Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted without the express written
permission of Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and
the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use
of information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may
accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any
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Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Products that
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make no claim to these trademark.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 5
1.1 About this Manual 5
2 Important Information and Instructions 7
2.1 Operator's Obligations 7
2.2 Guarantee and Liability 7
2.3 Important Safety Advice 8
2.4 Terms of Use for the Program 5
2.5 Limitation of Liability 5
3 First Use of the MEA Amplifier 9
3.1 Welcome to the MEA Amplifier 9
3.2 Installing the Software 10
3.3 MEA_Select Program 11
3.4 Setting Up and Connecting the MEA Amplifier 14
4 First Tests and Tutorial 17
4.1 First Functional Tests 17
4.2 General Performance / Noise Level 17
4.3 Computer Connection 19
4.4 Stimulation and Recording 19
4.4.1 Operating multiple MEA Amplifiers with one STG20
5 Operating the MEA Amplifier 27
5.1 Signal Amplification and Filters 27
5.2 Temperature Control 29
5.3 Mounting the MEA Probe and Grounding the Bath 30
5.4 Grounding Defective Electrodes 31
5.5 Stimulation 33
5.6 Stimulus Artifact Suppression (Blanking) 36
5.7 Examples with Different MEA Types 39
5.8 Service and Maintenance 43
MEA Amplifier with Blanking Circuit for Upright Microscopes
Troubleshooting 44
6.1 About Troubleshooting 44
6.2 Error Messages 44
6.3 Noise on Single Electrodes 44
6.4 Unsteady Baseline 45
6.5 Artifacts on All Channels 46
6.6 Unpredictable Noise and Artifacts 47
6.7 Liquid Spilled onto Amplifier 48
6.8 Technical Support 49
7 Appendix 51
7.1 Technical Specifications 51
7.1.1 Pin and MEA Layout 51
7.1.2 MEA1060-Up-BC 53
7.1.3 FA60S-BC 54
7.1.4 Test Model Probe 54
7.2 Contact Information 55
7.3 Ordering Information 55
8 Index 61
1 Introduction
1.1 About this Manual
This manual comprises all important information about the first installation of the hardware
and software, and about the daily work with the instrument. It is assumed that you have already
a basic understanding of technical and software terms. No special skills are required to read this
If you are using the device for the first time, please read the important safety advice before
installing the hardware and software, where you will find important information about the
installation and first steps.
The printed manual and help are basically the same, so it is up to you which one you will use.
The Help offers you the advantage of scrolling through the text in a non-linear fashion, picking
up all information you need, especially if you use the Index, and the Search function. If you are
going to read larger text passages, however, you may prefer the printed manual.
The device and the software are part of an ongoing developmental process. Please understand
that the provided documentation is not always up to date. The latest information can be found
in the Help. Check also the MCS web site ( for downloading
up-to-date manuals and help files.
1.2 Terms of Use for the Program
You are free to use the program for its intended purpose. You agree that you will not decompile,
reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the software.
1.3 Limitation of Liability
Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of any and all tests
and data generated by the use the software. It is up to the user to use good laboratory practice
to establish the validity of his findings.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Multi Channel Systems
MCS GmbH or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages
whatsoever (including, without limitation, injuries, damages for data loss, loss of business profits,
business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the
use of or inability to use the program or the provision of or failure to provide Support Services,
even if Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
2 Important Information and Instructions
2.1 Operator's Obligations
The operator is obliged to allow only persons to work on the device, who
are familiar with the safety at work and accident prevention regulations and have been
instructed how to use the device;
are professionally qualified or have specialist knowledge and training and have received
instruction in the use of the device;
have read and understood the chapter on safety and the warning instructions in this manual
and confirmed this with their signature.
It must be monitored at regular intervals that the operating personnel are working safely.
Personnel still undergoing training may only work on the device under the supervision
of an experienced person.
2.2 Guarantee and Liability
The General conditions of sale and delivery of Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH always apply.
The operator will receive these no later than on conclusion of the contract.
Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of any and all tests
and data generated by the use of the device or the software. It is up to the user to use good
laboratory practice to establish the validity of his findings.
Guarantee and liability claims in the event of injury or material damage are excluded when
they are the result of one of the following.
