Owner's Manual
5.0 Horse Power
24" Two-Stage Wheel Drive
Snow Thrower
Model No.
using this product,
read this manual and
follow all safety rules
and operating
Sears, Roebuck And Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A.
Visit our website: www.sears.com/craffsman
• Safety
• Assembly
• Operation
• Service
• Maintenance
• EspaSol

Content Page
Warranty Information ......................................... 2
Safe Operation Practices ................................... 3
Hardware Pack .................................................. 5
Assembly ........................................................... 6
Operation ........................................................... 10
Maintenance ...................................................... t3
Content Page
Service & Adjustment......................................... 15
Off-Season Storage ........................................... 19
Trouble-Shooting ............................................... 20
Parts List ............................................................ 21
Espanol .............................................................. 34
Two -Year Warranty on Craftsman Snow Thrower
For two years from the date of purchase, when this Craftsman Snow Thrower is maintained, lubricated and tuned
up according to the instructions in the owner's manual, Sears will repair, free of charge, any defect in material
and workmanship.
If this Craftsman snow thrower is used for commercial or rental purposes, this warranty applies for only 30 days
from the date of purchase.
Thls warranty does not cover:
Expendable items which become worn during normal use, such as skid shoes, shave plate and spark
Repairs necessary because of operator abuse or negligence, including bent crankshafts and the failure to
maintain the equipment according to the instructions contained in the owner's manual
Thls warranty applies only while this product Is In use In the United States.
This warranty gives you specific legalrights and you may also haveother dghtswhich may vary from stateto state.
Horsepower: ......................... 5.0
Engine Oil ............................. SAE 5W30 oil
Spark Plug: ........................... RJ-19LM
Engine: .................................. 143.015007
Model Number 247.886640
Serial Number ...........................................................
Date of Purchase ......................................................
Record both serial number and date of purchase and
keep in a safe place for future reference.

This symbolpoints out importantsafety instructionswhich, ifnot followed, could endangerthe personal
safety and/or property of yourself and others. Read and follow all instructions in this manual before
attempting to operate this machine. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in personal
injury. When you see this symbol--heed its warning.
WARNING: Engine Exhaust, some of itsconstituents, and certainvehicle components containor emit
chemicalsknown to State of Californiato cause cancerand birth defects orother reproductiveharm.
DANGER: This machine was built to be operatedaccordingto the rules for safe operation in this I
manual. As withany type ofpowerequipment, carelessnessor erroron the partof theoperator can resultI
in seriousinjury.This machine is capable of amputatinghands and feet and throwingobjects. Failureto
observe the following safety instructionscould resultinserious injuryor death.
1. Read, understand, and follow all instructionson the
machine and in the manual(s) before attempting to
assemble and operate. Keep this manual in a safe place
for future and regular reference and for ordering
replacement parts.
2. Be familiar with all controlsand theirproper operation.
Know how to stop the machine and disengage them
3. Never allow children under 14 years oldto operate this
machine. Children 14 years old and over shouldread and
understand the operation instructions and safetyrules in
this manual and should be trained and supervised by a
4. Never allow adults to operate this machine without
proper instruction.
5. Thrown objects can cause serious personal injury. Plan
your snow throwingpattern to avoid discharge ofmaterial
toward roads, bystanders and the like.
6. Keep bystanders, helpers, pets andchildren at least 75
feet from the machine whileit is inoperation. Stop
machineif anyone enters the area.
7. Exercise caution to avoid slippingor falling, especially
when operating in reverse.
1. Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment isto
be used. Remove all door mats, newspapers, sleds,
boards, wires and other foreignobjectswhich could be
trippedover orthrown by the auger/impeller.
2. Always wear safety glasses oreye shields during
operationand while performing an adjustmentor repairto
protectyour eyes. Thrown objectswhich ricochetcan
cause serious injuryto the eyes.
3. Do not operate without wearing adequate winter outer
garments. Do not wear jewelry, long scarvesor other
loose clothingwhich coutd become entangled inmoving
parts. Wear footwear which willimprove footingon
4. Use a grounded three wireextension cordand receptacle
forall units with electricstart engines.
5. Adjust collector housingheight to clear gravel or crushed
rock surfaces.
6. Disengage all clutchlevers before starting the engine.
7. Never attempt to make any adjustments while engineis
running, except where specifically recommended in the
operator's manual.
Let engine and machine adjust to outdoortemperature
before stadingto clear snow.
To avoidpersonal injuryor propertydamage use extreme
care inhandling gasoline. Gasoline isextremely
flammable and the vapors are explosive. Serious
personal injurycan occur when gasoline is spilledon
yourselfor your clothes which can ignite. Wash yourskin
and change clothes immediately.
a. Use onlyan approved gasoline container.
b. Extinguishall cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other
sourcesof ignition.
c. Neverfuel machine indoors.
d. Never remove gas cap or add fuel while the
engine is hotor running.
e. Allow engine to cool at least two minutes before
refueling and at least 5 minutes before storing.
f. Never over fill fuel tank. Fill tank to no more than
1,6inch below bottom of filler neck to provide space
for fuel expansion.
g. Replace gasoline cap and tighten securely.
h. If gasoline is spilled, wipe it off the engine and
equipment. Move machine to another area. Wait 5
minutes before starting the engine.
i. Never store the machine or fuel container inside
where there is an open flame, spark or pilot light
(e.g. furnace, water heater, space heater, clothes
dryer etc).
1. Do not put hands or feet near rotating parts,in the auger/
impellerhousing or discharge chute. Contactwith the
rotatingparts can amputate hands and feet.
2. The auger/impeller clutch lever is a safetydevice, Never
bypass itsoperation. Doing so, makes the machine
unsafe and may cause personal injury.
3. The clutch levers must operate easily in both directions
and automatically return to the disengaged position when
4. Never operate with a missing or damaged discharge
chute. Keep all safety devices in place and working.
5. Never run an engine indoors or ina poorly ventilated
area. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, an
odorless and deadly gas.

