recorded sequence shall be made in the noisy conditions and contain noise
The allowed range is [0 - 65535].
The default for CNGParam1 is 27484.
The default for CNGParam2 is 38697.
♦<CNGGain>: 16 bits comfort noise AR2 gain coefficients:
This specifies the gain of the AR2 filter used for comfort noise generation. It will be
estimated by the same tools use to estimate <CNGParam1> and <CNGParam2>.
It is represented as a Q15 of 16 bits. The allowed range is [0 - 32767].
The default is 7311.
♦<SOMValue>: Switch attenuation value at the beginning of the call:
This parameter will range from 1 to 16 and set the depth of the attenuation of the transmit
audio signal when speech is detected on the distant side.
he default is 4.
♦<NoiseEstimate>: Value of the noise floor estimate written by the DSP (only in case
of active communication):
The allowed range is [0 - 32] when a communication is active. Otherwise, the returned
value is 65535.
•The field <NoiseEstimate> is present only for Algold 6 and only in the response to
•When a new algoid is selected, AT+ECHO? returns 3 for the mode. The changes will
be taken into account after a reset.
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Note: Syntax error
Note: Restore the factory settings from EEPROM
Note: Restore the factory settings from EEPROM
with the current Echo cancellation algorithm
(different of the default algorithm).
Note: List of supported <n>s
Note: The command has been executed
Note: Reset the product to accept the new
+VIP: (1)
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I) 30
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