Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and
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Furthermore, Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from
time to time in the content hereof without obligation of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. to notify any person or
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Revision Level Date Description
A 07/15/03 Initial release.
B 03/23/04 Add Values to each command. Add new commands.
C 04/22/04 Fix headers and footers. Some formatting changes.
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Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA Wireless AT Commands - PN S000294C 2
Scope of This Document................................................................................................................................11
Related References.......................................................................................................................................11
Chapter 2 - AT Command Features...................................................................................................................14
Line Settings..................................................................................................................................................14
General Indicator +WIND..............................................................................................................................22
Current NAM Change +WNAM.....................................................................................................................25
Voice Mail Indicator +WVMI..........................................................................................................................25
SMS Message Storage Full +WMGF............................................................................................................ 25
Power Save +WSPS.....................................................................................................................................26
Chapter 4 - General Commands.........................................................................................................................27
Capabilities List +GCAP................................................................................................................................28
Repeat Last Command A/.............................................................................................................................28
Hang-Up Command H ..................................................................................................................................35
Answer a Call A ............................................................................................................................................36
Chapter 6 - Network Service Commands..........................................................................................................44
Signal Quality +CSQ.....................................................................................................................................44
Enter PIN +CPIN...........................................................................................................................................51
Enter PIN2 +CPIN2.......................................................................................................................................52
PIN Remaining Attempt Number +CPINC.....................................................................................................52
List Message +CMGL ...................................................................................................................................61
Calling Line Identification Restriction +CLIR.................................................................................................69
Calling Line Identification Presentation +CLIP..............................................................................................69
Send Flash to Base Station +WFSH.............................................................................................................70
List Current Call State +CLCC......................................................................................................................71
Chapter 10 - Data Commands............................................................................................................................72
Using AT Commands During a Data Connection...........................................................................................72
DTE-DCE Character Framing +ICF ..............................................................................................................76
DTE-DCE Local Flow Control +IFC...............................................................................................................77
Set DCD Signal &C.......................................................................................................................................77
Set DTR Signal &D.......................................................................................................................................78
Set DSR Signal &S.......................................................................................................................................78
Back to Online Mode O.................................................................................................................................78
Result Code Suppression Q..........................................................................................................................78
DCE Response Format V..............................................................................................................................79
Echo E ..........................................................................................................................................................79
Save Configuration &W.................................................................................................................................81
Chapter 12 - Phone Book Commands...............................................................................................................82
Delete Calls From Phonebook +WDCP........................................................................................................86
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Table of Contents
Chapter 13 - Position Determination.................................................................................................................87
(GPS) AT Commands..........................................................................................................................................87
Position Determination Session Type +WPDST ...........................................................................................87
Position Determination Operating Mode +WPDOM......................................................................................88
Position Determination Data Download +WPDDD........................................................................................88
Position Determination Fix Rate +WPDFR ...................................................................................................89
Position Determination Privacy Level +WPDPL............................................................................................89
Position Determination NV Privacy Level +WPPRV......................................................................................89
Position Determination Transport Setting +WPTLM......................................................................................90
Position Determination Start Session +WPDSS ...........................................................................................91
Position Determination End Session +WPDES.............................................................................................91
Position Determination Start Session Result +WPDSS ................................................................................92
Set IP Address of gpsOne Session +WPDIP................................................................................................93
Set Port of gpsOne Session +WPDPT..........................................................................................................93
Chapter 14 - Specific AT Commands ................................................................................................................94
Request Model Identification +WGMM..........................................................................................................94
Cell Environment and RxLev Indication +CCED...........................................................................................94
Analog Digital Converters Measurements +ADC..........................................................................................96
Mobile Equipment Event Reporting +CMER.................................................................................................96
Read GPIO Value +WIOR ............................................................................................................................97
Write GPIO Value +WIOW............................................................................................................................97
Play Tone +WTONE .....................................................................................................................................98
