MTS Systems 8830 User Manual

International Roaming Service
Quick Start Guide
including but not limited to GPS Functionality, downloadable video clips, movies, TV and full track music downloads. Restricted countries are subject to change without notice. GSM roaming available to MTS Mobility customers within the MTS international partner coverage areas where technology permits. Coverage subject to change without notice, see for the
4. Text Messaging – You will be billed for all text messages sent in GSM mode, whether the message was successfully sent or not. Both the sender and recipient will be billed for all text messages sent and received in CDMA mode, whether the message was successfully sent or not. Charges are applicable whether an error message is received or not.
5. Warranty – The performance, quality, or suitability of your BlackBerry 8830 device is subject to the manufacturer’s specifications and warranty. Contact an authorized MTS Mobility dealer for more details.
6. Responsible Use – You warrant normal use of the MTS Mobility SIM Card for the purpose of purchasing IRS from MTS Mobility in accordance with the terms hereof. You shall be liable for any damage arising as a result of unlawful use of the IRS and/or the MTS Mobility SIM Card. You shall refrain, and prevent others, from using the MTS Mobility SIM Card and/or the IRS for any purpose other than that intended by MTS Mobility and all applicable terms and conditions of service, and not use the MTS Mobility SIM Card, your BlackBerry 8830 and/or IRS for annoying any person or in such manner as to interfere unreasonably with the use of the IRS by other customers or any form of harassment or for any purpose contrary to law. You shall not use the MTS Mobility SIM Card, the BlackBerry 8830 device and/or IRS if your use causes our network or our ability to provide services to others, to be adversely affected. You must ensure that any device used with IRS is technically and operationally compatible with MTS Mobility cellular system and that it complies with the rules and regulations of Industry Canada. You shall abide by all rules and regulations governing the use of the IRS that may be issued or adopted by MTS Mobility from time to time. To protect the integrity of our network, under no circumstances will you resell the IRS.
7. Suspension/Termination – MTS Mobility, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to remove IRS over any other cellular telephone service carrier’s system on a temporary or permanent basis for any reason. MTS Mobility reserves the right to immediately suspend or terminate your use of the IRS without notice pending investigation of suspicious high usage of the MTS Mobility SIM Card and/or device or number cloning of the MTS Mobility SIM Card and/or handset or confirmation of such activities. MTS Mobility shall be permitted to suspend or terminate IRS without notice where it believes an MTS Mobility SIM Card has been transferred to another handset or been tampered with. If IRS are no longer purchased by you or provided or available from MTS Mobility, you will immediately destroy the MTS Mobility SIM card.
8. Theft, Loss, Abuse, Defect or Damage – You must use your best efforts to protect the MTS Mobility SIM Card against loss, abuse, theft, defect or damage. If the MTS Mobility SIM Card is no longer in your possession due to theft, loss, defect or damage, or if you suspect abuse of the MTS Mobility SIM Card, it is your responsibility to immediately notify MTS Mobility (see Customer service numbers). You will be responsible for all charges up to the time of notification to MTS Mobility of such theft, loss, abuse or damage. You are responsible for replacing your MTS Mobility SIM Card. Replacement MTS Mobility SIM Cards can be purchased from MTS Mobility, only in the case of lost, stolen or defective SIM Cards. Contact MTS Customer Care for more details.
9. Privacy of Communications – MTS Mobility cannot guarantee that your use of the IRS will be secure or private. It is your responsibility to ensure that appropriate security measures are in place to control access to your handset and any information that you may transmit using the IRS. Third parties may intercept, record and monitor your communications over the IRS and it is your responsibility to protect that communication against such. Information may be collected by other service providers when you use IRS. MTS Mobility disclaims all responsibility for any interception of private communications or information for any breach of your security or privacy.
10. Indemnity – You are responsible for and will indemnify MTS Mobility for all damages, losses, expenses and any action, claim and judgment, which may be made against us by anyone in connection with your use of the IRS or violation of any of the related terms and conditions of service and/or use.
11. Trade-marks – MTS design mark is a registered trade-mark of Manitoba Telecom Services Inc. used under license. All other trade-marks are the property of their respective owners. Research In Motion, BlackBerry, and the BlackBerry logo are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries- these and other marks of Research in Motion are used under license.
12. User Content – You acknowledge that MTS Mobility may store your user content on our facilities for the purpose of you accessing such content, but that if you fail to access such content within a period of time MTS Mobility deems reasonable or if your IRS terminates, we may delete such content without notice to you.
