Multimetrix DMM 16 User Manual

DMM 16
User’s manual
190, rue Championnet
75876 PARIS Ced ex 18 - FRANCE
Tel.: +33 1 44 85 44 8 5 - Fax: +33 1 46 27 73 89
info@chau vin-arnou
Export: Tel.: +33 1 44 85 44 3 8 -Fax: +33 1 46 27 95 59
This device is compliant with safety standards IEC61010-1, 61010-2-032 and 61010-2-033 for voltages up to 300V in category III at an altitude below 2,000m, indoors, with a degree of pollution of not more than 2. These safety instructions are intended to ensure the safety of persons and proper operat ion of the dev ice. If t he device is used othe r than as spec ified in t his data s he et, the protec tion provided by the de vice may be i mpaired. The opera tor and/o r the res po nsible aut ho rity must carefully read and c learly
underst and the va rious prec autions to be taken i n use.
If you use this ins t rument othe r than as s pe cified, t he protec tion it prov ides may be
compromi s ed, ther eby endanger ing you.
Do not use the instrument in an explosive atmosphere or in the presence o f
flammable gases or fumes.
Do not use the instrument on networks of which the voltage or category exceeds
those mentioned.
Do not exceed the rated maximum voltages between terminals or with respect to
Do not us e the instrument if it seems to be damaged, incomplete, or poorly closed. Before eac h use, c hec k the co nditi on o f the ins ulatio n on t he le ads , hous ing, a nd
accesso ri es. Any ite m of whi ch t he i nsula ti on is dete rio rate d (e ven pa rti ally ) must be set aside for repair or scrapping.
Use leads and accessories rated for voltages and categories at least equal to
those of the instrument. If not, an accessory of a lower category reduces the category of the combined multimeter + accessory to that of the accessory.
Observe the environmental conditions of use. Do not modify the instrument and do not replace components with "equivalents".
Repair s and adjust me nt s must be done by appr o ved quali f ied pers onnel.
Replace the battery as soon as the
symbo l appe ars on t he dis play unit .
Disconne ct all leads before opening the battery compartment cover.
Use pers onal protec tive equipment when co nditions require . Keep your hands awa y from the unus ed test pr obes of the device. When handli ng the te st probes, crocodile clips, and c urrent sens or, keep yo ur
fingers behind the p hysica l gua rd.
Disconnect the test probes from the measurement circuit to make current
Disconnect the test probes from the measurement circuit before changing
functio ns.
CAT II: Circuits directly conne cted to the low-voltage insta llation. Example: power supply to electro -do mestic dev ices and por table tools.
CAT III: Po wer supply c ircuits in the installation o f the building. Example: distributio n panel, ci rcuit-bre a kers, mac hi nes or fixe d industri al devices.
CAT IV: Circuits supply ing the low -v oltage i nstalla t ion of the building. Example: power feeders, counters and protection devic es.
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You have just acquir ed a DMM16 multi meter a nd we thank you for your confidenc e. For best results f r om your ins trument:
Read t hes e operati ng instruc tions car efully; Comply wit h t he preca utions fo r use.
Risk of danger. The operator agrees to refer to these instructions wheneve r this danger symbol appe ars.
Applica tion or wit hdrawal aut horized on uninsulat ed or bare conducto rs at dangerous voltage s.
Battery The CE marki ng indic a tes conf o rmity wi th Europea n directiv es.
Double ins ulatio n or reinfo rced insula tion.
Select ive sorti ng of wastes f or the rec y c ling of e le ctrical a nd electro nic equipment w ithin the E uropean Union. In c onformit y with dire ctive WE EE 2002/96 /EC: this equipment mus t not be t reated as household w a ste.
DC– Direct current
AC– Alter nating cur r ent
AC and DC– Alt e rnating a nd direc t current Earth
Risk of e lectric s hock
Instruc tions tha t must be read and unders t ood
Le DMM16 is an ins trume nt fo r mea suri ng ele ct ri cal qua ntit ie s tha t gro ups t he f ollow ing functio ns:
AC or DC voltage measurement; Frequency measurement; Resistance measurement, continuity measurement with buzzer, or diode test; Capacitance measurement; DC or AC current measurement;
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1.1 The switch
The swit ch has six pos itions. To access the v arious functio ns, set the s witch t o the corres ponding posi tions. E ach active position is confirmed by an audible s ignal. The functio ns are desc ribed in t he table belo w.
