MTS Sensors Level Plus SoCLEAN, SoCLEAN Level Plus, Level Plus RefineME Operation Manual

Operation Manual
Level Plus
Magnetostrictive Liquid Level Transmitters
with Temposonics® Technology
Table of contents
1. Contact information ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Terms and definitions ......................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Purpose and use of this manual ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 Used symbols and warnings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Safety instructions ............................................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Intended use .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.3 Installation, commissioning and operation ................................................................................................................................................ 6
5. Product overview .............................................................................................................................................. 6
5.1 Components .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Foreseeable misuse ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Accuracy .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Warranty .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.4 Storage ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.5 Model number identification ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
5.6 Technical data .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6. Installation and mounting ...................................................................................................................................12
6.1 Training ...................................................................................................................................................................................................12
6.2 Stilling wells and guide poles .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
6.3 Tools ........................................................................................................................................................................................................12
6.4 Installation steps ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.5 Mounting ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
7. Electrical connections ........................................................................................................................................ 13
7.1 Basic information .................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.2 Safety recommendations ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.3 Industrial topologies ................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
7.4 Cable recommendations .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
7.5 Electrical conduit ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
7.6 Grounding ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
7.7 Safety barriers ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
8. Commissioning................................................................................................................................................16
8.1 Training ...................................................................................................................................................................................................16
8.2 Tools ........................................................................................................................................................................................................16
8.3 Setup software ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
8.4 Commissioning steps .............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
9. Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................... 17
9.1 Training ...................................................................................................................................................................................................17
9.2 Tools ........................................................................................................................................................................................................17
9.3 Inspection ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
9.4 Preventative maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................................ 17
10. Repair ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
10.1 RMA policy ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
10.2 Training .................................................................................................................................................................................................18
10.3 Tools ......................................................................................................................................................................................................18
10.4 Troubleshooting..................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
10.5 Setup software ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
11. Spare Parts ................................................................................................................................................... 19
12. Interface ......................................................................................................................................................19
12.1 Modbus ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
12.2 DDA ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
12.3 HART
.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
13. Agency information .........................................................................................................................................20
13.1 Approvals overview ............................................................................................................................................................................... 20
13.2 Certificates ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
13.3 FM (NEC) ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
13.4 FMC (CEC) ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
13.5 ATEX and IECEx ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Level Plus® SoClean
Operation Manual
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1. Contact information
United States
Tel: +1-919-677-0100 Fax: +1-919-677-2343 E-mail:
Mailing and shipping address
MTS Systems Corporation Sensors Division 3001 Sheldon Drive Cary, North Carolina, 27513, USA
Customer service
Tel: +1-800-633-7609 Fax: +1-800-498-4442 E-mail:
Technical support and applications
24 Hour Emergency Technical Support Tel: +1-800-633-7609 E-mail:
Tel: +49-2351-9587-0 Fax: +49-2351-56491 E-mail:
Mailing and shipping address
MTS Sensor Technologie, GmbH & Co. KG Auf dem Schüffel 9 58513 Lüdenscheid, Germany
Technical support and applications
Tel: +49-2351-9587-0 E-mail:
2. Terms and definitions
6A Heavy Oils
‘Generalized Crude Oils’, Correction of Volume to 60 °F against API Gravity.
6B Light Oils
‘Generalized Products’, Correction of Volume to 60 °F against API Gravity.
6C Chemical
‘Volume Correction Factors (VCF)’ for individual and special applications, volume correction to 60 °F against thermal expansion coefficients.
6C Mod
An adjustable temperature reference for defining VCF.
API gravity
The measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water. Allowable values are 0 to 100 degrees API for (6A) and 0 to 85 degrees API for (6B).
DDA (Direct Digital Access)
The proprietary digital protocol developed by MTS for use in intrinsically safe areas.
Mass divided by the volume of an object at a specific temperature. The density value should be entered as lb / cu. ft..
Explosion proof
Type of protection based on enclosure in which the parts which can ignite an explosive gas atmosphere are placed within, and which can withstand the pressure developed during an internal explosion of an explosive mixture, and which prevents the transmission of the explosion to the explosive gas atmosphere surrounding the enclosure.
Type of protection based on enclosure in which the parts which can ignite an explosive gas atmosphere are placed within and which can withstand the pressure developed during an internal explosion of an explosive mixture, and which prevents the transmission of the explosion to the explosive gas atmosphere surrounding the enclosure.
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Operation Manual
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GOVI (Gross Observed Volume of the Interface)
The total volume of the tank occupied by the interface liquid. The GOVI is only given when measuring two liquids and is calculated by subtracting the volume of the product from the total volume of liquid in the tank (GOVT – GOVP).
GOVP (Gross Observed Volume of the Product)
The total volume of the tank occupied by the product liquid. When measuring only one liquid, it is also the total volume of liquid in the tank (GOVT). When measuring two liquids it is the total volume of liquid in the tank minus the volume of the interface liquid (GOVT–GOVI).