13. Changes – Any terms and conditions that apply to the IRS, coverage, offers, services, features, specifications and pricing are subject to change and/or termination at MTS Mobility’s discretion, without notice or liability. Changes will be posted at
August 2007
Customer service numbers
In Canada:
1 204 225-5687 (CALLMTS)
In North America:
1 800 362-3347*
From Overseas:
(+) 1 204 794-8946*
Email Roaming Support Team:
For information on International Roaming Service:
* Numbers can be used while roaming overseas but standard international roaming charges will apply. The current rate is $2.49 CDN per minute. This rate is subject to change without notice. Visit for current rates.
Conditions of Service
In addition to the standard MTS Allstream Inc., carrying on business as MTS Mobility (“MTS Mobility”), Wireless Terms of Service, the following information and conditions apply to the use of the BlackBerry
8830 World Edition Smartphone and International Roaming Service (“IRS”). If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions of Service, do not proceed with the activation of your BlackBerry 8830 and MTS Mobility SIM Card. If you activate your BlackBerry 8830 handset and your MTS Mobility SIM Card and use the IRS, you agree that you are bound by these terms and conditions, in addition to the standard MTS Mobility Wireless Terms of Service.
1. Charges – Your local airtime and long distance rate plan, features and promotions are not applicable while roaming
internationally in GSM areas. All international roaming calls and data usage will be charged according to the rates set out for the IRS. You are responsible for all charges and taxes. All billing is in Canadian funds. Rates are subject to change without notice. IRS charges will apply when you access your voicemail to retrieve messages or make administrative changes. Billing for IRS will appear on your regular MTS Mobility invoice. Data use on GSM/GPRS networks is charged at a current rate of $.05/Kb, billed in minimum 10Kb increments. Minimum charge per use is $0.50. Current GSM voice rates are charged at $2.49 per minute for all call types regardless of country of origination or termination. CDMA standard roaming rates apply when in CDMA coverage areas outside of North America. Visit for all current CDMA and GSM rates. IRS is non-discountable and not eligible for corporate discounts. Standard System Access Fees and E911 (Europe equivalent is 112) charges apply.
2. Activation – Activation of IRS could take up to 24 hours following activation of your handset. You will not be able to use IRS until activation is completed. Activation fees apply.
3. Roaming – Voice and Data: Services, features and functionality are available within MTS Mobility and its international roaming partners’ coverage area and are subject to the technical limitations thereof. Actual coverage for voice and data may depend upon customer equipment, antenna placement, topographic and weather conditions. Service, features and functionality may not be available in all countries. Data: Some features of the BlackBerry 8830 may not be available while roaming in GSM coverage areas,
International Roaming Service
The International Roaming Service from MTS Allstream Inc., carrying on business as MTS Mobility (“MTS Mobility”), allows you to stay connected while you travel internationally by using your BlackBerry
8830 World Edition smartphone. Through agreements with CDMA and GSM roaming partners, MTS Mobility gives you access to coverage in over 170 countries, including availability of data in over 85 countries. You can now enjoy the freedom to travel where you want to go while staying connected to your business, friends and family. Follow these steps to ensure you can roam, wherever your business or personal travel takes you.
Important Things to Remember
1. Before you travel, be sure to visit for a complete list of countries
where International Roaming Service is available, country codes and to verify roaming rates. If you plan on using data or tethered data when roaming internationally (GSM networks) you must make sure that you have a plan that supports data. Call Customer Care or visit for details.
2. The first time you roam internationally (outside of North America) with your
BlackBerry 8830, you will need to call MTS Mobility Customer Care (see Customer Service numbers in this guide) to have international roaming activated on your account if you did not do so at time of hardware activation. For customers that did NOT activate the BlackBerry 8830 SIM card at time of service activation you will need to do so if you wish to roam internationally on GSM networks. If you are unsure as to whether you activated your SIM card please contact MTS Mobility Customer Care (see Customer Service numbers in this guide) or visit an authorized MTS Mobility Dealer to verify if you have International Roaming Service active on your account. A SIM card activation fee applies.
3. Don’t forget to bring your mobile phone charger and electrical adapter with you on
your trip.
4. If your MTS Mobility SIM card and/or handset are lost or stolen, you must report it
immediately to MTS Mobility Customer Care (see Customer Service numbers in this guide) to avoid being held responsible for fraudulent charges.
Getting Started
Your BlackBerry 8830 smartphone includes an MTS Mobility SIM card, located in the BlackBerry 8830 box, unless it has already been installed by the dealer. The MTS Mobility
SIM card is used to enable service while in GSM mode in international locations. To use International Roaming Service and the voice and data functionality associated with the device in GSM areas, the MTS Mobility SIM card must be installed in your device and activated by an authorized MTS Mobility Dealer. Activation charges will appear on your MTS Mobility invoice.