OFF Stop
V or V /Hz
AC or DC voltage measurement/Frequency measurement
/ /
Resistance measurement, continuity measureme nt with buzzer, or diode test
Capacitance measurement
120A DC or AC current measurement/ Frequency measurement
66A DC or AC current measurement/ Frequency measurement
1.2 The keys of the keypad
-"SEL" (SELECT) key
Press the "SEL" key repeatedly to obtain the following functions according to the setting of the rotary switch:
DC voltage/AC voltage
/ /
Resistance measurement/continuity measurement/diode test
120A/ 120A
120A DC current measurement/120A AC current measurement
60A/ 60A
66A DC current measurement/66A AC current measurement
-"RANGE" key
Your multimeter ha s a range change f unction t hat is no rmally aut omatic but can be made manual. W hen the inst rument is s witched on, t he default mo de is automa tic range change: t he "AUTO" mes s age is t he n display ed. Brief ly press the "RANGE" key t o change t o manual mode: the "AUTO" message is
then repla ced by "MANU".
Succes s i ve brief presses are used to reach the desi red range. Hold the "RANGE" key down for 2 seconds to return to the automatic range change
mode: the "MANU" message reverts to "AUTO".
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Choice of ranges (o r ratings) a ccording t o functio n:
660.0mV/6. 600V/66.00V/600.0V
660.0mV/6. 600V/66.00V/600.0V
6.600kΩ/ 66.00kΩ/660.0
6.600MΩ/ 66.00
6.600nF/66.00nF /660.0nF
6.600μF/66.00μF/660.0μF/6.600 mF/66.00mF
-"HOLD " key
In the "HOLD" mode, the device freezes the display of the last value measured. Pressi ng the "HOLD" ke y brief ly during a me a surement freezes the display: the
is the n di splayed.
A second brief press on the "HOLD" key is used to return to the normal measured
value di s play refr esh mode: the messa ge
disappears from the di splay uni t .
-"MAX MIN" key
In the "MAX MI N" mode, the device records the maximum and minimum values of the measurements made. In this mode , the auto matic range change does not c hange the range when this mode is entered; if the maximum values exceed the display range (indicated by the "OL" message), the appropriate hi ghe r r a nge must be c ho s e n manua l ly before reactivating the "MAX MIN" mode. Succes s i ve brief presses on t he "MAX MIN" ke y produce , in orde r , the follo w ing actio ns: 1st press : the device re cords and displa ys the maximum va lue measured. The
"AUTO" message is replaced by "MANU" and the "MAX" message is displayed.
2nd pres s : the de vi ce r ec o rds a nd di s pla y s the mini mum value mea s ure d; the " M AX "
message is replace d by "MIN".
3rd press: the device records the maximum and minimum values measured
simultaneously; it is the va lue curr ently meas ured tha t is displa yed; the "MAX" and "MIN" mes s ages blink s imultane ously on the display unit.
Additio nal press es serve to display the values rec orded one by one by re producing t he
actions of the prev ious succ essive pres ses. Press the "MAX MIN" key for two seconds to exit from the mode: the "MANU", "MAX", and "MIN" messages are replaced by "AUTO", indicating that the device once again changes range auto matically.
-"Hz" ( Hertz ) key
Press the "Hz" key briefly and repeatedly to obta in t he fo llow ing func ti ons acco rdi ng to the setting of the rotary switch:
AC volta ge measured/ Frequenc y/Duty c y c le
DC volta ge measure d/Frequenc y/Duty c y c le
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120A AC cur rent meas ured/Fre quency/Duty cycle
66A AC current measure d/Frequency/Duty c y cle
NB: When the duty cycle measurement is activated, the automatic range change leaves the range unchange d when t he mode is ent ered: the devi ce change s to manua l range change mode and the "M ANU" messa ge is dis played.
- "
" (Backligh t) key
A brief pre s s o n the "B a c kli g ht" k ey li g ht s o r s w it c he s o ff t he di s pla y uni t ba c kli ghting. If not reactivated, the backlighting switches itself off automatically after approximately 60 seconds .
