Mr. Coffee DR12, DR13, DRS12, DRS13, DRX20 User Manual

Manual del Usuario
Coffeemaker / Cafetera
DR Series / Serie DR
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and/or injury to persons, basic safety precautions should always be followed when using dectricd apph'ances, including the following:
2. Do not touch the coffeemaker's hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs and do not open the lid or cover while brewing. Scalding may occur
if the lid is removed during brewing cycles.
3. To protect against electric shock,do not immerse the power cord, power plug or coffeemaker in water or in any other liquid.
4. Close adult supervision is necessary when this appliance is used by or near children.
5. Turn the coffeemaker OFF and unplug the power cord from the power source when the coffeemaker and clock are not in use and before
cleaning. Allow the coffeemaker parts to cool before putting on or taking off parts and before cleaning the appliance.
6. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged power cord or power pJug, or operate it after the appliance malfunctions, or has been damaged in any manner. Return this appliance only to the nearest Authorized Service Center for examination, repair or adjustment.
7. The use of accessory attachments other than MR. COFFEE® brand products may cause hazards or injuries.
8. Do not use the coffeemaker outdoors.
9. Do not Jetthe power cord hang over ed.qe of table or counter, or allow it to come into contact with hot su_aces.
10. Do not place this coffeemaker on or near a hot gas stove or electric burner or in a heated oven.
11. To disconnect the coffeemaker, turn it OFF, then remove the power plug from the power supply.
12. Place the appliance on a hard, flat Jevd surface to avoid interruption of airflow underneath the coffeemaker.
13. Avoid contact with any moving parts.
14. This coffeemaker is designed for household use only.
15. Do not use appliance for other than intended use.
WARNING! To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock,do not remove
/_ any service covers. There are no user serviceable parts
/ II \ inside the coffeemaker. Only authorized personnel
/ x should repair the coffeemaker.
Please read ALL of the instructions in this manual carefully before you begin to use this appliance. Proper care and maintenance will ensure a long life and a trouble-free operation for this appliance. Please save these instructions and refer to them for cleaning and care tips.
Welcome and congratulations on the purchase of your new MR. COFFEE®Coffeemaker. Your new DR Series coffeemaker will wake up with you in the morning and provide you breaks and treats during your hectic daily activities. How you enjoy your MR. COFFEE® Coffeemaker is up to you!
DECANTERUSEAND CARE Followthe instructionsbelowto reduceor eliminatethechanceof breakingtheglass
Thisdecanterisdesignedfor usewithyour MR.COFFEE®coffeemakerand therefore mustnever be usedon a rangetop or in any oven,including a microwaveoven.
Do notseta hotdecanterona wetor cold surface. Do notusea cracked decanteror a decanterhaving a looseor weakenedhandle.
Do notcleanthedecanterwith abrasivecleaners,steelwool pads or other abrasive materials.
Discardthedecanterimmediatelyif it is everboiled dry.
Protectthedecanterfrom sharpblows, scratchesor rough handling. Do notdisassemblethe thermalcarafe.
Do notplacethe thermalcarafein thedishwasher.
Foryour conveniencetheplug is storedinsidethecord storage. A short powersupplycord isprovidedto reducethehazards resultingfrom a person
or pet becomingentangledin, or tripping over,a longer cord. An extensioncord may be purchasedand usedif care is exercisedin its use.
If an extensioncord is used,the markedelectricalratingof the extensioncord must be at least 10 ampsand 120 volts.Theresultingextendedcord mustbe arranged so that it will not drape overa countertoportabletop whereit can be pulled on by childrenor tripped over accidentally.
Thisappliance hasa polarized plug (oneblade is wider than the other).Toreduce therisk of electricshock,thisplug will fit in a polarized outletonly oneway. If the plug does not fit fully intheoutlet, reversetheplug. If it stilldoes notfit, contacta qualified electrician.Do not modify the plugin anyway. Youcan customizethelengthof the power cord sothatit is the exact lengthyou desire.Toincreasethe lengthof the powercord:grasp the power cord (not the power plug) and gently lift it out of the slot,then pull it away from the coffeemaker. Todecreasethe lengthof the power cord: Graspthepower cord (not the power plug), lift it outof the slotand gently feedit into thecoffeemaker.Lockthecord in the slotwhen finished.
1 Filter Basket Lid 2 Water Reservoir 3 Dual Water Windows 4 Pause'n Serve 5 Cord Storage 6 Warming Plate (not on
7 Control Panel (see detail below)
g Glass Decanter or Thermal Carafe 9 Removable Filter Basket
10 Shower Head
(_Control Panel,
Switch Models (DR12/DR13 & DRS12/DRS 13)
a On/Off Buttonwith
On Indicator Light
Coffeemaker Extras (not included with all models)
Water Filtration Mr.CoffeeQBrand
System PermanentFilter
(_Control Panel,
Programmable Models
(DRX20/DRX23 & DRTX84/DRTX85)
a On Indicator Light
b Off Button
c On Button d Clock Display
e Minute Button f Hour Button g Set Delay Button h Delay Indicator i Delay Brew Button j PM Indicator
Mr. Coffee® Brand 10-12 Cup
Basket-Style Paper Filters
Coffee Scoop
Your new MR. COFFEE® coffeemaker has the following features:
Brewing Capacity - 12 cups - Glass decanter series
- 8 cups - Thermal carafe series
Brew Basket with Removable Fiffer Basket - The filter basket lifts out for fast and easy deaning and filling.
