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© 2012 Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH. All rights reserved.
Printed: 23. 05. 2012
Multi Channel Systems
Aspenhaustraße 21
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Table of Contents
Introduction 1
About this Manual 1
Scope of Delivery 1
Important Information and Instructions 3
Operator's Obligations 3
Guarantee and Liability 3
Important Safety Advice 4
First Use of the MEA Switch 5
Welcome to the MEAS2/1 5
Installing the Software 6
Setting Up and Connecting the MEAS2/1 6
Operating the MEA Switch 9
Controlling the MEAS2/1 9
Toggling Channels 11
Printing the Channel Assignment 11
Troubleshooting 13
About Troubleshooting 13
No Connection 13
Problems with Single Channels 14
Appendix 15
Technical Specifications 15
Pin Layout 15
Contact Information 16
Ordering Information 16
Index 17

1 Introduction
1.1 About this Manual
This manual comprises all important information about the first installation and the proper
usage of the MEAS2/1. It is assumed that you have a basic understanding of technical terms,
but no special skills are required to read this manual.
Make sure you read the "Important Information and Instructions" prior to install or to operate
the MEAS2/1 .
1.2 Scope of Delivery
1 MEAS2/1 main device
USB 2.0 cable, type A - B
CD with MEA Switch USB program

2 Important Information and Instructions
2.1 Operator's Obligations
The operator is obliged to allow only persons to work on the device, who
are familiar with the safety at work and accident prevention regulations and have been
instructed how to use the device;
are professionally qualified or have specialist knowledge and training and have received
instruction in the use of the device;
have read and understood the chapter on safety and the warning instructions in this manual
and confirmed this with their signature.
It must be monitored at regular intervals that the operating personnel are working safely.
Personnel still undergoing training may only work on the device under the supervision
of an experienced person.
2.2 Guarantee and Liability
The General conditions of sale and delivery of Multi Channel System MCS GmbH always apply.
The operator will receive these no later than on conclusion of the contract.
Guarantee and liability claims in the event of injury or material damage are excluded when
they are the result of one of the following.
Improper use of the device.
Improper installation, commissioning, operation or maintenance of the device.
Operating the device when the safety and protective devices are defective and / or inoperable.
Non-observance of the instructions in the manual with regard to transport, storage, installation,
commissioning, operation or maintenance of the device.
Unauthorized structural alterations to the device.
Unauthorized modifications to the system settings.
Inadequate monitoring of device components subject to wear.
Improperly executed and unauthorized repairs.
Unauthorized opening of the device or its components.
Catastrophic events due to the effect of foreign bodies or Acts of God.