Model 11
Multiplex Conversion
Make-Your-Own Root Beer
1. Turn off refrigeration unit.
4 switches located on
side of unit.
5. Remove lid from
refrigeration unit.
Sanitize root beer lines prior to beginning make-your-own conversion.
2. Disconnect syrup line
from root beer BIB.
6. Bleed root beer lines at
dispensing tower.
Pull tap down to drain
Hold open until root
beer no
Do not
bleed diet.
Refer to your Sanitizing Root Beer Lines procedure card for instructions.
3. Turn off Co2 at source.
7. Flip up safety valve in
refrigeration unit.
Leave valve open.
4. Turn off water at main
water supply.
8. Cut syrup line on outside
of refrigeration unit, as
close to BIB pump as
drainage. Use towel for
excess buildup and
drain into bucket.
9. Crimp pre-assembled
syrup line onto existing
In-line strainer end
should be attached to
transfer tank.
3/8” splicer and clamp.
13. Close safety valve from
step 7. Turn on Co2 and
water supply.
10. Cut Co2 line as close to
BIB pump as possible.
14. Place lid on refrigeration
unit and turn unit on.
11. Crimp preassembled Co2
line onto existing Co2 line.
1/4” splicer and clamp.
15. Run tap on root beer
tower for approximately
1 minute to replenish
12. Remove existing BIBs
and BIB lines; discard.
Keep BIB pump for
16. Check temperature and
brix of root beer.

Wunderbar (Model 38)
Multiplex Conversion
Make-Your-Own Root Beer
1. Turn off refrigeration unit.
4 switches located on
side of unit.
5. Relieve excess root beer
in lines from root beer test
Drain into cup.
Turn port off after
Sanitize root beer lines prior to beginning make-your-own conversion.
2. Disconnect syrup line
6. Remove lid from
Refer to your Sanitizing Root Beer Lines procedure card for instructions.
3. Turn off water supply.
from root beer BIB.
refrigeration unit.
Gray valve located on
back wall panel.
7. Turn off pressure
Record pressure reading
before shutting off.
(Ideal setting should be
at 35.)
4. Turn off root beer
Record pressure reading
before shutting off.
(Ideal setting should be
at 60.)
Twist knob until
regulator reads zero.
8. Pull tap on root beer
tower to ensure all root
beer components are off.
If root beer does not stop,
ensure that steps 1 - 7
have been completed
9. Bleed root beer lines at
dispensing tower.
Pull tap down to drain
Hold open until root beer
no longer flows under
Do not
bleed diet.
12. Attach opposite end to
preassembled line.
3/8” splicer and clamp.
10. Lift safety valve (in tank
B) to vent Co2.
Leave valve open.
13. Cut Co2 line connecting
to bottom of BIB pump.
Connect line to subassembled Co2 line.line.
1/4” splicer and clamp.
11 .a If backflow preventer is
present, disconnect syrup
line on top of BIB pump at
backflow preventer.
While compressing collar
into backflow preventer,
pull tubing out.
Insert gray guest fitting.
Spillage is common. Rest
unit’s lid or towel beneath
hookup to
catch syrup
14. Close safety valve from
step 10. Turn on all
regulators and water
valve. Turn on
refrigeration unit.
11 .b If no backflow preventer is
present,cut syrup line and
attach stainless steel barb
15. Run tap on root beer
tower for approximately
1 minute to replenish
Check temperature and
brix of root beer.