Multichannel Systems ME128 User Manual

Technical Specifications
Data resolution 16 Bit
Technical Specifications
The USB-ME128-System is an analog / digital board converting analog signals in digital data streams in real time.
General characteristics
Signal inputs
Number of analog input channels 128 Input voltage range +/- 4 V Input impedance 10 k Bandwidth DC to 13 kHz
Additional analog inputs
Number of additional inputs 4 Input voltage range +/- 4.096 V Bandwidth DC to 15 kHz Input impedance 1 M || 1 nF DC offset max. +/- 2 mV
Digital inputs and outputs
Number of digital input channels 16 Digital input signals CMOS (3.3 V input) Number of digital output channels 16 Digital output signals TTL ( 3.3 V output) Input impedance 100 k
Data converter and USB interface
Sampling frequency up to 50 kHz (software controlled) Maximal data rate 20.5 MB/s
USB version USB 2.0 High Speed Cross talk (neighbour channel) typical 0.01 %, max. 0.025 %
Cross talk (other channels) incapable of measurement DC offset max. +/- 2 mV
Interface and connectors Front panel
2 Digital Inputs Lemo connector EPL.00.250 NTN 2 x 64 Analog In 68-pin MCS standard connectors,
Rear panel 1 16 Bit Digital In / Out 68-pin MCS standard connectors,
1 Digital Out D0 Lemo connector EPL.00.250 NTN 1 Sync In Lemo connector EPL.00.250 NTN 1 Sync Out Lemo connector EPL.00.250 NTN 1 Audio Output Stereo jack 3.5 mm
4 Analog Inputs Lemo connector EPL.00.250 NTN USB USB 2.0 High Speed cable (type A – mini B) Power Supply Barrel connector 0.7 x 2.35 mm, Ground Common jack 4 mm banana plug External Power through Lemo connector EPG.0B.303 HLN
Power supply unit (MPU 30)
Input voltage 90 – 264 VAC @ 47 – 63 Hz Output voltage 11 – 13 V Max. Power 30 W
Software Operating system Microsoft Windows English and German version supported MC_Rack program Version 3.7.0 and higher Data acquisition and analysis MC_DataTool program Version 2.4.5 and higher Data export ASCII file (*.txt), binary file (*.raw) format LTP-Director program Version 1.2.0 and higher Data acquisition, stimulation and analysis
(true USB 2.0 transfer rate)
MCS high grade cable
MCS high grade cable
7, XP or Vista with NTFS
Warning: The device may only be used together with MEA-Systems or ME-Systems from Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH, and only for the specified purpose. Damage of the device and even fatal injuries can result from improper use. Do not open the data acquisition box and do not change hardware configuration as it could lead to improper behavior of the system.
© 2012 Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH