Multichannel Systems Cardio2D User Manual

Cardio2D Manual
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted without the express written permission of Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document.
© 2014 Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH. All rights reserved.
Printed: 14. 02. 2014
Multi Channel Systems
Aspenhaustraße 21
72770 Reutlingen
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Table of Contents
Introduction 1
About this Manual 1 Welcome to Cardio2D and Cardio2D+ 1
Important Information and Instructions 3
Important Safety Advice 3 Guarantee and Liability 4 Operator's Obligations 4 Terms of Use for the Program 5 Limitation of Liability 5
Software and Hardware Installation 7
Installing the Cardio2D Software 7 First Use of Cardio2D after Installation 9 Data Acquisition Hardware 10
Cardio 2D Software 17
The Cardio2D Program : Overview 17 Control Window 25 Control View 26 Viability 27 Labbook 27 Compound / Basic 29 Stimulation of MEA Electrodes 33 Stimulation with MEA2100-System 37 Analyzer Settings 47 Start / Stop 50 Log File 50 Summary Window 51 MEA Window 52 MEA Electrodes 53 Single Channel View 54 Latency / Velocity Window 56 Color Map 58 General Software Features 62
Experimental Proceeding 65
General Performance / Noise Level 65 Detection Parameter 66 Automated Waveform Detection 67
Cardio2D Manual
Cardio 2D+ Analyzer Software 69
The Cardio2D+ Analyzer Program: Overview 69 Control Window Cardio2D+ 82 MEA Window Cardio2D+ 84 Field Potential Cardio2D+ 85 ROI Selection 93 Heartbeat Cardio2D+ 95 HB Averager 103 Analysis of Field Potential Duration 106
Troubleshooting 109
Troubleshooting 109 Error Messages 109
Theoretical Background 111
Cardiac Action Potential 111
Appendix 113
Technical Support 113 Test Model Probe 113 Contact Information 114
Index 115
1 Introduction
1.1 About this Manual
This manual comprises all important information about the first installation of the hardware and software, and about the daily work with the instrument. It is assumed that you have already a basic understanding of technical and software terms. No special skills are required to read this manual.
If you are using the device for the first time, please read the important safety advice before installing the hardware and software, where you will find important information about the installation and first steps.
The printed manual and help are basically the same, so it is up to you which one you will use. The help offers you the advantage of scrolling through the text in a non-linear fashion, picking up all information you need, especially if you use the index, and the search function. If you are going to read larger text passages, however, you may prefer the printed manual.
The device and the software are part of an ongoing developmental process. Please understand that the provided documentation is not always up to date. The latest information can be found in the help. Check also the MCS web site ( for downloading up-to­date manuals and help files.
1.2 Welcome to Cardio2D and Cardio2D+
The Cardio2D software consists of two main parts: The recording part is called Cardio2D program. It is for controlling the amplifier, the stimulator, and for scheduling and running the experiments.
The offline analyzer part is called Cardio2D+. The Cardio2D+ analyzer program is intended for reviewing and graphical representation of recorded experiments and for preparing the graphical results as far as possible for a publication.
Raw data is recorded in 24 bit resolution when using the MEA2100-System. The other data acquisition systems record raw data with 16 bit resolution.
2 Important Information and Instructions
2.1 Important Safety Advice
Warning: Make sure to read the following advice prior to install or to use the device and the software. If you do not fulfill all requirements stated below, this may lead to malfunctions or breakage of connected hardware, or even fatal injuries.
Warning: Obey always the rules of local regulations and laws. Only qualified personnel should be allowed to perform laboratory work. Work according to good laboratory practice to obtain best results and to minimize risks.
The product has been built to the state of the art and in accordance with recognized safety engineering rules. The device may only
be used for its intended purpose;
be used when in a perfect condition.
Improper use could lead to serious, even fatal injuries to the user or third parties and damage
to the device itself or other material damage.
Warning: The device and the software are not intended for medical uses and must not be used on humans.