GOVT (Total Gross Observed Volume)
The total volume of liquid in the tank. When measuring only one liquid it is equal to the volume of the product (GOVP). When measuring two liquids it is equal to the volume of the product and interface liquids (GOVP + GOVI).
GOVU (Gross Observed Volume Ullage)
The difference in volume between the working capacity of a tank and the total volume in the tank (Working Capacity – GOVT).
A Bidirectional communication protocol that provides data access between intelligent field instruments and host systems.
Noun; The measurement of the level of one liquid when that liquid is below another liquid.
Adj.; The Software Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows the user to access software protocols (HART
Intrinsic safety
‘Intrinsically safe’ - Type of protection based on the restriction of electrical energy within apparatus of interconnecting wiring exposed to potentially explosive atmosphere to a level below that which can cause ignition by either sparking or heating effects.
The property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field, calculated by density at the reference temperature multiplied by the volume correction factor (Density × VCF).
A serial communications protocol published by Modicon in 1979 for use with its programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It has become a de facto standard communications protocol in industry, and is now the most commonly available means of connecting industrial electronic devices.
NEMA Type 4X
A product Enclosure intended for indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against corrosion, windblown dust and rain, splashing water, and hose-directed water; and to be undamaged by the formation of ice on the enclosure. They are not intended to provide protection against conditions such as internal condensation or internal icing.
NPT U.S. standard defining tapered pipe threads used to join pipes and fittings.
NSVP (Net Standard Volume of the Product)
The temperature corrected volume for the product liquid in the tank, requires the transmitter to be ordered with temperature measurement capabilities. The NSVP is calculated by multiplying the volume of the product liquid by a volume correction factor based on temperature (GOVP × VCF).
Reference Temperature
The temperature at which the density measurement is given, the allowable values are 32 °F to 150 °F (0 °C to 66 °C).
Specific Gravity
The density ratio of a liquid to the density of water at the same conditions.
Sphere Radius
The internal radius of the sphere that contains the liquid, the value is used to calculate the volume along with the Sphere Offset.
Sphere Offset
An offset value that accounts for additional volume in a sphere from non-uniform sphere geometry, the value is used to calculate the volume along with the Sphere Radius.
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Strap Table
A table of measurement correlating the height of a vessel to the volume that is contained at that height. The transmitter can contain up to 100 points.
‘Thermal Expansion Coefficient’ - a value correlating the change in temperature for an object with the change in its volume. Allowable values are 270.0 to 930.0. TEC units are in 10 E-6/Deg F.
Temperature Correction Method
One of five product correction methods used to correct the product volume in the tank due to changes in temperature from 60 °F including (6A, 6B, 6C, 6C Mod, and Custom Table.
Volume Calculation Mode
One of two methods use to calculate volume measurements from level measurements, including Sphere and Strap Table.
VCF (Volume Correction Factor)
A table of measurements correlating temperature points with correction factors for the liquids expansion/contraction. The transmitter can contain up to 50 points.
Working Capacity
The maximum volume of liquid that the user desires for their vessel to hold, typically 80% of the vessels maximum volume before overfill.
3. Introduction
3.1 Purpose and use of this manual
Before starting the operation of the equipment read this documentation thoroughly and follow the safety information.
The content of this technical documentation and of its various annexes is intended to provide information on mounting, installation and commissioning by qualified service personnel according to IEC 60079-14 and local regulations or MTS trained service technicians.
3.2 Used symbols and warnings
Warnings are intended for your personal safety and for avoidance of damage to the described product or connected devices. In this documentation, safety information and warnings to avoid dangers that might affect the life and health of personnel or cause material damage are highlighted by the preceding pictogram, which is defined below.
Symbol Meaning
This symbol is used to point to situations that may lead to material damage and/or personal injury.
4. Safety instructions
4.1 Intended use
The liquid level transmitter is intended to be used to measure the level of liquid(s) contained by a structure as well as the temperature of the liquid. The product may only be used for the applications defined under item 1 to item 4 and only in conjunction with third-party devices and components recommended or approved by MTS Sensors. As a prerequisite of proper and safe operation, the product requires correct transport, storage, mounting and commissioning and must be opera­ted with utmost care.
1. Application does not exceed product’s performance specification in
chapter 5.6.
2. Product may only be installed in hazardous areas as specified by
approval certifications in chapter 13 following special conditions of use outlined in chapter 13 or in safe areas.
