1.5. Importing Files Created by Data Acquisition Systems 17
1.6. Importing Data from Text Files 19
1.7. Importing Data from Spreadsheets 20
1.8. Importing Data from Matlab 22
1.9. Reading and Writing NeuroExplorer Data Files 23
1.10. 1D Data Viewer 24
1.11. Analyzing Data 25
1.12. Selecting Variables for Analysis 26
1.13. How to Select Variables for Existing Window 27
1.14. How to Select Variables in Variables Panel 29
1.15. Adjusting Analysis Properties 30
1.16. Analysis Templates 31
1.17. Numerical Results 32
1.18. Post-processing 33
1.19. Saving Results as Power Point Slides 33
1.20. Working with Matlab 35
1.21. Working with Excel 36
1.22. Saving Graphics 37
2. Analysis Reference 38
2.1. Data Types 39
2.1.1. Spike Trains 39
2.1.2. Events 40
2.1.3. Intervals 40
2.1.4. Markers 42
2.1.5. Population Vectors 43
2.1.6. Waveforms 44
2.1.7. Continuously Recorded Data 44
2.2. Data Selection Options 46
2.3. Post-Processing Options 47
2.4. Matlab Options 48
2.5. Excel Options 48
2.6. Confidence Limits for Perievent Histograms 49
2.7. Cumulative Sum Graphs 50
2.8. Rate Histograms 51
2.9. Interspike Interval Histograms 53
2.10. Autocorrelograms 56
2.11. Perievent Histograms 59
2.12. Crosscorrelograms 64
2.13. Shift-Predictor for Crosscorrelograms 69
2.14. Rasters 71
2.15. Perievent Rasters 72
2.16. Joint PSTH 75
2.17. Cumulative Activity Graphs 77
2.18. Instant Frequency 78
2.19. Interspike Intervals vs. Time 79
2.20. Poincare Maps 80
Page 1
2.21. Synchrony vs. Time 81
2.22. Trial Bin Counts 83
2.23. Power Spectral Densities 85
2.24. Burst Analysis 88
2.25. Principal Component Analysis 91
2.26. PSTH Versus Time 93
2.27. Correlations with Continuous Variable 95
2.28. Regularity Analysis 97
2.29. Place Cell Analysis 99
2.30. Reverse Correlation 103
2.31. Epoch Counts 106
2.32. Coherence Analysis 108
2.33. Spectrogram Analysis 111
2.34. Perievent Spectrograms 113
2.35. Joint ISI Distribution 115
2.36. Autocorrelograms Versus Time 117
3. Working with Graphics 119
3.1. NeuroExplorer Graphics 119
3.2. Graphics Modes 119
3.3. Positioning the Graphics Objects 121
3.4. Text Labels 122
3.5. Lines 123
3.6. Rectangles 124
4. Working with 3D Graphics 125
4.1. Viewing Multiple Histograms in 3D 126
4.2. 3D Graphics Parameters 127
4.3. Viewing the Neuronal Activity "Movie" 128
4.4. Activity Animation Parameters 130
5. Programming with NexScript 131
5.1. Script Variables 133
5.2. File Variables 134
5.3. Expressions 136
5.4. Flow Control 137
5.5. Functions 139
5.5.1. File Read and Write Functions 140 GetFileCount Function 141 GetFileName Function 142 OpenFile Function 143 CloseFile Function 144 ReadLine Function 145 WriteLine Function 146 OpenDocument Function 147 NewDocument Function 148 CloseDocument Function 149 SaveDocument Function 150 SaveDocumentAs Function 151 SaveNumResults Function 152 SaveNumSummary Function 153 SaveAsTextFile Function 154 MergeFiles Function 155 ReadBinary Function 156 FileSeek Function 157 SelectFile Function 158
5.5.2. Document Properties Functions 159
Page 2 GetDocPath Function 160 GetDocTitle Function 161 GetTimestampFrequency Function 162 GetDocEndTime Function 163 SetDocEndTime Function 164 GetDocComment Function 165
5.5.3. Document Variables Functions 166 GetVarCount Function 167 GetVarName Function 168 GetVarSpikeCount Function 169 GetVar Function 170 DeleteVar Function 171 Delete Function 172 GetVarByName Function 173 NewEvent Function 174 NewIntEvent Function 175 NewPopVector Function 176 GetContNumDataPoints Function 177 NewContVar Function 178 CopySelectedVarsToAnotherFile Function 179
5.5.4. Variable Selection Functions 180 IsSelected Function 181 Select Function 182 Deselect Function 183 SelectVar Function 184 DeselectVar Function 185 Select Function 186 Deselect Function 187 SelectAll Function 188 DeselectAll Function 189 SelectAllNeurons Function 190 SelectAllEvents Function 191 EnableRecalcOnSelChange Function 192 DisableRecalcOnSelChange Function 193
