1. Read the operating and service instruction manual
carefully. Be thoroughly familiar with the controls
and proper use of the power vacuum.
2. Never allow children to operate this power vacu
3. Keep the area of operation clear of all persons,
particularly small children and pets.
4. Check fuel before starting engine. Do not fill fuel
tank indoors, when engine is running, or while en
gine is hot. Wipe off any spilled fuel before start
ing engine.
5. Do not change engine governor settings.
6. Do not put hands near rotating parts for any rea
7. If the power vacuum should start to vibrate ab
normally, stop the engine and check immediately
for the cause. Vibration is generally a warning of
8. Before cleaning, repairing or inspecting make cer
tain all moving parts have come to a complete
stop. Disconnect spark plug wire and keep wire
away from plug to prevent accidental starting.
Also keep throttle control lever in the stop position.
9. If the power vacuum should become blocked with
debris at any point shut engine off and wait until
the impeller comes to a complete stop before at
tempting to remove the obstruction. Disconnect
spark plug wire to prevent accidental starting.
10. Check all bolts for tightness at frequent periods.
11. Never store this power vacuum with fuel in the
tank. Allow engine to cool before starting in any
12. Keep bag and equipment free of debris when not
in use.
13. Never operate this power vacuum unless air duct
and vacuum bag is properly affixed in their place.
Large zippered end of bag must be closed when
operating to prevent objects from being blown out.
14. Never empty vacuum bag when engine is running.
15. Never change inlet nozzle or auxiliary hose attach
ment when engine is running.
16. The manufacturer recommends that the operator
wear safety glasses or some other suitable eye pro
tection when operating this machine.
17. Check the vacuum bag frequently for wear and re
place when necessary.
5389 WEST 130th STREET
P. 0. BOX 2741 CLEVELAND OHIO 44111
FORM NO. 770-4105
(Refer to Figure 1)
1. Place the upper handle in position and fasten with
four (4) hex screws (Ref. No. 138) and hex center-
lock nuts (Ref. No. 135) provided.
2. Place the air duct (Ref. No. 11) in position on the
blower housing (Ref. No. 26) and fasten with four
3. Slide the vacuum bag (Ref. No. 41) over the back
of the upper handle and snap the four flaps to
hold the bag.
4. Slide the bag over the air duct.
5. Fasten the nozzle (Ref. No. 27) to the front of the
vacuum with four flat washers (Ref. No. 28) and
thumb nuts (Ref. No. 29) provided.
6. Use the following steps on the self propelled unit
7. Fasten the throttle control (Ref. No. 144) to the right
hand side of the upper handle with one hex screw
(Ref. No. 142) and hex center locknut (Ref. No. 143)
8. Secure throttle control cable to the lower handle
with the cable clip (Ref. No. 148) provided. Note-.
Cable clip must be assembled to lower handle with
the open end towards the engine. This will prevent
wear to the bag.
1. Service engine with gas and oil. See engine man
ual packed with lawn mower for complete instruc
tions for care and maintenance of engine. READ
After the engine has been properly fueled and oiled
(refer to engine operating and maintenance instruc
tions), start engine in the following manner.
PUSH MODEL 243-670
1. Move throttle control lever on engine to START po
2. Crank engine. Pull recoil with a quick firm pull. Do
not pull out so far that rope stops with a jerk as
this will cause rope failure. Do not allow rope and
handle to snap back into place.
3. After two or three full firm pulls on recoil (or as
scon as engine fires), move speed control to run
4. Operate a new engine at intermediate speeds and
light load for the first few hours as you would a
new automotive engine.
9. Place ferrule (Ref. No. 5) through control lever (Ref
No. 10).
10. Place flat washer (Ref. No. 4) over ferrule and
thread control rod (Ref. No. 3) into ferrule about
eight or nine turns.
11. Hook formed end of control rod (Ref. No. 3) in the
shifting finger (Ref. N. 60).
12. Place curved face of spacer (Ref. No. 9) towards
the outside of upper handle left hand side.
