See also ‘Common specification’
Number of channels
Two, independently fully floating
Location of switches
Zone 0, IIC, T6 hazardous area
Div 1, Group A, hazardous area
Voltage applied to each switch
2.5V dc from 680Ω
Input/output characteristics (each channel)
Relay energised if <200Ω in switch circuit
Relay de-energised if >500Ω in switch circuit
Hysteresis, nominal 100Ω
Power supply failure protection
Both relays de-energised if supply fails
Broken line protection (each channel)
Relay de-energised if either line broken
Fail-safe earth fault protection (each channel)
(Enabled by connecting terminal 3 or 7 to earth)
Relay de-energised if <1kΩ to earth, total for both lines
Relay not de-energised if >7.5kΩ to earth, total for both lines
‘No-fail’ earth fault protection (each channel)
(Enabled by connecting terminal 3 or 7 to MTL4220)
Fault on either line proclaimed: unit continues working
Response time (each channel)
50ms, nominal
Contacts (each channel)
1-pole changeover, duplicated within unit
Contact rating
250V:5A:500VA (ac), resistive loads, reactive loads must be
250V:5A:250W (dc), resistive loads, reactive loads must be
Contact life expectancy
3 x 105operations at maximum load
LED indicator (each channel)
ON when associated relay energised (safe condition)
1.7 to 2.5W (ac versions)
110mA (24V dc version)
Ambient temperature limits
–20 to +50°C (ac versions, close packed)
–20 to +45°C (24V dc versions at 26V, close packed)
–20 to +60°C (all versions, at least 5mm apart)
–40 to +80°C (all versions, storage)
Safety description (each channel)
7V, 300Ω, 22mA
FM max entity parameters (each channel)
Voc= 8.3V, Isc= 21.7mA, Ca= 5.5µF, La= 75mH
Load, alarm
or shutdown
Fail-safe protection
No-fail protection
Load, alarm
or shutdown
All contacts shown in alarm condition (relay de-energised)
The MTL2211 enables two 500VA safe-area loads to be controlled
independently through two relays by two light-duty on/off switches in
a hazardous area. The two input circuits are independently fully
floating and are unaffected by each other. Each relay is provided with
two sets of changeover contacts, which are connected in parallel
within the unit for maximum reliability. Applications include the
operation of medium-powered electrical equipment such as alarms,
lights, and small electrical motors, or contactors for controlling higherpowered equipment.
Hazardous area
Safe area