Multi Channel Systems USB-ME16-FAI-System User Manual

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© 2017 Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH. All rights reserved.
Printed: 09. 03. 2017
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 About this Manual 1
2 Important Safety Advice 3
2.1 Important Safety Advice 3
2.2 Guarantee and Liability 4
2.3 Operator's Obligations 4
3 Welcome to the USB-ME16-FAI-System 5
3.1 ME Product Line 5
3.2 Welcome to the USB-ME16-FAI-System 6
4 Operating the USB-ME16-FAI-System 7
4.1 Setting Up and Connecting the USB-ME16-FAI-System 7
4.2 Front Panel 7
4.3 Rear Panel 8
4.4 Setting up and Connecting the USB-ME16-FAI-System 10
4.5 Software Installation 10
4.6 Multi Channel Experimenter 12
4.7 MC_Rack 15
5 System Components 17
5.1 Miniature Preamplifier (MPA8I) 17
5.2 Setting up and Connecting the MPA8I 18
5.3 Testing the Noise Level of the MPA8I 19
5.4 Connecting 16-Electrode NeuroNexus Probe 20
5.5 Connecting Chronic Probe from NeuroNexus 21
5.6 MPA8I Pin Layout 22
5.7 Service and Maintenance 24
6 Integrated Filter Amplifiers (FA) 25
7 Integrated Data Acquisition 27
8 Digital Input / Output, System Synchronization 28
9 Troubleshooting 31
9.1 About Troubleshooting 31
10 Appendix 33
10.1 Technical Support 33
10.2 Pin Layout USB-ME16-FAI-System 34
10.3 Technical Specifications 36
10.4 Contact Information 37
10.5 Ordering Information 38
10.6 Scope of Delivery 41
1 Introduction
1.1 About this Manual
It is assumed that you already have a basic understanding of technical and software terms. No special skills are required to read this manual.
If you are using the device for the first time, please read the Important Safety Advice before installing the hardware and software, where you will find important information about the installation and first steps.
The device and the software are part of an ongoing developmental process. Please understand that the provided documentation is not always up to date. The latest information can be found in the Help. Check also the MCS Web site ( for downloading up-to-date manuals and Help files.
2 Important Safety Advice
2.1 Important Safety Advice
Warning: Make sure to read the following advice prior to installation or use of the device and the software. If you do not fulfill all requirements stated below, this may lead to malfunctions or breakage of connected hardware, or even fatal injuries.
Warning: Always obey the rules of local regulations and laws. Only qualified personnel should be allowed to perform laboratory work. Work according to good laboratory practice to obtain best results and to minimize risks.
The product has been built to the state of the art and in accordance with recognized safety engineering rules. The device may only
be used for its intended purpose; be used when in a perfect condition. Improper use could lead to serious, even fatal injuries to the user or third parties and damage
to the device itself or other material damage.
Warning: The device and the software are not intended for medical uses and must not be used on humans.
Malfunctions which could impair safety should be rectified immediately.
High Voltage
Electrical cords must be properly laid and installed. The length and quality of the cords must be in accordance with local provisions.
Only qualified technicians may work on the electrical system. It is essential that the accident prevention regulations and those of the employers' liability associations are observed.
Each time before starting up, make sure that the power supply agrees with the specifications
of the product.
Check the power cord for damage each time the site is changed. Damaged power cords should be
replaced immediately and may never be reused.
Check the leads for damage. Damaged leads should be replaced immediately and may never
be reused.
Do not try to insert anything sharp or metallic into the vents or the case. Liquids may cause short circuits or other damage. Always keep the device and the power cords dry.
Do not handle it with wet hands.
Requirements for the installation
Make sure that the device is not exposed to direct sunlight. Do not place anything on top of the device,
and do not place it on top of another heat producing device, so that the air can circulate freely.
USB-ME16-FAI-System Manual
2.2 Guarantee and Liability
The General conditions of sale and delivery of Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH always apply. The operator will receive these no later than on conclusion of the contract.
Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of any and all tests and data generated by the use of the device or the software. It is up to the user to use good laboratory practice to establish the validity of his / her findings.
Guarantee and liability claims in the event of injury or material damage are excluded when they are the result of one of the following.
Improper use of the device. Improper installation, commissioning, operation or maintenance of the device. Operating the device when the safety and protective devices are defective and / or inoperable. Non-observance of the instructions in the manual with regard to transport, storage, installation,
commissioning, operation or maintenance of the device.
Unauthorized structural alterations to the device. Unauthorized modifications to the system settings. Inadequate monitoring of device components subject to wear. Improperly executed and unauthorized repairs. Unauthorized opening of the device or its components. Catastrophic events due to the effect of foreign bodies or acts of God.
2.3 Operator's Obligations
The operator is obliged to allow only persons to work on the device, who
are familiar with the safety at work and accident prevention regulations and have been
instructed how to use the device;
are professionally qualified or have specialist knowledge and training and have received instruction
in the use of the device;
have read and understood the chapter on safety and the warning instructions in this manual
and confirmed this with their signature.
It must be monitored at regular intervals that the operating personnel are working safely.
Personnel still undergoing training may only work on the device under the supervision of an experienced person.
3 Welcome to the USB-ME16-FAI-System
3.1 ME Product Line
The standard ME product line is based on a data acquisition card, the MC_Card, that is installed in the data acquisition computer.
With the ME (microelectrode) and STG (stimulus generator) product lines, Multi Channel Systems provides complete solutions for stimulation, recording, and data acquisition from up to 32 channels, data analysis and export.
All ME products are intended for extracellular electrophysiological recordings in vivo, and special in vitro applications. Typical applications include simultaneous spike and local field potential recording; multi-unit and single-unit recording from awake behaving animals, for example NeuroNexus probes recordings.
The USB-ME16-FAI-System is the first of a new generation of universal recording systems that do not need an external data acquisition card. Data transfer to any computer is realized via USB.
The following components are part of the USB-ME16-FAI-System. Please make sure that you have carefully studied the documentation on the single components before setting up your system. All manuals can be found on the installation volume shipped with the system. Updated versions can also be downloaded from the MCS web site.
Single components of USB-ME16-FAI-System
Web link to the manuals download page on
Manual / Reference (PDF on CD)
2 x 8-channel miniature preamplifiers (MPA8I)
USB-ME16-FAI-System Manual or MPA8I Manual
16-channel filter amplifier and data acquisition
USB-ME16-FAI-System Manual
Data acquisition and analysis software Multi Channel Suite, MC_Rack and MC_DataTool
Multi Channel Suite Manual, MC_Rack Manual and MC_Rack Tutorial
Adapter for connecting the NeuroNexus Probe NN16 to two MPA8Is Datasheet
USB-ME16-FAI-System Manual
3.2 Welcome to the USB-ME16-FAI-System
The USB-ME16-FAI-System is a very compact and portable stand-alone solution. It features an integrated 16-channel filter amplifier and data acquisition. The digitally converted electrode signals are transmitted to the connected computer via universal serial bus (High Speed USB 2.0). Thus, it is possible to use any computer as a data acquisition computer, also a laptop. The size of the complete system is small enough to fit into a laptop bag together with the computer.
The system includes two 8-channel miniature preamplifiers (MPA8I). The MPA8I is connected to the microelectrodes to provide the initial tenfold amplification stage. Adapters to contact standard microelectrodes such as probes from NeuroNexus are available as accessories. Custom adapters are available on demand.
Data is recorded, graphed, analyzed, and reviewed with the powerful and easy-to-use Multi Channel Suite, the newest software package from Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH or the well-proved MC_Rack program. You can export the data in standard formats.
USB-ME16-FAI-Sytem with integrated 16-channel filter amplifier and integrated data acquisition with A / D converter, and connectors for two 8-channel miniature preamplifiers MPA8I.