Play DTMF Tone +WDTMF ..........................................................................................................................99
Hardware Version +WHWV ..........................................................................................................................99
Select Voice Gain +WSVG .........................................................................................................................100
Status Request +WSTR..............................................................................................................................100
Ring Indicator Mode +WRIM.......................................................................................................................101
Last SIM Toolkit Indication:.......................................................................................................................... 116
SIM ToolKit Get Information +STGI)...........................................................................................................117
Unsolicited Result: SIM ToolKit Control Response (+STCR)......................................................................120
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Table of Contents
SIM ToolKit Give Response (+STGR).........................................................................................................121
Chapter 16 - Provisioning AT Commands ......................................................................................................124
Service Programming Code +WSPC..........................................................................................................124
Mobile Directory Number +WMDN..............................................................................................................124
Set IMSI +WIMI...........................................................................................................................................125
SID and NID +WSID ...................................................................................................................................125
Access Overload Class +WAOC.................................................................................................................126
Slot Cycle Index +WSCI..............................................................................................................................126
Reset to Default Configuration Z0...............................................................................................................131
Select Tone Dialing T..................................................................................................................................131
Error Control Operation +EB.......................................................................................................................133
Numeric Parameter Control +EFCS............................................................................................................133
Error Control Report +ER............................................................................................................................134
Error Control Selection +ES........................................................................................................................134
Error Control Selection +ESR.....................................................................................................................135
Error Control Selection +ETBM...................................................................................................................135
Query Service +CAD...................................................................................................................................140
Um Interface Data Compression Reporting +CDR.......................................................................................140
Um Interface Data Compression +CDS........................................................................................................141
Set Rm Interface Protocol +CRM................................................................................................................141
Command State Inactivity Timer +CQD......................................................................................................142
Mobile Station IP Address +CMIP...............................................................................................................142
Base Station IP Address +CBIP..................................................................................................................143
Serving System +CSS ........................................................................................................... .....................144
Current Active Profile $QCMIPEP...............................................................................................................159
Return Profile Information $QCMIPGETP...................................................................................................160
Set NAI for Active Profile $QCMIPNAI........................................................................................................160
Set Reverse Tunneling $QCMIPRT............................................................................................................161
Set MN-AAA Shared Secrets $QCMIPMASS.............................................................................................161
Set MN-HA Shared Secrets $QCMIPMHSS...............................................................................................162
Set MN-AAA Shared Secrets $QCMIPMASSX...........................................................................................162
Set MN-HA Shared Secrets $QCMIPMHSSX.............................................................................................163
Set MN-AAA Shared Secrets $QCMIPMASPI............................................................................................163
Set MN-HA Shared Secrets $QCMIPMHSPI..............................................................................................164
Set Primary HA IP Address $QCMIPPHA...................................................................................................164
Set Secondary HA IP Address $QCMIPSHA..............................................................................................165
Set Home HA IP Address $QCMIPHA........................................................................................................165
Chapter 20 - Reference Information ................................................................................................................166
MS Error Result Code : +CME ERROR: <error>.........................................................................................166
Message Service Failure Result Code: +CMS ERROR :<error>.................................................................167
Specific Error Result Codes.........................................................................................................................167
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA Wireless AT Commands - PN S000294C 8
Final Result Codes.......................................................................................................................................167
Intermediate Result Codes...........................................................................................................................168
Set Phone Functionality +CFUN................................................................................................. ................188
Signal Quality +CSQ...................................................................................................................................188
Mobile Directory Number +WMDN..............................................................................................................190
Serving System +CSS ........................................................................................................... .....................191
Packet Zone Identifier +PZID......................................................................................................................192
Display PRI Checksum +WSUM.................................................................................................................194
Reset MIN and MDN to factory defaults +WRMM.......................................................................................195
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA Wireless AT Commands - PN S000294C 10
Chapter 1 - Introduction
The AT command set is one of the main interfaces for the modem to interact with an external application
layer. CDMA AT commands are defined in TIA/EIA/IS707.3. However, as the wireless applications increase,
TIA/EIA/IS707.3 is not sufficient. In addition, a lot of GSM applications already exist and GSM customers
would like to maintain the same interface in order to make no or minimum changes to the applications to be
used with CDMA modem. To meet the all these needs, CDMA AT command set is designed to cover:
1) IS707.3 AT commands;
2) GSM 07.07 when applicable;
3) GSM 07.05 when applicable,
4) ITU-T v25 when applicable;
5) Proprietary AT set;
6) Customer specific AT commands;
7) Qualcomm defined AT commands.
Please note that in several instances, the GSM 7.07 and 7.05 specifications could not be followed because
of fundamental differences between CDMA and GSM call processing behaviors. In these cases, minimal
changes were made to the GSM-related commands.