Malfunctions which could impair safety should be rectified immediately.
High Voltage
Electrical cords must be properly laid and installed. The length and quality of the cords must be in accordance with local provisions.
Only qualified technicians may work on the electrical system. It is essential that the accident prevention regulations and those of the employers' liability associations are observed.
Each time before starting up, make sure that the mains supply agrees with the specifications
of the product.
Check the power cord for damage each time the site is changed. Damaged power cords should
be replaced immediately and may never be reused.
Check the leads for damage. Damaged leads should be replaced immediately and may never be
Do not try to insert anything sharp or metallic into the vents or the case.
Liquids may cause short circuits or other damage. Keep the device and the power cords always
dry. Do not handle it with wet hands.
Requirements for the installation
Make sure that the device is not exposed to direct sunlight. Do not place anything on top of the device, and do not place it on top of another heat producing device. Never cover the vents, not even partially, so that the air can circulate freely. Otherwise, the device may overheat.
Cardio2D Manual
2.2 Guarantee and Liability
The General conditions of sale and delivery of Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH always apply. The operator will receive these no later than on conclusion of the contract.
Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of any and all tests and data generated by the use of the device or the software. It is up to the user to use good laboratory practice to establish the validity of his findings.
Guarantee and liability claims in the event of injury or material damage are excluded when they are the result of one of the following.
Improper use of the device.
Improper installation, commissioning, operation or maintenance of the device.
Operating the device when the safety and protective devices are defective and/or inoperable.
Non-observance of the instructions in the manual with regard to transport, storage, installation,
commissioning, operation or maintenance of the device.
Unauthorized structural alterations to the device.
Unauthorized modifications to the system settings.
Inadequate monitoring of device components subject to wear.
Improperly executed and unauthorized repairs.
Unauthorized opening of the device or its components.
Catastrophic events due to the effect of foreign bodies or acts of God.
2.3 Operator's Obligations
The operator is obliged to allow only persons to work on the device, who
are familiar with the safety at work and accident prevention regulations and have been
instructed how to use the device;
are professionally qualified or have specialist knowledge and training and have received
instruction in the use of the device;
have read and understood the chapter on safety and the warning instructions in this manual
and confirmed this with their signature.
It must be monitored at regular intervals that the operating personnel are working safely.
Personnel still undergoing training may only work on the device under the supervision of an experienced person.
2.4 Terms of Use for the Program
You are free to use the program for its intended purpose. You agree that you will not decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the software.
2.5 Limitation of Liability
Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH makes no guaranty as to the accuracy of any and all tests and data generated by the use the software. It is up to the user to use good laboratory practice to establish the validity of his findings.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, injuries, damages for data loss, loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the program or the provision of or failure to provide Support Services, even if Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Important Information and Instructions
3 Software and Hardware Installation
3.1 Installing the Cardio2D Software
System Requirements
Software: One of the following Microsoft Windows ® operating systems is required:
XP, Vista, Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 (English and German versions supported) with the NT file system. Other language versions may lead to software errors.
Hardware: Please read chapter "Hardware Acquisition Systems". One of the listed data acquisition hardware system (MEA2100-System, USB-ME-Systems, USB-MEA256-System, USB-ME32-FAI-Systems or MC_Card) is recommended by MCS. Due to the amount of recorded data, a computer with low performance may lead to performance problems; therefore, Multi Channel Systems recommends an up-to-date computer. Please contact MCS or your local retailer for more information on recommended computer hardware specification. Please note that there are sometimes hardware incompatibilities of the data acquisition system and computer components; or that an inappropriate computer power supply may lead to artefact signals.
Important: You need to have installed the latest data acquisition driver to operate the device, which is automatically installed with Cardio2D. The installation may be invalid if the data acquisition does not respond. Please contact Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH or your local retailer in this case.
Recommended Operating System Settings
The following automatic services of the Windows operating system interfere with the data storage on the hard disk and can lead to severe performance limits in Cardio2D. These routines were designed for use on office computers, but are not very useful for a data acquisition computer.