6. Donotoperate machine whileunder the influence of
alcoholor drugs.
7. Muffler and engine become hot and can cause aburn. Do
8. Exercise extreme caution when operating on orcrossing
gravelsurfaces. Stay alert for hidden hazards or traffic.
9. Exercise caution when changing direction and while
operatingon slopes.
tO. Plan your snow throwingpattern to avoid discharge
towardswindows, walls, cars etc. To avoid property
damage or personal injurycaused by a ricochet.
t1. Never direct discharge at children, bystandersand pets
orallow anyone in frontof the machine.
12. Do notoverload machine capacity by attemptingto clear
snowat too fast ofa rate.
13. Never operate thismachine without goodvisibilityor
light.Always be sure ofyour footing and keep a firmhold
onthe handles. Walk, never run.
14. Disengage power to the auger/impeller when
transportingor notin use.
15. Never operate machine at hightransport speeds on
slipperysurfaces. Lookdown and behind and use care
whenin reverse.
16. If the machine shouldstart to vibrate abnormally,stopthe
engine, disconnect the spark plug and ground itagainst
the engine. Inspect thoroughly for damage. Repair any
damage before startingand operating.
17. Disengage all clutch levers and stop engine before you
leave the operating position(behind the handles). Wait
untilthe auger/impeller comes to acomplete stopbefore
uncloggingthe discharge chute, making any
adjustments, or inspections.
18. Never put your hand inthe discharge or collector
openings. Always use a clearing toolto unclogthe
discharge opening.
19. Use onlyattachments and accessories apprcved bythe
manufacturer (e.g. wheel weights, tire chains, cabsetc.).
20. If situabonsoccur whichare not covered in thismanual,
usecare and goodjudgment. Contact your nearest Sears
servicecenter for assistance.
Maintenance and Storage
1. Never tamper with safetydevices. Check their proper
operation regularly.
2. Disengage all clutch leversand stopengine. Wait until
the auger/impeller come to a completestop. Disconnect
the spark plugwire and groundagainst the engine to
prevent unintended startingbefore cleaning, repairing,or
3. Check bolts, and screwsfor propertightness at frequent
intervalsto keep the machine insafe working condition,
Also,visually inspect machine forany damage.
4. Do notchange the engine governor settingor over-speed
the engine. The governorcontrolsthe maximum safe
operating speed of the engine.
5. Snow thrower shave plates and skidshoes are subjectto
wear and damage. For your safety protection,frequently
check all componentsand replace withoriginal
equipment manufacturer's (O.EM.) parts only. "Use of
partswhich do not meet the originalequipment
specifications may lead toimproper performance and
compromise safety!"
6. Check clutch controlsperiodicallytoverify they engage
and disengage properlyand adjust,if necessary. Refer to
the adjustment sectionin thisoperator's manual for
7. Maintain orreplace safety and instructionlabels, as
8, Observe properdisposal laws and regulationsforgas,
oil, etc. to protectthe environment.
9. Priorto storing,runmachine afew minutes to clear snow
from machine andprevent freeze up ofauger/impeller.
tO. Never store the machine orfuel container inside where
there is an openflame, spark or pilot lightsuch asa water
heater, furnace ,clothesdryer etc.
11. Always refer to the operator'smanual forpraper
instructionson off-season storage.
Your Responsibility:
Restnct the use of this power machineto persons who read,
understand and follow the warnings andinstructionsin this
manual and on the machine. The mostimportant safety labels
are reproduced below. For a detailed labels map, see
Parts List section.