Scope of This Document
This document describes the CDMA AT command, its syntax, its responses, and result codes. It serves as
the reference for wireless application development based on the CDMA modem and for its integration and
testing. The intended audience is expected to be familiar with CDMA data services protocol and AT modem
This document is also intended for use in the North American market. SIM/R-UIM and its related AT
commands are not documented here.
Related References
This interface specification is based on the following recommendations or standards:
1. ETSI GSM 07.05: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Use of DTE-DCE interface for
Short Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS)
2. ETSI GSM 07.07: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); AT command set for GSM
Mobile Equipment (ME)
3. ITU-T Recommendation V.25 ter: Serial asynchronous automatic dialing and control
4. ETSI GSM 03.40: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Technical implementation of the
Short Message Service (SMS) Point-to-Point (PP)
5. ETSI GSM 03.38: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Alphabets and language-
specific information
6. ETSI GSM 04.80: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2): Mobile radio interface layer 3,
Supplementary service specification, Formats and coding
7. TIA/EIA/IS-707.3: Data Service Options for Wideband Spread Spectrum Systems: AT Command
Processing and the Rm Interface
8. Qualcomm Application Note (CL93-V0327-1 X10): AT COMMANDS FOR DMSS
9. IS-131: Data Transmissions Systems and Equipment – Extensions to Asynchronous Dialing and Control.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA Wireless AT Commands - PN S000294C 11
Chapter 1 - Introduction
This is an alphabetical list of terms and acronyms used throughout this document and the CDMA cellular
2G: Second Generation. All digital cellular systems developed to replace the first analog cellular
systems. )GSN and CDMA).
3G: Third Generation. Next generation digital cellular systems designed to have high-speed data
access and higher voice capacity (W CDNA & CDNA2000).
CBM: Cell Broadcast Message. Ah SMS message that is broadcast to all mobiles on the network
CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access. CDMA is a spread spectrum, digital wireless modulation
scheme for cellular communications systems. It has approximately 3 times the voice
capacity of GSM networks. Se IS-95, IS-95B, IS-2000.
CDMA2000: See IS-2000.
DCE: Data Communications Equipment. This is the modem in the traditional serial communication
paradigm of a computer connected via two modems to another computer.
DTE: Data Terminal Equipment. This is the computer in the traditional serial communication
paradigm of a computer connected via two modems to another computer.
DTMF: Dual Tone Multi-Frequency: A pre-defined set of tones sent over the air when keys are
pressed on the keypad.
Handset (Path): The audio path (microphone & speaker) that connects to a traditional hand held telephone
receiver, usually dual balanced electrical lines.
Headset (Path): The audio path (microphone & speaker) that connects to an earpiece with a microphone,
usually single electrical lines.
IMSI: International Mobile Station IS. This is an international 15 digital phone number that uniquely
identifies a mobile. IMSI=MCC + MNC + MIN.
IOTA: Internet Over The Air.
IS-95: The first CDMA standard published by Qualcomm in 1993.
IS-95A: A CDMA standard with improved voice quality. This standard is widely used throughout the
IS-95B: This CDMA standard contains Medium Data Rate capabilities and bug fixes for system
access failures. It is considered a 2.5G system. This standard is mostly deployed in Korea.
IS-2000: The first 3G CDMA standard based on IS-95B. It contains a significant increase in voice
capacity and high-speed data rates. It is backward compatible with IS-95B and IS-95A. The
DCMA is IS-2000 compatible.
IS-707: TIA/EIA/IS-707 describes data services available on wideband spread spectrum systems. It
is organized into a series of related recommendations, some of which address functions
common to all CDMA data services and others that describe a specific data service.
MCC: Mobile Country Code. A pre-defined 30-digital number that represents a country in the IMSI.
MIN: Mobile IS Number: The traditional 10 digit phone number of the mobile.
MNC: Mobile Network Code. A pre-defined 2-digital number that represents a sub-network in the
IMSI (usually set to “00”).
MO: Mobile Originated. An action (usually a call) that is first started from the phone. An outgoing
call or SMS>
MS: Mobile Station. The term MS is commonly used to represent the phone or mobile.
MT: Mobile Terminated: An action usually a call) that is first started from a land based network.
An incoming call or SMS.
MSM: Mobile Station Modem. This is the main processing ASIC for a CDMA phone.
NAM: Number Assignment Modem. The NAM is collection of internal parameters that define a
working phone for a given network (phone number, access parameters, etc.).
