MTD 243-638-000 User Manual

Important: Read Safety Rules and Instructions Carefully
WARNING: This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless the engine’s exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable local or state laws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator.
In the State of California the above is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public
Made ^ in AMERICA
Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands.
A spark arrester for the muffler Is available through your nearest engine authorized service dealer or contact the service department, P.O. Box 368022, Cleveland, Ohio 44136-9722.
Model Number
Record the Model No. and Mfg. Code which appear on your unit in the space below. You must have these numbers, aiong with the date of purchase, in order to receive warranty or ser
FORM NO. 770-8226H


Use clean fluid and check fluid level regularly Use Dexron II Automatic Transmission Fluid cr
10W non-foaming hydraulic fluid. Use a filter (clean or replace regularly) Use a breather cap on fluid reservoir Keep end of reservoir return tube below fluid I jvel Make certain pump is mounted and aligned properly Use a flexible “spider” type coupling between engine
and pump driveshafts Keep hoses clear and unblocked Bleed air out of hoses before operating Flush and clean hydraulic system before startup after
any malfunction or servicing Use “pipe dope” on all hydraulic fittings
Allow time for warmup before splitting wood Prime the pump before initial startup by turnin g over
the engine with spark plug disconnected
Split wood with the grain (lengthwise) only
Use fluid below 0° F., or above 150° F. Use a solid engine/pump coupling Force pump when mounting
Operate through relief valve for more than several
Attempt to adjust unloading or relief valve settings
without pressure gauges Operate with air in hydraulic system Use Teflon tape on hydraulic fittings Warm up engine apart from pump in cold weather Attempt to cut wood across the grain


Failure to maintain proper fluid level in reuervoir will void your warranty, causing permanent damage to pump by allowing air to be drawn into pump. Fk id will become foamy. Refer to “Initial Preparation” in the Operation section of this manual.
Changing the relief valve setting or pressure adjustment of control valve without proper knowledge and instruction from the factory will void your warranty. A very minor adjustment could destroy the structural and safety limits for which the unit was design sd. The system will produce more power than the structure will with stand. Fligher pressure could cause the hoses to burst, cylinder to rupture and intense fluid releases, which
could result in serious personal injury.
Disassembling the pump will void your we rranty. If replacement is necessary, merely disconnect and replace. Do not attempt to adjust pump settings, ai; they are adjusted by the manufacturer at the factory.
Use of incorrect hydraulic fluid will void ycur warranty. Use only Dexron II automatic transmission fluid or 10W non-foaming hydraulic fluid.
The flexible pump coupler must be inspected regularly. Allowing the coupler to deteriorate will void your war
ranty. Deterioration of spider insert and prolonged use after deterioration will destroy pump bearings and engine bearings, along with total destructi an of coupler hubs.
Improper beam lubrication will cause pre nature wear and looseness. Lubricate the beam regularly. Lack of lubrication will void your warranty.
Improper adjustment of splitting wedge will void your warranty. Become familiar with the proper tolerance required for adjustment of the splitting wedge as instructed in the Adjustment section of this manual.
a. If wedge Is too loose, cylinder beam and wedge wear will result. Allowing the wedge to loosen and be
used under operating stress will cause damage which will not be covered under warranty.
b. If wedge is too tight, severe beam darr age will result which will not be covered under warranty.
Warranty card must be mailed or delive ed directly to factory. Proper information must be completed and
mailed as per instructions. No warranty records on file may result in delay.
Do not overheat the hydraulic system. Excessive heat will destroy the hydraulic system with hardened O­rings and excessive friction.
Do not attempt to start in temperatures i nder 20° F. without pre-heating fluid in reservoir. Excessively cold
fluid cannot circulate and draw into pump. Warranty will be void.
Repair any leaks in hydraulic system im nediately. Unattended leaks will cause air to enter system and/or
decrease fluid level in reservoir, causing damage to the hydraulic system which will not be covered by war ranty.



Your log splitter was built to be operated according to the rules tor safe operation in this manuai. As with any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. If you violate any of these rules, you may cause serious injury to yourself or others.
