Multitech MT100UCC-EV3 Developer's Manual

QuickCarrier™ USB-E
MT100UCC-EV3 Developer Guide
QuickCarrier USB-E MT100UCC-EV3 User Guide
Model: MT100UCC-EV3
Part Number: S000580 Version: 1.3
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2 QuickCarrier™ USB-E MT100UCC-EV3 Developer Guide
Chapter 1 – Product Overview ................................................................................................................................. 5
About the QuickCarrier USB-E MT100UCC-EV3............................................................................................................ 5
Documentation ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Selecting the Correct Model and Accessories............................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2 – Design Considerations........................................................................................................................... 6
USB Design ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Noise Suppression Design ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Electromagnetic Interference ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Electrostatic Discharge Control..................................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3 – Cellular Information.............................................................................................................................. 8
Antenna System Cellular Devices.................................................................................................................................. 8
CDMA Antenna Information ......................................................................................................................................... 8
CDMA Antenna Requirements/Specifications ............................................................................................................ 8
Coax Cables Specifications ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Activating Accounts for Cellular Devices....................................................................................................................... 8
Cellular Approvals and Labeling Requirements ........................................................................................................... 9
Modem Label Example................................................................................................................................................ 9
Chapter 4 – OEM Integration ................................................................................................................................. 11
FCC Grant Notes.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Grant Limitations ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
KDB 447498 Section 8 ................................................................................................................................................ 11
FCC Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Host Labeling............................................................................................................................................................... 12
Carrier Specific Information ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Notice for Devices that Use Aeris Radios ................................................................................................................. 12
MultiTech Sprint Approved Device Requirements ................................................................................................... 12
OMA-DM Commands ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Chapter 5 – Safety Warnings.................................................................................................................................. 17
Radio Frequency (RF) Safety ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Interference with Pacemakers and Other Medical Devices ...................................................................................... 17
Potential interference ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Precautions for pacemaker wearers ........................................................................................................................ 17
Vehicle Safety.............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Device Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Handling Precautions .................................................................................................................................................. 18
User Responsibility...................................................................................................................................................... 18
QuickCarrier™ USB-E MT100UCC-EV3 Developer Guide 3
Chapter 6 – Regulatory Compliance Statements .................................................................................................... 19
47 CFR Part 15 Regulation Class B Devices ................................................................................................................. 19
Industry Canada Class B Notice................................................................................................................................... 19
Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) ............................................................................................ 19
Chapter 7 – MT100UCC-EV3 Model Overview ........................................................................................................ 21
Specifications .............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Mechanical drawing .................................................................................................................................................... 23
Power Draw MT100UCC-EV3-GP ................................................................................................................................ 24
Powering Down Your Device ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Pinout Specifications................................................................................................................................................... 24
Chapter 8 – Application Notes ............................................................................................................................... 25
MT100UCC-EV3 Application Notes ............................................................................................................................. 25
LED Interface............................................................................................................................................................. 25
RF Interfaces ............................................................................................................................................................. 25
RF Performances ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Chapter 9 – Configuring and Communicating with Your Device.............................................................................. 27
Interacting with Your Device Overview ...................................................................................................................... 27
Before Using the Device.............................................................................................................................................. 27
Using Command Mode and Online Data Mode.......................................................................................................... 27
Verifying Signal Strength............................................................................................................................................. 28
Example .................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Sending and Receiving Data ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Connecting Device to TCP Server as TCP Client........................................................................................................ 29
Configuring Device as UDP Listener to Accept UDP Client Connections ................................................................. 29
Configuring Device as UDP Client to Connect to UDP Server ................................................................................... 30
Transferring FTP File to FTP Server ........................................................................................................................... 31
Downloading File from FTP Server............................................................................................................................ 32
Reading, Writing and Deleting Messages ................................................................................................................... 33
Reading Text Messages............................................................................................................................................. 33
Writing Text Messages.............................................................................................................................................. 34
Deleting Messages .................................................................................................................................................... 34
4 QuickCarrier™ USB-E MT100UCC-EV3 Developer Guide
Chapter 1 – Product Overview
About the QuickCarrier USB-E MT100UCC-EV3
This guide describes how to use the QuickCarrier USB-E to embed M2M connectivity into your Windows or Linux device. The embedded cellular modem is a complete, ready-to-integrate communications device that offers 3G cellular connectivity options. The quick-to-market product combines a network approved cellular SocketModem® and a USB carrier card in one compact design. With its 4-pin USB interface the embedded cellular modem cables to an existing device’s internal USB port and can be secured using the four mounting holes located at the corners of the printed circuit board.
The following table describes additional documentation for your device.
The guides are available on the Multi-Tech support web site at
Guide Description Part Number
MT100UCC-EV3 Developer Guide This guide (S000580)
AT Commands Reference Guide EV-DO EV3 AT Commands Reference Guide (S000546)
USB Driver Installation USB Driver Installation Guide for EV-3 (S000569)
Selecting the Correct Model and Accessories
The following table describes which model and accessory kit to select for your needs.
