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Record of Revision
Revision Date Description
A 10/24/07 Manual released. All pages at Revision A.
B 04/14/08 Remove ISI Management Software and replace with Reset Utility.
C 06/06/08 Remove ISI4604/8 Serial Cards, add procedures for Windows Server 2008 32-bit
and 64-bit driver installation, and change Windows XP, 2003, and 2000 driver
installation procedures.
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Table of contents
Chapter 1—Introduction and Description ................................................................................................................ 4
How to Use This Manual ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction to ISI Server Cards ................................................................................................................................ 4
Driver Installation for Windows Server 2008 and Vista ...................................................................................... 10
Installation of the Communications Port .............................................................................................................. 12
Delete COM Ports. ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Driver Installation for Windows XP/2003/2000 ........................................................................................................ 22
Delete COM Ports. ............................................................................................................................................... 32
Installing the ISI Driver in Linux ............................................................................................................................... 35
Linux Driver Installation Overview ....................................................................................................................... 35
Building the Linux Driver ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Creating Linux TTY Device Names ..................................................................................................................... 36
Verifying Successful Loading of the Linux Driver ................................................................................................ 36
Un-Installing the Linux ISI Driver ......................................................................................................................... 36
Configuring your Modems for your Country ............................................................................................................ 37
Repair Procedures for U.S. and Canadian Customers ....................................................................................... 39
Repair Procedures for International Customers (Outside U.S.A. and Canada) .................................................. 39
Repair Procedures for International Distributors ................................................................................................. 40
Replacement Parts .............................................................................................................................................. 40
Software User License Agreement ...................................................................................................................... 41
Appendix B—Regulatory Information ...................................................................................................................... 43
Appendix C - Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Statement ....................................................... 44
Appendix D – C-ROHS HT/TS Substance Concentration ...................................................................................... 45
Chapter 1 – Introduction and Description
Chapter 1—Introduction and Description
How to Use This Manual
This manual describes the Multi-Tech Intelligent Serial Interface, Server Cards Models ISI5634UPCI-4/8 and
ISI9234PCIE-4/8. The UPCI Cards install on a Universal PCI-bus architecture and the PCI Express cards install on
a PCI Express-bus architecture.
We assume that you have basic PC skills. Therefore, we have not inclu ded st ep-by- step instr uction s for basic
computer operations.
Introduction to ISI Server Cards
The ISI Server Cards, model ISI5634UPCI is a Universal PCI-bus architecture and the ISI9234PCIE is a PCI Expressbus architecture. The -4 ISI Server card is a server modem expansion card with four V.92 data/Super G3 fax modems.
The -8 ISI Server card is an expansion card with eight such modems. These excellent hardware products add
modems to communication servers and async hosts that have 32-bit PCI bus architecture.
The ISI Server Cards ship with drivers for the following multiuser operating systems: Windows
Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server
and Linux kernel 2.4.x.
The ISI Server Cards can be combined to support asynchronous serial devices (local or dial-up). The ports can be
used to connect basic terminals (with or without multiple pages of memory) to multiplexer ch annels and
asynchronous modems. Each port can support as many screens as there are physical pages of memory on the
terminal. In Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/2008, a built-in autodetect utility enables detection of Multi-Tech
modems and sets the proper initialization strings.
2000 Server and
ISI9234PCI Express Card
The -4 server card has one RJ-45 connector that fans out to four RJ-11 connectors, one for each of its modems.
Simi l a r l y, the - 8 s erver c a r d has two RJ-45 connectors that fan out to eight RJ-11 connectors, one for each of its
modems. Both server cards are full size add-on cards that support a high-speed interface up to 230 Kbps.
ISI5634UPCI Card
ISI Modems
The ISI modems are compatible with the ITU-T V.92 protocol. They make quick connections and operate at
downstream transmission speeds of up to 56K bps and upstream transmission speeds of up to 48K bps when
connected to V.92-compatible Internet Service Providers . The V.92 protocol can send data d ownstream from the
Internet to your computer at these speeds because data on the telephone network typically is converted from
digital to analog only once before it reaches your modem. Upstream transmissions and transmissions between
client modems are limited to 33.6Kbps.
Upstream transmissions to non-V.92-compatible ISPs and downstream transmissions that are con verted more than
once on the telephone line are also limited to 33.6K bps.
When calling into the ISI modem with another V92 modem over an analog phone line, the maximum speed
achievable is 33.6 Kbps. V90 or V92 connections are not possible when an a nalog line is calling another
analog line. Similarly, when the ISI modem is involved in a call b etween an analog line and a digital line, the higher
V.90/V.92 speeds cannot be used. However, ISI modems can achieve the higher V.90/V.92 spe eds when
dialingoutto a digital phone line that supports V.90/V.92.
Chapter 1 – Introduction and Description
Note: Th o u g h t h e s e m o d em s a r e ca p a b l e of 5 6 K b ps download performance, line impairments,
public telephone infrastructure flaws, and other external technological factors currently prevent
connections from reaching this maximum 56Kbps speed.
Modems on the ISI Card are Plug and Play capable with interactive automatic dialing and command mode
configuration. In standard mode, you can store up to three command lines or telephone numbers of up to 40
characters each in the modems' nonvolatile memo r y. T he modems can d ial using puls es or tones and can
recognize dial tones and busy signals for reliable call-progress detection. The modems can detect AT&T calling
card tones. They also have DTR dialing, remote configuration, and 11-bit capabilities, and they incorporate selfresetting lightning protection. Serial port speeds can be set as high as 230,400 bps. They are both FCC
registered for connection without notification to the telephone company.
The ISI Card has full-duplex intelligent modems with V.42 error correction, V.42bi s , and V.44 d a ta com pressi on. Th e
ISI modems support "Super G3" ITU-T V.34 fax communications at speeds up to 33.6Kbps with Class 2.1 fax
commands. The ISI modems also support voice functionality (+V commands).
ISI Reset Utility
MultiTech's ISI Reset Utility is shipped with each ISI Card. It allows you to reset the modems associated with the
ISI Card in a computer running either Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced
Server, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008.
Chapter 1 – Introduction and Description
Technical Specifications
Computer Requirements
• Pentium®- based PC
• Microsoft Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server and
Advanced Server, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, or Linux (kernel 2.4.x).
• a CD-ROM drive (or, if software/drivers have been downloaded, a floppy drive)
• 2M bytes of hard disk space
Mechanical Electrical Environmental
• D i m e n s i o n s : 1 3 . 2 5 " x 4 . 2 " 33.66 cmx 10.67cm
• Baud Rates: 300 bps to 230 Kbps per port
• Bus Type: PCI Express form factor.
Compatible with PCI spec version 2.1 or higher.
• Connectors: one RJ-45 jack (female) on ISI-4; two RJ-45 jacks (female) on ISI-8
• Cables: The ISI-8 is shipped with two four-port fan-out cables. Each cable has an RJ-45 plug (male) at
one end and four RJ-11 plugs (male) at the other end. The ISI-4 is shipped with one such four-port fanout cable.
1 .75A @3.3v DC (8 ports; ISI5634UPCI-8)
130 milliamps @ +5v DC (4 ports; ISI5634UPCI-4)
885 milliamps @3.3v DC (4 ports; ISI5634UPCI-4)
700 milliamps @3.3v DC (4 ports; ISI9234PCIE-4)
1.20A @3.3v DC (8 ports; ISI9234PCIE-8)
• Interrupt Request (IRQ): One IRQ per card (can be shared)
• Warranty: Two years
Manufactured in Mounds View, MN, U.S.A.
Chapter 2 – Hardware Installation
Chapter 2—Hardware Installation
This chapter describes installation of the Multi-Tech ISI as an expansion card in your PCI-bus computer.
Safety Warnings
• This product must be installed by a qualified service person.
• When installing or servicing this product, the phone lines must be disconnected to remove the risk of
hazardous voltages.
• Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
• Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations.
• This product is to be used with UL and CUL listed computers.
• Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected at
the network interface.
• Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
• Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk
of electrical shock from lightning.
• Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
Hardware Installation Procedures
To install the ISI Card into your PCI-bus computer, follow the steps presented below.
1. Turn off your computer and any peripheral equipment connected to it. The ISI Card can be installed in a
Pentium equivalent PCI bus computer.
2. Remove the cover of your computer as instructed in your computer's documentation.
3. Before handling the ISI Card, discharge any static in your body by touching a piece of grounded metal
such as the computer chassis.
4. Carefully remov e the IS I Ca rd fr om its a nt is ta tic bag, handling it only by the mounting bracket and edges.
Do not touch the gold-plated connectors along the bottom edge. (You may want to save packaging for
possible future use.)
Chapter 2 – Hardware Installation
5. Locate the unused PCI slot you will be using for your ISI Card and remove the slot cover according to
instructions in your computer's
6. Install the ISI Card into the selected expansion slot in the same manner as any other add-on card, as
instructed in your computer’s documentation.