3. The liquid(s) being measured are compatible with the selected wetted parts of the product.
4. MTS floats should be used for proper functionality and safety approval.
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Forseeable misuse Consequence
Wrong sensor connection Possible damage to electronics
See chapter 7 for Electrical Connections
Improper Installation Physical damage to packaging
See chapter 6 for installation
Installation in unapproved Hazardous Area
Potential Spark See chapter 13 for Agency Information
Process Temperature out of range Signal degradation, possible
damage to sensor
See chapter 5.6 for specications
Power Supply out of range No communication, possible
damage to sensor
See chapter 5.6 for specications
Process Pressure out of range Possible damage to sensor,
See chapter 5.6 for specications
Improper Chemical Compatibility Possible damage to sensor,
customer must select wetted material that is compatible with liquid(s) in tank
Modifying Sensor Warranty void, hazardous approv-
al void customer should contact factory for custom unit
Improper Grounding Possible damage to sensor, full
protection compromised, See chapter 7.6 for grounding
Table 1: Foreseeable misuse
4.3 Installation, commissioning and operation
1. Wear proper personal protection equipment such as hard hat, safety shoes, flame resistant clothing, safety glasses, gloves, and hearing protection.
2. Follow the specifications given in the technical documentation.
3. Two (2) individuals are recommended to conduct proper installation, commissioning, and repair of the level transmitter.
4. Ensure the equipment used in a hazardous environment is selected and installed in compliance with regulations governing the geographical installation and facility. Only install equipment that complies with the types of protection relevant to the applicable classes, division, zones, category, gas group, and temperature code.
5. Protect the sensor against mechanical damage during installation and operation.
6. Do not use damaged products and secure them against unintentional use. Mark damaged products as being defective.
7. Connect the sensor very carefully and pay attention to the polarity of connections. MTS recommends to not make connections while power is live.
8. Before turning on power, ensure that nobody’s safety is jeopardized by starting level transmitter and/or process.
9. Regularly follow preventative maintenance to prevent safety risks
4.2 Foreseeable misuse 10. Make sure that no wire strands are loose or sticking out of
the terminal block connection which could short and cause a problem.
11. Make sure that no wire strands, including shield, are in contact with the electronic module enclosure.
5. Product overview
The Level Plus® Tank Slayer® Liquid-Level transmitter is a continuous multi-functional magnetostrictive transmitter that provides product level, interface level, and temperature to the user via Modbus, DDA, Analog (4…20 mA), or HART
. Magnetostrictive technology is one of
the most accurate and repeatable level technologies available to date.
MTS is the inventor and purveyor of magnetostrictive technology and has been serving the level industry for over 35 years.
• Pharmaceutical
• Food & Beverage
• Cosmetics
• Bioreactor
• Day Tanks
• Storage Tanks
• 4-in-1 Measurement
• Product Level
• Interface Level
• Temperature
• Volume
• No scheduled maintenance or recalibration
• Field Repairable
• Inherent Accuracy ±1mm
• 200 Point Strap Table
• API Temperature Corrected Volumes
5.1 Components
The Level Plus
Tank Slayer® liquid level transmitter consists of four main components; a housing, outer pipe, float, and electronics. Varying the components of the transmitter allows the transmitter to be customized to almost any application.
Level Plus
Tank Slayer® transmitters are available in three housing configurations; NEMA Type 4X 316L stainless steel, single and dual­cavity housings as shown below:
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Fig. 1: NEMA Type 4X 316L stainless steel housing
Fig. 2: Single cavity housing
0.5 0.1
LL drawing
114 mm (4.5 in.)
127 mm
(5 in.)
124 mm (4.9 in.)
132 mm (5.2 in.)
87 mm
(3.4 in.)
109 mm (4.3 in.)
75 mm
(3 in.)
206 mm (8.1 in.)
127 mm
(5 in.)
117 mm (4.6 in.)
145 mm (5.7 in.)
114 mm (4.5 in.)
127 mm
(5 in.)
109 mm (4.3 in.)
75 mm
(3 in.)
206 mm
(8.1 in.)
127 mm
(5 in.)
117 mm (4.6 in.)
145 mm (5.7 in.)
Fig. 3: Dual cavity housing
75 mm
(3 in.)
206 mm (8.1 in.)
127 mm
(5 in.)
117 mm (4.6 in.)
Fig. 4: Stainless steel single cavity housing
Fig. 5: Outer pipe configuration
178 mm
(7 in.)
135 mm (5.30 in.)
135 mm
(5.3 in.)
152 mm
(6 in.)
152 mm
(6 in.)
Outer pipe configurations
The outer pipe is constructed of a variety of configurations. The SoClean
is available in a sanitary pipe. For other pipe options please
consult other MTS options such as RefineMe
, Tank Slayer®, and/or
127mm [5 in ]
Order Length
Pipe diameter (0.625 in. dia) constructed of 316l stainless steel
Sanitary process connection (sanitary cap)
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transmitters offer numerous floats for different applications
such as stainless steel, 3-A sanitary, Hastelloy
, Teflon, and Nitrophyl for both product level and interface level. To be able to accurately detect the interface level there needs to be a difference of at least
0.05in specific gravities between the product and interface liquids. For detailed information about floats, refer to the ‘Accessories Catalog’ (MTS Part#551103).