1. Before operating this splitter, read and understand this manual completely. Become familiar with it for your own safety. To fail to do so may cause serious injury. Do not allow anyone to operate your splitter who has not read this manual. Keep this manual in a safe place for future and regular reference and for ordering replacement parts.
2. Never use your splitter for any other purpose than splitting wood. It is designed for this use and any other use may cause an injury. Your log splitter is a precision piece of power equip ment, not a toy. Therefore, exercise extreme caution at all times.
3. Never allow children to operate your log splitter. Do not allow adults to operate it without proper instruction. Only persons well acquainted with these rules of safe operation should be allowed to use your log splitter.
4. Only the operator is to be near your log splitter during use.
Keep all others, including pets and children, a minimum of 20
feet away from your work zone. Flying wood can be hazardous.
If a helper is assisting in loading logs, never activate the con trol until the helper is clear of the area. More accidents occur when more than one person operates the log splitter than at any other time.
5. No one should operate this unit while intoxicated or while tak ing medication that impairs the senses or reactions. A clear mind is essential for safety. Never allow a person who is tired or otherwise not alert to use your splitter.
1. Never wear loose clothing or jewelry that can be caught by moving parts of your log splitter and pull you into it. Keep clothing away from all moving parts of your log splitter.
2. Wear proper head gear to keep hair away from moving parts. Always wear protective hearing devices as needed.
3. Always wear safety shoes. A dropped log can seriously injure your foot.
4. Always wear safety glasses or goggles while operating your splitter. A piece of splitting log could fly off and hit your eyes.
5. If you wear gloves, be sure they are tight fitting without loose cuffs or draw strings.
6. Use your log splitter in daylight, or under good artificial light.
7. Never operate your splitter on slippery, wet, muddy or icy sur faces. Safe footing is essential in preventing accidents. Never
operate your splitter while attached to a towing vehicle.
Only operate your splitter on level ground and not on the side of a hill. It could tip, or rolling logs or poor footing could cause an accident. Operating the splitter on level ground also pre vents the spillage of gasoline from the fuel tank.
Never attempt to move the log splitter over hilly or uneven ter rain without a tow vehicle or adequate help.
Always block the wheels to prevent movement of log splitter while in operation.
Check the fuel before starting the engine. Gasoline is an extremely flammable fuel. Do not fill the gasoline tank indoors, when the engine is running, or while the engine is still hot. Replace gasoline cap securely and wipe off any spilled gasoline before starting the engine as it may cause a fire or explosion.
Both ends of each log must be cut as square as possible to help prevent the log from riding out of the splitter during oper ation.
Stand behind the reservoir tank when operating. See illustra tions.
2. Know how to stop the unit and disengage the cont [ols.
3. Never place hands or feet between log and splitti ig wedge or between log and end plate during forward or reverse stroke. To do so may result in crushed or amputated finger; or toes, or
worse, you may lose an arm or foot.
4. Do not straddle the splitter when using it. A slip in any position
could result in a serious injury.
5. Do not step over your log splitter when the engin; is running.
You may trip or accidentally activate the splitting «/edge if you step over. If you need to get to the other side, wall< around.
6. Never try to split two logs on top of each other. One may fly
out and injure you.
7. When loading the log splitter, place your hands oi the side of
the log, not at the ends. Never attempt to load /our splitter
while the splitting wedge is in motion. You may Q3t caught by
the wedge and injured.
8. Only use your hand to operate the splitting wedc e or control
lever. Never use your foot or a rope or any oth;r extension device. This could result in your inability to stop your splitter quickly enough to avoid injury.
9. Always keep fingers away from any cracks that op m in the log
during splitting operation. They can quickly close ind pinch or amputate your fingers.
10. Never attempt to split woods across the grain. Sc me types of wood may burst or fly out of your splitter and resu t in injury to you or a bystander.
11. For logs that are not cut square, the longest portinn of the log should be rotated down and the most square end placed against the splitting wedge.
12. Keep your work area clean. Immediately remove: split wood around your splitter so that you do not stumble ever it. Clean chips and dirt off end plate (wood platform) aftei each log is split, or whenever necessary to maintain flat con'act between wood and end plate (platform).
