MTM Dariusz Seferyński
04-239 Warszawa, Młodnicka 52 c
I hereby declare that the oil heating unit, for the heating of industrial premises not covered by a central heating system:
model no. M / MP, manufacture no. ................., construction year 20....,
according to its design and structure, fulfils the basic requirements concerning safety and health of the EU Machinery
Directive, 2006/42/EC, and is manufactured according to directives:
- no. 2006/42/EC - Machinery Directive
- no. 2006/95/EC - Low Voltage Directive
- no. 2004/108/EC - Electromagnetic Compatibility
- no. 89/106/EC - Construction Product Directive
as well as in accordance with the following norms
EN 1:1998+A1:2007 - Flued oil stoves with vaporising burners
EN 303-5:1999 - Heating boilers. Heating boilers with forced draught burners. Heating boilers for solid fuels, hand
and automatically fired, nominal heat output of up to 300 kW. Terminology, requirements, testing and marking
EN 953:1997+A1:2009 - Safety of machinery. Guards. General requirements for the design and construction of
fixed and movable guards
EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009+AC:2010 - Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines. General
EN ISO 12100:2010 - Safety of machinery. General principles for design. Risk assessment and risk reduction
EN ISO 13732-1:2008 - Ergonomics of the thermal environment. Methods for the assessment of human
responses to contact with surfaces. Hot surfaces.
EN ISO 13857:2008 - Safety of machinery. Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and
lower limbs
EN ISO 14159:2008 - Safety of machinery. Hygiene requirements for the design of machinery
EN 60335-1:2002+A14:2010 - Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. General requirements
EN 55014-1:2006+A1:2009 - Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements for household appliances, electric tools
and similar apparatus. Emission
EN 55014-2:1997+A2:2008 - Electromagnetic compatibility. Requirements for household appliances, electric tools
and similar apparatus. Immunity. Product family standard
EN 61000-6-1:2007 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part 6-1: Generic standards. Immunity for residential,
commercial and light-industrial environments
EN 61000-6-3:2007 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part 6-3: Generic standards. Emission standard for
residential, commercial and light-industrial environments.
Manufacturer representative authorised for the drawing up of machine technical documentation:
MTM Dariusz Seferyński
Heating, Ventilation, Air conditioning
04-239 Warszawa, Młodnicka 52 c
Contact person: Dariusz Seferyński
This declaration applies exclusively to the machine in the condition, in which it was introduced into trade circulation, and
does not cover components added by the end user or any later actions they may have undertaken. In case unauthorised
changes are made to the machine, the declaration becomes void.
Warsaw, on ............... 20.......... (full name and signature of the person authorised to make the declaration)