4 Operating the USB-ME16-FAI-System
4.1 Setting Up and Connecting the USB-ME16-FAI-System
Warning: Please read the separate manuals of all devices before installation, especially the warnings and safety information. Make sure all devices are switched off before you connect them to the power supply. Damage to the devices and even fatal injuries may result from improper installation or use.
Note: Using a USB hub for connecting the USB-ME16-FAI-System to the computer is not recommended. The system needs a broad bandwidth for the data transmission. Recording might not be possible, especially if a second device that sends or receives continuous data streams, for example, a web cam or USB speakers, is connected to the same USB port.
4.2 Front Panel
2 x Analog Input for MPA8I
On the front panel of the USB-ME16-FAI are two MPA8I analog inputs (Female D-SUB 15 Connector) available. The left one is for software channel 1 to 8, the right one is for channel 9 to 16.
Power LED
The power LED should light up as soon as the system is connected to the power supply and the I / O toggle switch at the rear panel is switched to status "I = On".
USB-ME16-FAI-System Manual
4.3 Rear Panel
A Digital IN / OUT for 16 digital in- and output bits is available (68-pin MCS standard connector). The Digital IN / OUT connection accepts or generates standard TTL signals. TTL stands for Transistor-Transistor Logic. A TTL pulse is defined as a digital signal for communication between two devices. A voltage between 0 V and 0.8 V is considered as a logical state of 0 (LOW), and a voltage between 2 V and 5 V means 1 (HIGH).
The Digital OUT allows generating a digital signal with up to 16 bits and read it out, for example, by using a Signal Divider SD16 from Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH. You can utilize this digital signal to control and synchronize other devices with the USB-ME16-FAI. Bit 0 of the Digital OUT is separated and available as Lemo connector DIG OUT D0. So if you need only one bit of the digital signal, you don’t need the additional signal divider SD16. Please read chapter "Pin Layout" (Digital IN / OUT connector) in the Appendix for more information.
The Digital IN can be used to record additional information from external devices as a 16-bit encoded number. The Digital IN is most often used to trigger recordings with a TTL signal from a stimulator.
The 16 bit digital input channels is a stream of 16-bit values. The state of each bit (0 -15) can be controlled separately, the state can be HIGH (1) or LOW (0). Standard TTL signals are accepted as input signals on the digital inputs. Unused input bits, which have an undefined state, should be masked in the Trigger Detector of MC_Rack.
Warning: A voltage that is higher than +5 Volts or lower than 0 Volts, that is, a negative voltage, applied to the digital input would destroy the electronics. Make sure that you apply only TTL pulses (0 - 5 V) to the digital inputs.
Operating the USB-ME16-FAI-System
The Bit 0 of the Digital OUT D0 is also accessible independently from the 68-pin Digital IN / OUT connector. The digital output channel D0 is generally used for synchronizing the USB-ME16-FAI­System with a stimulus generator, or with another data acquisition system, for example, an imaging or a patch clamp system. The DIG OUT D0 generates standard TTL pulses.
The Bit 0 of the Digital IN D0 is parallel to Bit 0 of the DIG OUT independently available from the 68-pin Digital IN / OUT connector. The digital input channel D0 is generally used for synchronizing the USB-ME16-FAI with another device, or with another data acquisition system, for example, an imaging or a patch clamp system. The DIG IN D0 accepts standard TTL pulses.
To the AUDIO OUT (3.5 mm phone jack) you can connect an audio system to make the electrical activity audible. In contrast to the sound tool of MC_Rack, this audio output is real time. There is almost no time delay between the detection of a signal by the recording electrode and the corresponding sound. Headphones or a speaker can be connected directly to the AUDIO OUT. Only one channel can be converted into sound. This channel can still be selected by using the sound instrument of MC_Rack. You can listen only to electrode raw data in real-time. The quality of the sound is mono.