For assistance with selecting a specific float for your application, please contact technical support with the following information:
• Specific gravity of liquid(s) being measured
• Process temperature
• Process opening size
• Vessel pressure
transmitters should be used with a float having an offset
weight and made of stainless steel or Hastelloy
C. This allows the float to stay in contact with the pipe to prevent the buildup of an electrostatic charge. Non-metalic floats with a projected surface area of less than 5,000 mm² should only be used in Zone 0, Gas group IIA such as float part numbers 201643-2, 201649-2, 201650-2, 201109, 251115 and 251116. All other non-metallic floats offered by MTS such as, 251939, 251119 and 251120 should not be used in a hazardous area application.
Internal electronics
All transmitters come with two electronic components of a sensing element and a board set. Rigid sensing elements are standard on SoClean
. Flexible sensing elements are available upon request. The
board set consists of up to three electronic boards and a display.
A temperature sensing function is optional with the SoClean® transmitter. The temperature sensing device is a Digital Thermometer mounted inside the transmitter’s outer pipe assembly. The SoClean
can be ordered with 1, 5, 12, or 16 temperature points.
All LP-Series liquid level transmitters are shipped with a stylus (MTS Part # 404108) to be used for manipulating the display. For single and dual cavity housings, the stylus is designed to allow for programming of the unit without removing the housing. When using the stylus make sure to align the stylus with the shape outline around the buttons in the same orientation. Failure to correctly align the stylus can cause the display to not function properly. Password for entering the menu is
27513. For additional details consult the protocol specific Modbus Interface Manual (MTS Part #551700), DDA Interface Manual (MTS Part #551701), and HART
Interface Manual (MTS Part #551702).
MTS also offers a series of displays, housings, converters, and other accessories, please refer to the ‘Accessories Catalog’ (MTS Part#551103).
5.2 Accuracy
For magnetostrictive transmitters inherent accuracy is measured in terms of non-linearity. Non-linearity is a measurement of any imperfections in the waveguide that are reflected in the linearity of the transmitter’s output. MTS tolerances reflect a maximum non­linearity of ±1mm. MTS is able to achieve such strict tolerances by manufacturing all of its own waveguide from a proprietary alloy and testing 100% of all transmitters before shipping.
5.3 Warranty
Contact Technical Support or Customer Service for assistance if you suspect that the transmitter is not working correctly. Technical support can assist you with troubleshooting, part replacement, and Returned Material Authorization (RMA) information if required.
All Level Plus® transmitters come with a two year limited warranty from the factory shipment date. An additional extended warranty can be purchased. A Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number is required and must accompany any transmitter returns. Any unit that was used in a process must be properly cleaned in accordance with OSHA standards, before it is returned to the factory. A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must also accompany the transmitter that was used in any process.
5.4 Storage
If storage is required prior to installation, store indoors in a dry environment at ambient temperature range not to exceed −40…+71°C (−40…+160°F).
Fig. 6: Stylus (MTS Part # 404108)
Fig. 7: Display
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
a Sensor model
Level Transmitter
b Output
M Modbus
1 1 Loop with HART
2 2 Loop with HART
5 1 Loop with HART® and SIL 2
7 2 Loop with HART® and SIL 2 (loop 1 only)
d Electronics mounting
1 Standard
f Materials of construction (Wetted parts)*
1 316L stainless steel
2 Electropolished 316L stainless steel
e Sensor pipe
Sanitary T-bar, TB
Sanitary drain-in-place DP
Sanitary clean-in-place CP
Sanitary drain-in-place no hole, DN
c Housing type
NEMA housing w/cable
NEMA housing w/terminal
NEMA housing w/connector
Single cavity with display
Dual cavity with display
SS single cavity w/display
g Process connection type
NPT adjustable (¾ in. only)
BSPP adjustable (¾ in. only)
Sanitary Tri-Clamp, Welded
Sanitary Tri-Clamp, Adjustable
h Process connection size
¾ in. - NPT or BSPP only
1.5 in. (DN40) (* Only for for Pipe option C or F)
2 in. (DN50)
2 ½ in. (DN65)
3 in. (DN80)
4 in. (DN100)
6 in. (DN150)
i Number of DT‘s (Digital Thermometers)
One DT
5 DTs (Modbus or DDA)
Twelve DTs (Modbus only)
Sixteen DTs (Modbus only)
j DT‘s placement
Evenly spaced per API
*/ Contact factory for other materials
5.5 Model number identification
k Notied body
l Protection method
F Explosionproof / Flame proof (only for housing type D, E, or L)
I Intrinsically safe
X No approval
Continued on next page…
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Operation Manual
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p
m Gas group
Group A (not available with “C = CEC (FMC)” notied body and
“F = Flameproof/Explosion“ proof protection method)
Group B
Group C
Group D
IIC (Instrinsically Safe only)
IIB + H2 (Explosion Proof / Flameproof only)
n Unit of measure
M Millimeters (Metric)
U Inches (US customary)
p Special
S Standard product
o Length (no decimal spaces)
Rigid pipe: 305…7620 mm (code as 00305 to 07620)
Rigid pipe: 12300 in. (code as 01200 to 30000)
Accessories such as floats, cables, and remote displays have to be ordered separately. All accessories are shown in the Accessories Catalog (551103).
