Subject: AuCS Systems Sanitize
Bottle replacements for AuCS-A &
94-0546-3 Cleaner: 16 oz Bottle
94-0565-3 Sanitizer: 16 oz Bottle
Bottle replacements for AuCS-SI
40-1326-3 Cleaner: 16 oz Bottle
40-1327-3 Sanitizer: 16 oz Bottle
Manitowoc Beverage Systems have received concerned reports from
customers that installation and servicing companies are not using Manitowo c
cleaner or sanitizer in AuCS system installations.
If you are installing Manitowoc ice makers with an AuCS system, there is
coupon inside is for Manitowoc products, not off-brand products. Only
approved Manitowoc products are to be used for cleaning and/or sanitizing.
Use of non-Manitowoc products will void the NSF approval, and may void the
equipment warranty.
Use ONL Y Manitowoc approved prod ucts during an inst allation. If you have any
questions, please refer to the service manual or contact your nearest Manitowoc
Distributor or Manitowoc Ice at 920-682-0161. It is imperative this be followed.
Contact Manitowoc Beverage Systems Service Sellersburg Indiana if you have
any questions or concerns: 800-367-0427.
Parts & Service Communicator
Manitowoc Beverage Systems Sellersburg, 2100 Future Drive, Sellersburg, IN 47172, Tel: 812-246-7000, www.manitowocbeverage.com