Model Description
MT100UCC-EV3-N2 EV-DO Rev A Embedded USB Modem (Sprint)
MT100UCC-EV3-N3 EV-DO Rev A Embedded USB Modem (Verizon)
MT100UCC-EV3-N16 EV-DO Rev A Embedded USB Modem (Aeris)
MT100UCC-AK Accessory kit, includes USB cables, antenna cable and
QuickCarrier™ USB-E MT100UCC-EV3 Developer Guide 5
Chapter 2 – Design Considerations
USB Design
MultiTech recommends that you review Intel's High Speed USB Platform Design Guidelines for information about USB signal routing, impedance, and layer stacking. Also:
Shield USB cables with twisted pairs (especially those containing D+/D-).
Use a single 5V power supply for USB devices. See Power Draw for current (ampere) requirements.
Route D+/D- together in parallel with the trace spacing needed to achieve 90 ohms differential impedance for the USB pair and to maintain a 20 mil space from the USB pair and all other signals.
If power is provided externally, use a common ground between the carrier board and the device.
Your device may not power up on all Host PCs or host USB devices due to the higher current requirements of the cellular radio. Check your particular USB host port or PC motherboard's electrical specs for details on max current capabilities of the particular USB port you are trying to use.
Depending on your design, you may be able to use a dual USB cable to share the current between two low power USB ports or create a custom USB cable that provides external power.
Noise Suppression Design
Adhere to engineering noise-suppression practices when designing a printed circuit board (PCB). Noise suppression is essential to the proper operation and performance of the modem and surrounding equipment.
Any OEM board design must consider both on-board and off-board generated noise that can affect digital signal processing. Both on-board and off-board generated noise that is coupled on-board can affect interface signal levels and quality. Noise in frequency ranges that affect modem performance is of particular concern.
On-board generated electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise that can be radiated or conducted off-board is equally important. This type of noise can affect the operation of surrounding equipment. Most local government agencies have certification requirements that must be met for use in specific environments.
Proper PC board layout (component placement, signal routing, trace thickness and geometry, and so on) component selection (composition, value, and tolerance), interface connections, and shielding are required for the board design to achieve desired modem performance and to attain EMI certification.
Other aspects of proper noise-suppression engineering practices are beyond the scope of this guide. Consult noise suppression techniques described in technical publications and journals, electronics and electrical engineering text books, and component supplier application notes.
Electromagnetic Interference
The following guidelines are offered specifically to help minimize EMI generation. Some of these guidelines are the same as, or similar to, the general guidelines. To minimize the contribution of device-based design to EMI, you must understand the major sources of EMI and how to reduce them to acceptable levels.
Keep traces carrying high frequency signals as short as possible.
Provide a good ground plane or grid. In some cases, a multilayer board may be required with full layers for ground and power distribution.
Decouple power from ground with decoupling capacitors as close to the device's power pins as possible.
6 QuickCarrier™ USB-E MT100UCC-EV3 Developer Guide
Eliminate ground loops, which are unexpected current return paths to the power source and ground.
Decouple the telephone line cables at the telephone line jacks. Typically, use a combination of series inductors, common mode chokes, and shunt capacitors. Methods to decouple telephone lines are similar to decoupling power lines; however, telephone line decoupling may be more difficult and deserves additional attention. A commonly used design aid is to place footprints for these components and populate as necessary during performance/EMI testing and certification.
Decouple the power cord at the power cord interface with decoupling capacitors. Methods to decouple power lines are similar to decoupling telephone lines.
Locate high frequency circuits in a separate area to minimize capacitive coupling to other circuits.
Locate cables and connectors to avoid coupling from high frequency circuits.
Lay out the highest frequency signal traces next to the ground grid.
If using a multilayer board design, make no cuts in the ground or power planes and be sure the ground plane covers all traces.
Minimize the number of through-hole connections on traces carrying high frequency signals.
Avoid right angle turns on high frequency traces. Forty-five degree corners are good; however, radius turns are better.
On 2-layer boards with no ground grid, provide a shadow ground trace on the opposite side of the board to traces carrying high frequency signals. This will be effective as a high frequency ground return if it is three times the width of the signal traces.
Distribute high frequency signals continuously on a single trace rather than several traces radiating from one point.
Electrostatic Discharge Control
Handle all electronic devices with precautions to avoid damage due to the static charge accumulation.
See the ANSI/ESD Association Standard (ANSI/ESD S20.20-1999) – a document “for the Development of an Electrostatic Discharge Control for Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment.” This document covers ESD Control Program Administrative Requirements, ESD Training, ESD Control Program Plan Technical Requirements (grounding/bonding systems, personnel grooming, protected areas, packaging, marking, equipment, and handling), and Sensitivity Testing.
MultiTech strives to follow these recommendations. Input protection circuitry is incorporated in MultiTech devices to minimize the effect of static buildup. Take precautions to avoid exposure to electrostatic discharge during handling.
MultiTech uses and recommends that others use anti-static boxes that create a faraday cage (packaging designed to exclude electromagnetic fields). MultiTech recommends that you use our packaging when returning a product and when you ship your products to your customers.