Deselect Windows Indexing Service for all local disks.
Turn off Optimize hard disk when idle (automatic disk fragmentation).
It is also not recommended to run any applications in the background when using Cardio2D.
Remove all applications from the Autostart folder.
Important: Please do not run MC_Rack software program from Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH in parallel to Cardio2D software!
Please check the system requirements before you install the software. MCS cannot guarantee that the software works properly if these requirements are not fulfilled.
Important: Please make sure that you have full control over your computer as an administrator. Otherwise, it is possible that the installed software does not work properly.
Cardio2D Manual
Installing the Cardio2D Software
Make sure to have a valid license for the Cardio2D software! Please ask
You do not need a license for the Cardio2D software if you like to test the software for getting an idea of how it works and what is possible. You can test all functions, run the viability test to see your data, but you are not able to start an experiment.
Please contact to receive a valid license key.
To enter the following dialog, select "License Key" in menu "Help". Please type the key into the window "Please enter license key" and confirm the key with "Set".
Double-click the Cardio2D.exe on the installation volume. The installation assistant will show up and guide you through the installation procedure. Follow the instructions of the installation assistant.
Note: The hardware driver is installed (or updated) automatically.
Installing the Cardio2D+ Analyzer Software
Double-click the Cardio2D+.exe on the installation volume. The installation assistant will show up and guide you through the installation procedure. Follow the instructions of the installation assistant.
You will again be asked for a path to put the log and data files. Cardio2D+ does not produce raw data files, result files only. Raw data files created by Cardio2D are never changed by Cardio2D+, but analyzed and saved as result files. It is advisable to use the same subfolders as used by the Cardio2D.
Software and Hardware Installation
3.2 First Use of Cardio2D after Installation
Double-click the Cardio2D program icon. The "Data Acquisition Settings" dialog appears.
You have to select the data acquisition device, if more than one data acquisition is available. Select the "Sample Rate", the "Range" (when using the MC_Card only), and the gain as an intrinsic property of the connected amplifier. The "Resolution", the number of "Channels" and the "Driver Version" are displayed. Select the type of MEA or FlexMEA. Please save these entries with the command "Save Defaults". Otherwise the dialog will appear each time you want to start Cardio2D. It is possible to change the default settings or to save several default files if you work with different configuration. The dialog is also available in the "Settings" menu in "Data Acquisition".
You will be asked for a path to put the log and data files. The program will create subfolders for each of these file types. It is advisable to put all three subfolders in a common Cardio2D directory. These settings can be changed later, please see main menu "Settings", "File Location".
In case you have to reinstall the software, you will be asked for the file locations again.
Note: It is recommended to save the settings in the "Data Acquisition Settings" dialog as default. This way you do not have to type them in again, when restarting Cardio2D.
Cardio2D Manual
For saving the settings as default, please enter "File" menu "Save Defaults".
3.3 Data Acquisition Hardware
Caution: You have acquired a high performance data acquisition and analysis computer. Do not modify the system, do not install new hard- or software, or another operating system without asking MCS or your local retailer for advice. Cardio2D do not install virus scanners or firewalls because these programs are known to interfere with the data transfer to the hard disk. MCS cannot guarantee that a modified system is fully operational. Even data loss may occur.
Warning: The operating system settings of the data acquisition computer were preconfigured by MCS and should not be changed by the user. Changing these settings can lead to program instabilities and data loss.
Please read chapter "Data Acquisition Settings" in "First Use of Cardio2D after Installation".
Software and Hardware Installation
Data Acquisition with the MEA2100-Systems
The MEA2100 recording system is an all-in one solution consisting of headstage and interface board. The MEA2100-System with integrated amplification, data acquisition, online signal processing, and integrated stimulus generator. You can connect one or two headstages to the interface board. The MEA2100-System uses an USB 2.0 connector per headstage to transfer digitized data to any computer. Please read the MEA2100-System manual for detailed information.