5.5.5. Properties of Variables Functions 194 GetName Function 195 GetSpikeCount Function 196 AddTimestamp Function 197 SetNeuronType Function 198 AddContValue Function 199 AddInterval Function 200
5.5.6. Analysis Functions 201 ApplyTemplate Function 202 ApplyTemplateToWindow Function 203 PrintGraphics Function 204 Dialog Function 205 ModifyTemplate Function 207 RecalculateAnalysisInWindow Function 209 EnableRecalcOnSelChange Function 210 DisableRecalcOnSelChange Function 211 SendGraphicsToPowerPoint Function 212 SaveGraphics Function 213
5.5.7. Numerical Results Functions 214 GetNumRes Function 215 GetNumResNCols Function 216 GetNumResNRows Function 217 GetNumResColumnName Function 218 SendResultsToExcel Function 219 GetNumResSummaryNCols Function 220
Page 3 GetNumResSummaryNRows Function 221 GetNumResSummaryColumnName Function 222 GetNumResSummaryData Function 223 SendResultsSummaryToExcel Function 224 SaveNumResults Function 225 SaveNumSummary Function 226
5.5.8. Operations on Variables Functions 227 Rename Function 229 Join Function 230 Sync Function 231 NotSync Function 232 FirstAfter Function 233 FirstNAfter Function 234 LastBefore Function 235 IntervalFilter Function 236 SelectTrials Function 237 SelectRandom Function 238 SelectEven Function 239 SelectOdd Function 240 ISIFilter Function 241 FirstInInterval Function 242 LastInInterval Function 243 StartOfInterval Function 244 EndOfInterval Function 245 MakeIntervals Function 246 MakeIntFromStart Function 247 MakeIntFromEnd Function 248 IntOpposite Function 249 IntOr Function 250 IntAnd Function 251 IntSize Function 252 IntFind Function 253 MarkerExtract Function 254 Shift Function 255 NthAfter Function 256 PositionSpeed Function 257 FilterContinuousVariable Function 258 LinearCombinationOfContVars Function 259 DecimateContVar Function 260
5.5.9. Matlab Functions 261 SendSelectedVarsToMatlab Function 262 ExecuteMatlabCommand Function 263 GetVarFromMatlab Function 264 GetContVarFromMatlab Function 265 GetContVarWithTimestampsFromMatlab Function 266 GetIntervalVarFromMatlab Function 267
5.5.10. Excel Functions 268 SetExcelCell Function 269 CloseExcelFile Function 270
5.5.11. Power Point Functions 271 SendGraphicsToPowerPoint Function 272 ClosePowerPointFile Function 273
5.5.12. Running Script Functions 274 RunScript Function 275 Sleep Function 276
5.5.13. Math Functions 277 seed Function 279 expo Function 280 floor Function 281
Page 4 ceil Function 282 round Function 283 abs Function 284 sqrt Function 285 pow Function 286 exp Function 287 min Function 288 max Function 289 log Function 290 sin Function 291 cos Function 292 tan Function 293 acos Function 294 asin Function 295 atan Function 296 RoundToTS Function 297 GetFirstGE Function 298 GetFirstGT Function 299 GetBinCount Function 300 BitwiseAnd Function 301 BitwiseOr Function 302 GetBit Function 303
5.5.14. String Functions 304 Left Function 305 Mid Function 306 Right Function 307 Find Function 308 StrLength Function 309 NumToStr Function 310 StrToNum Function 311 GetNumFields Function 312 GetField Function 313 CharToNum Function 314 NumToChar Function 315
5.5.15. Debug Functions 316 Trace Function 317 MsgBox Function 318
6. COM/ActiveX Interfaces 319
6.1. Application 320
6.1.1. ActiveDocument Property 321
6.1.2. DocumentCount Property 322
6.1.3. Version Property 323
6.1.4. Visible Property 324
6.1.5. OpenDocument Method 325
6.1.6. Document Medhod 326
6.1.7. Sleep Method 327
6.1.8. RunNexScript Method 328
6.1.9. RunNexScriptCommands Method 329
6.2. Document 330
6.2.1. Path Property 332
6.2.2. FileName Property 333
6.2.3. Comment Property 334
6.2.4. TimestampFrequency Property 335
6.2.5. StartTime Property 336
6.2.6. EndTime Property 337