13. Never move the log splitter while the engine is rum ling.
14. Never leave your log splitter unattended with the engine run ning. Shut off the engine if you are ieaving your i plitter, even for a short period of time. Someone couid accidentally activate the splitting wedge and be injured.
15. Do not run engine in an enclosed area. Exhaust g ises contain carbon monoxide. This odorless gas can be deadly when inhaled.
16. Be careful not to touch the muffler after the engiie has been running. It will be HOT!
17. If the equipment should start to vibrate abnormally, stop the engine and check immediately for the cause. Vibration is gen erally a warning of trouble.
18. When cleaning, repairing or inspecting, make certain all mov ing parts have stopped. Disconnect the spark plJg wire and keep the wire away from the plug to prevent acci fental start ing.
3. Replace all damaged or worn parts such as hydraulic hoses and fittings immediately with manufacturer approved replace ment parts.
4. Do not change the engine governor settings or overspeed the engine. This increases the hazard of personal injury. The maxi mum engine speed is preset by the manufacturer and is within safety limits.
5. Do not alter your splitter in any manner such as attaching a rope or extension to the control lever or adding to the width or height of the wedge. Such alterations may cause your splitter to be unsafe.
6. Perform all recommended maintenance procedures before you use your splitter.
7. Do not service or repair your log splitter without disconnecting
the spark plug wire and moving it away from the spark plug.
8. Never store the equipment with gasoline in the tank inside of a
building where ignition sources are present, such as hot water and space heaters, clothes dryers and the like. Aliow the engine to cool before storing in any enclosure.
9. Always store gasoline in an approved, tightly sealed container.
Store the container in a cooi, dry place. Do not store in a build ing where ignition sources are present.
10. To reduce fire hazard, keep engine free of grass, leaves, wood chips, and excessive grease and oil.
11. The hydraulic system of your log splitter requires careful inspection, along with the mechanicai parts. Be sure to replace frayed, kinked, or otherwise damaged hydraulic components.
12. Fluid escaping from a very smail hole can be almost invisible. Do not check for leaks with your hand. Escaping fiuid under pressure can have sufficient force to penetrate skin, causing serious personal injury. Leaks can be located by passing a piece of cardboard or wood over the suspected leak and look ing for discoloration.
13. Should it become necessary to loosen or remove any hydraulic
fitting or line, be sure to relieve ali pressure by shutting off the engine and moving the control handle back and forth several times.
14. Do not remove the cap from the hydraulic tank or reservoir
while your log splitter is running. Hot oil under pressure could cause injury.
15. The pressure reiief valve on your splitter is preset at the facto ry. Do not adjust the vaive. Only a qualified service technician should perform this adjustment.
16. Completely drain tuel tank prior to storage. This guards against accumulation of fuel fumes which could result in a fire hazard.
17. Never store log splitter outside without a waterproof cover. Rain will cause rust on the inside of the cylinder.
1. Do not operate your spiitter in poor mechanical tondition or when in need ot repair.
2. Periodically check that all nuts, bolts, screws, hose clamps and hydraulic fittings are tight to be sure equipment is in sate working condition. Where appropriate, check all srfety guards and shields to be sure they are in the proper position. Never operate your splitter with safety guards, shields cr other pro tective features removed. These safety devices are for your protection.
1. This unit should not be towed on any street, highway or public road without checking the existing federal, local or state vehi
cle requirements. Any licensing or modifications such as tail­lights, etc., needed to comply with the existing federal, local or state vehicle requirements is the sole responsibility of the pur chaser.
2. Before towing, be certain the log splitter is correctly and securely attached to the towing vehicle, and the safety chains are in place. Leave slack in chains for turning allowance.
3. Do not allow anyone to sit or ride on your splitter. They can easily fall off and be seriously injured.
Tools Required for Assembly
(1) Soft Hammer or Mallet (2) 9/16" Wrenches* (2) 1/2" Wrenches* (1) 7/16" Wrench* (1) Adjustable Wrench (1) Screwdriver (1) Pliers (1) Knife (1) Cutters
*Adjustable Wrenches may be used.