Data Acquisition with the USB-ME-Systems
The external data acquisition board USB-ME256-System is a stand-alone solution for acquiring data from up to 256 channels from up to four MEAs. It can replace the internal computer hardware MC_Card. The analog input signals are acquired and digitized by the USB-ME256-System and the digital electrode signals are transmitted to the connected computer via universal serial bus (High Speed USB 2.0). Thus, it is possible to use any computer for data processing. Recorded data is graphed, analyzed, and reviewed with Cardio2D and Cardio2D+ program. The USB-ME256­System supports 256 channels with an amplification factor 1, that means no amplification, data acquisition only. You can connect, for example, up to four MEA1060 amplifiers via 68-pin MCS high grade cables.
Cardio2D Manual
The USB-ME128-System and the USB-ME64-System are in principle the same devices as the USB-ME256-System, but with 128 or 64 electrode channels respectively.
Data Acquisition with the MC_Card
The data acquisition computer with the with the internal data acquisition board MC_Card comes preinstalled and preconfigured by MCS for a flawless operation. You should contact your local retailer for assistance if you want to install additional hard- or software, or if you want to replace the computer, as incompatibilities of hardware components or software settings with the MC_Card or Cardio2D may occur.
Software and Hardware Installation
Data Acquisition with the USB-MEA256-Systems
The USB-MEA256-System is a compact and portable stand-alone solution for MEA recordings with integrated amplification, data acquisition, and analog / digital conversion. The system acquires data from up to 252 electrode channels, four additional analog channels, and 16 digital IN / OUT channels. The digitized electrode data is transmitted to the connected computer via universal serial bus (High Speed USB 2.0). Thus, it is possible to use any computer as a data acquisition computer, also a laptop. Recorded data is graphed, analyzed, and reviewed with Cardio2D and Cardio2D+ program. The integrated filter amplifier supports 252 electrode channels. The gain of 1100 is fixed. The bandwidth of 1 Hz to 3 kHz is suitable for a broad range of applications.
Data Acquisition with the USB-ME32-FAI-Systems
The USB-ME32-FAI-System is a very compact and portable stand-alone solution. It features an integrated 32-channel filter amplifier and data acquisition. The digitally converted electrode signals are transmitted to the connected computer via universal serial bus (High Speed USB 2.0). As in other USB-ME-Systems, it is possible to use any computer as a data acquisition computer, also a laptop. The size of the complete system is small enough to fit into a laptop bag together with the computer. The system is for use with a 32-channel miniature amplifier MPA32I. You can directly connect the EcoFlexMEA36 to the 32-channel miniature preamplifier for recording with Cardio2D.
Overview: Possible Configuration of Data Acquisition System and Microelectrode Array MEA
Cardio2D Manual MC_Card 64:
FlexMEA_6x6_300_30 Note: It is possible to connect one or two FlexMEAs!
EcoFlexMEA_6x6_300_50 Note: It is possible to connect one or two EcoFlexMEAs!
MC_Card 128:
FlexMEA_6x6_300_30 Note: It is possible to connect one or two FlexMEAs
per 68-pin MCS standard connector!
EcoFlexMEA_6x6_300_50 Note: It is possible to connect one or two EcoFlexMEAs
per 68-pin MCS standard connector!
Software and Hardware Installation
FlexMEA_6x6_300_30 Note: It is possible to connect one or two FlexMEAs!
EcoFlexMEA_6x6_300_50 Note: It is possible to connect one or two EcoFlexMEAs!
Cardio2D Manual USB-ME128:
FlexMEA_6x6_300_30 Note: It is possible to connect one or two FlexMEAs
per 68-pin MCS standard connector!
EcoFlexMEA_6x6_300_50 Note: It is possible to connect one or two EcoFlexMEAs
per 68-pin MCS standard connector!
