1/2” Disc Type Thermostat
Switches - Manual Reset
Basic features SPST Manual reset
Operation A : Contacts open on temperature rise Not automatic reset
Electrical rating
Calibration method Hot & cold air circulation system
Temperature rating Operating temperature Max. 150°C
Insulation resistance Not less than 1,000MΩ/DC500V
Dielectric strength Not less than AC 1,500V/1min. or AC 1,800V/1sec.
UL : AC120V/15A, AC240V/10A CSA : AC125V/15A, AC250V/10A
VDE : AC250V/16A
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Dimensions : Millimetres

1/2” Disc Type Thermostat
Switches - Manual Reset
Structure Materials of parts
Part Material
Cap Aluminium
Stainless steel
Case Phenolic resin
M.arm Beryllium Copper alloy
Terminals Brass
Bracket Stainless steel
Contacts Silver-Nickel alloy
Button Phenolic resin
UL 873 UL File No. E43273
CSA C22.2 No. 24 CSA Report No. LR67165
DIN EN 60730-1, -2-9 VDE Licence No. 40012267
Part Number Table
Description Part Number
1/2" Disc Type Thermostat Switch, Manual Reset, NC, 45°C, Quick Connect 05EN 4174 A45B
1/2" Disc Type Thermostat Switch, Manual Reset, NC, 55°C, Quick Connect 05EN4169A55-B
1/2" Disc Type Thermostat Switch, Manual Reset, NC, 80°C, Quick Connect 05EN4170A80
1/2" Disc Type Thermostat Switch, Manual Reset, NC, 115°C, Quick Connect 05EN4175A115 -B
1/2" Disc Type Thermostat Switch, Manual Reset, NC, 65°C, Quick Connect MP-05EN-65DEG-NC
1/2" Disc Type Thermostat Switch, Manual Reset, NC, 90°C, Quick Connect MP-05EN-90DEG-NC
1/2" Disc Type Thermostat Switch, Manual Reset, NC, 100°C, Quick Connect MP-05EN-100DEG-NC
1/2" Disc Type Thermostat Switch, Manual Reset, NC, 130°C, Quick Connect MP-05EN-130DEG-NC
1/2" Disc Type Thermostat Switch, Manual Reset, NC, 150°C, Quick Connect MP-05EN-150DEG-NC
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