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Paperless Recording System
144 (5.67)
mm (inch)
*195 (7.68) with the 73VR2108, 73VR2110
and 73VR2112.
(built-in input modules)
Functions & Features
• 100 msec. storing rate
• Data stored in CF Cards
• CF card slot accessible at the front
• ‘Quick Setup’ helps you to start and program the recorder
• Real time monitor at the host PC via Ethernet
• Dedicated application software to view and analyze the
• 5.5 inch TFT LCD display
• Touch panel operation
• IP65 front panel
MODEL: 73VR21[1]-[2]-[3]
• Code number: 73VR21[1]-[2]-[3]
Specify a code from below for each [1] through [3].
(e.g. 73VR2102-E-M2)
02: 2-point inputs
04: 4-point inputs
06: 6-point inputs
08: 8-point inputs
10: 10-point inputs
12: 12-point inputs
N: Japanese
E: English
AC Power
M2: 100 – 240 V AC (Operational voltage range 85 – 264 V,
47 – 66 Hz)
DC Power
R: 24 V DC
(Operational voltage range 24 V ±10 %, ripple 10 %p-p max.)
With 100 msec. storing rate, measuredvalue may be
susceptible to inaccuracies due to the fast update cycle. If
this is the case, please choose 500 msec. or slower rate.
• Resistor module (model: REM3-250)
• CF Card
A CF Card is required to store data in the 73VR21xx. MSystem will not guarantee the product’s described
performance if a CF Card other than purchased from MSystem, or specified below, is used.
1. Manufacturer: Hagiwara Sys-Com
Model No.: MCF10P-xxxxS
Capacity: 128 MB through 1 GB
Manufacturer: Hagiwara Sys-Com
Model No.: CFI-xxxxDG
Capacity: 128 MB through 1 GB
2. Manufacturer: Apacer Technology
Model name: CFC III
Model No.: AP-CFxxxxE3ER-ETNDNR
Part No.: 81.2A010.1H10C (256 MB)
81.2B010.1H10C (512 MB)
81.2E010.1H10C (1 GB)
Capacity: 256 MB through 1 GB
• 73VR Application Software CD (model: 73VRPAC2)
• Mounting brackets (two)
Construction: Panel flush mounting
Degree of protection: IP65; applicable to the front panel of
the recorder with single mounting according to the specified
panel cutout
Power input, signal input, trigger input, alarm output:
M3 screw terminal (torque 0.5 N·m)
Recommended solderless terminal: Refer to the drawing on
the end of this section (unit: mm (inch)).
Applicable wire size: 0.3 to 0.75 mm
Screw terminal: Nickel-plated steel
Enclosure: Steel
Bezel: Flame-resistant resin (black)
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Front filter: Transparent resin
100 ms RAT
50 Hz 0.39 0.54 0.27
50/60 Hz*1 0.37 0.50 0.25 0.095
60 Hz 0.34 0.46 0.23
Multiplied by two (2) for RTD and potentiometer input.
*1. Standard setting
Isolation: Input 1 to input 2 to input 3 to input 4 to input 5 to
input 6 to input 7 to input 8 to input 9 to input 10 to input
11 to input 12 to trigger input to alarm output to power
input to FG to Ethernet
Burnout for T/C and RTD input: Upscale, Downscale or No
burnout selectable
Select ‘No Burnout’ to minimize the measuring errors
caused by the sensor/wire resistance and the burnout
sensing current.
With RTD input, the signal may go transiently to the
opposite direction from the burnout setting.
With DC input, the burnout setting is ignored and the
burnout sensing current is cancelled.
Cold junction compensation (CJC) for T/C input: CJC can be
enabled or disabled per each channel.
CJC sensor attached to Input 1 and Input 7* terminals.(Input
7 for the 73VR2108, 73VR2110 and 73VR2112)
Operating mode setting: Application software; burnout type,
cold junction compensation, line noise frequency, A/D
conversion mode setting available
Line noise filter: NMNR ratio to the line frequency and its
harmonic contents can be optimized. Factory set to 50/60
Hz mode for use with both frequencies.
Select either frequency for the most effective result.
A/D conversion mode: Fast, Medium or Slow selectable.
With Slow setting, data fluctuations are minimized with
limited sampling time (speed).
With Fast setting, sampling time (speed) can be high
through data fluctuations increase.
