MTN FastLink MF667, F@stLink MF667 Quick User Manual

Introdu ction
The MTN F@s tLink USB Stick is a multi -mode USB modem, working in HSUPA/HSPA+/W CDMA/ EDGE/GP RS/GSM ne tworks . Wi th USB interf ace conne cting to a laptop or a deskt op P C, it integr ates the f uncti onali ty of a modem an d a mo bile ph one (SMS ), and com bines mo bile communic ation with Inter net perfec tly. It s upports dat a and SMS serv ices throug h th e mob ile phone ne twork, enablin g you to co mmunicat e anyt ime an d anyw here.
Specificat ion
The foll owing table shows the specific ation of you r dev ice.
Systems sup ported Supports most types of laptop and deskt op PC .
Operatin g sys tems support ed
Windows XP (32bit), Win dows Vista( 32bit/64b it), Win dows 7 (32bit/64bit ), Window s 8(32bit/ 64bit) MA C 10.5, 10.6,10.7,10.8 Ubuntu(32bit) 12.1012.0411.10, Fedora(32bit) 181716
Network Standard s HSUPA/HS PA+/WCDM A/EDGE /GPRS/ GSM
Transmission speed (Max) HSUPA: 5.7 6Mbps UL HSPA+: 21. 6Mbps DL
Temperature Storage: -20°C ~ +70°C Operation:- 10°C ~ +60°C
Dimensio n 88.5mm × 27.2mm × 10.5 mm microSD capa bility Su pport u p to 3 2GB mi croSD ca rd
Hardware Insta llation
1. Press and pu sh the fr ont cover and remove it.
Notes :
Do not open the front cover rudely so as t o avoi d the dama ge of the front cover .
2. Insert th e SIM/ USIM ca rd int o the SIM/USI M card slot. Insert t he SIM /USIM card w ith th e metal conta ct are a faci ng dow nwards into the sl ot, an d then push SIM/ USIM ca rd as far a s possi ble, sh own as the f ollowing pictur e.
3. Insert t he micr oSD ca rd int o the microS D card slot.
Not es:This stick only suppo rts mi croSD card.
Insert you r microS D card into t he micro SD card slot, shown a s the follow­ing pictu re.
4. Put the front cover flatly upon the bo dy of modem and pu sh the front cover
5. Connect the St ick to your lapto p or desktop PC. Plug the USB connector in to your com puter’s USB port and m ake sure th at
Notes: mic roSD is a trade mark
of SD Card Associ ation.
Getting to kn ow you r devic e
The following figure shows the appearan ce of the MF667. It is only for your reference. The act ual p roduct may be di fferent .
1. USB Con nector
2. SIM/USIM card s lot
3. Indicato r
4. microSD card slot
5. Front Cover
6. Stick Cap
SMS ser vice, Data service , App licatio ns ma nagemen t, support microS D car d, etc .
Functio ns
it is tightl y inse rted.
The OS a utomatical ly dete cts and recogni zes new hardware and starts the installation wizard.
MTN F@stLink MF667 HSPA USB Stick
Quick User Guide
to lock the co ver in its p lace.
Warning and Notice
To the owner
Some electronic devices are susceptible to electromagnetic interference sent by stick if inadequately shielded, such
as the electronic system of vehicles. Please consult the manufacturer of the device before using the stick if necessary.
Operating of laptop and desktop PCs and the stick may interfere with medical devices like hearing aids and pacemakers.
Please always keep them more than 20 centimeters away from such medical devices when they are turned on. Turn the
stick off if necessary. Consult a physician or the manufacturer of the medical device before using the stick.
Be aware of the usage limitation when using a stick at places such as oil warehouses or chemical factories, where there
are explosive gases or explosive products being processed. Turn off your stick if required.
The use of electronic transmitting devices is forbidden in aircrafts, at petrol stations and in hospitals. Please observe
and obey all warning signs and switch off your stick in these conditions.
