MTD 500 THRU 509, 11A-509B033 Owner’s Manual

22" Hi-Wheel
Rotary Mowers
Model Series
500 Thru 509
IMPORTANT: Read safety rules and instructions carefully before operating equipment.
Warning: 11_isunit is equipped with an mlernal combustion engine and should not be used on or near anyunimproved forest-
covered, brush.covered or grass-covered tend unless the eng_e*s exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable Ioc_d or slate laws (if any). if a spark attester is used, itshould be maintained in effective working order by the operator, In the State of California the above Is required by lew (Section 4442 el the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester for the muffler is available through your nearest engine authorized service dealer or contact the service deqadment, P.O, Box 368022 Cleveland, Ohio 44136-9722.
Content Page
Maintaining Safety ............................................................................................. 3
Slope Gauge ...................................................................................................... 6
Contents of Hardware Pack ............................................................................... 7
Assembling Your Lawn Mower ........................................................................... 8
Know Your Lawn Mower .................................................................................... 11
Operating Your Lawn Mower ............................................................................. 12
Making Adjustments .......................................................................................... 13
Maintaining Your Lawn Mower ........................................................................... 14
Storing Your Lawn Mower .................................................................................. 16
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................. 17
Parts List............................................................................................................ 18
This Operator's Manual is an importantpart el your new lawn mower. Itwill helpyou assemble, prepare and
maintain the unitfor best performance. Please read and understand what itsays.
Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the modelplate on the equipment and copy the information from it in the space provided below. The information on the model plate isvery important ifyou need help from our Customer Support Department or
an authorized dealer.
You can locate the model number by lookingdown at the rear of the deck. A sample model plate is
explained below. For future reference, please copy the model number and the serial number of the
equipment in the space below.
(Model Number) (Serial Number)
Copy the model number here:
Copy the serial number here:
If you have difficultyassembling this productor have any questions regarding the controls, operationor maintenance of this unit, please call the Customer Support Department.
Call 1- (330) 220-4MTD (4683) or 1- (800)-800-7310 to reach a Customer Support representative. Please have your unit's model number and serial number ready when you call. See previous section tolocate this information. You will beasked to enter the ssdel
number inorder to process your call.
personal safety and/or property ofyourself and others, Read and follow all instructions in this manual
This Warning symbol pointsout important safety instructions which, if notfollowed, could endanger the
before attempting to operate your lawn mower• Failure to comply with these instructions may resultin
personal injury. When you see this symbol, heed its warning.
DANGER: Your lawn mower was built to be operated according to the rules for safe operation in
this manual• As with any typeof power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This lawn mower is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwingobjects. Failure to observe the following safety inStructionscould result inserious injuryor death.
WARNING: The Engine Exhaust from thisproduct contains chemicals known to the State of
California tocause cancer, birthdefects or other reproductive harm.
Only allow responsible individualstamiliar withthe
Slow down before turning•Operatethe machine
Read, understand,and follow all instructionsinthe operator'smanual and on themachine before
starting.Keep thismanual ina safe placefor future and regular referenceand for orderingreplacement parts.
instructions to operatethe machine•Knowcontrols
and how to stopthe machinequickly•
Do notput handsorfeet undercuttingdeck or near
rotatingparts. Clear the area ofobjectssuchas rocks,toys,wire,
etc., whichcouldbe pickedup andthrownby the
blade. A smallobject may have been overlooked
and couldbe accidentallythrownbythe mower in
any directionandcause injur_toyouor a bystander.To help avoid a thrownobjectsinjury,
keep children,bystandersand helpersat least75
feet from the mower whileit isin operation.Always
wear safety glassesor safetygogglesduring operationor whileperformingan adjustmentor
repair,to protect eyes from foreignobjects.Stopthe
blade(s) when crossinggravel drives, walksor roads.
Be surethe area is clear oi other peoplebefore mowing•Stop machine ifanyone entersthearea.
Never carrypassengers. Disengageblade(s) before shiftinginto reverseand backingup. Alwayslook downand behind before andwhile backing.