Ethernet: 10BASE-T / 100BASE-TX automatically switched;
Conforms to IEEE 802 (10BASE-T) or IEEE 802.3 (100BASETX)
IP address: (factory default setting)
Subnet mask: (factory default setting)
Default gateway: None (factory default setting)
CF Card slot: Type I; for use with the cards’ operating
voltage 3.3 V
USB: Conforms to Version 1.1
Display device: 5.5-inch TFT LCD
Display colors: 256
Resolution: 320 × 240 pixels
Pixel pitch: 0.12 × 0.35 mm
Note: The backlight can be replaced in M-System factory.
The LCD must be replaced at the same time.
• DC Voltage
Input resistance: 900 kΩ min.
Excluding the case in which, with range setting other than
±12 V, ±6 V or ±3 V, a voltage exceeding ±1.3 V is applied.
Input range: ±60 mV, ±125 mV, ±250 mV, ±500 mV,
±1000 mV, ±3 V, ±6 V, ±12 V
Input resistance: 900 kΩ minimum
Input type: (PR), K (CA), E (CRC), F (IC), T (CC), B (RH), R, S,
C (WRe 5-26), N, U, L, P (Platinel II)
Burnout sensing
Upscale: ≤ 130 nA
Downscale: ≤ 220 nA
No burnout: ≤ 10 nA
Burnout sensing time
K, E, J, N, L, P (upscale): ≤ 20 seconds
Others: ≤ 10 seconds
■ RTD (3-wire)
Excitation: 1.25 V / (1.25 kΩ + load resistance across the
terminals A – C); 1.00 mA with 10 Ω across A
– C; 0.55 mA with 1000 Ω across A – C
Allowable leadwire resistance: 20 Ω per wire
Input type: Pt 100 (JIS ’89), Pt 100 (JIS ’97, IEC), Pt 200, Pt
300, Pt 400, Pt 500, Pt 1000, Pt 50Ω (JIS ’81), JPt 100 (JIS
’89), Ni 100, Ni 120, Ni 508.4Ω, Ni-Fe 604, Cu 10 @ 25°C
Burnout sensing
Upscale or Downscale: ≤ 130 nA
No burnout: ≤ 10 nA
Burnout sensing time: ≤ 10 seconds
■ TRIGGER INPUT: Dry contact; detected ON at ≤ 0.8 V
Voltage across the terminals: ≤ 2.5 V
Current across the terminals: ≤ 4.0 mA
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■ ALARM OUTPUT: Photo MOSFET relay (no polarity);
≤ 50 Ω at ON, ≥ 1 MΩ at OFF; OFF when not powered
Peak load voltage: 50 V max.
Continuous load current: 50 mA max.
Peak load current: 300 mA max. (≤0.1 sec.)
Power Consumption
•AC Power input:
Approx. 25 VA at 100 V
Approx. 35 VA at 240 V
•DC Power input: Approx. 11 W or 460 mA
Operating temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Display quality (e.g. decreased contrast) may deteriorate
when the recorder is used for a long time in an environment
exceeding 50°C. However, it is only a temporary
phenomenon. When the recorder is back in normal
temperature, full legibility is recovered. No damage in
Operating humidity: 30 to 85 %RH (non-condensing)
Allowable dust particles: 0.1 mg/m2 (no conductive particles)
Corrosive gas: Not allowed
Mounting: Panel flush mounting
Panel cutout dimensions: 137 × 137 mm (5.39”× 5.39”)
73VR2102, 73VR2104, 73VR2106: 2.3 kg (5.1 lbs)
73VR2108, 73VR2110, 73VR2112: 2.4 kg (5.3 lbs)
Caution: Use of UPS (switching time: without delay, output:
sine waveforms) is recommended to prevent data loss or CF
card damage by a loss of power during recording.
Accuracy: See Tables 1 through 3.
Cold junction compensation error: (°C)
≤ ±[1.0 + |Ambient Temp. – 25| × 0.04]
(in stable ambient temperature; e.g. ±1.4°C at 15°C and
Applicable with balanced terminal temperature.
Error will increase by imbalances caused by direct mounting
of the REM3 to the terminals.
Temp. coefficient: See Table 4.
Response time
DC of ±1000 mV or narrower ranges or T/C:
≤ [Sampling Time + 0.3 sec.] (0 – 90 %)
DC of ± 3 V or wider ranges:
≤ [Sampling Time + 0.5 sec.] (0 – 90 %)
RTD: ≤ [Sampling Time + 0.3 sec.] (0 – 90 %)
Calendar clock accuracy: Monthly deviation 3 minutes at
Insulation resistance: ≥ 100 MΩ with 500 V DC
(input 1 to input 2 to input 3 to input 4 to input 5 to input 6
to input 7 to input 8 to input 9 to input 10 to input 11 to
input 12 to trigger input to alarm output to power input to
FG to Ethernet)
Dielectric strength: 500 Vpeak @ 1 minute
(input 1 to input 2 to input 3 to input 4 to
input 5 to input 6 to input 7 to input 8 to
input 9 to input 10 to input 11 to input 12 to trigger input to
alarm output to power input or FG)
Peak value including both AC and DC (e.g. 354 V AC with 0
V DC).
