MTL Surge Technologies TP-P48, TP-P32 Installation Manual

IInnssttaallllaattiioonn GGuuiiddee
TTPP--PP SSeerriieess
TTrraannssmmiitttteerr MMoouunnttiinngg SSuurrggee PPrrootteeccttoorr
801671 Rev D 9/26/07
apparatus in the space provided for guidance on installation and maintenance.
The following relate to installations to Baseefa06ATEX0035X:
1. The permanently attached cables shall be suitably protected against pulling, mechanical damage and must be terminated within a terminal or junction facility suitable for the conditions of use.
2. These devices are not provided with an external connection facility for an earthing or bonding conductor. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure adequate earth continuity via the mounting arrangements.
3. The equipment is also afforded Intrinsically Safe Certification to Baseefa06ATEX0034X, and hence the equipment is dual marked. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the protection concept to be applied and permanently mark the equipment in the space provided for guidance in installation and maintenance. maintenance.
FFiigguurree 22
ATEX certification details
The Americas: +1 800 835 7075 UK: +44 (0)1582 723633 Singapore: +65 6 487 7887 The Netherlands: +31 (0)481 450250
Italy: +39 (0)2 6180 2011 Australia: +61 (0)8 9455 2994 India: +91 (0)44 450 1660
FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn pplleeaassee ccoonnttaacctt yyoouurr llooccaall MMTTLL ssaalleess ooffffiiccee::
LLooccaall ssaalleess ooffffiiccee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
iiss aallssoo aavvaaiillaabbllee oonn oouurr wweebb ssiittee aatt::
The TP-P Series surge protector provides surge protection for field mounted process transmitters and is available for 1/2’’NPT, 20mm ISO and G1/2” threaded conduit entries. The TP-P Series is certified and approved for use in hazardous areas. More details of this are shown throughout this installation guide.
NN IInn EEEExx dd // eexxpplloossiioonnpprrooooff aapppplliiccaattiioonnss wwhheer
ree eexxpplloossiivvee ggaasseess mmaayy bbee pprreesseenntt,, tthhee lloooopp mmuusstt bbee iissoollaatt--
eedd bbeeffoorree aannyy EEEExx dd // eexxpplloossiioonnpprrooooff ccoovve
errss aarree rreemmoovveedd..
NN TThhee TTPP--PP SSeerriieess mmuusstt bbee iinnssttaalllleedd,, ooppeerraatteedd aanndd mmaaiinnttaaiinneedd bbyy ttrraaiinneedd ccoommppeetteenntt ppeerrs
soonnnneell.. TThhee
TTPP--PP uunniitt mmuusstt nnoott bbee ssuubbjjeecctteedd ttoo mmeecchhaanniiccaall oorr tthheerrmmaall ssttrreesssseess iinn eexxcceessss ooff tthhoossee oouuttlliinneedd iinn tthhee AATTEEXX ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss..
NN TThhee TTPP--PP rraannggee mmuusstt nnoott bbee iinnssttaalllleedd iinn aann aarreeaa wwhheerree iitt mmaayy
bbee aattttaacckkeedd bbyy aaggggrreessssiivvee ssuubbssttaanncceess..
NN WWhheerree hhaazzaarrddoouuss aarreeaa pprrootteeccttiioonn ccoonncceeppttss aarree bbeeiinngg aapppplliieedd tth
hee pprroodduucctt mmuusstt bbee iinnssttaalllleedd iinn aaccccoorr--
ddaannccee wwiitthh tthhee rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss ooff tthhee EECC TTyyppee EExxaammiinnaattiioonn gguuiiddeelliinneess iinn tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt..
NN TThhee ttrraannssmmiitttteerr mmuusstt bbee eelleeccttrriiccaallllyy iissoollaatteedd dduurriinngg tthhee iinnssttaallllaattiioonn pprroocce
NN AAllll iinnssttaallllaattiioonn aanndd mmaaiinntteennaannccee mmuusstt bbee ccaarrrriieedd oouutt iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh aallll aapppprroopprriiaattee iinntteer
nnaattiioonnaall aanndd llooccaall ssttaannddaarrdd ccooddeess ooff pprraaccttiiccee aanndd ssiittee rreegguullaattiioonnss aanndd iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitth
h tthhee iinnssttrruucc--
ttiioonnss ccoonnttaaiinneedd wwiitthhiinn tthhiiss mmaannuuaall..
Disconnect and isolate existing circuit. Select conduit entry to be used for installa­tion, and remove any blanking plug. Note: If direct installation onto the apparatus itself is impossible e.g. because all conduit entries are in use already, an external junction box or conduit hub can be used. The TP-P Series s supplied with 300mm leads, which should be sufficient for them to reach the transmit­ter terminals from a junction box. If these leads are not long enough then use supple­mentary terminals and wiring. Installation should be within 1m of, and bonded to, the transmitter.