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Operation Manual
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5.6 Technical data
Level Output
Measured Variable Product level and interface level
Output Signal /Protocol Modbus RTU, DDA, Analog (4…20 mA), HART
Order Length
305 mm (12 in.) to 7620 mm (300 in.) (order length equals the measurement range plus the inactive
zone / contact factory for longer lengths) Inherent Accuracy ±1 mm (0.039 in.)
Repeatability 0.001% F.S. or 0.381 mm (0.015 in.) whichever is greater (any direction)
Temperature Output
Measured Variable
Average and multipoint temperatures (Modbus, DDA)
Single point temperature (Analog, HART
Temperature Accuracy (Modbus, DDA)
±0.2 °C (0.4 °F) range −40…−20 °C (−40…−4 °F),
±0.1 °C (0.2 °F) range −20…+70 °C (−4…+158 °F),
±0.15 °C (0.3 °F) range +70…+100 °C (+158…+212 °F),
±0.5 °C (0.9 °F) range +100…+105 °C (+ 212 …221 °F)
Temperature Accuracy (Analog, HART
) ±0.28 °C (0.5 °F) range −40…+105 °C (−40…+221 °F)
Input Voltage 10.5…28 VDC
Fail Safe
High, Full scale (Modbus, DDA)
Low, 3.5 mA default or High, 22.8 mA (Analog, HART
Reverse Polarity Protection Series diode
EN 61326-1, EN 61326-2-3, EN 61326-3-2, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3, EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-
4-3, EN 61000-4-4, EN 61000-4-5, EN 61000-4-6, EN 61000-4-8, EN 61000-4-11
Enclosure Rating NEMA Type 4X, IP65
Humidity 0…100% relative humidity, non-condensing
Operating Temperatures
Electronics: −40…+71 °C (−40…+160 ºF)
Sensing element: −40…+125 °C (−40…+257 °F) (contact factory for specific temperature ranges)
Temperature element: −40…+105 °C (−40…+221 °F)
Vessel Pressure Rigid pipe: 69 bar (1000 psi)
Wetted parts: 316L stainless steel (contact factory for alternative materials)
Non-wetted parts: 316L stainless steel, Epoxy coated aluminum
Field Installation
Housing Dimensions Single cavity: 145 mm (5.7 in.) W × by 127 mm (5 in.) D × 109 mm (4.3 in.) H
Dual cavity: 117 mm (4.6 in.) W × by 127 mm (5 in.) D × 206 mm (8.1 in.) H
Stainless steel single cavity: 178 mm (7.1 in.) W × by 135 mm (5.3 in.) D × 153 mm (6 in.) H
NEMA Type 4X: 87 mm (3.4 in.) W × by 124 mm (4.9 in.) D × 132 mm (5.2 in.) H
Rigid pipe Tri-Clamp, 3/4 in. Adjustable MNPT or BSPP tting
4 wire shielded cable or twisted pair,
4570 mm (180 in.) integral cable with pigtail
Daniel Woodhead 6 pin male connector
Electrical connections
Single and dual cavity ¾ in. FNPT conduit opening, M20 for ATEX/IECEx version
NEMA Type 4X ½ in. FNPT conduit opening
Measured variables Product level, interface level and temperature
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6. Installation and mounting
6.1 Training
When the pipe/hose of the LP-Series level transmitter is installed or removed from the tank the release of flammable vapors will occur. Take all necessary precaution when installing or removing the level transmitter due to the release of flammable vapors.
Installation should only be conducted by qualified service personnel according to IEC 60079-14 and local regulations or MTS trained service technicians. MTS offers web based and in person training for installation, commissioning, maintenance, and repair. MTS also offers factory direct services for these same functions. Contact MTS to discuss training or factory direct services before starting.
6.2 Stilling wells and guide poles
Level Plus
transmitters can be mounted in slotted or unslotted stilling wells but a slotted stilling well is always preferred. Using a unslotted stilling well will negatively affect performance of any level device as the level in the stilling well can differ from the level in the tank. The Level Plus
transmitter can also be installed to one side of the stilling well to also allow for sampling and manual gauging from the same opening as the automatic tank gauging. Contact technical support for details.
Level Plus
transmitters do not require a stilling well for installation. Our transmitters are installed in numerous tanks without stilling wells with no loss in performance due to our patented flexible waveguide and hose. A stilling well is highly recommended for agitated, turbulent, and/or fast filling tanks.