Improper use of the device.
Improper installation, commissioning, operation or maintenance of the device.
Operating the device when the safety and protective devices are defective and/or inoperable.
Non-observance of the instructions in the manual with regard to transport, storage, installation,
commissioning, operation or maintenance of the device.
Unauthorized structural alterations to the device.
Unauthorized modifications to the system settings.
Inadequate monitoring of device components subject to wear.
Improperly executed and unauthorized repairs.
Unauthorized opening of the device or its components.
Catastrophic events due to the effect of foreign bodies or acts of God.
MEA Amplifier with Blanking Circuit for Upright Microscopes
2.3 Important Safety Advice
Warning: Make sure to read the following advice prior to install or to use the device and the
software. If you do not fulfill all requirements stated below, this may lead to malfunctions or
breakage of connected hardware, or even fatal injuries.
Warning: Obey always the rules of local regulations and laws. Only qualified personnel should
be allowed to perform laboratory work. Work according to good laboratory practice to obtain
best results and to minimize risks.
The product has been built to the state of the art and in accordance with recognized safety
engineering rules. The device may only
be used for its intended purpose;
be used when in a perfect condition.
Improper use could lead to serious, even fatal injuries to the user or third parties and damage
to the device itself or other material damage.
Warning: The device and the software are not intended for medical uses and must not
be used on humans.
Malfunctions which could impair safety should be rectified immediately.
High Voltage
Electrical cords must be properly laid and installed. The length and quality of the cords must
be in accordance with local provisions.
Only qualified technicians may work on the electrical system. It is essential that the accident
prevention regulations and those of the employers' liability associations are observed.
Each time before starting up, make sure that the mains supply agrees with the specifications
of the product.
Check the power cord for damage each time the site is changed. Damaged power cords should
be replaced immediately and may never be reused.
Check the leads for damage. Damaged leads should be replaced immediately and may never
be reused.
Do not try to insert anything sharp or metallic into the vents or the case.
Liquids may cause short circuits or other damage. Keep the device and the power cords always dry.
Do not handle it with wet hands.
Requirements for the installation
Make sure that the device is not exposed to direct sunlight. Do not place anything on top of the
device, and do not place it on top of another heat producing device. Never cover the device, not
even partially, so that the air can circulate freely. Otherwise, the device may overheat.
Use and keep the device only in a dry environment. Fluids or damp air may damage or destroy the
device. Spilled liquid can damage or even completely destroy the electronics of the MEA amplifier.
Avoid it by all means.
Warning: The device must not get in contact with fluids! Spilled liquid can damage or even
completely destroy the electronics of the amplifier! This is eminently important when using
a perfusion system. Take care that the flow rates of the inlet and outlet flow match so that
flooding of the amplifier is efficiently prevented.
3 First Use of the MEA Amplifier
3.1 Welcome to the MEA Amplifier
First Use of the MEA Amplifier
Raw data from up to 60 electrodes of a microelectrode array (MEA) is amplified by 60 channels
of pre- and filter amplifiers.
The MEA sensor is placed directly into the small-sized MEA preamplifier with blanking circuit
(MEA1060-BC-PA). When the amplifier is closed, the contact pins in the lid of the amplifier are
pressed onto the MEA contact pads. The very close location of the amplifier to the MEA sensor
is very favorable concerning a high signal-to-noise ratio.
MEA amplifiers can be ordered with different gain and bandwidth configurations by the user's
choice. For example, typical pass bands would be 1 to 300 Hz for recording field potentials and
300 to 3000 Hz for recording action potentials. It is also possible to use a broadband amplifier and
filter the data with the digital filter of the free MC_Rack program. Gain settings from 100 to 5000
are possible.
The amplifier is connected to the data acquisition computer via a single 68-pin MCS standard
cable. The analog output signals of the MEA amplifier are then acquired and digitized by the
MC_Card (MEA-System) or your custom data acquisition system.
MEA amplifiers have an integrated heating system for controlling the MEA's temperature.
The desired temperature can be easily programmed with a temperature controller. You will not
need an incubator during recording all environmental conditions are reliably controlled directly
in the MEA dish.
