Professional Shop Manual
Remington 22” Trimmer Mower
NOTE: These materials are for use by trained technicians who are experi enced in the service and repair of outdo or power
equipment of the kind described in this publication, and are not intende d for use by untrained or in experienced indi viduals.
These materials are intended to provide supplemental information to assist the trained technician. Untrained or inexperienced individuals should seek the assistance of an experie nced and trained professio nal. Read, understand, and follow all
instructions and use common sense when working on powe r e quip ment. T his includes the contents of the product’s Operators Manual, supplied with the equipment. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omission in this publication,
although care has been taken to make it as complete and accura te as possible at the time of publ ication. However , due to
the variety of outdoor power equipment and continuing product changes that occur over time, updates will be made to these
instructions from time to time. Therefore, it may be necessary to obtain the latest materials before servicing or repairing a
product. The company reserves the right to make changes at any time to this publication without prior notice and without
incurring an obligation to make such changes to previously published versions. Instructions, photographs and illustrations
used in this publication are for reference use only and may not depict actual model and component parts.
© Copyright 2013 MTD Products Inc. All Rights Reserved
MTD Products Inc. - Product Training and Education Department

Table of Contents
About the text format............................................................................................. 1
Fasteners ..............................................................................................................3
Assembly instructions ...........................................................................................3
The 22” Trimmer Mower .......................................................................................3
Understanding model and serial numbers.............................................................4
Trimmer Line .........................................................................................................5
Skid Assembly ......................................................................................................6
Spindle ..................................................................................................................7
Belt Replacement ................................................................................................10
Wheels and Axle .................................................................................................12
Debris Screen .....................................................................................................13

22” Trimmer Mower
Professional Service Manual Intent: This manual is intended to provide service dealers with repair and overhaul
procedures for the Remington trimmer mower.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this manual is co rrect at the time of writing. Both the product and the infor-
mation about the product are subject to change without notice.
About the text format
Certain flags and key words are used to indicate the nature of the text that accompanies them. They are as follows:
CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result
in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could
result in death of serious injury.
DANGER: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result
in death or serious injury. This signal word is to be limited to the most extreme situations.
NOTE: “NOTE” is used to point-out helpful information that may not fit as a step in a procedure.
1. Numbered steps
1a. Sub steps
the actions required to complete a step.
• Bullet points: Indicate sub-steps or points of interest, without implying order or relative importance.
Disclaimer: This manual is intended for use by trained, professional technicians.
• Common sense in operation and safety is assumed.
indicate specific things that should be done, and the orde r in whic h th ey sh ou ld be do ne.
will be lettered and nested within steps. Two or more sub steps may be combined to describe
If the person using this manual is uncomfortable with any procedures they encounter, they should seek the help
of a qualified technician.
• In no event shall MTD be liable for poor text interpretation, or poor execution of the pr ocedure s describ ed
in the text.

• Be prepared in case of emergency:
Keep a fire extinguisher nearby
Keep a first aid kit nearby
Keep emergency contact numbers handy
• Replace any missing or damaged safety labels on shop equipment.
• Replace any missing or damaged safety labels on equipment being serviced.
• Remember that some hazards have a cumulative effect. A single exposure may
cause little or no harm, but continual or repeated exposure may cause very ser ious
• Clean spills and fix obviously dangerous conditions as soon as they are noticed.
• Lift and support heavy objects sa fely and securely.
• Be aware of your surroundings and potential h azards that are inhe rent to all power
equipment. All the labels in the world cannot protect a technician from an in stant of
• Grooming and attire:
Do not wear loose fitting clothing that may become entangled in equipment.
Long hair should be secured to prevent entanglement in equipment.
Jewelry is best removed.
• Protective gear: includes, but is not limited to
Clear eye protection ................................ while working around any machinery
Protective gloves ..................................... where necessary
Armored footwear.................................... when working around any machinery
Hearing protection ................................... in noisy environments
Chemically resistant gloves..................... when working with chemicals or solvents
Respirator................................................ when working with chemical or solvents
Appropriate tinted eye protection............. when cutting or welding
Flame resistant headgear, jacket, chaps. when cutting or welding
• Exhaust fumes from running engines contain carbon mono xide (CO). Carbon
monoxide is a colorless odorless gas that is fatal if inhaled in sufficient quantity.
Only run engines in well ventilated areas. If running engines indoors, use an
exhaust evacuation system with adequate make-up air ventilated into the shop.

22” Trimmer Mower
Figure 1
• The fasteners used on the equipment described in thi s manual, and the engin e that powers it are a co mbination of metric and fractional inch. For this reason, wrench sizes are frequently identified in the text, and
measurements are given in U.S. and metric scales.
• If a fastener has a locking feature that has worn, replace the fastener or apply a small amount of releasable thread locking compound such as Loctite® 242 (blue).
• Some fasteners, like cotter pins, are single-use items that are not to be reused. Other fa ste ners, such a s:
lock washers, retaining rings, and internal cotter pins (hairpin clips), may be reused if they do not show
signs of wear or damage. This manual leaves that decision to the judgment of the technician.
Assembly instructions
• Torque specifications may be noted in the part of the text that covers assembly. They may be summa-
rized in tables along with special instructions regarding locking or lubrication. Whichever method is more
appropriate will be used. In many cases, both will be used so that the manual is handy as a quick-reference guide as well as a step-by-step procedure guide that does not require the user to hunt for information.
• Lubricant quantity and specification may be noted in the part of the text that covers maintenance, and
again in the section that covers assembly. They may also be summarized in tables along with special
instructions. Whichever method is more appropriate will be used. In many cases, the information will be
found in several places in the manual so that the manual is handy as a quick-r eference g uide as we ll as a
step-by-step procedure guide that does not require the user to hunt for information.
• The level of assembly instructions provided will be determined by the complexity of reassembly, and by
the potential for damage or unsafe conditions to arise from mistakes made in assembly.
• Some instructions may refer to other parts of the manual for subsidiary pr ocedures. Th is avoid s repe ating
the same procedure two or three times in the manual.
The 22” Trimmer Mower
The 22” wheeled string trimmer was intended for clearing heavy growth from unimproved land. This model has a
engine brake feature. When the engagement contr ol lever
is released, the engine will stop running. See Figure 1.
NOTE: For engine related information refer to publication