6.2.7. VariableCount Property 338
6.2.8. NeuronCount Property 339
Page 5
6.2.9. EventCount Property 340
6.2.10. IntervalCount Property 341
6.2.11. MarkerCount Property 342
6.2.12. WaveCount Property 343
6.2.13. ContinuousCount Property 344
6.2.14. Variable Method 345
6.2.15. Neuron Method 346
6.2.16. Event Method 347
6.2.17. Interval Method 348
6.2.18. Marker Method 349
6.2.19. Wave Method 350
6.2.20. Continuous Method 351
6.2.21. DeselectAll Method 352
6.2.22. SelectAllNeurons Method 353
6.2.23. SelectAllContinuous Method 354
6.2.24. ApplyTemplate Method 355
6.2.25. GetNumericalResults Method 356
6.2.26. Close Method 357
6.3. Variable 358
6.3.1. Name Property 359
6.3.2. TimestampCount Property 360
6.3.3. Timestamps Method 361
6.3.4. IntervalStarts Method 362
6.3.5. IntervalEnds Method 363
6.3.6. FragmentTimestamps Method 364
6.3.7. FragmentCounts Method 365
6.3.8. ContinuousValues Method 366
6.3.9. MarkerValues Method 367
6.3.10. WaveformValues Method 368
6.3.11. Select Method 369
6.3.12. Deselect Method 370
Page 6
1. Getting Started
Before you can use NeuroExplorer, you must install NeuroExplorer program files, Sentinel system
drivers and install the Sentinel hardware key.
Running NeuroExplorer Setup
Before you begin installing NeuroExplorer and its components, please exit all currently running
applications. Please follow the following steps to install NeuroExplorer:
Insert NeuroExplorer Setup USB flash drive into your computer USB port
Navigate to NeuroExplorer4Setup.exe file on the flash drive and double-click on the file.
NeuroExplorer Version 4 setup screen appears
Follow the prompts of the setup dialogs and complete the installation
At the end of the installation process, Sentinel System Driver Setup will start automatically
Follow Sentinel Driver Setup prompts and complete the installation of Sentinel Drivers
Reboot your computer
NeuroExplorer Setup will create the following directory structure:
The main NeuroExplorer directory: C:\Program Files\Nex Technologies\NeuroExplorer
SentinelDrivers subdirectory: C:\Program Files\Nex
Technologies\NeuroExplorer\SentinelDrivers. If you need to reinstall Sentinel Drivers, you can
run SentinelSetup.7.4.0.exe program in this directory.
Additional NeuroExplorer files are copied to Windows Application Data directory ( C:\Documents
and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Nex Technologies\NeuroExplorer under Windows XP, or
C:\Application Data\Nex Technologies\NeuroExplorer under Vista or Windows 7). This directory
also contains Scripts and Templates folders where NeuroExplorer scripts and analysis templates
are stored.
Installing Hardware Key
Before you can use NeuroExplorer, you need to install provided Sentinel Hardware Key on your
To install the USB key:
Make sure to run the NeuroExplorer setup and reboot the computer after installing
Attach the key to the available USB port
If the New Hardware Found wizard is shown, accept the defaults in the wizard
Page 7
1.1. Getting Started with NeuroExplorer
This section, Getting Started with NeuroExplorer, describes the basics of using NeuroExplorer:
Working with Sentinel keys
NeuroExplorer Screen Elements
Opening Files and Importing Data
Importing Data from Text Files
Importing Data from the Spreadsheets
Analyzing Data
Selecting Variables for Analysis
Adjusting Analysis Properties
Analysis Templates
Numerical Results
Working with Matlab
Working with Excel
Saving Graphics
Additional information is available in the following sections:
Working with Graphics
NeuroExplorer Analysis Reference
Programming with NexScript
NeuroExplorer Technical Support
NeuroExplorer users can get help via e-mail: support@neuroexplorer.com. Please visit
NeuroExplorer Web site http://www.neuroexplorer.com for program updates and latest information
about NeuroExplorer.