FlexMEA_6x6_300_30 Note: It is possible to connect one or two FlexMEAs
per 68-pin MCS standard connector!
EcoFlexMEA_6x6_300_50 Note: It is possible to connect one or two EcoFlexMEAs
per 68-pin MCS standard connector!
4 Cardio 2D Software
4.1 The Cardio2D Program : Overview
Main Window: Overview
The main window of Cardio2D consists of two in case of several connected MEAs of three window panes. The left "Control Window" is for controlling and documentation of the experiment. The bigger window on the right side, the "MEA Window" displays heartbeats in different characteristics in real-time monitoring. The "Summary" window is only available, if more than one MEA is connected.
You have one single "Control Window" only, but depending on the connected hardware you can have up to nine different MEA tabbed pages in the "MEA Window" which correspond with the "Summary" window respectively. If you connect, for example, an USB-MEA256-System for data acquisition, you can use it together with a 256-9wellMEA and each of the nine wells is displayed and controlled separate in nine MEA window tabs, MEA A to MEA I.
If you connect, for example, an USB-ME256-System for data acquisition, it is possible to connect up to four MEAs, MEA_1 to MEA_4. Each MEA window tab will display the heartbeats with different settings in the four views of the "MEA Tabbed Pages" in the "MEA Window" independent from each other. Via the "Control Window" you start and stop the experimental protocol simultaneously.
Cardio2D Manual
Control Window
The experimental protocol is visualized by three icons on the left orange control view. The icons can be clicked for editing the protocol. Below the control view the log file documents the ongoing experimental proceedings.
Summary Window
The "Summary" window is only available, if more than one MEA is connected. It presents an overview about the layout of the MEAs which are connected and you can select or deselect the recording of connected MEAs. The summary corresponds with the MEA tabbed pages in the "MEA Window".
MEA Window
The "MEA Window" is divided into four single views. All of them display heartbeats in different characteristics. If more than one MEA is connected to the experimental setup, each MEA can be operated separately via the "MEA Tabbed Pages". Depending on the hardware up to nine MEAs (for nine wells of the 256-9wellMEA) are available. Select the respective MEA in the "Summary" window to display the data traces in the MEA window. If a MEA is disabled via check box in the "Summary" window, the corresponding MEA tabbed page will be removed from the display, and no data is recorded.
Five different types of MEAs are implemented: The standard MEA with an 8 x 8 electrode layout grid (the diameter of the MEA electrodes and the spacing between them differs), a MEA with a 6x10 electrode layout grid, the 256MEA with a 16 x 16 layout grid, the 256-9wellMEA with nine separate wells (shown in the picture above), or the EcoFlexMEA36 with 6 x 6 electrode layout grid. The design of the MEA window is automatically adjusted to the type of the MEA, please see chapter "Data Acquisition Settings" in First Use of Cardio2D after Installation.
Recorded data traces are displayed in the MEA electrodes pane. You can zoom to any channel by clicking on a channel in the MEA electrodes plate. The zoomed channel is displayed in the larger single channel view. The single channel view has three tabs, "FP" field potential, "HB" heartbeat and "Ave" average. The heartbeat window shows either a diagram of the RR interval or of the frequency of the heartbeats, the heart rate. The current values of the RRI or the frequency are displayed above in red numbers.
The color map displays the propagation of a heartbeat from the pacemaker to the outer regions of the cardiac cell culture or tissue. The isochrones are indicated by black lines. The colors indicate the latency distribution over the MEA. Red color represents the pacemaker when using the color map "jet inverse".
The latency / velocity window shows the latency of the heartbeat in units of μs or the velocity in units of mm per ms. Both parameters are measured between the first and the last detected electrode in the range. The current absolute values are displayed in red letters above the plot.
Cardio 2D Software
Main Menu
Menu to open or save templates, to restore and save defaults, and to exit the program.