Be aware ofthe mower andattachmentdischarge direction anddo not pointitat anyone•Do not operatethe mowerwithouteithertheentiregrass
catcher orthe chute guard in place.
smoothly,Avoid erraticoperationand excessive speed. Never leave a runningmachine unattended.Always
turnoff blade(s), place transmissioninneutral,set parkbrake,stop engine and remove key before
Turnoff blade(s)when notmowing.
Stop engineand wait until blade(s) comesto a completestopbefore (a) removinggrass catcheror
uncloggingchute,or Ib) makingany repairs,
adjustingorremoving any grassor debris.
Mowonly indaylightor goodartiticial light. Do notoperatethe machinewhileunderthe influenceofalcoholordrugs• Watchfortrafficwhen operating nearorcrossing
Use extracare whenloading orunloadingthe machineinto atrailerortruck.This unitshouldnot
be driven up ordowna ramp ontoa trailerortruck underpower, becausethe unitcouldtipover, causing sedouspersonal injury.The unitmustbe
pushedmanually ona ramp toload orunload properly.
Never make a cuttingheightadjustmentwhile
engineis running ifthe operatormustdismountto doso.
Wear sturdy,rough-soledwork shoesandclose- fitting slacksand shirts.Do notwear loosefitting clothesorjewelry. They can be caughtinmoving
parts. Neveroperate a unitin barefeet, sandals,or sneakers.
Checkoverheadclearancecarefully before driving underpowerlines,wires,bridges or lowhanging
treebranches,before enteringorleaving buildings, orin any othersituationwherethe operatormaybe struckor pulledfrom the unit,whichcouldresultin
seriousinjury. Disengageall attachmentclutches,thoroughly depressthe brake pedal, and shiftinto neutral beforeattemptingto startengine•
Your mowerisdesignedto cut normal residential grassof a height no morethan 10".Do not attempt tomowthrough unusuallytall,dry grass(e.g.,
pasture)orpiles of dryleaves. Debrismay buildup onthe mowerdeck orcontactthe engineexhaust
presentinga potentialfire hazard.
Slopes are a majorfactor relatedtolossof control and tip-overaccidents which can resultinsevere
injuryor death. Allslopes requireextra caution.If
youcannotbeckupaslopeorfeel uneasyonit, do
notmow it.
Foryour safety,use the slope gauge includedas
part ofthismanualtomeasure slopesbefore
operatingthisunit ona sloped or hillyarea, If the slopeisgrealer than 15° as shownon the slope gauge,do not operatethisuniton thatarea or seriousinjurycouldresult.
Mow upand downslopes, notacross. Remove obstaclessuchas rocks,limbs,etc. Watch forholes, rutsorbumps.Uneven terrain
couldoverturnthe machine.Tall grasscan hide obstacles.
Use slowspeed. Choosea low enoughgear so that
you willnot have to stopor shiftwhileonthe slope. Alwayskeep machinein gear when goingdown slopes to take advantageof enginebrakingaction.
Followthe manufacturer's recommendations for wheelweightsor counterweightsto improve
Use extra care withgrasscatchersor other attachments.These can change thestabilityofthe
machine, Keep allmovement on the slopes slowand gradual. Do not make sudden changes in speed or direction.
Rapid engagement or braking could cause the front of the machine to lift and rapidlyflip over backwards whichcould cause sedous injury.
Avoid startingor stopping on a slope. Iftires lose traction,disengage the blede(s) and proceedslowly
straightdown the slope.
Do notturnonslopes unlessnecessary;then, rum
slowlyand graduallydownhill,ifpossible.
Do not mow near drop-offs,ditchesor embankments.The mowercould suddenlyturnover ifa wheel is overthe edge of a clifforditch,or if an
edge caves in. Do not mow onwet grass. Reducedtractioncould
cause sliding. Do not trytostabilizethe machine byputtingyour
foot on the ground.
Do notuse grass catcher on steepslopes.
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to the presence ofchildren. Children are often attracted to
the machine and the mowing activity. Never assume
thatchildren will remain where you last saw them.
Keep childrenout of the mowingarea and in
watchfulcare ofan adultotherthan the operator.
Be alertand turn machine off if childrenenter the
Before and when backing, look behindand down for smallchildren.