Note: You can add only one sound instrument to your rack, and you can convert only one channel into sound.
The USB connector is used to transfer the digitized data from all data channels and the additional digital channels to any connected data acquisition computer via USB High Speed 2.0 (type A - mini B) cable.
Connect here the power supply unit. This power supply powers the USB-ME16-FAI main unit only. The device needs 12 V and 1.1 A / 13.2 W.
I / O
Toggle switch for turning the device on and off. The power LED on the front panel should light up as soon as the system is connected to the power supply and the I / O toggle switch is switched to status "I = On".
If an additional ground connection is needed, you can connect this plug with an external ground using a standard common jack (4 mm).
USB-ME16-FAI-System Manual
4.4 Setting up and Connecting the USB-ME16-FAI-System
Provide a power supply in the immediate vicinity of the installation site. Place all devices on a stable and dry surface, where the air can circulate freely and the devices
are not exposed to direct sunlight. Set up the computer (with installed software program). Set up the MPA8I as described in chapter "Setting Up and Connecting the MPA".
Set up the computer (with installed software program). Set up the MPA8I as described in chapter "Setting Up and Connecting the MPA". Connect the MPA8Is to the main unit of the USB-ME16-FAI-System. Close all unused inputs with
terminal plugs.
Connect the USB output connector to a free USB 2.0 port of the data acquisition computer. Connect the main unit to a power outlet of the same electrical system (connected to the same
ground / earth wire) as all other components of the setup, for example, the computer or shielding.
Check the power LED on the front panel. It should light up as soon as the power line is
connected and the I / O toggle switch on the rear panel is "On". If not, check the power source and cabling.
Install the software program from the installation volume if it is not already installed. Start the software and select the USB-ME16-FAI-System as the data source. Please see the
software help or manual for more details on how to define the data source.
4.5 Software Installation
Please check the system requirements before you install the software. Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH cannot guarantee that the software works properly if these requirements are not fulfilled. Please see the software manual or help for more information. It is recommended that you check the MCS web site for software updates on a regular basis.
System Requirements
Software: One of the following Windows operating systems is required: Windows 8.1, Windows 7, VISTA or XP (English and German versions supported) with the NT file system (NTFS). Other language versions may lead to software errors.
Hardware: (Not required for offline analysis or demo mode) The data acquisition board USB­ME16-FAI-System. If no USB-ME16-FAI-System is present, MC_Rack opens in a simulation mode. A computer with low performance may lead to performance limits more often; therefore, MCS recommends an up-to-date computer optionally with a separate hard disk. Please note that there are sometimes hardware incompatibilities of the USB-ME16-FAI-System and computer components; or that an inappropriate computer power supply may lead to artifact signals. Please contact your local retailer for more information on recommended computer hardware.
Important: You need to have installed the latest USB-ME16-FAI-System driver to operate the USB-ME16-FAI-System, which is automatically installed with the software. The installation may be invalid if the USB-ME16-FAI-System does not respond. Please contact Multi Channel Systems or your local retailer in this case.
Operating the USB-ME16-FAI-System
Recommended BIOS Settings
Recommended operating system settings
The following automatic services of the Windows operating system interfere with the data storage on the hard disk and can lead to severe performance limits in the software. These routines were designed for use on office computers, but are not very useful for a data acquisition computer.
Turned off Screensaver. Manual management of automatic Windows Update. Power Options: Power scheme: Never turned off monitor, hard disk and system standby. It is also not recommended to run any applications in the background when using the software.
Remove all applications from the Autostart folder.
Be careful when using a Virus Scanner. These programs are known to disturb the software,
and even data loss may occur.
Driver Installation
The USB-ME16-FAI-System is a plug and play device. The driver is automatically installed together with the software program. It is easier to connect the USB-ME16-FAI-System first to the data acquisition computer and then install the software.
Important: Please make sure that you have full control over your computer as an administrator. Otherwise, it is possible that the installed hardware does not work properly.
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