1. Buoyancy chamber is free of water.
2. Buoyancy chamber access hatches at bow and stern are properly
3. Buoyancy chamber bung at stern is tightly closed.
4. No splits in hull, no scratches penetrating into foam layer of hull.
5. Equipment:
• 5 Rowlocks, secured by lanyards
• Righting lines rigged both sides and not weakened by chafe
• Rudder in place and secured by spring clip (unless using outboard)
• Bailer, secured by lanyard
• Warps for securing boat alongside or to mooring
• 5 oars, no splits or cracks in shafts or blades, spare oar secured in
• Boathook, secured in boat
• Means of communication with shore
• Fenders (optional)
• Anchor and warp (optional)
• Outboard (if used) properly secured, rudder unshipped
• Fire extinguisher carried and secured in boat, if outboard motor to
be used.
6. Crew correctly dressed for conditions.
7. Crew wearing buoyancy aids/personal flotation aids correctly.
8. Crew briefed on safety precautions as laid down in this manual,
coxswain’s words of command and how to right boat in case
of capsize.