QuickCarrier™ USB-E MT100UCC-EV3 Developer Guide 7
Chapter 3 – Cellular Information
Antenna System Cellular Devices
The cellular/wireless performance depends on the implementation and antenna design. The integration of the antenna system into the product is a critical part of the design process; therefore, it is essential to consider it early so the performance is not compromised. If changes are made to the device's certified antenna system, then recertification will be required by specific network carriers.
CDMA Antenna Information
CDMA devices were approved with the following antenna:
Exceltek Electronics, Ltd.
Description: Quad band antenna
Part number: C0081-ANG0002
Multi-Tech part number: 45009713L
CDMA Antenna Requirements/Specifications
Frequency range 824-894 MHz / 1850-1900 MHz
Impedance 50 ohm
VSWR Make sure VSWR does not exceed 2.0.1 at any point
across the bands of operation
Typical antenna gain 2 dBi on azimuth plane
Radiation pattern Omni directional
Polarization Vertical
Coax Cables Specifications
Category Description
Cable type Coaxial cable
Attenuation <1.0 db
Connector impedance 50 ohm
Maximum cable length 16 inches (40 cm)
Activating Accounts for Cellular Devices
Some Multi-Tech products have been pre-configured to operate on a specific cellular network. However, before you can begin to use the modem, you must set up a cellular data account with your cellular network provider. Refer to Multi-Tech’s Cellular Activation Web site for information on activating your cellular modem.
The cellular carrier asks you for device identification information:
8 QuickCarrier™ USB-E MT100UCC-EV3 Developer Guide
For EV-DO, the modem’s MEID is printed in hexadecimal format on the label.
Refer to the device labels for the location of the device identification.
IMPORTANT: When the cellular carrier asks you to provide the modem's model identification, give them the Multi­Tech model identification, not the host device model number. The Multi-Tech model identification allows the carrier to verify the modem as one of its approved models. This information is located on the modem's label.
Cellular Approvals and Labeling Requirements
Approvals and Certification
The Multi-Tech SocketModem used in the product is an industry or Carrier Approved modem. In most cases, when integrated and used with an antenna system that was part of the Multi-Tech modem certification, no additional approvals or certifications are required (however, EV-DO has a few exceptions) for the device you develop as long as the following are met:
The antenna system cannot be altered.
Model Identification The Multi-Tech model identification allows the carrier to verify the modem as one of its approved models. This information is located on the modem's label.
Modem Label Example
Note: The label is shown larger than actual size.
1 Multi-Tech model information
2 MEID for the attached modem
QuickCarrier™ USB-E MT100UCC-EV3 Developer Guide 9
1 Multi-Tech model information
2 Multi-Tech ordering part number
3 MEID for the attached modem
10 QuickCarrier™ USB-E MT100UCC-EV3 Developer Guide
Chapter 4 – OEM Integration
FCC Grant Notes
The OEM should follow all the grant notes listed below. Otherwise, further testing and device approvals may be necessary.
The antenna gain, including cable loss, for the radio you are incorporating into your product design must not exceed the requirements at 850 MHz and 1900 MHz as specified by the FCC grant for mobile operations and fixed mounted operations as defined in 2.1091 and 1.1307 of the FCC rules for satisfying RF exposure compliance. Power output listed is conducted.
This device is a mobile device with respect to RF exposure compliance. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons, and must not be collocated or operate in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter except in accordance with FCC multi-transmitter product guidelines. Installers and end-users must be provided with specific information required to satisfy RF exposure compliance for installations and final host devices. (See note under Grant Limitations.) Compliance of this device in all final host configurations is the responsibility of the Grantee.
Grant Limitations
This device has been granted modular approval for mobile applications. Portable applications may require further RF exposure (SAR) evaluations. Examples of mobile devices include wireless routers, desktop computers, utility meters, etc. Examples of portable applications include devices such as a laptop, USB dongle, mobile phone, tablet PC, and any device that can be worn on the body during use.
Your final product with this embedded device may need to pass FCC Part 15B.
This device has not been evaluated or approved for simultaneous transmission. Any simultaneous transmission conditions should be evaluated per the current FCC KDB 447498 requirements. Simultaneous transmission requirements for mobile devices are contained in Section 8.
KDB 447498 Section 8
Transmitters and modules certified for mobile or portable exposure conditions and categorically excluded by §
2.1091(c) can be incorporated in mobile host devices without further testing or certification when:
The closest separation among all simultaneous transmitting antennas is 20 cm; or The antenna separation distance and MPE compliance boundary requirements that enable all simultaneous transmitting antennas incorporated within the host to comply with MPE limits are specified in the application filing of at least one of the certified transmitters incorporated in the host device. In addition, when transmitters certified for portable use are incorporated in a mobile host device the antenna(s) must be 5 cm from all other simultaneous transmitting antennas. All antennas in the final product must be at least 20 cm from users and nearby persons.
If the host device requires further authorization, consult an accredited FCC laboratory for guidance.
FCC Definitions
Portable: (§2.1093) — A portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used so that the radiating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the body of the user.
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