"REL (ZERO)" key
The "REL (ZERO)" key is used to subtract the value displayed when the key is pressed from all su bsequent measureme nt values a nd display the res ult of the subt raction. This mode can be activated by a brief press on the key for all functions except the frequenc y and duty c ycle meas urements. When dis play in re lative mode is activate d, the auto matic range cha nge leav es the range unchanged when the mode is entered: the device changes to manual range change
mode and the "MANU" and "
" messa ges are displa yed. For DC current measurements, this mode is used to set the display to zero before the current senso r is pla ced on t he conduc tor in whic h the c urrent is to be measur ed; the message displaye d for this function, i n this mode, i s "ZERO". Another brief press on the key effects the return to the normal displa y mode ; the dev ic e
returns to t he a uto mat i c ra nge c ha nge mo de and t he "MAN U" a nd "
" messages are replaced by the "AUTO" message. Any change o f functi on by the r otary swit ch terminat es displa y in the re lative mode.
1.3 The display unit
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Automati c range c hange
Manual ran ge change
(Data Hold) Freezes the display Value dis played in r elative mode
Display of the maximum and minimum values
Reset for DC current measurements
Diode test function Continuity test function
Unit and f unc tion Duty cycle
(Auto Power Off) automatic s w itching of f activa ted
DC measurement and display
AC measurement and display
Display of a negati ve value
Low battery indicator (battery must be replaced)
(Volt) unit of voltage
(Ampere) unit of current
(milliFarad, nanoFarad, microFarad) units of capacit ance (ohm, kilo-ohm, Megohm) unit of resistance
(Hertz) unit of f requency
The "OL" message (OverLoad) indicates an overshoot of the measurement or display capacity.
1.4 The leads and t est pr ob es
The multimeter is equipped with two leads (red and black), each terminated by a test probe of the same colour. The leads and test probes are not detachable (they are permanently connected) and, when not i n us e, c a n be s to we d i n the c o mpar tme nts pr o v i ded f o r t he m on t he ri g ht s ide of the dev ice. The tips of the test probes (once taken out of their compartments by pressing on them with a finger), allow volta ge, resi stance, continuit y, diode test, and c apacita nce measurements. The test probes have physical guards that show the operator where the hand grip part ends, bey ond which t he fingers must not be placed.
1.5 The current sensor
The multimeter has a current sensor that makes it possible to measure a current without having to open the ci rcuit. The curre nt s ens or a nd it s le ad c anno t be de ta che d (the y ar e pe rmanent ly c onne ct ed) ; when not in us e , t hey c a n be s t o wed i n c o mpa rt ments pro v i de d fo r the m on the ba c k o f the devic e. The curre nt sens or has a physic al guard that shows the operator where the hand grip part ends , beyond w hi ch the fi ngers must no t be plac e d.
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2. US E
2.1 Commissioning
Place t he batterie s supplied wi th the dev ice as follo ws:
1. Using a cross-headed screwdriver, unscrew the screw of the compartment cover on the bac k of the hous ing and open t he cover;
2. Place the 2 batteries in their compartment, with the correct polarities;
3. Clo se the cov er and scre w it back t o t he housi ng.
2.2 Starting up and check of operation
We reco mmend perfo rming this procedure at the t ime of commi s sioni ng and, if the devic e is used only occasio nally, e ac h time it is used. Hold the " HOLD" key down and s w itch the instrument o n by turni ng the switch fro m
"OFF" to "Ω".
Release the "Hold" key and check that the various symbols and segments are
correc tly display ed.
A brief press on the "HOLD" key restores the normal display of the selected
functio n;
If the device is set to the resistance measurement function ("Ω"), che ck tha t the
display indicates "A.P.O" (for auto power off), "AUTO" (for automatic range change), "O.L" (for OverLoad), and "MΩ" (for Megohm);
Withdraw the two leads from their compartment and establish a good contact
between the metallic parts of the two test probes; the value measured and displayed must cha nge from "O.L" to "0.0Ω": (the va lue display ed may not be exactly zero, but must remain very close to zero).
The instrument is operational when the various states described above have been
checke d and are co rre c t. The r ot a ry s witc h c a n t hen be s et t o the de si r ed f unc t i on or to "OFF" to switch the instrument off.
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