If you design experiments for a certain purpose, and you want to reuse the experimental schedule, please save the file as a template. You can reuse the template file as often as necessary. You can save as much templates as needed. You can also save local and global settings as a template. The inscriptions appear as soon as you open the template and there is no need to fill in again.
Factory set defaults are the setting parameters, which are used when starting Cardio2D for the first time. Please enter your own defaults, for example, in "Data Acquisition Settings" dialog after installing the software. Click "Save Defaults" to save your settings as a default. This way your setting parameters will be present, each time you start Cardio2D. To restore default settings, please select "Restore Defaults".
Menu to schedule an experiment. Selecting "Basic" or "Compound" changes the icons in the "Control Window". "Basic" defines the default settings for an usual experiment, "Compound" gives the possibility to apply an user defined series of compounds.
Cardio2D Manual
Menu to activate the offset correction, if necessary. Enable the option "Offset Correction" and the following dialog appears.
An offset correction may be necessary, if you observe disturbing voltage offset on the input channels. Click the check box "Correct Offset" and Cardio2D takes 100 ms of the recorded data in the moment when the check box is selected to calculate the DC offset. The mean of this 100 ms sweep is subtracted from the recorded data as long as the "Correct Offset" check box is activated. The offset correction works separately for each available channel. Click the "Update" button to update the calculation of the offset correction. This option is available when Cardio2D is running.
Menu to define the data acquisition device and to determine the path for the data and log files.
Cardio 2D Software
Click "Data Acquisition" in the Settings menu. The "Data Acquisition Settings" dialog opens. This dialog is the same which shows up before starting Cardio2D for the first time. Please see above.
Please enter the drop down menus to select the current data acquisition. In dependency of the data acquisition device you can modify the "Sample 'Rate" and the "Range". The "Resolution", "Number of Channel", and the "Driver Version" will be displayed. Define the type of MEAs used in the experiment.
Click "File Location" in the Settings menu. The "Location Settings" dialog opens.
Please define the file path for the raw data and the corresponding setting files, the result and the log files.
When using an USB-ME256 device for data acquisition it is possible to connect up to four MEA amplifiers, which can be operated independent from each other: That means you can select the settings for each MEA separately, but the starting and stopping of the experimental protocol is synchronous for all connected MEAs.
The design of the MEA tab is different depending on the type of the connected MEA.
Cardio2D Manual
Design of the MEA window when connecting three MEAs, and using a MEA with a 6 x 10 layout grid in MEA_3 tab.
Design of the MEA window when using one EcoFlexMEA36 with a 6 x 6 layout grid.
Design of the MEA window when using a 256MEA with a 16 x16 layout grid.
Cardio 2D Software
Click "View Summary Page" to open the "Summary" window. This window is only available, if more than one MEA at a time is connected. The window presents an overview and all connected MEAs are visible. The dark green color code spotlights the MEA which is displayed in the MEA tabbed page. The layout of the MEA is displayed respectively.
You can uncouple the "Summary" window to move it to a different place on the monitor. Click
the monitoring the color map via "Start" and "Stop" icon.
"Map Settings" icon to open the "Summary Map Settings" dialog and start or stop
Cardio2D Manual
In this example the "Summary" page shows 60-6wellMEAs with adapted color map.
Menu for starting the Cardio2D online help, to monitor the dialog "About Cardio2D", and to enter the license key. For a valid license please read chapter "Installing Cardio2D Software".
Select "About Cardio2D".
The dialog shows basic information about the version of Cardio2D.
Note: Please keep in mind that the information of this dialog is necessary in case of support!
4.2 Control Window
Cardio 2D Software
The "Control Window" is divided into two window panes.
The "Control View" controls the experimental protocol, and the "Log File" documents the experimental proceedings.
Cardio2D Manual
4.3 Control View
In the Control window you can enter the settings for setting up and running an experiment. If more than one MEA is connected each MEA is represented via a tabbed page in "MEA Window". In "Control View" it is possible to set different parameters for each MEA and to start and stop all MEAs simultaneously.
+ 93 hidden pages