7. Fasten the retaining bracket to the computer chassis and replace cover on the computer.
8. Cabling.
The -4 ISI Server card has one RJ-45 receptacle and one fan-out cable; the -8 ISI Server
card has two RJ-45 receptacles and two fan-out cables. Each fan-out cable extends connections for
four modems from the RJ-45 plug to four RJ-11 plugs. Each RJ-11 plug should then be attached to a
phone line receptacle. Attach the RJ-45 connector into the appropriate RJ45 receptacle on the ISI
Server card.
To vi e w a p i n o u t d i a g r a m o f t h e I S I S e r v er Car d Fan-Ou t Cabl e s , s ee Appendix A of this manual.
Fan-Out Cable for ISI Server Card
Chapter 3 – Software Installation
Chapter 3—Software Installation
The ISI Cards ship with drivers and software for each of the following operating systems: Windows Server® 2008,
ISI5634-UPCI and the ISI9234-PCI Express products. This chapter describes the installation of these drivers. You
may need to configure the modems for your country/region, the procedure for doing this is at the end of this
chapter. The installation and use of the Reset Utility is described in Chapter 4.
Installing a device driver modifies your system. For this reason, only the super user (system administrator) is
allowed to perform the installation. If you cannot login as administrator, find the person in your organization with
this authorization (i.e., password). To begin driver installation, login as administrator. Then proceed with the
appropriate installation section in this chapter.
Windows Drivers: The MultiModem product driver must be installed in your computer’s program directory. The
Windows drivers are located on the MultiModem product CD in the Drivers I Windows Drivers folder. A complete
set of drivers for each operating system is organized into Vista and XP with either 32-bit or 64-bit processor. Most
users will select either the 32-bit Vista or 32-bit XP drivers. Windows 2000 users must select the drivers from the
Drivers I Windows_2000 directory. Server users can select either 32-bit or 64-bit depending on their application.
For server users to determine whether they have a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system, go to Start I All Programs I
Accessories I System Tools I Computer and click on the System Properties button. Under System you will see
System Type: 64-bit Operating System.
Vista, XP, 2003, 2000 Server, 2000 Advanced Server, and Linux. The ISI drivers are the same for the
Linux Drivers : Linux Operating System drivers are also located on the CD in the Drivers I Linux Folder. Refer to
the Readme file (also in the Linux directory) for the correct driver file and installation guide for your
distribution/version of Linux.
Overview of Windows Driver Installation: Three install wizards guide you through the software Installation in this
Part A installs the USB Driver.
Part B associates the PC port with the USB Driver, and finally
Part C installs the modem driver.
Chapter 3 – Software Installation
Driver Installation for Windows Server 2008 and Vista
The following driver installation procedure is based on Windows Server 2008 64-bit Operating System. The
procedure may vary slightly for the Windows Server 2008 32-bit Operating System and Vista.
Card Driver Installation
1. Power up your computer.
2. Windows Server 2008 will detect the ISI Card. A screen from the tray area, at the bottom right of the
screen will appear briefly Installing Device Driver Software.
3. The Found New Hardware screen appears for Windows to install driver software for your PCI Serial
Click on Locate and install driver software (recommended). Wi ndows will guide you through the
process of installing driver software for your device.
4. A Found New Hardware – PCI Serial Port screen appears and asks: Allow Windows to search
online for driver software for your PCI Serial Port?
Select Don’t search online.
Chapter 3 – Software Installation
5. The next screen prompts you to Insert the disc that came with your PCI Serial Port. If you have the
disc that came with your card, insert it now.
Click Next.
6. Searching disc for software…screen appears.
7. Windows can’t verify the publisher of this driver software screen appears.
Click Install.
Chapter 3 – Software Installation
8. When the software for this device has been successfully installed screen appears, Windows has
finished installing the driver software for this device: Multi-Tech ISI5634UPCI/ISI9234PCIE 8 Port
Analog Modem Card.
Click Close.
Installation of the Communications Port
9. A Found New Hardware – Multifunction Device screen appe ars and asks: Allow Windows to
search online for driver software for your Multifunction Device?
Select Don’t search online.
Chapter 3 – Software Installation
10. The Found New Hardware – Multifunction Device screen appears. If you have the disc that came with
your device, insert it now.
The ISI Card CD is still in the CDROM drive. Click Next.
11. Searching disc for software…screen appears.
12. Windows can’t verify the publisher of this driver software screen appears.
Click Install.
Chapter 3 – Software Installation
13. The Found New Hardware – Multi-Tech Communications Port (COM3) screen appears. The
software for this device has been successfully installed. Windows has finished installing the driver
software for this device: Multi-Tech Communications Port.
Click Close.
14. If you open Device Manager, you will see Other devices with four Multifunction Devices for the ISI-4
Card. Similarly, for the ISI-8 Card you will see eight Multifunction Devices.
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