13. Fasten control lever in position with hex screw
(Ref. No. 2) and two hex nuts (Ref. No. 6) provided.
14. Engage and disengage control lever, check for
free pivoting action. It may be necessary to read
just the control rod.
5. To stop engine, move speed control lever on en
gine to stop position.
6. If carburetor needs adjustment to start or for oper
ation, see "Carburetor Readjustment" section.
1. Place drive engagement lever in the neutral posi
tion (towards the operator).
2. Move throttle control lever on handle to START po
3. Crank engine. Pull recoil with a quick firm pull. Do
not pull out so far that rope stops with a jerk as
this will cause rope failure. Do not allow rope and
handle to snap back into place.
4. After two or three full firm pulls on recoil (or as
soon as engine fires), move throttle control to run
5. Operate a new engine at intermediate speeds and
light load for the first few hours as you would a
new automotive engine.
c. Move lever to which control wire is fastened at
engine, to full open position and retighten
screw to secure throttle control wire assembly.
6. To stop engine, move throttle control lever on han
dle to stop position.
7. If carburetor needs adjustment to start or for oper
ation, see "carburetor readjustment" section.
8. For forward travel, move drive engagement lever
FORWARD as far as possible. To stop forward
movement, pull lever towards the operator into
neutral position.
NOTE: A brief break-in period is essential to
insure maximum engine life. This consists of
running the engine at half-speed for a period
of time required to use one tank of gasoline.
This is necessary on the initial run only. It is
also recommended that the oil be changed
after five (5) hours of operation. This allows
for the removal of impurities which may
have accumulated during the break-in peri
od. Sub.sequent oil changes should be made
as stated in the engine manual. Always
check oil before using your vacuum. Be sure
crankcase is full.
Important: Always stop engine and disconnect spark
plug wire before cleaning, lubricating or doing any
kind of work on lawn mower.
1. ENGINE—Follow Engine Manual for lubrication
2. CHAIN—Lubricate periodically with light engine
oil (S.A.E. No. 10 or 20)
3. CONTROLS—Lubricate periodically the control as
semblies and conduit and wire with light engine
oil for ease of operation.
4. WHEELS—Lubricate periodically bearings on all
four wheels with light engine oil.
(Refer to Figure 1)
1. Remove the nozzle (Ref. No. 27) or hose adapter
plate (optional equipment) if on the unit, by re
moving four flat washers (Ref. No. 28) and thumb
nuts (Ref. No. 29.).
CAUTION: Do not at any time make any adjustment to
power vacuum without first stopping engine and dis
connecting spark plug wire.
be adjusted for nine heights from 0" to 5". To
change the height, move the height adjustment
lever towards the engine and forward to raise the
height and move tO' the rear to lower the height.
The one lever adjusts the front two wheels at the
same time.
2. BELT—The belt requires no adjustment. The idler
maintains the proper tension on the belt at all
3. THROTTLE—Self propelled unit only. If adjustment
becomes necessary, the throttle control wire as
sembly can be reset as follows:
a. Loosen, but do not remove, screw securing
throttle control wire assembly at engine.
b. Move throttle control lever on handle to "Fast"
2. Remove engine crankshaft bolt (Ref. No. 25) and
lockwasher (Ref. No. 24).
3. Remove four hex nuts (Ref. No. 17) and lockwash-
ers (Ref. No. 18) from rear of blower housing as
sembly (Ref. No. 26). This will allow you to remove
the blower housing assembly and air vane assem
bly in one unit.
4. Remove the hopper engine mounting plate by re
moving five bolts (Ref. No's. 35 and 37) and wash
ers (Ref. No. 37).
5. Unhook idler spring (Ref. No. 55) and remove.
6. Remove the bearing support bracket (Ref. No. 84)
by removing two hex nuts (Ref. No. 85) and wash
ers (Ref. No. 8).
7. Remove and install the new belt.
8. Reverse the above procedure making sure the
small end of the four spacers are towards the en
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