The Beverage Solution Experts
Wall Mount Shelf Brackets
w Supports Soda Factory Model 11 Refrigeration Unit,
Beermaster Model 150 Glycol Unit, Hydro-Chil
Model HC340, and High Capacity Hydro-Chil
Model SC340.
w Stainless Steel construction.
w Mounts into wall studs.
P.N. SS206730
w Supports Soda Factory Model 2803 Refrigeration
Unit, Beermaster Model 75 Glycol Unit, and HydroChil Model HC180.
w Stainless Steel construction.
w Mounts into wall studs.
P.N. 00214299
ES206730 Revision A (TFB/KAK) 10/06/99
In accordance with our policy of continuous product development and improvement, this information is subject to change at any time without notice.
Multiplex Company, Inc.
250 Old Ballwin Road w St. Louis, Missouri 63021 USA
Tel: +1.636.256.7777 w Fax: +1.636.527.4313
info@multiplex-beverage.com w www.multiplex-beverage.com
Multiplex GmbH
Boschstrasse 5 w D-63110 Rodgau (Weiskirchen) Germany
Tel: +49 6106-3001 w Fax: +49 6106-61686
info@multiplex-beverage.com w www.multiplex-beverage.com