Installing the SIM Card
1. Press the battery door release latch, then pull the cover down and
away from the device
2. Hold the SIM card with the gold contacts down and orient SIM
card according to the diagram contained under the battery casing. The SIM card notch should be exposed to the right when correctly inserted.
3. See diagram found in the battery casing compartment of the device
The BlackBerry 8830 supports voice, data, text messaging and voicemail. Multimedia services such as downloadable video clips, movies, TV and full track music downloads
will not work while roaming outside of North America. Internal GPS functionality does not work in GSM Coverage areas. Call Display, Call Waiting and Message Centre will work while traveling internationally, however, the availability and functionality of these features while using International Roaming Service are subject to technical limitations and may not be accessible at all times. This device will not roam in countries that only have analog coverage or are on the GSM 1900 band.
Arriving at your destination
When you turn your BlackBerry
8830 on, follow the steps below to make sure you can roam. For more information on your BlackBerry 8830 settings, please consult your user guide.
1. The BlackBerry 8830 upon purchase is preset for CDMA. Upon insertion of your SIM
card (If not already completed by the dealer) you will be asked to set the device to “Global” and you must select “Yes”.
2. For the BlackBerry 8830 “Global” is the default network mode. In Global Mode your
device will automatically scan for the an available CDMA or GSM network.
3. How to view Global Mode (Instructions on how to view for verification if required)
a. Select Applications b. Go to Manage Connections c. Select Mobile Network Options d. Select Network Mode e. Select Global
Using your device Internationally
Making calls in CDMA or GSM mode:
To make calls in either mode, your BlackBerry 8830 must be in Phone Mode to properly dial. You will not be able to complete an international call if the device is in the idle screen.
International Dialing Instructions
To make international calls, use the international dialing code for that country.
To place a local call
• Press and hold 0 until the + appears in the display
• Enter the country code, followed by the local phone number
To a place long distance calls to Canada or the United States:
• Press and hold 0 until the + appears in the display
• Press 1 followed by the 10-digit phone number
To place a long distance call to another country:
• Press and hold 0 until the + sign appears in the display
• Enter the country code followed by the local phone number
Voicemail Retrieval While Traveling Internationally
While overseas, you will be placing an international call back to your home province to check your voicemail.
• Press and hold 0 until the + sign appears in the display
• Enter 1 and your 10 digit cellular phone number
• Press 9 to interrupt your greeting
• When prompted, enter your password
Text Messaging While Traveling Internationally While overseas in GSM territory, to send a text message to North America:
• Press and hold 0 until the + sign appears in the display
• Enter 1 and the 10 digit phone number
While overseas in GSM territory, to send a text message to anywhere outside of North America:
• Press and hold 0 until the + sign appears in the display
• Enter the country code, followed by the full international number (even if you are sending a text message within the city you are visiting)
Replying to Messages from an International GSM Subscriber
• Simply press reply and compose message and send
Data and Additional Services Accessing email while roaming overseas in a GSM area
• No different then accessing email while in Canada
Tethered Data while Roaming Overseas
Before you are able to access tethered data overseas you have to first ensure that you have the correct plan that supports tethered data domestically in Canada.
Prior to Leaving for Overseas
• Install Desktop manager software (comes with the BlackBerry
8830 in box)
• Install Connection Manager, download from the MTS website
• Verify that the Connection Manager is working in Canada
Upon Arrival in a GSM Coverage area
• Launch Connection Manager
• In order to connect the user must check the box at the bottom left corner of the Connection Manager software that states: “Check to enable GPRS World Roaming Mode”
For a complete list of countries and rates, visit Data use on GSM/GPRS networks is charged at a current rate of $.05/Kb, billed in minimum 10Kb increments. Minimum charge per use is $0.50. All rates are subject to change. When text messaging in North America CDMA coverage areas, standard rates apply. Text messaging in CDMA territory, outside of North America, is not available.
Note: Pressing the + key automatically dials the international access code for the country
from which you are calling. Where it does not, you will be required to manually enter one.
Do not bend or scratch your MTS Mobility SIM card. Avoid exposing your SIM card to static electricity, water, or dirt. MTS Mobility SIM cards are considered non-transferable to other devices of any sort. If you put a non-MTS Mobility SIM card into your BlackBerry 8830 you may receive voice service. However, MTS is not responsible for any non MTS Mobility SIM cards or handsets used in conjunction with this service. If you remove your MTS Mobility SIM card and insert it into another GSM handset you may continue to receive GSM roaming services from MTS Mobility, in which case the charges for calls made from that device will continue to appear on your MTS Mobility invoice. You will not be able to use International Roaming Service without the complete activation of the service or SIM card.