Parts & Service Communicator
Subject: Carbonation T est Procedures
The following tests will provide data that shows carbonation levels of a given soda product. Varying from test procedures will
greatly affect the results of the test. It is important to read through the procedure s and understan d how to use the test
equipment before testing. The unit being tested should be clean a nd installed according to manufacturer s specifications along
with all installed components.
The test equipment should be in calibration and clean. The carbonation tester will malfunction if not cleaned after use. Hot tap
water can be used to rinse inside of carbonation tester and glass jar for cleaning. When clea ning carbonation tester, do not
allow pressure gauge to be submerged in wate r . The temperature sensing devices should be tested in an ice bath to check for
calibration before testing.
Equipment Required
Tester, Fountain Cup. Part# T-03-567 http ://terriss.com/
B. Thermometer – Needs to read in graduations of 1 degree or less.
C. Ice Bath – Used to check thermometer and for chilling
carbonation tester while performing test.
D. 24 oz. Paper Cups – A new cup should be used for each sample
taken from test unit. Cups should be waxed lined.
E. Test unit.
T est Prep aratio n
1. Insure test equipment is calibrated and clean.
2. Prepare an ice bath large enough for both halves of carbonation teste r
to fit in.
3. Check unit installation and unit setup. Make sure it complies
manufacturers specifications. This would include checking BIB
pressure, CO
4. Once the unit has been installed, unit should be allowed to operate
under normal conditions for approximately 2 hours before testing. This
should eliminate any air in the plumbing that might have been
introduced during installation. This time may vary de pending on usage
and air in plumbing.
2 pressure and water pressure going to unit.
Manitowoc Beverage Systems Sellersburg, 2100 Future Drive, Sellersburg, IN 47172, Tel: 812-246-7000, www.manitowocbeverage.com

Carbonation Test Procedures SII-017 8/09
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Tilted Cup At Valve Test
1. Chill carbonation tester by placing both halves in an ice bath. Chill
tester all the way to the top but do not allow gauge to be submerged.
See Fig. 1.
2. Draw 5 – 12oz. Drinks from the valve to be tested in 60-second
intervals. This will prepare the unit chilling all components to a
consistent temperature. Measure temperature each draw with
thermometer and record.
3. Tilt a 24 oz. W axed lined p aper cup undernea th and against nozzle of
valve to be tested. While dispensing soda it should flow down the
inside of cup. See Fig. 2. Dispense until cup is half full. Once flow has
started do not stop until cup is at desired level.
4. Remove glass jar from ice bath. Slowly and carefully pour the contents
into the glass jar allowing soda to flow consistently down the inside.
See Fig. 3. Fill the glass jar till overflowing.
5. Assembly other half of tester carefully together and clamp the tester
closed. This should be down with no sudden movements, as this will
cause CO
2 to escape from the soda prematurely.
6. Burp the tester . This is done by mom entarily depressing the button on
top the pressure relief valve. See Fig. 4. Watch the pressure gauge
while doing this, it should drop to 0 PSI.
7. Shake the tester vigorously for 20 seconds. Read an d record both
pressure gauge and dial thermometer.
8. Determine the carbonation level by using the carbonation chart
provided. Record this value.
9. Take a minimum of 10 readings. A verage all 10 r eadings to represent
the carbonation level. Be sure to agitate ice every other draw. All
recorded data should be put on Form CCT. Remember to clean all test
equipment when finished.
Cup On Grid Without Ice T est
1. Chill carbonation tester by placing both halves in an ice bath. Chill
tester all the way to the top but do not allow gauge to be submerged.
See Fig. 1.
2. Draw 5 – 12oz. Drinks from the valve to be tested in 60-second
intervals. This will prepare the unit chilling all components to a
consistent temperature. Measure temperature each draw with
thermometer and record.
3. Place a 24 oz. Waxed lined pa per cup underneath valve on the grid.
While dispensing soda it should flow into center of cup. See Fig. 5.
Dispense until foam is level with top of cup. Once flow has started do
not stop until cup is at desired level. Measure height of foam and
4. Remove glass jar from ice bath. Slowly and carefully pour the contents
into the glass jar allowing soda to flow consistently down the inside.
See Fig. 3. Fill the glass jar till overflowing.
Manitowoc Foodservice Sellersburg, 2100 Future Drive, Sellersburg, IN 47172, Tel: 812-246-7000, www.manitowocbeverage.com