NeuroExplorer Updates
To get the latest version of NeuroExplorer, download the file
This file is a standard NeuroExplorer setup executable that is included in the NeuroExplorer CD. This
setup file will execute the complete install – it will create folders, menu items in Start\Programs and
create a desktop icon for NeuroExplorer.
Page 8
1.2. Working with Sentinel Keys
NeuroExplorer requires a Sentinel key to operate. Sentinel drivers need to be installed so that
NeuroExplorer can communicate with the Sentinel keys. These drivers are installed when you run
NeuroExplorer setup (NeuroExplorer4Setup.exe).
Running NeuroExplorer via Remote Desktop
If you would like to run NeuroExplorer via remote desktop, you will need to use Sentinel Protection
Server on the server (the computer that runs NeuroExplorer). - Install NeuroExplorer on the server Open Safenet downloads page: http://www.safenetinc.com/support_and_downloads/download_drivers/ - Download Sentinel Protection Installer - Run
Sentinel Protection Installer on the server and choose Complete option - Reboot the server
Error Messages and Troubleshooting
Error Message Description and Probable
Unable to initialize Sentinel
Sentinel drivers are not
installed or driver version is
not supported.
Make sure that Sentinel drivers version
7.4.0 or later are installed:
- Open Control Panel | Add or Remove
Programs and verify that Sentinel
System Driver Installer 7.4.0 is listed in
Currently Installed Programs.
- If an older version (prior to 7.4.0) of
Sentinel Driver installer is listed,
remove this version and reboot the
- To install the 7.4.0 drivers, run the
driver installer:
- Reboot the computer after installing
the drivers.
Unable to find Sentinel keyNeuroExplorer Sentinel key
is not attached to the
computer or there is a
problem communicating with
the key.
Page 9
1) Verify that you are using a
NeuroExplorer key. The code
SRB10491 should be printed on the
key. The newer keys also have
Neuroexplorer printed on them.
2) Make sure that Sentinel drivers
version 7.4.0 or later are installed.
- Open Control Panel | Add or Remove
Programs and verify that Sentinel
System Driver Installer 7.4.0 is listed in
Currently Installed Programs.
- If an older version (prior to 7.4.0) of
Sentinel Driver installer is listed,
remove this version and reboot the
- To install the 7.4.0 drivers, run the
driver installer:
- Unzip and run the utility. Make sure
you let the utility to finish running. It
may take several minutes.
- Reboot the computer
- Run NeuroExplorer4Setup.exe.
Make sure not to cancel Sentinel Driver
Setup. Accept defaults in Sentinel
Driver Setup.
- Reboot the computer
Please contact NeuroExplorer
technical support (
mailto:support@neuroexplorer.com ) if
you still have problems with the
Sentinel key.
Unable to read Sentinel key
Sentinel key does not have
version 4 license
Malfunctioning or damaged
Sentinel key.
You are using NeuroExplorer
version 3 Sentinel key.
Page 10
Please contact NeuroExplorer
technical support (
mailto:support@neuroexplorer.com )
If you purchased NeuroExplorer
version 4, please contact
NeuroExplorer technical support (
mailto:support@neuroexplorer.com )
If you would like to upgrade to
NeuroExplorer version 4, please
contact NeuroExplorer support
(support@neuroexplorer.com) or one
of the NeuroExplorer resellers listed in
the Purchase page of the
NeuroExplorer web site:
Page 11
1.3. NeuroExplorer Screen Elements
NeuroExplorer user interface consists of the main window surrounded by several panels. These
panels allow you to select files, select analyses and specify analysis properties. The figure below
shows the default layout of NeuroExplorer window. Files, Properties, Analyses, Variables and Explore
panels are visible and Templates and Scripts panels are hidden. To view a hidden panel, click at the
panel tab or use View menu command.
You can reposition panels by dragging them with your mouse and you can save and restore window
layouts using Window menu commands.
Files Panel
This view allows you to quickly browse through your data files. When you select (single-click) one of
the data files, NeuroExplorer displays the file header information in the Properties panel. To open the
Page 12
data file, simply double-click the file name.
Analyses Panel
This view allows you to quickly select one of the analyses available in NeuroExplorer. To apply
analysis to the active data file, click at the analysis name.
