Perforated Microelectrode Array with 6 x 10 electrode layout grid. Perforated MEAs for use with MEA1060 amplifiers
equipped with a perfusion ground plate (PGP) or a MEA2100 headstage with a perfusion element (PE). The perforation
allows a perfusion of the tissue from both sides of the pMEA.
Technical Specifications 60pMEA100/30iR-Ti
Temperature compatibility 10 - 50 °C
Dimension (W x D x H) 49 mm x 49 mm x 1 mm
Base material Polyimide foil (2611) on glass or ceramic carrier
Diameter of innermost area 2 mm
Total area of holes 19% (according to 2 mm)
Diameter of holes 5, 6, 7.5, 9, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.7, 20
Contact pads TiAu (Titan, Gold)
Track material TiAuTi (Titan, Gold, Titan)
Electrode diameter 30 μm
Interelectrode distance (centre to centre) 100 μm
Electrode height Planar
Electrode type TiN (Titanium nitride)
Isolation type Polyimide foil (2610) isolator
Electrode impedance 30 - 50 k
Electrode layout grid 6 x 10
Number of electrodes 60
Reference electrodes with internal reference (iR)
Source layout in “Data Source Setup” 2 dim. (MEA)
Channel map pMEA 6x10.cmp
Cleaning Rinse with distilled water. Do not use ultrasonic bath!
These pMEAs are not heat stable, and should not be autoclaved!
MEA perfusion chamber (w/o) Without ring
(gr) Glass ring: ID +/- 19 mm, OD 24 mm, height 6 / 12 mm
(pr) Plastic ring without thread: ID 26.5 mm, OD 30 mm, height 6 / 3 mm
(pr-T) Plastic ring with thread: ID 26 mm, OD 30 mm, height 6 / 15 mm
Multi Channel Systems
Aspenhaustrasse 21
72770 Reutlingen
Fon +49-7121-9 09 25Fax
+49-7121-9 09 25-11
© 2013 Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH
Product information is subject to change
without notice.

MEA pins
Electrode #
33 32
22 33
12 21
23 11
13 22
34 12
24 23
14 13
15 REF
25 24
35 15
16 25
26 16
21 32 31 44 43 41 42 52 51 53 54 61 62 71
31 43 42 41 52 51 53 63 61 62 71 72 73 81
11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101
23 12 21 44 41 51 54 71 82 73
12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 102
34 13 33 31 43 53 61 63 83 64
13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 103
14 24 22 32 42 52 62 72 74 84
24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 104
25 27 37 47 57 67 77 75 85
15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105
35 16 36 38 46 56 68 66 86 65
16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 106
26 17 28 45 48 58 55 78 87 76
Electrode #
MEA pins
82 63
83 72
91 82
101 73
92 83
102 64
93 74
103 84
104 85
94 75
105 65
95 86
106 76
17 26
27 34
36 35
MEA pins
96 87
100 μm
30 μm
36 44 45 46 55 56 54 64 66 65 76 75 74 86
28 37 38 45 46 48 47 57 58 56 55 68 67 78
Electrode #
84 77
85 66
Electrode #
MEA pins
The first number of the electrode number code refers to the column number, the second
number is the row number of the 60pMEA100/30iR-Ti. The specified MEA pin numbers
are the channel numbers that are used in the MC_Rack program, when using the 2 dim.
source layout in “Data Source Setup”. The electrode 14 is missing. It is replaced by a big
internal reference electrode, and connected to MC_Rack channel number 15.
Multi Channel Systems
Aspenhaustrasse 21
72770 Reutlingen
Fon +49-7121-9 09 25Fax
+49-7121-9 09 25-11
© 2013 Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH
Product information is subject to change
without notice.