NID: Network ID. The NID is an identification number that represents geographic location of a
common coverage area; but is a subset of the SID, usually a neighborhood in a large city.
NID is usually not used and is set to zero. Also se SID
NV-RAM: Non-Volatile Random Access Memory, NV-RAM is a data storage device that does not lose
it’s data when power is turned off.
OTAPA: Over The Air Parameter Administration. An automatic update in internal software parameters
(PRL for example) by means of a specially defined CDMA data call that is mobile terminated
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA Wireless AT Commands - PN S000294C 12
Chapter 1 - Introduction
OTASP: Over The Air Service Programming. An automatic update in internal software parameters
PRL for example) by means of a specially defined CDMA data call that is mobile terminated
PDU: A GSM SMS standard where any type of binary data can be transported via an SMS
message. In the CDMA system, the PDU mode will not be supported; instead, the Unicode
format message is supported.
PN Offset: Pseudorandom Noise Offset: In a CDMA network the PN offset is a variable time delay
offset of a repeating random noise generator that is used to distinguish individual sectors of
a base station.
P-REV: The CDMA revision of the mobile or base station.
PRL: Preferred Roaming List. The PRL is a collection of Frequencies, SIDs and NIDs that the call
processing software uses to search for approved and unapproved CDMA networks. The
PRL is loaded into the phone and is saved in NV-RAM.
PSTN: Public Switching Telephone Network. The traditional telephone network.
RF: Radio Frequency.
RSSI: Receive Signal Strength Indicator: This parameter represents the total RF received signal
power from the base station(s) the mobile sees.
SID: System ID. The SID is an identification number that represents geographic locations of a
common coverage area, usually a large city. Also see NID.
SMS: Short Messaging Service; A supplement service that is capable of sending and receiving
short length text messages to/from the mobile.
TA/TE: Terminal Application/Terminal Equipment. This is the end “device” (combination of hardware
and software) that communicates with a modem via a serial link. In this context, it is the
device (PDA/Computer) connected to the WISMO Quik. Also see DTE.
TON/NPI: Type Of Number/Numbering Plan Identification.
V24-V25: A data compression algorithm.
V42: A data compression algorithm.
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Chapter 2 – At Command Features
Line Settings
A serial link handler is set with the following default values (factory settings): 115,200bps, 8 bits data, 1 stop
bit, no parity, RTS/CTS flow control.
Please use the +IPR, +IFC and +ICF commands to change these settings.
Command Line
Commands always start with AT (which means ATtention) and finish with a <CR> character.
Information Responses and Result Codes
Responses start and end with <CR><LF>, except for the ATV0 (response format) and the ATQ1 (result code
suppression) commands.
• If command syntax is incorrect, an ERROR string is returned.
• If extended error reports are enabled (+CMEE), the +CME ERROR: <Err> or +CMS ERROR: <SmsErr>
strings are returned with different error codes. Refer to the appendix for a definition of error codes and
their meanings.
•If the command line has been performed successfully, an OK string is returned.
In the following examples <CR> and <CR><LF> are intentionally omitted.
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Chapter 3 – Unsolicited AT Result Codes
This section describes unsolicited AT codes that are sent to the modem as the result of an AT command or
network notification. These commands are used throughout the sections of this document. Refer to this
section for an explanation on any unsolicited command that is mentioned in the subsequent sections for
result code range and value definitions.
Cell Broadcast Message Directly Displayed +CBM
Description: This response indicates a Cell Broadcast message has been received and according to the
message storage preferences (+CNMI), is to be directly displayed.
Values: <oa> Originator Address
<scts> Service Center Time Stamp in string format : “yy/MM/dd,hh :mm :ss±zz”
<tooa> Type-of-Address of <oa>
<lang> Language
<encod> Encoding method
<length> The number of characters in the following <data> field
Example Result
+CBM: “123456”,”98/10/01,12 :3000+00”,129,1,2,5<CR><LF>
Note: Cell broadcast message received
Cell Broadcast Message Stored in Memory +CBMI
Description: This response indicates a Cell Broadcast message has been received and according to the
Values: <mem> NVRAM storage area (always “BC” for this response)
Syntax: Response syntax: +CBMI: <mem>,<index>
message storage preferences (+CNMI), is to be stored in memory.