6.3 Tools
• Channel Lock pliers
• Common head screwdriver, slotted screwdriver
• 3/4" Open End wrench
• Phillips head screwdriver, plus screwdriver
6.4 Installation steps
It is recommended that assembly and mounting of this transmitter should not be done alone. To ensure proper and safe assembly of the SoClean
transmitter, a minimum of two (2) individuals are recommended. Gloves are also recommended. PPE may be required for work areas such as safety shoes, safety glasses, hard hat, and fire resistant clothing.
1. Consult chapter 4.3 before starting.
2. Perform steps 1-10 in chapter 8.4.1 for Modbus or DDA. Perform steps 1-9 in chapter 8.4.2 for Analog.
3. For CP end plug, remove hitch pin and install float. For DN end plug, install float but be careful as float is not retained and will fall off. For TB and DP end plugs, the float is already installed. Secure the Tri-Clamp onto the mating connection on tank.
4. Tighten the Tri-Clamp to hold the transmitter in place.
5. Terminate the field wire cables noting proper wire orientation.
6.5 Mounting
The method of mounting the transmitter is dependent on the vessel or tank in which it is being used, and what type of transmitter is being mounted. There are two typical methods for mounting; threaded flange mounting and welded flange mounting.
Threaded flange mounting
In some applications, the SoClean
transmitter can be mounted directly to the tank or flange via a NPT or BSPP threaded fitting, assuming there is a proper threaded connection available. If the float will not fit through the flange opening when the flange is removed, there must be some alternative means to mount the float on the transmitter from inside the vessel; this may require an access port nearby the entry point of the transmitter as shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8: Threaded flange mounting for flexible pipe
NPT or BSPP fitting
Tank flange (customer supplied or ordered separately)
Float access port
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Tri-Clamp mounting
The SoClean
transmitter can also be mounted to a Tri-Clamp as shown in Fig. 10. First, install float(s) onto the transmitter. Second, install the float retaining hardware on the tip of the transmitter. To complete the installation, mount the transmitter, Tri-clamp and float(s) as a unit in to the tank.
Fig. 10: Tri-Clamp mounting for pipe
Tri-Clamp® Cap size
Inactive Zone
(See important note below)
124 mm
(4.9 in.)
(3.4 in.) 132 mm (5.2 in.)
127 mm (5.0 in.)
305 mm (12 in.) to 7620 mm (300 in.)
7. Electrical connections
7.1 Basic information
A typical intrinsically safe connection for the Level Plus
SoClean® transmitter includes protective safety barriers, a power supply and a reading or monitoring device. Refer to Agency information in chapter
A typical Explosionproof/flame proof connection for the Level Plus
transmitter includes a power supply and a reading or monitoring device. All cabling is in approved conduit with sealoffs as specified by local electrical code. Refer to agency information in chapter 13.
7.2 Safety recommendations
Be sure to:
1. Always follow applicable local and national electrical codes and observe polarity when making electrical connections.
2. Never make electrical connections to the Tank Slayer
with power turned on.
3. Make sure that no wire strands are loose or sticking out of the terminal block connection which could short and cause a problem.
4. Make sure that no wire strands, including shield, are in contact with the electronic module enclosure.
5. The electronics module enclosure is grounded through internal circuitry and is electrically isolated from the explosionproof housing.
7.3 Industrial topologies
There are four topologies described and illustrated below. However, the daisy chain topology is not recommended by MTS.
The point-to-point topology consists of having only one device on the loop as shown in Fig. 9. This topology is not usually used with a bus network since it does not take advantage of placing multiple devices on a loop.
Fig. 9: Point-to-point topology
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Fig. 11: Bus with spurs topology
Fig. 12: Tree topology
Fig. 13: Daisy-chain topology
Tree alignment
The tree topology is very similar to the bus with spurs topology with the main difference of having a common junction box for all of the transmitters as shown in Fig. 12. Bus with spurs and tree topologies can also be used together to form a hybrid topology.
Daisy chain
The daisy-chain topology utilizes a single cable that is connected to all of the transmitters with the cable being interconnected at each field device. When using this topology make sure that the wiring practice allows for one transmitter to be disconnected without disconnecting the entire loop as shown in Fig. 13. MTS does not suggest using the daisy-chain topology.
Table 2: Cable specification and parameters
7.4 Cable recommendations
Refer to ‘Table 2’ below for general requirements of cable types for the Level Plus® SoClean® analog transmitter.
Cable specifications
7.5 Electrical conduit
Parameter Specifitcation
Minimum cable size Ø 0.51…1.6 mm (24…14 AWG)
Cable type
Single pair shielded or multiple pair with overall shield; minimum 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) insulation thickness
Capacitance Less than 98 pF/m (30 pF/ft)
1. Tighten housing cover (both front and back covers if dual cavity) to full stop against the O-ring.
2. Do not over-tighten compression fittings.
3. Use side conduit entry only.
4. In high humidity areas, use a breather drain type conduit sealing fitting to minimize moisture intrusion.
5. For Division Installations, an approved conduit seal is required within 457 mm (18 in.) of the enclosure.
6. For Zone Installations, an approved conduit seal is required within 50 mm (2 in.) of the enclosure.
Bus with spurs
The bus with spurs topology has a main trunk cable that has each device connected via its own spur at a junction box as shown in Fig.
