S-Registers (ATSn=x).............................................26
Result Codes ..........................................................31
Chapter 4 - Troubleshooting
No response to AT commands ........................33
The modem does not execute the command
line .................................................................33
The modem does not give a response after
an A T command was executed .....................34
The modem gives an ‘ERROR’ response
after an AT command was executed ............34
The modem goes off-hook and disables the
telephone line................................................ 3 4
The modem does not auto-answer the phone 34
The software does not control the modem
properly or can not detect the modem..........35
The characters on the screen are doubled.....35
No text appears on the screen in Data mode.35
No text appears on the screen when in
Command mode............................................35
The modem does not dial a phone number
after Execution of AT dial command .............36
Communications software dials, but Fails ......36
The modem Connects with some modems,
but not others ................................................36
When dialing another modem, You r eceive a
‘CONNECT’ response, but nothing else .......36
The modem speaker does not make any
sound when Connecting to another modem 36
The modem loses the connection when
in use.............................................................37
The modem does not connect with another
modem ..........................................................37
Occasionally, the modem gives a burst of
errors. ............................................................37
The modem gets random errors in
transmitted data. ...........................................37
After Downloading a file, the File does not