<index>location of message within storage area
Example Result
+CBMI: “BC”,5
Note: Cell broadcast message received and stored in “BC” memory at index 5
Cell Environment Description Indication +CCED
This response is used to return information that has been requested by the +CCED AT command. Refer to
the +CCED AT command in chapter 14 for more information and a definition of the returned values.
Syntax: Response syntax: +CCED: <requested dump>
Example Result
+CCED: 1,725,4,65535,6,,0,,,-104,-35,-63
Note: Cell environment description indication in response to AT+CCED=0,1
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA Wireless AT Commands - PN S000294C 15
Chapter 3 – Unsolicited AT Result Codes
Call Waiting Indication +CCWA
Description: This response indicates that another incoming call is occurring during an existing call. See
+WFSH, Send Flash to Base Station in chapter 9 for information about handling call-waiting
message storage preferences (+CNMI), is to be directly displayed.
Example Result
+CMT: “123456”,”98/10/01,12 :3000+00”,129,1,2,0,”5550000”,5<CR><LF>
Note: Incoming message received
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Chapter 3 – Unsolicited AT Result Codes
Incoming Message Stored in Memory +CMTI
Description: This response indicates that an incoming message has been received and according to the
message storage preferences (+CNMI), is to be stored in memory.
Value: <mem> NVRAM storage area (always “MT” for this response)
<index> location of message within storage area
Syntax: Response syntax: +CMTI: <mem>,<index>
Example Result
+CMTI: “MT”,5
Note: Incoming message received and stored in “MT” memory at index 5
Mode Preference +COPS
Description: This response indicates that a change in mode preference has taken place. See +COPS,
Mode Preferences, in chapter 6 for information about Changing Mode Preference.
Values: <mode> (For System Determination 2.0)
0: Automatic.
1: CDMA only.
2: CDMA or AMPS only.
3: Analog only.
0: Permanent – this mode persists until another +COPS command is issued
1: Power cycle – this mode persists until power cycle is performed
Syntax: Response syntax: +COPS: <mode>,<term>
Example Result
Note: Unsolicited +COPS result confirms Automatic mode is requested.
Note: Unsolicited +COPS result confirms CDMA or AMPS only mode is requested.
Registration & Roaming +CREG
Description: This response indicates the current state of roaming. See +COPS, Mode Preferences, in
chapter 6 for information about Changing Mode Preference
Values: <stat>
0: not registered, MS is not currently searching for a new operator.
1: registered, home network.
2: not registered, MS currently searching for a base station.
4: unknown.
5: registered, roaming
Syntax: Response syntax: +CREG: <stat>
Example Result
+CREG: 1
Note: Modem has found the home network and is registered.
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Chapter 3 – Unsolicited AT Result Codes
Incoming Call +CRING
Description: This response indicates an incoming call. See +CRC, Cellular Result Codes, in chapter 10
for information about enabling this result.
Values: <type>
VOICE: normal voice call
DATA: all types of data calls
FAX: all types of fax calls
OTAPA: over the air parameter administration call
TEST: markov, loopback, or test call
Syntax: Response syntax: +CRING: <Type>
Example Result
Note: Incoming normal voice call.
RxLev Indication +CSQ
Description: This response is used to return information that has been requested by the +CCED AT
command. Refer to the +CCED AT command in chapter 14 (Cell Environment and RxLev
Indication) for command usage information.
Values: <rssi>:
0-31: Valid value ranges. Exact meaning of the value shall be manufacturer defined.
The lowest value is 0 and the highest is 31.
99: Represents signal quality unknown.
99: Not known or not detectable Currently always returns 99.
Syntax: Response syntax: +CSQ: <rssi>,<fer>
Example Result
+CSQ: 29, 99
Note: RSSI notification
Incoming Call +RING
Description: This response indicates an incoming call.
Syntax: Response syntax: +RING
Example Result
Note: Incoming Call
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Chapter 3 – Unsolicited AT Result Codes
Call Answered +WANS
Description: This response indicates that a voice call has been answered.
Values: <call type>
0: incoming call
1: outgoing call answered by other party (only available on networks supporting
answering supervision for payphone applications)
Syntax: Response syntax: +WANS:<call type>
Command Possible Responses
Note: Incoming call answered
Call Connected +WCNT
Description: This unsolicited command indicates that an incoming or outgoing voice call has been
connected into a traffic channel state. If the service option is not available, +WCNT: will
output “NULL”.