Properties Panel
The left column of the Properties Panel lists the names of adjustable parameters for the selected
object. The right column contains various controls that can be used to change the parameter values.
To apply the changes, press the Apply button or hit the F5 key.
Templates Panel
The Templates View can be used to quickly execute an Analysis Template. Double-click the template
name and the corresponding template will be immediately executed.
You can create subfolders in your template directory and then NeuroExplorer will allow you to
navigate through the templates tree within the Templates View.
Page 13
Variables Panel
You can analyze all the variables in your data file, a subset of the variables, or may be just one
variable. Variables Panel allows you to quickly select and deselect the variables used for analysis:
The left column shows the variables that are not currently selected; the right column shows the
selected variables. To move variables from column to column, first select them, then press ">"
(Select) or "<" (Deselect) buttons.
Scripts Panel
This panel can be used to select a script to be executed. Double-click the script name to run the
selected script.
You can create subfolders in your script directory and then NeuroExplorer will allow you to navigate
through the scripts tree within the Scripts View.
Explore Panel
Page 14
Explore panel allows you to quickly explore analysis parameter ranges. Select a parameter you want
to explore from a list and drag a slider. NeuroExplorer will keep recalculating analysis with the new
parameter values while you drag the slider, thus creating an “analysis animation”.
One of the best uses for this panel is to explore analysis properties over a sliding window within your
Specify Use Time Range using Analysis | Edit menu command, then Data Selection tab
Select ‘Select Data From’ and ‘Select Data To’ parameters in the list boxes of the Explore panel
Click on Link Sliders check box
Now, when you drag one of the sliders, the other one will follow allowing you to visualize analysis
results over a sliding window in time.
Page 15
1.4. Opening Files and Importing Data
NeuroExplorer can read native data files created by popular data acquisition systems (Alpha Omega,
CED Spike-2, Cortex, Blackrock Microsystems, DataWave, Multi Channel Systems, Neuralynx,
Plexon, RC Electronics. See Importing Files Created By Data Acquisition Systems for more
NeuroExplorer can also import data from text files (see Importing Data from Text Files ).
You can import the data from spreadsheets using the clipboard (see Importing Data from
Spreadsheets ).
NeuroExplorer has its own data format and by default saves the data in the binary file with the
To open a NeuroExplorer data file,
press File Open toolbar button , or
select File | Open... menu command.
To import data in any of the supported file formats, select the corresponding File | Import command:
You can also paste data directly into Data View. See Importing Data from the Text Files and
Importing Data from Spreadsheets for more information.
Page 16
1.5. Importing Files Created by Data Acquisition Systems
NeuroExplorer can read native data files created by popular data acquisition systems (Alpha Omega,
CED Spike-2, Cortex, DataWave, Blackrock Microsystems, Multi Channel Systems, Neuralynx,
Plexon, RC Electronics).
Since NeuroExplorer does not provide spike sorting capabilities yet, it is assumed that you have
already sorted (clustered) the waveforms.
Alpha Omega Files
NeuroExplorer can import Alpha Omega MAP, ISI, NDA, MAT and LSM files. All the spike trains, DIO
events and continuous variables are imported. The waveforms can be imported as an option (see File
Import Options below).
Blackrock Microsystems Files
NeuroExplorer can import Blackrock Microsystems NEV files. All the spike trains and DIO events
Analog channels can be imported as an option. The waveforms are imported when using Neuroshare
DLL to import NEV files.
DataWave Files
NeuroExplorer can import both Discovery and Workbench files. In general, all the sorted spike trains,
DIO events and trial descriptors are imported. The waveforms are not imported. Analog channels can
be imported as an option (see Options below).
The following UFF types are imported from the Discovery files:
S, E and U UFF types are imported as spike trains
B UFF type records are imported as events
T UFF type records are imported as markers
P (position) UFF type records are imported as 4 continuous variables.
The following record types are imported from the Workbench files:
Analysis records (with appropriate subtypes) are imported as spike trains
Event records are imported as events
Trial records are imported as markers
CED Spike-2 Files
NeuroExplorer can import Spike-2 *.smr files. All the sorted spike trains, events and markers are
imported. The waveforms are not imported. Analog (Adc) channels can be imported as an option (see
File Import Options below).