Lay outthe hardware according to the illustrationbelow for identificationpurposes. Part numbers are shown in
parentheses. (Hardware pack may contain extra items which are not used on your unit.)
(4)Lock Washers (C) I:_
A!_ (2)Hex Bolts (A)
(2) Hex Bolts(B)
___ Screws (F)
_ t_l _ FlO-O509)
(2)Hex @11t11111111111!111
12)Handle Tabs 11)
(4) Carriage Bolts (E)
G g,G
Washers (C)
(2) Hex Nuts (J)
_. .............................. (712-0121 )
(2) Hex Nuts (D)
Cupped Washer (N)
(2) Flat Washers IS)
" Replacement hardware only; not required in initial assembly of the snow thrower.
Hairpin Clip IT)
(6) Hex Bolts (K)
(2) Hex Lock Nuts
(6) He(_1L_.c,k2N;_ts (M)
(3) Chute Flange Keepers
(Not Shown) (731-0051)
(2) Shear Bolts

NOTE: References to right or left side of the snow
thrower are determined from behind the unit in the
Remove staples fromtop flaps of the carton.
Remove any looseparts included withunit (i.e.,
operator's manual, etc.).
Cut corners of the carton and lay ends down fiat,
Remove packing material.
• Roll unit out of carton. Check carton thoroughly for
loose parts before discarding.
• Take thetwo"Z" fittings from Group Dofthe
Hardware Pack and insert the Z end ofthese
throughthetwo holeson the two clutchgripson the
handle panel. The handle panel was shippedas
loosepart withyour snow thrower.
Assembly Tips:
1. For easier assembly purposes, removethe chute
from thecarton and lay iton top ofthe engine, Do
not unwrap the chute till you have installed the
handle panel and the clutch cables.
2. Lookfor stampinge of L and R respectivelyon the
bottom of the left and the right handles to identify.
Loose Parts In Carton
Figure 1
• Compare Figure 1with the list below to identify
looseparts inthe carton.
Ref. Description Qty.
A Handles (Right and Left) 2
B Handle Panel 1
C Speed Selector Plate 1
D ShiftLever 1
E Chute Directional Control Assembl 1
F 3hute Assembly 1
G Hardware Pack* 1
H Extension Cord 1
• S_own on page 5
Tools Required
1. Two 7/16" wrenches ora set of adjustable
Attaching Handles
(Use hardware groupB,)
• Raise bethclutch grips,
• Lower left and right handles down throughhandle
panel between the pivot rod and theclutchgrips
and attach using two each of carriage bolts (E), lock
washers (C) and hex nuts (D). See Figure 2.
_andle Clutch • Left Handle
_1I'.._ PivotRod
_// " Lock
Figure 2
• Do nottighten at this time.
• Lay handle panel assembly behind snowthrower
as shown in Figure 3,
Before Assembly
WARNING: Disconnect the spark plug wireand ground it against the engine to prevent
NOTE: All hardware pieces identified by a letter code
here correspond to the letter code used in the
descriptionof the hardware pack onpage 5.
Handle Panel &
Figure 3