MEA Amplifier with Blanking Circuit for Upright Microscopes
3.2 Installing the Software
System requirements
Software: One of the following Microsoft Windows ® operating systems is required:
Windows 7, Vista or Windows XP (English and German versions supported).
Other language versions may lead to software errors.
Hardware: Free RS232 port
Installing the software
Please check the system requirements before you install the software. MCS cannot guarantee
that the software works properly if these requirements are not fulfilled.
Important: Please make sure that you are logged in as an administrator before installation.
Otherwise, is possible that the installed software does not work properly.
1. Double-click Setup.exe on the installation volume.
The installation assistant will show up and guide you through the installation procedure.
2. Follow the instructions of the installation assistant.
3.3 MEA_Select Program
MEA Amplifier with blanking circuit (MEA1060-BC)
First Use of the MEA Amplifier
When starting the software program MEA_Select for controlling the blanking circuit of the
MEA amplifier the main window appears. You see the electrode button array on the left side.
Select the MEA layout from the drop down menu and the electrode button array will be adapted.
Click any or “All" button to select any or all electrodes for recording, stimulation or grounding.
Electrode button array adapted for 4QMEA1000 layout and HexaMEA layout.
The Stimulation window provides four options: Not Stim. = Recording (the button in MEA
layout is grey and labeled with the number of the electrode. Ground (the button in MEA layout
is grey without number of electrode. Stim. A = Stimulation A (the button in MEA layout is blue
and labeled with the number of the electrode). Stim. B = Stimulation B (the button in MEA layout
is red and labeled with the number of the electrode). The software allows to select any electrode
on a MEA for recording, grounding, and stimulation. You can apply two different stimulus
protocols A and B.
MEA Amplifier with Blanking Circuit for Upright Microscopes
A blanking signal (TTL pulse) transiently switch off the input stage of the amplifier during the
stimulus, thus avoiding the stimulus artifacts on non-stimulating electrodes. Amplifier saturation
is effectively prevented and the recovery time is greatly reduced. It is also possible to record from
stimulation electrodes shortly after stimulation.
With the MEA_Select program, it is easy to change the electrode selection during the experiment,
for example, to use stimulation electrodes for recording and vice versa. You can also ground
unwanted or bad electrodes by mouse click. Do not forget to send modified settings to the
MEA amplifier with Download command.
Without blanking technology, recovery time depends on the filter amplifier type. It is roughly
the time constant of the high pass filter multiplied by ten. During this time, the data output is
distorted. With the blanking circuit, the voltage outputs of the preamplifier are held constant
during the time when the blanking input is active. Thus, the following filter amplifier does not
get saturated by the stimulus artifact. When the blanking signal has stopped, the channel output
follows the input signal again.
By pressing the button Download you send the setting information to the MEA amplifier.
Port shows the connection to the serial port RS232 to which the MEA amplifier is connected.
With the option Test Conn. = test connection you are able to check whether you connected
the MEA amplifier to the fitting serial port. If not there is an error message "Connection not Ok."
and you have to change the port and check the cable. If the connection is perfect the message
"Connection Ok” and the version of the firmware of the MEA_Select program are displayed.
The box Blanking must be enabled in most cases, but you can disable the blanking for testing
your amplifier, for example.
The button Change MEA sets all electrodes to ground and is used for manipulations on the
MEA amplifier. When replacing a MEA chip, the stabilizing time can be greatly reduced by
connecting all electrodes to ground during the opening of the amplifier and change of the MEA.
The connection to ground results in lower electrode offsets. Therefore, you should always use
the "Change MEA" command when replacing a MEA.
Important: Click Change MEA in the MEA_Select program before you remove the shielding or
open the amplifier. Deactivate the Change MEA mode only after having completely set up the
amplifier, including grounding the bath and shielding the amplifier. Otherwise, it can take very
long (several seconds to minutes) until the amplifier has recovered and is ready for operation.
On the right side of the main window the Configuration box gives you the possibility to reuse
electrode configurations which are saved before. The configuration file has the extension ".scl".
This feature is important for the reproducibility of experiments. You can also save the list of
blanking patterns in List Mode together with a configuration file or just the list.