11. The bus with spurs and tree topologies can also be used together to form a hybrid topology.
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Fig. 14: Electrical conduit installation
Conduit sealing fitting
NPT or BSPP Fitting
Do not over-tighten
compression fitting!
Interface float
Product float
View shown with
cover removed
Plugged entry
Do not use (see notes)
3/4 NPT or M20 conduit access Use NPT conduit fitting only!
Conduit (flexible or rigid)
Conduit fro
control room
Level Plus
Do not remove cover with circuit energized in
hazardous locations!
Follow safe work procedures.
7.6 Grounding
7.6.1 Safety grounding
Grounding the transmitter through a threaded conduit connection does not meet the requirements as a grounding of the sensor for safety.
There are two methods to provide an earth ground connection to the earth ground of the electronics. Either method must result in a resistance of less than 1 .
• Run an earth ground through the conduit and connect directly to the earth ground lug inside the housing.
• Run an earth ground directly to the ground lug on the outside of the housing.
7.6.2 Shield grounding
The shield ground does not meet the requirements as grounding of the sensor for safety.
Immunity performance of the sensor from external sources of surge, burst, RF, radiated emissions and other noise is dependent on a proper ground for the shield of the communications cable. The communications cable shield should be of a braided type and connected to the internal ground lug of the sensor housing.
Runs in a continuous metallic conduit
When installed inside a dedicated continuous metallic conduit, the conduit provides a level of shielding protection from external interference and a level of ground to the sensor housing. In this case a foil type shielded cable with a drain wire connected to the internal ground lug may be sufficient. Sharing of the metallic conduit with other cables will result in loss of effective shielding performance of the communication cable and possible degradation in performance of the sensor. In this case a braided type shielded cable connected to the sensor internal ground lug would be recommended. In all cases paralleling the communications cable with any noise generating cable inside of a conduit or with noise generating cables in close proximity to the conduit may degrade the performance of the sensor.
Runs without a conduit
In some rare applications, or where safety may not be required, a metallic conduit may not exist. The communications cable shield should be of a braided type and connected to the internal ground lug of the sensor housing. Alternatively a safety approved EMC Cable Gland can be used for grounding the shield. Contact MTS for information before using one of these cable glands.
Undesirable currents (ground loops) is a violation of the NEC and is a safety hazard.
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7.7 Safety barriers
Refer to Table 3 for entity parameters and Table 4 for example safety barriers
Entity parameters
Digital supply (1 per LT)
Ui = 28 VDC
Ii = 100 mA Ci = 0.0 µF
Li = O mH
Pi = 700 mW
Digital communication (2 per LT)
Ui = 8.6 VDC
Ii = 10 mA
Ci = 0.0 µF
Li = 0.0 mH
Pi = 21.5 mW
Analog (1 per loop)
Ui = 28 VDC
Ii = 120 mA
Ci = 0 µF
Li = 5 µH
Pi = 840 mW
Table 3: Safety barrier entity parameter references
Table 4: Safety barrier entity parameter references
Maximum voltage
28 VDC 28 VDC 8.6 VDC
Maximum current (each channel)
100 mA 110 mA 10 mA
Maximum power (each channel)
700 mW 770 mW 21.5 mW
Number of channels
1 1 1
Interface Modbus/DDA HART
8. Commissioning
8.1 Training
Commissioning should only be conducted by qualified service personnel according to IEC 60079-14 or MTS trained service technicians and local regulations. MTS offers web based and in person training for installation, commissioning, maintenance, and repair. MTS also offers factory direct services for these same functions. Contact MTS to discuss training or factory direct services before starting.
8.2 Tools
• Channel Lock pliers
• RS485 to USB Converter (MTS Part # 380114)[Modbus and DDA]
• Windows Based PC
• Linear Regulated Power Supply
• MTS Setup Software
to USB Converter (MTS Part # 380068)
8.3 Setup software
MTS offers Setup Software that is shipped with the level transmitter and is also available for download from The Setup Software is to be used for installation, commissioning, and troubleshooting. For further details on how to use the setup software consult the Modbus Interface Manual (MTS Part# 551700), the DDA Interface Manual (MTS Part# 551701), and HART
Interface Manual
(MTS Part#: 551702).
8.4 Commissioning steps
For Additional details consult the protocol specific Modbus Interface Manual (MTS Part #551700), DDA Interface Manual (MTS Part #551701), and HART
Interface Manual (MTS Part #551702).