(Usehardware groupA.)
• Insert one each of hex bolt (B) and lock washer (C),
from Group A ofthe hardware pack, through the
bottomhole in left handle and correspondinghole
insnowthrower housing. See Figure 4. Do not
tighten.Repeat on the other side.
Raise both handles up until the upper hole in each
handle align with lhe upper hole on each side of the
snow thrower housing. Secure with hex bolt (A),
lock washer (C) and handle tab (I) on each side.
See Figure 4,
Left Handle
Attaching Shift Lever
(Use hardware groupC.)
• Insert the shiftleverthroughslotinthe speed
selectorplate. See Figure 6. The bend in the lever
shouldbe towards the operator.
Tab I
Washer C Bolt A
Figure 4
Bolt B
Attaching Speed Selector Plate
(Use hardware group C.)
• Assemble the speedselector plate to the outside
ofthe handles as shown in Figure 5. Secure using
twoself-tappingscrews (F) from hardware groupC,
Repeat on the otherside.
Screws F
Screws F
Figure 5
PlexLock Nuts H
Shift Lever
Figure 6
Secure shiftlever to the shiftlever spring usingtwo
hex bolts (G) and hex locknuts (H). See Figure 6.
Tighten both bolts finger tight. At this pointthe shift
lever and shift lever spring are not against each
other. As you tighten the bolts and nuts with two
wrenches, these will pull together.
Tighten all hardware assembled to this point. Make
sure that clutch grips are moving freely.
Attaching Control Cables
(Use hardware group D.)
• Since the Z fittingisalready insertedinto the hole
on the clutchgripat thispoint,thread a hex nut (J)
from hardware pack D onto each Z fitting.See
Route the leftcable between engine and speed
selectorplate and thenbetween handle panel and
clutchlever pivotrod.Thread cable ontothe left
"Z" fitting.
Assemble the rightcable in the same manner.
Bothcables should have minimalslack, but not
tight. Tightenor loosenhex nutson the "Z" fitting to
IMPORTANT:Ifthe righthand lock-outcable isnot
adjusted correctly,thewheels will tend toturn. If the left
hand lock-outcable isnot adjusted correctly,the
augers will keep on rotating.
NOTE: Thedriveclutchcab/eisroutedovertheaxle.

WARNING: Do not over-tighten the clutch
cables. Tension on either cable in the
disengaged (up) position may override the
safetyfeatures of the machine.
Hex Nut J
Figure 7
Attaching Chute Assembly
(Use hardware group E,)
• Race chute assembly over chuteopening, with the
opening inthe chuteassembly facingthe frontof
• Place chute flange keepers beneath lipof chute
assembly, withthe flat sideof chute flange keeper
facingdownward, See Figure 8.
Hex Bolt K_
Cl_ute Flange -----_
_ Loosen hex nuts
under this bracket
Hairpin Clip T &
Flat Washer S
Control Bracket
Figure 9
Place one flatwasher (S), fromgroup F, over the
end of the chute directional control, then insert the
end of the chute directional control into the hole in
the plastic bushing on the chute bracket. See
Figure 9. Place the remaining flat washer (S) on
chute directional control, and secure with hairpin
clip (T).
Thread one hex nut (D), from group F,onto the
eyebolt on the chute directional control assembly
until there is at least two inches of threads showing
between the nut and the eyeboit head. See Figure
10 inset.
Place the eyebolt intothe hole located half way up
the left handle. See Figure 10. Secure with cupped
washer (N) and hex nut (D), from group F, making
sure that the cupped side of the washer is against
the handle.
Figure 8
Insert two hex bolts (K) up through each chute
flange keeper and chute assembly as shown in
Figure 8. Secure with hex lock nuts (M). After
assembling all three chute flange keepers, tighten
all nuts and bolts securely. Do not over-tighten.
NOTE: Lock nuts cannotbe threadedby hand; use two
7/16"sized oradjustable wrenches instead.
Attaching Chute Directional Control
(Usehardware group F.)
• Loosen the two hex nuts which secure the lower
chute directionalcontrol supportbracket (see
Figure9 inset) to the snow thrower housing,
e Bolt
Figure 10