You can use the Wait for optimizing the electrode's behavior. The Wait parameter is the delay
between switching the electrodes from stimulation back to recording, that is, the stimulating
electrodes are disconnected from the stimulus input at the end of the trigger signal, and all
electrodes are connected to the amplifier input at the end of the Wait period. The Wait helps
avoiding cross-talk between stimulating and non-stimulating electrodes as well as preventing
switch artifacts.
The length of the Wait depends on several factors (electrode performance, stimulus amplitude,
for example) and has to be optimized empirically for each experimental setup. To test this,
enter increasing Wait values and monitor the performance of the stimulus artifact suppression.
Generally, the lower the amplitude of your stimulus is, the shorter can be the blanking signal.
For strong stimuli, a Wait of up to 400 μs can be necessary.
A factory-set Wait of 40 μs is added to all user defined Wait values. For example, a user defined
Wait of 0 results in a total delay of 40 μs.
First Use of the MEA Amplifier
The command List Mode opens an additional window: List of Stimulation Patterns. In List
Mode you can download a list of up to 50 user defined stimulation patterns. The quantity of
50 patterns is hardware controlled. A stimulation pattern can contain single or multiple electrodes
and must get an user defined name. Click "New", and it appears in the small upper window pane.
Change "New" into your specific name for the actual pattern, click "Update" to confirm
the name and add the pattern to the list. By clicking the button Trace List, the stimulation
patterns in this list are applied one after the other as stimulation signals.
Note: A Firmware update is necessary to use this feature.
Please read chapter "Stimulation" for more information.
It is very convenient to use a stimulus generator and MC_Stimulus to set up both your stimuli
and the blanking signal. You can then use the digital Sync Out output channel for controlling
the blanking of the MEA preamplifier and triggering the recording with the MC_Card or an
USB based data acquisition device.
MEA Amplifier with Blanking Circuit for Upright Microscopes
3.4 Setting Up and Connecting the MEA Amplifier
Warning: Spilled liquid can damage or even completely destroy the electronics of the MEA
amplifier. Please be extremely careful when setting up your perfusion system and when starting
the perfusion. Take care that the flow rates of the inlet and outlet flow match so that flooding
of the amplifier is efficiently prevented.
Note: The housing of the MEA amplifiers was optimized for Zeiss Axiovert microscopes. MEA
amplifiers are compatible to most standard microscopes if the following prerequisites are met.
This MEA amplifier type has been developed for standard upright microscopes with a rectangular
microscope table. The focal plane of the microscope has to be in a distance of 9.5 mm to the
microscope table.
Note: If you use a complete MEA-System, the MEA amplifier will usually be powered by the
isolated power supply (IPS10W) that is integrated into the data acquisition computer. The power
is distributed along the MCS 68-pin MCS high grade cable. If you use your MEA amplifiers
together with a MEA Switch, or if you use a custom data acquisition system without IPS10W,
you will need an external power supply for operating the amplifier(s). Please ask your local
retailer for more information on setup options.
Note: If you use an USB-ME-System you need an external power supply, for example a PS40W,
for operating the amplifier(s). Please ask your local retailer for more information on setup
1. Connect the MEA preamplifier with blanking circuit to the filter amplifier's input with
a 68-pin MCS standard cable.
Using the MC_Card for data acquisition: Connect the filter amplifier's output to the MC_Card
input labeled MC_Card Ch. 01–64 with a 68-pin MCS standard cable. If you have a MEA120-System,
connect the second MEA amplifier with a 68-pin MCS standard cable to the input for channels
65–128 labeled MC_CX64 Ch. 65–128. If you are using a MEA Switch, connect the amplifiers to
the MEA Switch inputs, and the MEA Switch outputs to the MC_Card.
Using an USB-ME data acquisition device: Connect the filter amplifier's output to the USB-ME
input via 68-pin MCS standard cable. If you are using a MEA Switch, connect the amplifiers to
the MEA Switch inputs, and the MEA Switch outputs to the USB-ME device.
1. Place the MEA amplifier onto the microscope table.
2. Connect the internal heating element to a Temperature Controller's output channel (D-Sub9
socket) with the black cable. (The Temperature Controller is not part of the standard scope of
delivery, but is included in the MEA-System or USB-ME-System, and can also be ordered
separately.) Do not connect the black heating element cable to the data acquisition computer.
