dV Sentry Technical Reference Manual 380V – 600V
Invertor Duty Three Phase Motors
380 – 600 VAC +/- 10%, 60Hz
Inverter Switching Frequency
2kHz – 10kHz (3-110A models)
2kHz – 5kHz (130A-600A models)
Inverter Operating Frequency
0 – 90 Hz without derating
Maximum Ambient
60C Open filters
50C Enclosed Filter
1.7% at 60 Hz, 2.6% at 90 Hz
Altitude without derating
1,000 feet above sea level
Maximum Motor Lead Length
100% RMS Continuous
150% for 1 minute
200% for 10 sec
*Operating in overload will result in increased proportional voltage drop
150% of DC bus voltage up to 1,000 feet
50%+ Peak Current Reduction Typical
Performance Specifications
Table 4-1: Performance Specifications
Form: DVS-TRM-E September 2014 REV. 001 12