MTD 490-980-0037 Owner’s Manual

See backfor parts identification page
beforeyoubegin assembly.
G_.,tthe free mobile _pp at
3/B';9/16" and 112"boxwrenches(netincluded);
Allen wrench (included). 3/8" I/2" 9/_6"
Assistance from another person is recommended for certain steps, Refer to parts identification sheet to ensure you have all necessaryparts,
Assembly Instructions:
t. Lay sets of barsA &B on afiat surface. SlideA & B
all theway together.Waituntil the entire frameis assembledbeforecompletelytighteningset screw (S)
with the enclosedAllenwrench.Insertset screw (S)into the end of bar B,securingfinger-tight. Repeatwith other set ofbarsA & B.
Attachbar Eto the Bend of the A/B assemblies. Insert set screw(S),securingin fingePtight at theend
ofbars Bwhere arrows point.Makesure nuts on
barE faceassembliesAiB.
Insert poles F,narrowend up, into the unionof barsE,
A& B.(Caution;Thisisa looselit; donot force.)
ii!! ii ! ill!iliii !!!i!i!ilil
Insert onepole Gintothe A endofbothAIB assemblies. Make surethe nut of pole(3is up andfacingthe front.
insert set screw (S)into topof barsA, securingin finger-tight.
Placecurved bar Con fiat surface,nutsfacing up. Insert the labeledend ofcurvedbar DintoG(making
surearrows meet).Repeatwith the otherbarDon the oppositeend of bar C.Insertset screw (S)intoendsof
6, Ptaceassembly'DiC/Dontoendsof polesG.Insert
set screw (S)attopof po_esG,securinginfinger-tight.
NOTE:Make sure set screws arefacing towards
the front,
7, Makesurecabframe isin theshapeofa box,with
rightangles, Thentighten alltheset screw (S),using
the enclosedAllen wrench,
8. Grasptwoflexible Hrods, Insertthesteelcollarend
of the flexible1trodinto the otherflexibleH rod. Repeatwith theothertwo flexibleHrods, insert two
sets offlexible H rods intothe two F poles.
NOTE:FlexibleH rods will feelloose
wheninserted,Thisis correct,De net attempt to force flexibleHrods further intopolesF.
9, Insert flexible rod Iinto onesideofthe setof flexible
rodsH.Carefully bendthe assembly to insertthefree endof flexible rod I intothe otherset of flexiblerods H.
CAUTION:Rodsareunder stress at
thistime, Safety glassesshouldbe wornduringthisstep, untilthe
next step is completed,
10. Removefabric from carton andunfold,Standat the rear end of thecab frame,facing the front. Withfabric
in hand, andmaking surethe reflective fabric is onthe outsideof the cab frame,slide the insidefabric pocket
overflexible rod assemblyH/Hi!/H/H.
NOTE:Be surerod assembly H!H/I/HIll is fully inserted into thetop of the inside fabric pocket.
Fabric pocket
11.Pull the cab materialdownand back towardsthe arch
assembly,D/C/D.Fastenhook-and-loopstrapson both sides of the D/C/Dassembly.Slideelastic loopsover
the rear cornerof barAon both sides. Fastenhook- and-loopstrapsaroundoil bars at variouslocations. (Foryour convenienceyou maywantto wait until the
cab is mountedon your snow 1hrowertofinish
fastening thesestraps.)
12.Yourc]arr_scanbe pro-assembled.
Thepreferredorientationofthe clampassemblyisto have the saddtesperpendicularto oneanother,Threadthe small
bolt Pinto thecenterofK & Lassemblies,finger-tight, Slidesmallertube,L, intolarger tube, K.
13, NOTE:Noticehowcrossbarwill sit [n clamp
assembliesoncecramps are mountedonunit.
Lower Han_[leBars
14.Todeterminethegenerallocationanddirectionfor the crossbar(J),havean assistant hold thecabat the
desiredlocationoverthe unit.
NOTE:Dependingonyourunit,thecrossbarmay be
positionedfacingforward or backward,and above orbelowanylinkage.
15, Holdingcrossbar(J)indesiredlocation,_electarea
to mountclampassembly.
NOTE:Bruteand JohnDeereunitsmay require youto mount to the horizontalhandlebarsontheunit.
NOTE:Preferredpositionison theverticalportion
of theunit'supperhandlebars.
16.Takepre-assembledK, L& M clampassemblies.Mount assembliesK& Lin the determinedlocationonunit. Use
platesM and largebolts N,lockwasher Tand nuts Rto secureK,L & Massembliesto unit. Nowtighten small
bolt Pso bothctampassembliesextendequaldistance from frame.
17. Placecrossbar(J)againstassembly K& L Center crossbar(J) againstunit, Usetwo remainingM plates,
largebolts N, rockwasherTand nutsRto secure crossbar.
NOTE:Make sure openend ofcrossbar is facing up, Besureend with tabis facingdown,
18. Fully insert the endsof thefront ofthe cabassembly into theendsof thecrossbar(J).Insert set screws (S)
into endsof crossbar(J).With assistantholdingcab assemblyhorizontalto the ground, tightenall boltsand setscrews.
19. Finishassemblybyfasteningall hook-and-loopstraps
insidethe cab ifnotcompletedatearliertime.
CAUTION:No cabfabric shouldbeallowedtotouchengine orexhaust,
20, Usinghook-and-loopstraps, secure convenientpouch
onthe insideof your snowthrower cab,
2_.Thecab is designedto accommodatesnowthrowers
equippedwith a light,Zippersonthefront of the cab can beopenedand theflaps pulledbackandsecured with hook-and-loopstrapsto allowthe lightto shine
through.At this time, adjustmentsmay benecessary for free movementof operationcontrols.
Vea a! dorso la p_gina de identificaci6n de piezas
antes de comenzar el montaje.
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