Ensure that the TP-P body thread matches the conduit entry. Thread types are not interchangeable, but adapters may be used where necessary. For explosionproof (EEx d) installations, only certified or approved adapters are permitted.
Remove apparatus terminal housing cover.
Insert connecting wires into apparatus body and start threading unit into conduit entry using moderate hand-force, with lubricants as necessary.
Tighten fully (hand-tight plus 1/2 turn of 23mm A/F spanner). The steel body of the TP-P device is not used as part of the electrical circuit, therefore sealing of the thread with PTFE tape or other sealing com pounds will not affect the performance of the TP-P device.
In Explosionproof (EEx d) applications, sealing of the thread is not permitted – the TP-P should be treated in
the same way as any other cable gland/hub into similar equipment.
For effective protection, the leads of the TP-P should be as short as possible. Before wiring to the trans­mitter terminals, cut the leads to the appropriate length and strip back 10mm of insulation. Do not try to coil excess lengths of cable into the transmitter housing as this will degrade the protection given by the surge protector.
Connect the flying leads to the terminals indicated below;-
The protection circuit needs to be connected in series with the transmitter 4-20mA current loop.
++vvee --vvee EEaarrtthh//GGrroouunndd
TP-P48 & TP-P32 Red Black Green/Yellow
FFiigguurree 11
Connection detail for typical process transmitter.
Ensure that all connections are tight, particularly the earth bonding connection, which is likely to be via a stud within the apparatus terminal housing.
Refit apparatus terminal housing cover.
The field wiring is next connected to the provided three position plug. Connect +ve to the terminal marked “+”, Connect –ve to the terminal marked “-“, and connect the ground wire or shield (if present) to the terminal marked “G”. Wire strip length is 5mm (0.196”).
Using a long nose pliers, insert the plug into the socket inside the TP-P body. This connector must be orientated correctly for full seating and connectivity.
Complete the installation by mounting an appropriate fitting and/or conduit for the location used.
Reconnect circuit and test system to verify operational status.
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: TThhee eenncclloossuurree ddooeess nnoott pprroovviiddee
aann eexxtteerrnnaall oorr iinntteerrnnaall ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ffoorr eeaarrtthhiinngg oorr ggrroouunnddiinngg
tthhee eenncclloossuurree.. IItt iiss tthhee uusseerrss rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ttoo pprroovviiddee aaddeeqquuaattee eeaarrtthh ccoonnttiinnuuiittyy vviiaa tthhee mmoouunnttiinngg aarrrraannggee-- mmeennttss ffoorr aallll llooccaattiioonnss aanndd aallll pprrootteeccttiioonn mmeetthhooddss..
The TP-P earth wire (Green/Yellow) should be connected to the earth terminal or stud usually provided inside the transmitter housing. In the unlikely event that no such stud exists, make the connection to a structural mounting part, such as a terminal block fixing screw.
At intervals of not more than one year (more frequently for particularly harsh environments) visually check the installation and ensure that:
i) Device and/or enclosure is firmly attached to mounting ii) There are no signs of external damage or corrosion iii) Interconnecting cables are not frayed or otherwise damaged
iv) All connections are properly made with clear labelling If this unit suffers damage send back to MTL Surge Technologies for evaluation which should only be carried out by MTL Surge Technologies. This product is not field repairable.
In hazardous locations check the marking on the device to ensure that it is appropriate for the application. Mark the appropriate box (figure 2) to indicate the type of protection being utilised. For marking use a punch mark. The product range has been designed to meet the fault tolerant requirements of Electrical Apparatus for Category ‘ia’. Entity parameters: See Certificate number Baseefa06ATEX0034X
AATTEEXX SSppeecciiaall CCoonnddiittiioonnss ffoorr SSaaffee UUssee::
The following relate to installations to Baseefa06ATEX0034X:
1. The apparatus is to be installed such that the flying leads are afforded a degree of protection of at least
2. Although all versions of the TP-P Series Surge Protection Devices meet the 500V test to the metal case
the electrical circuit within the Surge Protection Devices are not capable of withstanding the 500V voltage withstand test for one minute without breakdown to the Green/Yellow wire. This must be taken into con­sideration in any installation.
3. These devices are not provided with an external connection facility for an earthing or bonding conductor. It
is the user’s responsibility to ensure adequate earth continuity via the mounting arrangement.
4. This apparatus is also afforded Flameproof Certification to Baseefa06ATEX0035X and is dual marked. It
is the user’s responsibility to determine the relevant protection concept and to permanently mark the