3. Connect the serial port of the preamplifier to a free RS232 serial port of the computer, from
which you like to control the MEA amplifier (usually the data acquisition computer) with the
provided RS232 cable. Note that you need a separate Com port for each amplifier in use.
4. Connect up to two analog outputs of the stimulus generator to the two stimulus inputs of the
preamplifier. Connect the corresponding ground to the ground inputs. Please see the illustrations
below for details.
5. Connect a digital Sync Out output of the stimulus generator to the Trigger In input of the
preamplifier with a standard BNC cable. If you use a complete MEA-System, connect the same
Sync Out output to the first digital input bit of the MC_Card. Split the Sync Out output by using
a T connector to connect the devices in serial, but not parallel! Connect the T connector to
the MEA amplifier or to the MC_Card output, but not to the STG output.
6. You should use a Faraday cage or appropriate materials, for example aluminum foil, for shielding
the amplifier. The shielding should be connected to the amplifier's ground, for example, to the
screws of the cover.
First Use of the MEA Amplifier
Please see also the separate handout "MEA Microelectrode Systems" for setup suggestions with
detailed illustrations.
The following illustration shows a suggested setup for a standard MEA60-System with stimulus
generator and blanking circuit.
The following illustration shows a suggested setup for an USB-ME128-System with a MEA1060
amplifier with blanking circuit.
MEA Amplifier with Blanking Circuit for Upright Microscopes
Connecting the amplifier to the stimulus generator
The following illustration shows the recommended setup for connecting a stimulus generator
to the MEA amplifier with blanking circuit. The amplifier is electrically connected to the stimulus
generator only during the short time of the blanking pulse. Therefore, a shielded cable that is
usually used for preventing the pick up of noise is not necessary. The first illustration shows a
typical monopolar stimulation setup. One output channel (usually +U) of the stimulus generator
is connected to either stimulus input A or B of the MEA amplifier. If you use two separate
stimulation patterns, connect channel 1 of the stimulus generator to stimulus input A, and
channel 2 to stimulus input B, and the corresponding ground for each channel to the ground
inputs (labeled G) of the MEA amplifier.
The next illustration shows a standard setup for dipolar stimulation. In this case, you connect
the +U outputs to either stimulus input (A or B) of the MEA amplifier. The U output of the same
channel is connected to the other input. The ground output of the same channel is connected
to either ground input (labeled G) of the amplifier. It does not matter, which ground input you
use, because both G inputs are internally connected. Usually, you will then select two neighboring
electrodes on the MEA for the dipolar stimulation, for example, electrode 33 for stimulus A and
electrode 34 for stimulus B.
For more information on the stimulus generator output signals, please see the Stimulus Generator
4 First Tests and Tutorial
4.1 First Functional Tests
Each MEA amplifier has been thoroughly tested at the factory site before delivery. However,
you may want to perform some tests yourself before you begin your experiment to exclude
any damage that might have occurred during transportation, or to fulfill your own guidelines,
for instance.
Some of the tests will also help you to get to know the basic functions of the hard- and software,
like a short tutorial. It will take only a few minutes time and can save you time and trouble in the
long run. Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH recommends running these tests after the setup of
your system before you start your real experiments.
4.2 General Performance / Noise Level
Please use the provided test model probe to test the amplifier immediately after installation.
The test model probe is already mounted on the amplifier. It simulates a MEA with a resistor
of 220 k and a 1 nF capacitor between bath and electrode. Use MC_Rack or your custom
data acquisition program to record from the test model probe and to check the amplifier.
Setting up MC_Rack
Please refer to the MC_Rack manual for more information.
1. Start MC_Rack.
2. Open the file MEA_Display.rck on the installation volume. This basic rack contains the virtual
MC_Card instrument with appropriate gain settings and a continuous raw data display.
- OR –
Set up the rack on your own:
1. Click Data Source Setup on the Edit menu. Select MC_Card in Data Source drop down menu.
Select a 2-dimensional (MEA) layout in Source Layout. Close the dialog with OK.
2. Add the MC_Card to your virtual rack.
3. Click the Hardware tab of the MC_Card and enter the amplifier gain (standard: 1100).
4. On the Edit menu, click Add Data Display to add a raw data display to your virtual rack.
Starting the recording
1. On the Measurement menu, click Start to start the recording.
You see the raw data streams of all 60 channels in the typical MEA layout.