Other Materials Required for Assembly:
Engine Oil Unleaded Gasoline
Approximately 7.6 Gallons of Dexron II Automatic
Transmission Fluid or 10W Non-Foaming Hydraulic
Engine and
Pump Assembly
Tank Assembly
■Hitch I
Y Assembly Tongue Assembly
Beam Support/
Latch Bracket
IMPORTANT: This unit has been shipped without gasoline or oil in the engine. Be certain to service engine with gasoline and oil before operating your log splitter. Refer to the separate engine manual.
WARNING: Exercise extreme caution as
parts are very heavy. Mechanical han
Remove the log splitter parts from the carton by cut
ting the corners of the carton. Unbolt parts bolted to
bottom of carton. Make certain all parts and literature have been removed from the carton before the carton
is discarded. Most of the hardware for assembly of the log splitter has been placed in position on the vari ous parts.
Parts in Carton (See figure 1)
Tongue Assembly Wedge, Beam and Cylinder Assembly Wheels Jack Stand Assembly
dling equipment should be used, or suffi cient people to prevent injury.
Reservoir Tank Assembly (Bolted to bottom of
Engine and Pump Assembly (Bolted to bottom of
Fenders (Not Shown) Small box which contains;
Hitch Assembly Beam Support/Latch Bracket Plastic hardware bag (4 bolts, washers, nuts) Plastic bag containing four roller bearings, two
grease seals and two hub caps
Plastic bag containing grease
Attach the wheels to the reservoir tank assembly as follows. See figure 2.
1. Block up the reservoir tank assembly about 8 inches.
Remove the roller bearings, grease seals and
hub caps from the plastic bag. Pack the tapered roller bearings with wheel bear
3. ing grease. Work grease between the rollers. Insert a bearing (smaller end first) into the inside hub of each wheel (valve stem is on the outside of
the wheel). Insert a grease seal with open side fac
ing inward into the inside hub of each wheel. Tap on using a soft hammer or mallet. Outside surface of seal should be even with the end of the hub.
NOTE: A large socket can be placed against the
grease seal to aid in properly seating the seal.
4. Remove the cotter pin, hex slotted nut and flat washer from each axle. Place one wheel on each axle, hub side toward the log splitter (valve stem facing outward).
5. Place a tapered roller bearing on each axle (make certain they have been packed with grease).
6. Place one flat washer just removed on each axle. Secure with hex slotted nut. Tighten slotted nut until snug, then back off approximately 1/3 turn or until one of the slots on the slotted nut lines up
with the hole in the axle.
7. Insert cotter pins through slots in nuts and holes in axle. Secure by bending the ends of the cotter
pins in opposite directions, using pliers and a
8. Check the assembly of the wheels. There should
be no side to side play, and the wheels should spin freely.
9. Place hub caps in position on wheels, and tap on
with a soft hammer or mallet. (It may be neces sary to use a screwdriver to tap on the raised rib of the hub cap.)
10. Check tires for correct air pressure.
Remove the two hex bolts, lock washers and hex nuts on the front of the reservoir tank. Two 9/16" wrenches are required. Place the tongue in position and secure with hardware just removed. Remove the assembly from the blocks. See figure 3.
1. Remove the two hex bolts, lock washers and hex nuts from the tongue, using two 9/16" wrenches.
2.--Place the beam support/latch bracket on the
tongue as shown in figure 4. Secure with hex
bolts, lock washers and hex nuts just removed. Tighten securely.
1. Remove the four hex bolts, lock washers and hex nuts that secure jack stand mounting brackets to jack stand.
2. Place jack stand halfway between beam sup port/latch bracket and end of tongue as shown in figure 5.
3. Insert two hex bolts through top holes in jack stand and two hex bolts through middle holes on the bottom of jack stand.
NOTE; Hex bolts go over top and underneath tongue.
4. Place jack stand mounting brackets over hex bolts on opposite side of tongue. Flat sides of mounting brackets are against tongue. Secure
with lock washers and hex nuts. See figure 5.
Level the tongue by raising or lowering the jack stand. The jack stand is raised by turning the crank clockwise and lowered by turning counter clockwise.
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