Never carry children,even withthe blades off.They may fall off and be seriouslyinjured or interferewith
the safe machineoperation. Never allowchildren under 14years oldtooperate
the machine.Children 14 yearsand overshould onlyoperate machine under closeparental
supervisionand properinstruction,
Useextra care when approachingblindcomers,
shrubs,treesor otherobjects that may obscureyour visionofa childor otherhazard,
Remove keywhen machineis unattendedto preventunauthorizedoperation.
Useextreme care in handlinggasolineand other
fuels. They are extremelyflammable and the vapors
areexplosive. Useonlyan approvedcontainer.
Never remove fuel cap or add fuel withtheengine
running, Allow enginetocoolat leasttwo minutes before refueling. Replacefuel cap securelyand wipeoffany spilled fuel beforestarling the engineas rtmay cause a fire
Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars, pipes andother
sources ofignition.
Neverrefuelthe machineindoorsbecause fuel
vaporswillaccumulateinthe area.
Neverstorethe fuel containerormachine inside where thereis an open flame or spark, suchas a gas hotwater heater,space heater orfurnace.
Never runa machineinsidea closedarea.
Toreducefire hazard, keep the machinefree of grass,leaves or otherdebris build-up.Clean up oil
or fuel spiJlage.Allowmachine tocoolat least 5
minutesbatore storing.
Beforecleaning, repeiringor inspecting,make
certaintheblade and all movingparts have
stopped. Disconnect the sparkplug wire, andkeep
the wtreaway from the spark plugto prevent
accidental starting.
Ghec_the blade and enginemountingboltsat
frequent inter_alsfor propertightness.A_so,visually
inspectblade for damage (e.g., excessivewear,
bent,cracked). Replacewithblade whichmeets
Keepallnuts,boltsand screwstightto be sore the
equipmentis insafe workingcondition.
Never tamperwithsafetydevices.Check their
properoperation regularly, Use all guardsas
instructedinthis manual. Afterstriking a foreignobject,stopthe engine,
remove the wire from the spark plugand thoroughly inspectthe mowerlot any damage. Repair the damage before restartingandoperatingthe mower,
Grasscatcher components are subjectto wear, damage and deterioration,whichcould expose
movingpartsor allowobjectstobe thrown.Foryour safety protection,frequently checkcomponentsand
replacewithmanufacturer'srecommendedparts whennecessary.
Mower blades are sharpand can cut.Wrap the blade(s)orwear gloves and use extra cautionwhen
Checkbrake operationfrequently.Adjustand serviceas required.
Muffler,engine and belt guardsbecomehotduring
operationand can cause a burn. Allowto cooldown
beforetouching. Do notchange the enginegovernorsettingsor overspeedthe engine. Excessiveenginespeeds are dangerous. Observe properdisposal lawsand regulations. Improper disposalotfluids and materials can harm
the environmentand the ecology.
Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand and follow the warnings and instructionsin this manual and on the machine. Some of the safety labels on the equipment are
reproduced below. Take a moment to studythese labels before operating the unit. Always maintain safety while operating or servicingthe equipment.
Prior to disposal, determinethe propermethodto disposeofwaste fromyourlocal Environmental
ProtectionAgency. Recyclingcenters are
establishedto properlydisposeof matedals inan environmentallysafe fashion.
Useproper containerswhen drainingfluids.Do not
usefood or beverage containersthatmay misdeed someone intoqdnking from them. Propertydispose
ofthe containersimmediatelyfoliowiogthedraining offluids.
DO NOT pour oilor otherfluids intothe ground, downa drainor intoa stream, pond,lake orother
bodyofwater. Observe EnvironmentalPmtection Agencyregulationswhen disposingofoil,fuel, coolant,brake fluid, filters,batteries,tiresand other harmfulwaste,
Do not mow on inclines with a slope in excess of 15 degrees (a rise of approximately 2-1/2 feet every 10 feet). A riding mower could
ovedum and cause sedous injury. If operating a walk-behind mower on such a slope, it is extremely difficult to maintain your footing and you could slip, resulting in sedous injury.
Operate RIDING mowers up and down slopes, never across the face of slopes. Operate WALK-BEHIND mowers across the face of slopes, never up and down slopes.
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