Values: <so> Service option of call.
Speech: 3, 17, 32768
Loopback: 2, 9, 55
OTAPA: 18, 19
Position Determination: 35, 36
Syntax: Response syntax: +WCNT: <so>
Command Possible Responses
ATD18005551212; OK
Note: Call Connected with service option 3
Call Ended +WEND
Description: This response indicates that a voice call or attempt to establish a voice call has ended.
20: Phone is CDMA locked
21: Phone has no service
22: Call Faded/Dropped
23: Received Intercept from Base Station
24: Received Reorder from Base Station
25: Received a Release from Base Station (This is a normal call termination).
26: Service Option rejected by Base Station
27: Received Incoming Call
28: Received an alert stop from Base Station
29: Software ended the call (Normal release).
30: Received End Activation – OTASP calls only.
31: Internal Software aborted the origination/call.
32: Maximum Access probes exhausted (The modem failed to contact the Base Station)
34: RUIM not present
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Chapter 3 – Unsolicited AT Result Codes
35: Origination already in progress
36: General Access Failure
37: Received retry order (IS-2000 only).
Syntax: Response syntax: +WEND: <reason>
Command Possible Responses
ATD18005551212; OK
Note: Call Ended with a normal release
Note: Call failed because the signal faded.
Feature Notification Message +WFNM
Description: This response displays a broadcast message that the carrier may send to all mobiles in an
Syntax: Response Syntax: +WFNM=”<message>”
emergency. This event is required for CDMA specifications.
Command Possible Responses
+WFNM=”Help, I have fallen and I can’t get up!”
Flash Indication +WFSH
Description: This response confirms that a flash has been sent to the base station. See +WFSH
command, Chapter 9, for more information on using flash commands.
Syntax: Response Syntax: +WFSH
Command Possible Responses
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Chapter 3 – Unsolicited AT Result Codes
General Indicator +WIND
Description: This is a general mechanism to send unsolicited non-standardized indications to the
application. The identified unsolicited non-standardized indications are:
• Indication during mobile originated call setup that the calling party is ringing.
• Indication of the availability of the product to receive AT commands after boot.
The +WIND is overloaded with two functionalities:
1) posts non-standardized indications and
2) allows the user to specify indication level. For each of these indications, a “bit flow” has
to be indicated.
Values: <IndLevel>
1 (bit-0): R-UIM Presence
2 (bit-1): Reserved
4 (bit-2): Reserved
8 (bit-3): Indication that the product is ready to process all AT commands
16 (bit-4): Reserved
32 (bit-5): Reserved
64 (bit-6): Network service available indication
128 (bit-7): Network lost indication
256 (bit-8): Reserved
512 (bit-9): Reserved
1024 (bit-10): Corrupted RF calibration values (checksum mismatch)
Note 1: If <IndLevel> is equal to 0, no unsolicited “+WIND: <IndNb>” will occur.
Note 2: If <IndLevel> bit 10 is set, the modem will transition to OFFLINE mode.
A combination (addition of the values) is used to allow more than one indication flow. 0 <
d Level ¡Ü 2047 For example: 128 (network lost indication) + 64 (network service available
indication) = 192.
The response is OK if the values are in the previous range.
The unsolicited response will then be: +WIND : <event>
Example Result
Note: General indication that AT commands are ready to be accepted
The supported events are:
0: R-UIM not present
1: R-UIM present
2: Reserved
4: Reserved
16: Reserved
32: Reserved
64: The network service is available for an emergency call.
128: The network is lost.
256: Reserved
512: Reserved
1024: Corrupted RF calibration values (checksum mismatch)
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Chapter 3 – Unsolicited AT Result Codes
Syntax: Command syntax: AT+WIND=<IndLevel>
Command Possible Responses
Note: Show current setting.
Note: Show <IndLevel> range.
Note: Turn on Network lost indication only.
Note: Default 8. (9 if RUIM is present)
+WIND: (0-2047)
Note: Command accepted.
Call Originated +WORG
Description: This response indicates that an attempt to establish a voice call has occurred.
Syntax: Response Syntax: +WORG: <number>
Command Possible Responses
Note: <number> is the dialing string sent to the base station. You may see extra numbers before the
intended dialing string, this is a result of pre-pended numbers or other call options such as +CLIR.