Do not touch the inner antenna area if not necessary. Otherwise it will affect your stick’s performance.
Store the stick out of the reach of little children. The stick may cause injury if used as a toy.
Do not touch the metallic parts of the stick so as to avoid a burn, when the stick is working.
Using your USB Stick
Please use original accessories or accessories that are authorized. Using any unauthorized accessories may affect
your stick’s performance, and violate related national regulations about telecom terminals.
Avoid using the stick near or inside metallic structures or establishments that can emit electromagnetic waves. Oth-
erwise it may influence signal reception.
The stick is not waterproof. Please keep it dry and store in a shady and cool place.
Do not use the stick immediately after a sudden temperature change. In such case, it will produce dew inside and outside
the stick, so don’t use it until it becomes dry.
Handle the stick carefully. Do not drop, bend or strike it. Otherwise the stick will be damaged.
No dismantling by non-professionals and only qualified technicians can undertake repair work.
Operating temperature range of -10°C ~ +60°C and humidity range of 5% ~ 95% are recommended.
Limited Warranty
This warranty does not apply to defects or errors in the Product caused by:
i. Reasonable abrasion.
ii. End User’s failure to follow MTN’s installation, operation or maintenance instructions or procedures.
iii. End User’s mishandling, misuse, negligence, or improper installation, disassembly, storage, servicing or operation
of the Product.
iv. Modifications or repairs not made by MTN or a MTN-certified individual.
v. Power failures, surges, fire, flood, accidents, actions of third parties or other events outside MTN’s reasonable control.
vi. Usage of third-party products, or usage in conjunction with third-party products provided that such defects are due to
the combined usage.
vii. Any other cause beyond the range of normal usage intended for the Product.
End User shall have no right to reject or return the Product, or receive a refund for the Product from MTN under the above-
mentioned situations.
This warranty is End User’s sole remedy and MTN’s sole liability for defective or nonconforming items, and is in lieu
of all other warranties, expressed, implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchant-
ability and fitness for a particular purpose, unless otherwise required under the mandatory provisions of the law.
Limitation of Liability
MTN shall not be liable for any loss of profits or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from or
arising out of or in connection with using of this product, whether or not MTN had been advised, knew or should have known
of the possibility of such damages, including, but not limited to lost profits, interruption of business, cost of capital, cost of
substitute facilities or product, or any downtime cost.
How to get he lp
You can get Help by:
ClickingHelp on the software.
Customer Care Email:
Calling Service Hotline: +234 ( 0 ) 180
Software Instal lation Guide
On d iffer ent ope ratin g syste ms, the in stall atio n p roced ures ma y b e diffe rence . Follo w t he system prompts durin g ope ration.
For W indow s OS
Your syste m wil l sta rt th e soft ware setup proces s aut omatica lly w hen yo u con nect the s tick to your co mputer correc tly. Follow the system promp ts to comp lete t he so ftware instal lation.
No tes:
If the system does not lau nch in stallatio n auto maticall y, you can run the insta llation program in path of My Computer > MTN F@ stLink .
For Mac OS
The system will a utomaticall y displa y a M TN F@stLi nk CD-R OM icon on the desktop, when you connect the stick to your co mputer co rrectly. D ouble clic k the i nstallation software package in the
MTN F@s tLink, and f ollow the s ystem prompts to complete the softwa re in stallati on.
Safe removal fro m you r sys tem
Please c lose t he app lication softw are, a nd the n you can pull o ut the USB Stick safely.
How to use y our st ick
Various ico ns are present ed to enable quick operation of t he foll owing f unctions:
Interne t
Phone book
Subscr ipti on
Connect t o the MTN ho mepage.
Write, send a nd vie w mes sage.
Save an d vi ew th e con tacts.
Make u se of USSD inte ractiv e dat a ser vices.
Set and ch eck da ta Bala nce, A irti me vou cher , d ata Bu ndle service s, a ccess to USSD inte rface.
Configur ate the s tick.