IonFlux™ System
High Throughput Automated Patch Clamp with Plate Reader Simplicity
Optimized for throughput,
flexibility, and superior
Plate reader simplicity: Fluxion’s
proprietary microfluidic flow control
technology eliminates the need for
pipetting and washing; it’s all handled
automatically within the reader. The
design ensures reliability and consistency.
Ligand-gated channel capability:
Compound application takes less than
100ms. Multiple compounds or concentrations can be applied in rapid
succession to the same group of cells.
Ideal for assaying ligand-gated channels.
Continuous recording: The IonFlux
reader continuously records from the
whole plate during all phases of the
protocol. Cells are continuously
Highest throughput: Available with
64 multiplexed amplifiers, the system
can deliver 1,000 data points per hour.
Cost-effective: Optimized design
significantly reduces the cost per data
point and initial system cost.
Compact: The IonFlux system can sit
on a benchtop, making it ideal for the
typical lab environment. The system is
designed to integrate with existing
liquid handlers for fully automated,
unattended operation. The IonFlux
system integrates easily into high
throughput screening workflows.
The IonFlux System delivers a high throughput electrophysiology solution for
ligand-gated and voltage-gated ion channels with “plate reader” simplicity. The
system’s unique microfluidic well plate format eliminates pipetting steps, allows
continuous recording of cell ensembles, and rapidly delivers compounds.
The IonFlux System delivers outstanding patch clamp performance in a complete, easy-to-use system.
Designed for higher throughput screening, the system uses parallel-cell ensemble recording to improve
reliability and minimize variability. Workflow is greatly simplified: once IonFlux plates are filled with cells
and compounds - by any standard liquid handling system - the plates are loaded automatically into the
IonFlux reader. The system’s unique microfluidic design automates all aspects of the compound
application and recording protocol. No additional pipetting or washing steps are required. Voltage
clamping occurs continuously throughout the entire experiment. This optimized design offers
significant advantages in throughput and speed of compound application.
Better System, Better Workflow
The IonFlux system is a benchtop instrument which provides up to 64 ion channel recordings in parallel.
The system consists of 1) a “reader” for running the voltage protocol and managing fluid flow, 2)
software for experiment set-up, control, and analysis, and 3) IonFlux microfluidic plates for cell and
compound handling. The use of a simple reader format, active fluidics, and 64 integrated amplifiers
provides throughput capability of 1,000 data points per hour.
IonFlux plates combine the ease of use of an SBS-standard well plate with the benefits of integrated
fluidics. Plates are filled in the same way as traditional well plates. However, the plate bottom has been
replaced by a microfluidic network. Cell introduction, seal formation, and rapid compound addition and
exchange (<100 ms) are all accomplished using a pneumatic interface that seals automatically to the
IonFlux plate inside the reader. Since the interface also includes the electrodes, fluid control and
recording occur simultaneously; there is no need for a test-add-test discontinuous workflow.
1. The IonFlux reader has been
designed for ease of use,
reliability, and workflow simplicity – just like a traditional
plate reader.
2. IonFlux plates look and handle
exactly like standard well
plates. They can be filled by
standard liquid handling systems.
3. In place of a solid bottom, the
IonFlux plate has a microfluidic network connecting wells.
The IonFlux reader includes
an interface that seals to the
wells and controls cell introduction, trapping, seal formation, and compound introduction via software control.

IonFlux Product
IonFlux Reader
Amplifiers: Integrated 16 or 64 channel
amplifiers, sampling rate adjustable to
20 khz; includes capacitance, leak, and
series resistance compensation
Dimensions: App. 20” (50 cm) X 20” (50
cm) X 10” (25 cm)
Temperature control: ambient to 40 °C
Integrated plate/liquid handler: available
IonFlux Plate
Plate formats: SBS-standard 96 and 384
Recording format: Parallel-cell ensemble
recording, 20 cells per group
Patch zones per experiment: 2 patch
zones in same experimental region
Compounds: 8 unique compounds or
concentrations per experiment
Experiments per plate:
96-well plate: 8 experiments per plate, each
w/ 2 traps, 8 compounds
384-well plate: 32 experiments per plate,
each w/ 2 traps, 8 compounds
IonFlux Software
Operating modules: Protocol editor, run
table manager, assay development mode,
recording visualization, analysis, and data
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista
96-well plate: 250 data points per hour
384-well plate: 1000 data points per hour
Compound application time: <100 ms
Unique Ion Channel Screening Capabilities
Ensemble trapping region. The
IonFlux plate records from a 20-cell
ensemble in parallel, providing the best
combination of consistency, success
rate, and recording fidelity. Active fluidic
Extracellular (flow channel)
control is utilized to introduce cells,
move them to the trapping area, and
position the cells for optimal trapping.
Trapping channels have a height and
width of approximately 1.5 μm.
Rapid compound exchange. Continuous recording from an ensemble of
CHO cells expressing GABA-A
receptors during successive application
of increasing GABA concentrations is
shown. This data illustrates the ability to
exchange compounds rapidly for a cell
ensemble with continuous recording.
Robust assay consistency. IonFlux
data showing the magnitude of the
stimulus response (10 μM GABA application) for 128 cell ensembles across 8
plates, and comparison to a negative
control (ECS). Z’ values (control vs. 10
μM GABA) across the 8 plates shown
averaged Z’ = 0.58±0.15.
Automation and scalability. An integrated automation solution utilizing
Tecan’s Freedom Evo robotic platform
and IonFlux electrophysiology readers is
available. Up to 4 readers can be integrated with the same robotic workstation for superior throughput.
© 2008-2010 Fluxion Biosciences Inc. All rights reserved. “IonFlux” is a trademark of Fluxion Biosciences, Inc.