• Wall, DIN rail or 19: rack mountable
• Expandable, modular protection for
one to an unlimited number of ports
• Three stage protection
• UL 497A Listed
• Tested to IEC 61000-4-5 and CCITT K1
• 10 year product warranty
technical datasheet
ZoneBarrier Telcom
Protects network and communications applications against induced
surges and transients
The ZoneBarrier Series is a unique,
modular protection system for telecommunication equipment. By providing
an effective barrier between uncontrolled
transient environments and your valuable
equipment the ZoneBarrier Series protects
you from costly system down time and
equipment failure.
Designed for multi-port or singleport applications the ZoneBarrier Series
offers a flexible, bespoke, surge protection
solution that is capable of growing with your
requirements. A ZoneBarrier module can
be used as a stand alone device, providing
protection for a single modem or fax machine
perhaps, or as a building block in a surge
protection solution that exactly fits your
The sophisticated hybrid circuitry
employed by the ZoneBarrier Series
protects your equipment without impeding
normal operation. ZoneBarrier protection
components comprise of a combination of
solid state overvoltage protectors (sidactors)
and positive temperature coefficient (PTC)
devices to form three distinct stages of
protection. This combination of high quality
surge protection components gives the
ZoneBarrier Series its characteristic low
limiting voltage and high surge current
capacity which provides excellent protection.
All common telecommunication systems
can be protected by the ZoneBarrier
Series. ZoneBarrier modules are available
for Leased Line, Digital Data Service, T1,
E1 and 2-wire ISDN and are available with a
range of connection types.
The small foot print of ZoneBarrier
modules allows a single module to be
conveniently located near to the equipment
it is protecting. Where multiple modules are
required in a concentrated area ZoneBarrier
modules can be mounted on standard
DIN rail . Optional DIN rail assemblies are
available including one suitable for 19”
rack applications, which can hold up to 32
ZoneBarrier modules, providing protection of
an impressive 32 lines in less than a 3U space
(13. 2cm).
Additional protection circuitry should
be provided for other systems which may be
interconnected with your telecommunication
equipment e.g. power feeds, IT networks, fire
and security systems. ZoneBarrier modules
are available to meet these requirements.
901-129 Rev E 110511
www.mtl-inst.com enquiry@mtl-inst.com

Ambient temperature limits
–4°F to +185°F (working)
–20°C to +85°C (working)
95% RH (non-condensing)
Moulded plastic
2.8oz (0.08Kg)
See figure 1
EMC compliance
BS EN 60950: 1992
BS EN 61000-6-2: 1999
BS EN 61010-1: 1993
R&TTE compliance
BS EN 50082-2: 1995
BS EN 41003: 1999
All ZoneBarrier modules are installed in-line
and are identified with “Protected” and “Unprotected” for fail-safe installation.
DIN rail mounting (figure 2)
ZoneBarrier modules can be mounted on
any standard T-section DIN rail or on the
optional 19” DIN rail assembly. To attach the
ZoneBarrier module to the DIN rail, simply
locate the DIN rail foot of the module over on
edge of the DIN rail and then securely push
the ZoneBarrier onto the DIN rail. Note the DIN
rail must be properly grounded.
Model Type Wires Working
ZB24501 Dial up 2 200 270 215 N/A RJ11/RJ45
ZB24503 Leased line 4 75 105 80 N/A RJ11/RJ45
ZB24504 Leased line 4 75 105 80 N/A Terminal strip
ZB24505 Digital data 4 75 105 80 >10MHz RJ48S
ZB24525 Dial up 4 200 270 215 N/A RJ11/RJ45
ZB24558 T1 4 16 20 88 >50MHz RJ48C
ZB24562 ADSL 4 200 270 215 50MHz RJ11/RJ45
Bandwidth Connectors
Stand-alone installation (figure 3)
To install a ZoneBarrier module as a standalone protector, attach an ground lead to the
supplied ring terminal and secure this with the
self tapping screw provided to the base of the
unit. Using screws (or bolts) mount the module
on any flat surface.
To order specify -
Model number as per specification table above
DIN rail mounting options
DR21607 5” DIN rail
for up to 4 ZoneBarriers
DR21649 17.5” DIN rail
for up to 16 ZoneBarriers
DR24500 19” DIN rail (with mounting
brackets) for up to 32 ZoneBarriers
Figure 1 Dimensions
Figure 2 DIN rail installation
Figure 3 Stand alone installation
Country Standard/Authority Approved for Product
United States
& Canada
United States
& Canada
UL 497B Listed Telecommunications ZB24501, ZB24503, ZB24504
UL 497B Listed Isolated Loop ZB24458
The give n data is only inten ded as a product de scription an d should not be reg arded as a lega l warranty of pro perties
or guara ntee. In the i nterest o f furth er techn ical deve lopme nts, we rese rve the r ight to make d esign ch anges.
ZB24505, ZB24506, ZB24525,
EUROPE (EM EA): +44 ( 0)1582 723633 THE AMER ICAS: +1 800 835 7075 ASIA-PACIF IC: +65 6 64 5 9888
enquiry@mtl-inst.com csinfo@mtl-inst.com sales.mtlsing@cooperindustries.com 901-129 Rev E 110511