2. You may have to adjust the position and span of the axes until you can clearly see
the noise level.
During the first minute, you will see the baseline on all channels, because the filter amplifier
is still saturated. All electrodes have a different DC offset at the beginning of an experiment.
The internal baseline restore routine restores the offset to the ground level, that is, to zero.
During this time, you will not see any "true" signals or noise. See also the chapter "Operating
the MEA Amplifier", "Signal Amplification and Filters".
After about one minute, the baseline restorer has corrected the DC offset, and you see true
signals. You should see the baseline with a maximum noise level of +/- 8 μV.
MEA Amplifier with Blanking Circuit for Upright Microscopes
The following screen shot shows a recording from a typical MEA amplifier with a test model
probe and a sampling rate of 25 kHz.
Double-click a channel in the display to have a closer look.
4.3 Computer Connection
Testing the computer connection
The MEA_Select program automatically detects and lists all serial ports of your computer.
1. Start MEA_Select.
Select the serial port to which you have connected the MEA preamplifier (COM1, COM2,
and so on) from the drop-down list.
1. Click Test Connection.
A valid computer connection should be confirmed by OK. If not, please check all cables
and connections.
Note: You can control multiple MEA amplifiers from the same computer by starting several
instances of the MEA_Select program. Connect the amplifiers to different serial ports and
select the appropriate serial port for each amplifier in the MEA_Select program.
First Tests and Tutorial
4.4 Stimulation and Recording
In this chapter, we provide a step by step instruction for first tests that we think useful for
learning more about the features and behavior of the amplifier. It is assumed that you will
use MCS components (MEA-System and stimulus generator) for the complete setup. Please
make sure that you have set up the system as described in the chapter "Setting Up and
Connecting the MEA Amplifier" (or likewise, if you use other components). You can use the
provided test model probe for your first experiment.
First, you have to set up your stimulus generator and MC_Rack. Then you can start MEA_Select
to operate the MEA amplifier. Of course, you can also change your MC_Stimulus or MC_Rack
settings during amplifier operation.
Setting up the stimulus generator
1. Start MC_Stimulus.
2. Open the demo stimulus file on the installation volume. You can choose between a monophasic
and biphasic stimulus patterns (biphasic stimuli with negative phase first are recommended).
The voltage demo stimulus is a monophasic or biphasic pulse with a duration of 100 μs for each
phase and an amplitude of -1 V / +1 V. The pulse is repeated continuously each 24 ms (with the
Repeat feature of MC_Stimulus). The Sync Out trigger pulse for triggering the MEA amplifier
and the MC_Card is 100 μs longer than the stimulus pulse.
3. On the STG menu, click Download (all) to download the file onto the stimulus generator.
MEA Amplifier with Blanking Circuit for Upright Microscopes
4.4.1 Operating multiple MEA Amplifiers with one STG
It is possible to operate more than one MEA amplifier independently with a single stimulus
generator of the 4000 series. To do this, activate the Independent Channel Download feature
in the Settings menu of MC_Stimulus II.
This feature will allow to download new stimulation paradigms to individual channels without
interrupting the ongoing stimulation on other channels. See chapter “Downloading Stimulus
Files” for more information.
It is mandatory that all stimulation and Sync Out channels that are associated with one amplifier
are assigned to the same trigger in the Trigger Settings menu. For example, if four MEA1060-BC amplifiers are connected to one STG4008, usually two stimulation channels and one Sync Out
are associated to each amplifier. In that case, the trigger settings should be as shown:
Amplifier A is connected to stimulation channels 1 and 2 and Sync Out 1, Amplifier B
is connected to stimulation channels 3 and 4 and Sync Out 2, and so on. All channels
connected to one amplifier are assigned to the same trigger.
To download a stimulation paradigm to individual channels assigned to one amplifier only, select
all channels connected to this amplifier in the “Download Channel” check box (1 and 2 in this
example) and Sync Out 1 in “Download Sync” check box, whether you changed them all or not!
Only these channels will be downloaded, ongoing stimulation on other channels will not be
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