Plexon Files
NeuroExplorer can read *.plx and *.ddt Plexon files. All the sorted spike trains and external events are
imported. The waveforms are not imported. Analog (slow) channels can be imported as an option
(see File Import Options below).
RC Electronics Files
NeuroExplorer can import both 12-bit RC Electronics files and 16-bit DATAMAX files. Since the
current version of NeuroExplorer stores all the data in RAM, NeuroExplorer can import only relatively
small (about the size of RAM on your PC) RC Electronics files.
Page 17
Multi Channel Systems Files
NeuroExplorer can import standard MCS data files. All the sorted spike trains and external events are
imported. The waveforms are not imported. Analog channels can be imported as an option (see File
Import Options below).
Neuralynx Files
NeuroExplorer can import Neuralynx data files (tt*.dat, se*.dat, etc.) as well as the files created by
MClust spike sorter (*.t files). All the sorted spike trains are imported. External events are imported
as markers. Analog channels and waveforms can be imported as an option (see File Import Options
File Import Options
The file import options can be set in the Data Import dialog (use View | Data Import Options menu
command to invoke the dialog).
Page 18
1.6. Importing Data from Text Files
You can specify text import options in the Text Import dialog:
Sampling Frequency - this parameter defines the internal representation of the timestamps that
NeuroExplorer will use for this file. Internally, the timestamps are stored as integers representing the
number of time ticks from the start of the experiment. The time tick is equal to
1./ Sampling_Frequency
Timestamp Units - this parameter defines how the numbers representing the timestamps are treated
by NeuroExplorer. If the timestamps are in time ticks, they are stored internally exactly as they are in
the text file. If the timestamps are in seconds, NeuroExplorer converts them to time ticks:
NeuroExplorer can import timestamped data stored in the following text formats:
1. Multicolumn table of timestamps
In this format, each column in the text file contains the timestamps of a neuron. The first element in
each column is a neuron name, that is the first line of the file contains names of all the variables.
Each name should be less than 64 characters long and should contain only letters, digits or the
underscore sign. The first character of the name should be a letter. The timestamps are numbers
representing the neuron firing time (or event time) in seconds or in time ticks. NeuroExplorer assumes
that the columns are separated by tabs.
Here is an example of a text file with the timestamps represented in seconds:
Neuron01 Neuron02
0.01 0.001
0.3 0.05
0.5 0.1
NeuroExplorer can also export data in this format (use File | Save Data | As a Text File menu
2. Pairs <name> <timestamp>
The text file in this format should contain the pairs of the type
<name> is a character string that is less that 64 characters long and contains only letters, digits and
the underscore sign. The first character of the name should be a letter. If the number is used for the
Page 19
name, NeuroExplorer will add "event" at the beginning of the name.
<timestamp> is a number representing the neuron firing time (or event time) in seconds or in time
Here is an example of a text file with the timestamps represented in seconds:
NeuroExplorer can also import continuous data from a multicolumn text file where each column
corresponds to a continuous variable:
ContChannel1 ContChannel2
114.74609 -63.47656
56.15234 -358.88672
-187.98828 -63.47656
-48.82813 388.18359
-26.85547 285.64453
The columns may be separated by any number of spaces, tabs or commas.
When you import continuous data from text files, the following dialog is shown:
First line contains variable names – if this option is selected, the fields of the first line of the text file
are used as variable names. The second line in the file is the first row of data.
First Data Point Timestamp specifies the timestamp of the first data point in each continuous
Time Between Data Points specifies the time step used in calculation of the timestamp for each row
of data. For data row N (N = 1, 2, …) in the text file, the timestamp is calculated using the following
Timestamped data can be pasted directly into the NeuroExplorer data table. To paste the following
two timestamped variables (BarPress and Reward) from a spreadsheet to NeuroExplorer:
In Excel:
Using the mouse, select the cell range with both variables (A1 to B5)
Select Edit | Copy menu command
In NeuroExplorer:
Select Data view of the file in NeuroExplorer
Select the Timestamps tab of the Data view
Scroll the timestamps window to the right and select the topmost cell of the empty column:
Select Edit | Paste menu command. NeuroExplorer will create two new Event variables and add
them to the file. You need to save the file (use File | Save or File | SaveAs menu command) to make
this change permanent.