Call Privacy Indication +WPRV
Description: This response confirms that the call privacy level has changed during a call.
Syntax: Response Syntax: +WPRV: <prv>
Command Possible Responses
+WPRV: 1
0: Indicates normal privacy
1: Indicates enhanced privacy
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Chapter 3 – Unsolicited AT Result Codes
Roaming Indication +WROM
Description: This response indicates that the roaming status has changed.
3: Out of Neighborhood
4: Out of Building
5: Roaming - Preferred System
6: Roaming - Available System
7: Roaming - Alliance Partner
8: Roaming - Premium Partner
9: Roaming - Full Service Functionality
10: Roaming - Partial Service Functionality
11: Roaming Banner On
12: Roaming Banner Off
13 – 63: Reserved for Standard Enhanced Roaming Indicator Numbers
64 – 127: Reserved for Non-Standard Enhanced Roaming Indicator Numbers
128 - 255: Reserved
Emergency Mode +WSOS
Description: This unsolicited command indicates a change in the status of Emergency Mode has taken
place. In the event that Emergency Mode is entered as the result of an emergency call, this
response will be sent to indicate that the modem is now in emergency mode. After this point,
to exit the modem out of Emergency Mode, an AT+WSOS or AT+COPS command must be
sent, which will result in a +WSOS response to confirm that Emergency Mode has been
exited. See +WSOS, section for more information about Emergency Mode.
Values: The parameters values are the following ones:
Emergency Mode is entered
Note: Exit Emergency Mode
Note: While in Emergency Mode, the mode
preference is changed, resulting in Emergency
Mode being exited
Note: Unsolicited +WSOS result confirms
Emergency Mode is exited
Note: Unsolicited +WSOS result confirms
emergency mode exited and unsolicited +COPS
result confirms Automatic mode is requested
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Current NAM Change +WNAM
Description: This response indicates that the current NAM has changed.
Syntax: Response Syntax: +WNAM: <nam>
Command Possible Responses
1: NAM 1
2: NAM 2
3: NAM 3
4: NAM 4
Voice Mail Indicator +WVMI
Description: This response indicates the status of the Voicemail Inbox.
Syntax: Response syntax: +WVMI: <LineId>,<Num>
Command Possible Responses
+WVMI: 1,2
Note: 2 messages are in your voicemail box.
Chapter 3 – Unsolicited AT Result Codes
SMS Message Storage Full +WMGF
Description: This response indicates that the SMS Service Center has attempted to send an SMS
message but it was rejected because SMS Message Storage is Full. No new SMS
messages will be received until some room is created by deleting old messages from SMS
Values: <LineId>
1: Line 1
The number of messages waiting in the inbox. Maximum value is 99.
Syntax: Response Syntax: +WMGF
storage. Message deletion can be done using AT+CMGD.
0: No message waiting.
1: One message is waiting
3: Three messages are waiting
AT+CPHS? Interrogate the status of CPHS functionality
+CPHS: 1,0 The voice mail indicator functionality is deactivated
AT+CPHS=3,1 Syntax error
AT+CPHS=1,1 Activate the voice mail indicator functionality
AT+CPHS? Interrogate the status of CPHS functionality
+CPHS: 1,1 The voice mail indicator functionality is activated
**** the message box contains 1 message *****
+WVMI: 1,1 A message is waiting on Line 1
AT+CPHS=2,1 Interrogate the status of voice mail indicator functionality
+WVMI: 1,1 A message is waiting on LINE 1
AT+CPHS? Interrogate the status of CPHS functionality
+CPHS: 1,1 The voice mail indicator functionality is activated
Example Result
Note: Incoming message rejected. Message center notified with “out of resources” message.
Message center will attempt to re-send the message at a later time.
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Chapter 3 – Unsolicited AT Result Codes
Power Save +WSPS
Description: This response is output whenever a change occurs in the power save status. The +WSPS
Note: This response is not used in Verizon software versions.
Syntax: Response Syntax: +WSPS: <state>
0: Leaving power save
1: Entering power save
command can also be used to exit power save mode.
Command Possible responses
+WSPS: 1
Note: Entering power save mode.
Note: Send command to leave power save mode.
Note: Display current power mode state.
+WSPS: 0
Note: Command accepted.
+WSPS: 0
Note: Leaving power save mode.
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Chapter 4 – General Commands
Request Revision Identification +CGMR
Description: This command is used to display the operating software version.