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8.4.1 Modbus or DDA
1. Consult chapter 4.3 before starting.
2. Remove level transmitter from shipping container.
3. Insert pipe into float(s) making sure float(s) are in the active range. Install product float first.
4. Connect power, RS485 to USB converter, and PC.
5. Open MTS Setup Software.
6. Establish Communication.
7. For DDA Interface – Set Address.
8. For Modbus Interface – Set Address, Enter Strap Table, Setup Volume Correction Method.
9. Disconnect Power and Communication. Remove floats. Prepare level transmitter for transport to the top of the tank.
10. Complete Installation in chapter 6.4.
11. Have qualified technician perform hand measurement. Enter hand measurement into MTS Setup Software and calibrate.
12. Store all settings as backup file according to site name and tank number.
8.4.2 HART
1. Consult chapter 4.3 before starting
2. Remove level transmitter from shipping container.
3. Insert pipe into float(s) making sure float(s) are in the active range. Install product float first.
4. Connect power, HART
to USB converter, and PC
5. Open MTS Setup Software.
6. Establish Communication.
7. Set/Update 4 and 20 mA setpoints
8. Disconnect Power and Communication. Remove floats. Prepare flexible level transmitter for transport to the top of the tank.
9. Complete Installation in chapter 6.4.
10. Have qualified technician perform hand measurement. Enter hand measurement into MTS Setup Software and calibrate.
11. Store all settings as backup file according to site name and tank number.
9. Maintenance
9.1 Training
Maintenance should only be conducted by qualified service personnel according to IEC 60079-14 and local regulations or MTS trained service technicians. MTS offers web based and in person training for installation, commissioning, maintenance, and repair. MTS also offers factory direct services for these same functions. Contact MTS to discuss training or factory direct services before starting.
9.2 Tools
• Channel Lock pliers
• Phillips screwdriver, plus screwdriver
• Common head screwdriver, slotted screwdriver
9.3 Inspection
Below are some standard items that should be inspected on a regular basis to make sure that the level transmitter and surrounding environment are in operating condition.
• Hazardous Area Label is present and legible
• Hazardous Area approval is correct for installation
• There are no visible unauthorized modifications
• Electrical connections are tight
• Condition of enclosure gasket is satisfactory
• No water ingress (white powder)
• No obvious damage to cable
• Sealing of conduit or cable gland is satisfactory
• Earth ground is satisfactory
• Single or Dual Cavity Enclosure threads are not damaged
• Housing and O-ring are not damaged or cracked
• No corrosion on visible parts
• Printed circuit boards are clean and undamaged
9.4 Preventative maintenance
Level Plus
level transmitters do not typically require preventative maintenance but may require preventative maintenance dependent on the application. For general purpose applications where there is no potential for buildup on the pipe and/or float there is no need for preventative maintenance but routine inspection is still suggested. For severe service applications where there is potential for buildup on the pipe and/or float then preventative maintenance is required.
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9.4.1 General purpose applications
Perform Inspection suggested in chapter 9.3.
No additional preventative maintenance is necessary. Preventative maintenance suggested for Severe Service Applications may be performed.
9.4.2 Severe Service Applications
Perform Inspection suggested in chapter 9.3.
Disconnect Power.
Disconnect process connection from tank. Remove pipe from tank.
It is best to clean the pipe as it is removed from the tank to minimize the amount of product that is removed from the tank. The user should take caution and abide by all regulations so that product is not spilled and the environment is not contaminated.
When the bottom of the pipe is reached inspect the floats.
If the floats are highly contaminated then remove the assembly from the tank and remove the floats from the pipe. This is not possible with TB and DP end plugs.
If the floats are slightly contaminated then clean the floats without removing the floats from the pipe.
Replace pipe and floats in tank.
Connect process connection to tank.
Connect Power.
The process should be carried out regularly until a consistent pattern has been established as to how long the intervals between cleanings should be.
10. Repair
10.1 RMA policy
Contact Technical Support or Customer Service for assistance if you suspect that the transmitter is not working correctly. Technical support can assist you with troubleshooting, part replacement, and Returned Material Authorization (RMA) information if required.
All Level Plus® transmitters come with a two year limited warranty from the factory shipment date. A Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number is required and must accompany any transmitter returns. Any unit that was used in a process must be properly cleaned in accordance with OSHA standards, before it is returned to the factory. A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must also accompany the transmitter that was used in any process.
10.2 Training
Repair should only be conducted by qualified service personnel according to IEC 60079-14 and local regulations or MTS trained service technicians. MTS offers web based and in person training for installation, commissioning, maintenance, and repair. MTS also offers factory direct services for these same functions. Contact MTS to discuss training or factory direct services before starting.
10.3 Tools
• Channel Lock pliers
• Phillips head screwdriver, plus screwdriver
• Common head screwdriver, slotted screwdriver
• RS485 to USB Conververter (MTS Part # 380114) [Modbus and DDA]
• Windows Based PC
• Linear Regulated Power Supply
to USB Converter (MTS Part # 380068)[HART®]
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