Page 21
1.8. Importing Data from Matlab
You can create spike trains (1xN or Nx1 matrices with timestamps in seconds) or continuous
variables in Matlab and transfer them to NeuroExplorer on the fly. Here is how to do this:
Select File | New menu command.
Select Matlab | Get Data From Matlab... | Open Matlab As Engine menu command.
NeuroExplorer will open Matlab as engine.
In opened Matlab, run your Matlab scripts and create (or load from file) spike train variables or
continuous variables.
To import timestamp variables, in NeuroExplorer, select Matlab | Get Data From Matlab... | Get
Timestamp Variables... menu command. NeuroExplorer will open a dialog with the list of
available Matlab variables.
In the dialog, select the variables you want to transfer to NeuroExplorer and press OK.
To import continuous variables, in NeuroExplorer, select Matlab | Get Data From Matlab... |
Get Continuous Variables... menu command. NeuroExplorer will open a dialog with the list of
available Matlab variables.
In the dialog, select one of the variables you want to transfer to NeuroExplorer and press OK.
NeuroExplorer will open a dialog where you will specify the variable options.
Page 22
1.9. Reading and Writing NeuroExplorer Data Files
NeuroExplorer Data file has the following structure:
file header
variable header 1
variable header 2
data for variable i
data for variable j
Each variable header contains the size of the array that stores the variable data as well as the
location of this array in the file.
The pseudo-code for reading NeuroExplorer data file looks like this:
open file in binary mode
read file header
for each variable
read variable header
end for
for each variable header
seek to the file offset specified in the variable header
read variable data
end for
The C++ source code of the program that reads and writes NeuroExplorer data files is available at
NeuroExplorer web site:
NeuroExplorer provides a window that displays graphically all the selected variables. To open this
window, use View | 1D Data Viewer Window menu command.
You can also use 1D view to manually add events to the data file. Simply press the left mouse button
when the pointer is in the 1D view and NeuroExplorer will add a new timestamp to the variable
ManualEvent. You can also specify to what Event variable NeuroExplorer will add timestamps when
you click in 1D view (use On mouse click parameter in the Properties Panel).
Mouse wheel can be used to quickly navigate in 1D View:
Click in 1D View so set 1D View as an active window in NeuroExplorer
Press Shift and rotate mouse wheel to shift 1D View horizontally
Press Ctrl and rotate mouse wheel to increase time range (zoom out) and decrease time range
(zoom in)
Page 24
1.11. Analyzing Data
NeuroExplorer provides a variety of spike train analysis methods. Each method has a number of
parameters and options. You can apply any available analysis by clicking at the corresponding
analysis in the Analyses Panel (you can also use Analysis | Select Analysis menu commands):
After you click at one of the analysis items, NeuroExplorer will open a dialog that will allow you to edit
the analysis parameters. When you click OK in this dialog, NeuroExplorer will apply the specified
analysis to all the selected variables.
Any combination of analysis parameters and options (together with all the graphics options) can be
saved as a template. To save the current configuration as a template, right-click in the Graph Window
and select Save As New Template menu command. The template names are shown in the
Templates view of the control panel.
When you open a new data file, you can simply double-click on the template name to apply the
specific analysis with the selected parameter values.
Page 25
1.12. Selecting Variables for Analysis
NeuroExplorer can analyze at once any group of variables in the file.
To select the variables to be analyzed, use one of the following methods:
Select the variables using the Variable Panel (see How to select variables using Variables Panel
Select the variables using Analysis | Select Variables menu command. This command will
invoke the Variable Selection dialog similar to Variables Panel.
Select the variables directly in the Variables Window by using the check boxes located next to
the variable names. Please note that variable selection in Variables Window is applied only
when a new Graph Window or 1D View is created. To change the list of selected variables
in existing Graph Window, use Variables Panel or Analysis | Select Variables menu
command. See How to Select Variables for Existing Analysis Window for details.
Page 26
1.13. How to Select Variables for Existing Window
Variables selected in the Variables spreadsheet of data window are used to populate variables lists of
new analysis windows.
If you would like to change the list of variables for existing analysis window, please follow these
Click anywhere in analysis window to activate it
If Variables panel is visible, make changes in selected variables list ( how? ) and press Apply
If Variables panel is hidden, click at panel tab to open it:
Page 27
Make changes in selected variables list ( how to make changes? ) and press Apply button
If Variables panel or its tab is not visible, use View | Variables Panel menu command
Page 28
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You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.