Syntax: Command syntax: AT+CGMR
Command Possible Responses
Note: Get software version
+CGMR: S/W VER: WISMOQ WQ1.1 Mar 20 2002 17:30:00
Note: Software Version WISMOQ, revision WQ1.1 generated
on the March 20th, 2002 at 17:30:00
Electronic Serial Number +CGSN
Description: This command allows the user application to get the ESN of the product. The ESN value is
displayed in hexadecimal format.
Syntax: Command syntax: AT+CGSN
Command Possible Responses
Note: Get the ESN
+CGSN: FE7A7704
Note: ESN read from NV
Select TE Character Set +CSCS
Description: This command informs the MS which character set is in use by the TE. The MS uses this
information to convert each character of entered or displayed text data. The character set is
Values: <Character Set>
“CDMA” CDMA default (ASCII) character set.
“CUST” Custom character set.
Syntax: Command syntax: AT+CSCS=<Character Set>
used for send, read or write of short messages.
Command Possible Responses
Note: CDMA default alphabet
Note: Custom character set
Note: Get possible values
Note: Command valid
Note: Command valid
Note: Possible values
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Chapter 4 – General Commands
Request IMSI +CIMI
Description: This command is used to read and identify the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber
Identity) of the modem. The PIN may need to be entered using the CPIN command before
Syntax:Command syntax: AT+CIMI
reading the IMSI.
Command Possible Responses
Note: Read the IMSI
+CIMI: 310008585551212
Note: IMSI value (15 digits)
Capabilities List +GCAP
Description: This command gets the complete list of capabilities.
Syntax: Command syntax: AT+GCAP
Command Possible Responses
Note: Get capabilities list
Repeat Last Command A/
Description: This command repeats the previous command. Only the A/ command itself cannot be
Syntax: Command syntax: A/
Command Possible Responses
Note: Repeat last command
Phone Offline +CPOF
Description: This command sends all CDMA software stack tasks offline. AT command can still be
received, however, there is no RF functionality. The AT+CFUN=0 command is equivalent to
Syntax:Command syntax: AT+CPOF
Command Possible Responses
Note: Stop CDMA stack
Note: Command valid
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Chapter 4 – General Commands
Set Phone Functionality +CFUN
Description: This command selects the mobile station’s level of functionality. AT+CFUN=0 is equivalent
The AT+CFUN=1 (by default, AT+CFUN will act the same as AT+CFUN=1) command
restarts the entire CDMA stack and CDMA functionality: a complete software reset is performed. In addition, the OK response will be sent at the last baud rate defined by the
+IPR command.
0: Set the phone to OFFLINE mode.
1: Set the phone to ONLINE mode and resets the stet.
Command Possible Responses
Note: Ask for current functionality level
Note: Set phone offline
Note: Set phone ONLINE. A software reset is performed.
+CFUN: 1
Note: Full functionality
Note: Command valid
Note: Command valid
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Phone Activity Status +CPAS
Description: This command returns the activity status of the mobile equipment.
Values <pas>
0: ready (allow commands from TA/TE)
1: unavailable (does not allow commands)
2: unknown
3 ringing (ringer is active)
4: call in progress
5: asleep (low functionality)
6: corrupted RF calibration values (checksum mismatch)
Syntax: Command syntax: AT+CPAS
Command Possible Responses
Note: Current activity status
+CPAS: <pas>
Chapter 4 – General Commands
Report Mobile Equipment Errors +CMEE
Description: This command disables or enables the use of the “+CME ERROR : <xxx>” or “+CMS
ERROR :<xxx>” result code instead of simply “ERROR”. See chapter 20 (MS Error Result
Codes) for +CME ERROR result codes description and chapter 20 (Message Service Failure
Result Codesfor +CMS ERROR result codes.
Command Possible Responses
Note: Disable MS error reports, use only « ERROR »
Note: Enable «+CME ERROR: <xxx>» or «+CMS ERROR: <xxx>»
Keypad Control +CKPD
Description: This command emulates the MS keypad by sending each keystroke as a character in a
<keys> string.
If emulation fails, a +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. If emulation succeeds, the result
depends on the CDMA sequence activated: <keys>: string of the following characters (09,*,#).
Syntax: Command syntax: AT+CKPD=<keys>
Command Possible Responses
Note: Key sequence allowed
Note: Sequence not allowed
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