Nominal withstand voltage between I/O (analog input,
trigger input and alarm output) and power input is
described 500 V peak. However, as far as FG terminal is
appropriately grounded, no dielectric breakdown will occur
between I/O (with or without grounding) and other terminals
when 2000 V AC is applied between FG and power input.
AC power input: 2000V AC @ 1 minute (power input to FG
or Ethernet) 500 V AC @ 1 minute (FG to Ethernet)
DC power input: 1250 V AC @ 1 minute (power input to FG
or Ethernet) 500 V AC @1 minute (FG to Ethernet)
Line noise normal mode rejection: ≥ 100 dB
Magnitude of the effects of normal mode 50/60 Hz noise,
with the most appropriate line noise filter frequency setting.
Each input circuit has a CR filter of sufficient large time
constant so that there will be little effect of line noise such
as 500 mV AC superposed on a thermocouple or ±60 mV
Common mode noise rejection
Magnitude of the effects of voltages applied across the
terminal C and the ground terminal when there is no
potential difference among all the C terminals.
AC, ±3 V, ±6 V, ±12 V: Approx. 86 dB
AC, other ranges: Approx. 120 dB
Common mode noise rejection between channels
Magnitude of the effects of DC/50/60 Hz voltages applied
across the terminals C of the present and the last scanned
DC, ±3 V, ±6 V, ±12 V: Approx. 100 dB
DC, other ranges: Approx. 120 dB
AC, ±3 V, ±6 V, ±12 V: Approx. 86 dB
AC, other ranges: Approx. 106 dB
CE conformity:
EMC Directive (2004/108/EC)
EMI EN 61000-6-4
EMS EN 61000-6-2
Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC)
EN 61010-1
Installation Category II
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Pollution Degree 2
*Accuracy: Applicable with the common mode voltage 0V
between C terminals of all channels and between C terminal of each channel and FG terminal.
The effects by the following factors are excluded: Fast
A/D conversion mode; temperature drift with the REM3
directly mounted to the I/O terminals; wire resistance;
burnout sensing current with upscale/downscale settings.
With 100 msec. storing rate, measured value may be susceptible to inaccuracies due to the fast update cycle. If this
is the case, please choose 500 msec. or slower rate.
Table 1. DC Voltage Input
±60mV ±0.05
±125mV ±0.07
±250mV ±0.13
±500mV ±0.3
±1000mV ±0.5
±3V ±3
±6V ±5
±12V ±10
Table 2-1. Thermocouple Input, Celsius
RANGE (°C) RANGE (°C) (°C)
(PR) 0 to 1770 400 to 1770 ±4.6
K (CA) -270 to +1370 0 to 1370 ±1.5
E (CRC) -270 to +1000 0 to 1000 ±0.8
J (IC) -210 to +1200 0 to 1200 ±1.0
T (CC) -270 to +400 0 to 400 ±1.3
B (RH) 100 to 1820 700 to 1820 ±7.2
R -50 to +1760 400 to 1760 ±4.8
S -50 to +1760 400 to 1760 ±5.3
C (
WRe 5-26
) 0 to 2320 0 to 2320 ±4.9
N -270 to +1300 0 to 1300 ±1.9
U -200 to +600 0 to 600 ±1.3
L -200 to +900 0 to 900 ±1.0
P (
Platinel II
) 0 to 1395 0 to 1395 ±1.7
Remark 1) Measuring accuracy at 50µV emf.
Remark 2) CJC error is not included.