Adjustthe chute directional control bracket so that
the spiral on the chute directional control fully
engages the teeth on the chute assembly. See
Figure 11. Tighten all hardware.
_ira[should engage
teeth of chutehere
Figure 11
Check to make sure all nutsand bolts on the control
paneland all four boltswhichsecure the handles to
the frame are very tight.
Final Assembly & Adjustments
Auger Control
• To check the adjustmentof the auger control,push
forward on the left hand clutchgrip (depress the
rubberbumper). There should beslack inthe cable.
Release the clutchgrip. The cabte shouldbe
straight.Make certainyou can depress theauger
controlgrip against the left handlecompletely.
• Ifnecessary, loosenthe hex locknutand thread the
cable in (for less slack) or out(formore slack) as
necessary. Refer to Figure7.
• Tighten the locknutagainst the cablewhen correct
adjustment is reached.
Traction Control & Shift Lever
To check the adjustment of the traction control and
shift lever, move the shift lever all the way to the
right to fifth (5) position. With the traction control
released, push the snow thrower forward. The unit
should move forward freely. Then engage the
traction control grip. The wheels should stop
Now release the traction control grip, and push the
unit again. Move the shift lever back to the fast
reverse position, then all the way forward again.
There should be no resistance in the shift lever, and
the wheels should keep turning.
If you feel resistance when moving the shift lever or
the wheels stop when they should not, loosen the
jam nut on the traction control cable and unthread
the cable one turn.
• If the wheelsdo not stop when youengage the
traction controlgrip,loosen the jam nut on the
traction control cable and thread the cable in one
• Recheck the adjustment and repeat as necessary.
Tighten the jam nut to secure the cable when
correct adjustment isreached.
NOTE: If you are not sure that you have adjusted
correctly, refer tothe Adjustment section onpage 15.
Skid Shoes
The space between the shave plate and the ground can
be adjusted.
a. For close snow removal on a smooth
surface, raise skid shoes higher on the auger
housing. See Figure 12.
b. Use a middle or lower position when the area
to be cleared is uneven. See Figure 12.
oe Hex Nuts tr-
• Adjustskid shoes by loosening the four hex nuts
and carriage bolts as shown in Figure 12. Move
skid shoes to desired position.
• Make certain the entire bottom surface of skid shoe
is against the ground to avoid uneven wear on the
skid shoes. Retighten nuts and bolts securely.
Tire Pressure (Pneumatic Tires)
The tiresare overinflatedfor shipping purposes.
• Check tirepressure. Maintain pressurebetween 15
to20 psi. Refer totire sidewallsfor recommended
tire pressure.
NOTE: If the tire pressure is not equal in both tires, the
unitmay puff to one sideor theother.
IMPORTANT:After assembly, service enginewith
gasoline, and check oillevel as instructedinthe
separate engine manual packed with your unit.
Figure 12
WARNING: Maximum tire pressure under
any circumstance is 30 psi. Equal tirepressure
should be maintained at all times. Excessive
pressure (over 30 psi) when seating beads
may cause tire/rim assembly to burst with
force sufficient to cause serious injury.

Knowing your Snow Thrower
,_ WARNING: Be familiar with all the controlsand their proper operation. Know howto stop the machine
and disengage them quickly.
Gas Fill \
Discharge Chute ---
•, --Traction Control
b_ Auger Control
Shift Lever
Chute Directional
Spark Plug _ _ 1
IgnitionKey___X |
Skid Shoe
Figure 13
Throttle Le_er "_ RecoilStarter_
Operating Controls
Shift Lever
The shiftlever is locatedbelow the handle panel. See
Figure13. The shiftlever may be moved intoone of
seven positions.Run engine withthrottle inthe fast
position.Use the shiftlever todetermine groundspeed.
There are five forward and two reverse speedson this
snowthrower.Among the forwardspeeds, positionone
(1) isthe slowest and positionfive (5)is the fastest.
Among reverse speeds, R2 isthefaster.
Auger Control
The augercontrol islocated on the lefthandle.
Squeeze the auger controlgripto engage the augers.
Release to stopthe augers. See Figure 13.
Traction Control
The tractioncontrolis locatedon the righthandle.
Squeeze the tractioncontrolgripto engage the wheel
drive. Release tostop. See Figure 13.
Throttle Control
The throttlecontrolis locatedon the engine. Itregulates
the speed ofthe engine. See Figure 13.
Chute Directional Control
The chute directional controlislocated onleftside of
the snow thrower. See Figure 13. To change the
direction in which snow is thrown, turn chute directional
control as follows:
• Crank clockwise to discharge to the left.
• Crank counterclockwise todischarge to the right.
Ignition Key
The ignitionkeymust be inserted inthe switchbefore
the unit willstart. See Figure 13 inset. Removethe
ignition kay when snow thrower is notin use. Do not
Stopping the engine
• To stop engine, move throttle controlto "stop" or
"off" position.Remove the ignitionkey. Donot turn
• Disconnect the spark plug wirefromthe spark plug
to prevent accidental starting while equipment is