Table 2-2. Thermocouple Input, Fahrenheit
RANGE (°F) RANGE (°F) (°F)
(PR) 32 to 3218 752 to 3218 ±8.3
K (CA) -454 to +2498 32 to 2498 ±2.7
E (CRC) -454 to +1832 32 to 1832 ±1.5
J (IC) -346 to +2192 32 to 2192 ±1.8
T (CC) -454 to +752 32 to 752 ±2.4
B (RH) 212 to 3308 1292 to 3308 ±13.0
R -58 to +3200 752 to 3200 ±8.7
S -58 to +3200 752 to 3200 ±9.6
C (
WRe 5-26
) 32 to 4208 32 to 4208 ±8.9
N -454 to +2372 32 to 2372 ±3.5
U -328 to +1112 32 to 1112 ±2.4
L -328 to +1652 32 to 1652 ±1.8
P (
Platinel II
) 32 to 2543 32 to 2543 ±3.1
Table 3-1. RTD Input, Celsius
at ≤ 0°C at ≥ 0°C
Pt 100 -200 to +850 ±0.4°C ±[0.4°C + Measured Val ue × 0.1%]
(JIS ’97, IEC) (±1.3°C at 850°C)
Pt 200 -200 to +850 ±0.3°C ±[0.3°C + Measured Val ue × 0.17%]
(±1.8°C at 850°C)
Pt 300 -200 to +850 ±[0.4°C + Measured Va lue × 0.08%] ±[0.4°C + Measured Val ue × 0.21%]
(±0.3°C at -200°C) (±2.2°C at 850°C)
Pt 400 -200 to +850 ±[0.4°C + Measured Va lue × 0.11%] ±[0.4°C + Measured Val ue × 0.21%]
(±0.2°C at -200°C) (±2.2°C at 850°C)
Pt 500 -200 to +850 ±[0.4°C + Measured Va lue × 0.13%] ±[0.4°C + Measured Val ue × 0.26%]
(±0.2°C at -200°C) (±2.6°C at 850°C)
Pt 1000 -200 to +850 ±[0.4°C + Measured Va lue × 0.15%] ±[0.4°C + Measured Val ue × 0.4%]
(±0.1°C at -200°C) (±3.8°C at 850°C)
Pt 100 -200 to +660 ±0.4°C ±[0.4°C + Measured Val ue × 0.1%]
(JIS ’89) (±1.1°C at 660°C)
JPt 100 -200 to +510 ±0.4°C ±[0.4°C + Measured Val ue × 0.1%]
(JIS ’89) (±1.0°C at 510°C)
Pt 50Ω (JIS ’81) -200 to +649
±0.5°C at ≤160°C, ±[0.4°C + Measured Val ue × 0.1%] at ≥160°C (±1.1°C at 649°C)
Ni 100 -80 to +260 ±0.3°C
Ni 120 -80 to +260 ±0.3°C
Ni 508.4Ω -50 to +280 ±[0.25°C + Measured Va lue × 0.06%] (±0.3°C at -50°C, ±0.5°C at 280°C)
Ni-Fe 604 -200 to +200 ±0.9°C at -200°C, ±0.6°C at -150°C, ±0.5°C at ±100°C, ±0.7°C at 200°C
Cu 10 @25°C -50 to +250 ±1.2°C
Remark 1) The lower the temperature range, the better the accuracy is for Pt 300, Pt 400, Pt 500, Pt 1000 and Ni 508.4Ω.
‘Measured Value’ in the equations is not an absolute value. Include the minus sign when calculating accuracies.
Max. operating voltage 300 V
Input 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or
12 to power to FG or Ethernet: Reinforced insulation
Input 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 12
to trigger input to alarm output: Operational insulation
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Table 3-1. RTD Input, Fahrenheit
at ≤ 32°F at ≥ 32°F
Pt 100 -328 to +1562 ±0.8°F ±[0.72°F + Measured Val ue × 0.1%]
(JIS ’97, IEC) (±2.4°F at 1562°F)
Pt 200 -328 to +1562 ±0.6°F ±[0.54°F + Measured Val ue × 0.17%]
(±3.3°F at 1562°F)
Pt 300 -328 to +1562 ±[0.72°F + Measured Value × 0.08%] ±[0.72°F + Measured Val ue × 0.21%]
(±0.5°F at -328°F) (±4.0°F at 1562°F)
Pt 400 -328 to +1562 ±[0.72°F + Measured Value × 0.11%] ±[0.72°F + Measured Val ue × 0.21%]
(±0.4°F at -328°F) (±4.0°F at 1562°F)
Pt 500 -328 to +1562 ±[0.72°F + Measured Value × 0.13%] ±[0.72°F + Measured Val ue × 0.26%]
(±0.3°F at -328°F) (±4.7°F at 1562°F)
Pt 1000 -328 to +1562 ±[0.72°F + Measured Value × 0.15%] ±[0.72°F + Measured Val ue × 0.4%]
(±0.2°F at -328°F) (±6.9°F at 1562°F)
Pt 100 -328 to +1220 ±0.8°F ±[0.72°F + Measured Val ue × 0.1%]
(JIS ’89) (±2.0°F at 1220°F)
JPt 100 -328 to +950 ±0.8°F ±[0.72°F + Measured Val ue × 0.1%]
(JIS ’89) (±1.7°F at 950°F)
Pt 50Ω (JIS ’81) -328 to +1200
±0.9°F at ≤320°F, ±[0.72°F + Measured Val ue × 0.1%] at ≥320°F (±1.9°F at 1200°F)
Ni 100 -112 to +500 ±0.6°F
Ni 120 -112 to +500 ±0.6°F
Ni 508.4Ω -58 to +536 ±[0.45°F + Measured Va lue × 0.06%] (±0.4°F at -58°F, ±0.8°F at 536°F)
Ni-Fe 604 -328 to +392 ±1.7°F at -328°F, ±1.1°F at -238°F, ±0.9°F at ±212°F, ±1.3°F at 392°F
Cu 10 @25°C -58 to +482 ±2.2°F
Remark 1) The lower the temperature range, the better the accuracy is for Pt 300, Pt 400, Pt 500, Pt 1000 and Ni 508.4Ω.
‘Measured Value’ in the equations is not an absolute value. Include the minus sign when calculating accuracies.
Table 4. Temperature Coef cient
DC Voltage ±[Nominal Input Range × 0.015%]/°C or ±[Nominal Input Range × 0.008%]/°F
(e.g. ±0.018mV/°C with ±60mV range)
Thermocouple ±[Accuracy / 3] °C/°C or ±[Accuracy / 3] °F/°F (e.g. ±0.27°C/°C with E thermocouple)
RTD at ≤ 0°C or 32°F at ≥0°C or 32°F
Pt 100 ±0.041°C/°C ±[0.041°C + Measured Val ue × 0.026%]/°C
(JIS ’97, IEC) ±0.041°F/°F ±[0.041°F + Measured Val ue × 0.026%]/°F
Pt 200 ±0.044°C/°C ±[0.044°C + Measured Val ue × 0.033%]/°C
±0.044°F/°F ±[0.044°F + Measured Val ue × 0.033%]/°F
Pt 300 ±0.047°C/°C ±[0.047°C + Measured Val ue × 0.04%]/°C
±0.047°F/°F ±[0.047°F + Measured Val ue × 0.04%]/°F
Pt 400 ±0.05°C/°C ±[0.05°C + Measured Val ue × 0.052%]/°C
±0.05°F/°F ±[0.05°F + Measured Val ue × 0.052%]/°F
Pt 500 ±0.053°C/°C ±[0.053°C + Measured Val ue × 0.053%]/°C
±0.053°F/°F ±[0.053°F + Measured Val ue × 0.053%]/°F
Pt 1000 ±[0.068°C + Measured Val ue × 0.025%]/°C ±[0.068°C + Measured Val ue × 0.087%]/°C
±[0.068°F + Measured Val ue × 0.025%]/°F ±[0.068°F + Measured Val ue × 0.087%]/°F
Pt 100 ±0.041°C/°C ±[0.041°C + Measured Val ue × 0.024%]/°C
(JIS ’89) ±0.041°F/°F ±[0.041°F + Measured Val ue × 0.024%]/°F
JPt 100 ±0.041°C/°C ±[0.041°C + Measured Val ue × 0.023%]/°C
(JIS ’89) ±0.041°F/°F ±[0.041°F + Measured Val ue × 0.023%]/°F
Pt 50 ±0.039°C/°C ±[0.039°C + Measured Va lue × 0.021%]/°C
(JIS ’81) ±0.039°F/°F ±[0.039°F + Measured Val ue × 0.021%]/°F
Ni 100 ±0.028°C/°C ±[0.028°C + Measured Value × 0.01%]/°C
±0.028°F/°F ±[0.028°F + Measured Val ue × 0.01%]/°F
Ni 120 ±0.028°C/°C ±[0.028°C + Measured Value × 0.01%]/°C
±0.028°F/°F ±[0.028°F + Measured Val ue × 0.01%]/°F
Ni 508.4Ω ±0.046°C/°C ±[0.046°C + Measured Val ue × 0.018%]/°C
±0.046°F/°F ±[0.046°F + Measured Val ue × 0.018%]/°F
Ni-Fe 604
±0.058°C/°C at ≤-200°C, ±0.043°C/°C at -150°C, ±0.04°C/°C at -100°C, ±[0.047°C + Measured Val ue × 0.023%]/°C at ≥0°C
±0.058°F/°F at ≤-328°F, ±0.043°F/°F at -238°F, ±0.04°F/°F at -148°F, ±[0.047°F + Measured Value × 0.023%]/°F at ≥32°F
Cu 10 @25°C ±0.07°C/°C or ±0.07°F/°F