Pause "n Serve - Can't wait for the coffee to finish brewing? The Pause 'n Serve feature allows you up to 30 seconds to pour a cup of coffee whiJe the coffeemaker is still brewing. Carefully remove the decanter and the Pause'n Serve feature wiJJbe automaticaJJy activated, temporarily stopping the flow of coffee into the decanter.
Dual Water Windows - Shows amount of water in the reservoir for accurate filling.
Non-Stick Warming Plate (not on DRTXg4/DRTX85) - This feature allows you to keep your coffee hot after brewing. The non-stick attribute prevents the decanter from sticking to the surface of the warming plate.
° Cord Storage - Safely stores excesscord to keep your countertop neat. ° On/Off Indicator Light - Letsyou know when your coffeemaker is "on".
Auto Shut-Off - This safety feature automatically shuts the coffeemaker off 2 hours after brewing. (DRS12/DRS13)
Pack-ln Starter Kit - 25 paper filters and a coffee scoop are included for your convenience (not on DRTX84/DRTX84).
Additional Programmable Control Features (DRX20/DRX23 & DRTX84/DRTX85):
- Clock - The LEDdock serves as a handy kitchen clock and allows you to set the Delay Brew feature.
- Delay Brew - Would you like to wake up to a fresh pot of coffee? The timer allows
you to preset when you would like the coffeemaker to automatically brew your coffee,
up to 24 hours in advance.
- Two-Hour Auto Shut-Off - This safety feature keeps your coffee warm for 2 hours
after you brew, then automatically turns off (on DRX20/DRX23). Thermal coffeemakers
(DRTX84/DRTX85) shut off immediately after brewing cycle is complete.
NOTE: If you have selected any of the operating functions, the coffeemaker will act upon the last operation selected if the power is restored within 10 seconds after a power outage.
Make sure your first cup of coffee is as good as can be by cleaning your MR. COFFEE® Coffeemaker before its first use. Just follow these simple steps:
1. Wash the decanter, decanter lid and the rifler basket in a mixture of miJd detergent and water. Rinse each thoroughly (please refer to the parts diagram Jistedabove).
2. Replace aJJthe parts and close the Jid. Then, run a brew cycle with water only, without adding coffee and coffee filter.
3. When brewing is complete, turn your coffeemaker off, discard the water in the decanter and rinse the decanter, decanter lid, and filter basket.
Your coffeemaker is now ready to use. Enjoy it!
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SETTING THE CLOCK AND DELAY BREW TIME On programmable models DRX20/DRX23 & DRTX84/DRTX85 only
To Set the Clock:
1. Hug the powercord into a standarddectrical outlet. Theclockwill flashon thecontrol panel to indicatethatthe time hasnotbeensetyet.
2. Pressand hold the HOURand MINUTEbuttonsuntilyou reachthecurrenttime.ThePMindicatorwill lighton the left of the display.
Theclock is now set!
NOTE: Pressing any button before setting the clock will cause the clock to start keeping time from 12:00 a.m. You must set the clock if you want to use the Delay Brew feature.
To Set the Delay Brew Time: After setting the clock, simply press and hold the SET DELAY
button (Figure 1), and set the brew time by pressing the HOUR (Figure 1 - Set Delay) and MINUTE buttons. The PM indicator wiJJ light up on the
clock display. The Delay Brew Time is now set! NOTE: To activate the DELAY BREW cycle, seethe "Brewing Coffee Later" section. To check the programmed time, push the SET DELAYbutton. The display will show the time you have
programmed the coffee to brew.
Selecting and Measuring Ground Coffee For best results, use a level tablespoon for ground coffee measurement. Make sureyou use medium grind coffee for a perfect brew.
Coffee Measurement Chart
To Brew Ground Coffee
12 Cups 9 tbsp. 10 Cups 7.5 tbsp.
8 Cups 6.5 tbsp. 6 Cups 4.5 tbsp.
4 Cups 3 tbsp. 1 level tablespoon (tbps) = 5 gr./0.17 oz. 1 cup = 5 fk oz. of brewed coffee
Use more or lesscoffee to suit your taste.
Water Filtration System (Not included. Available at your favorite retailer or on
Your coffeemaker has been designed to use the MR. COFFEE@ water filtration system. This carbon- based water filter improves the taste of your coffee by removing up to 97% of the chlorine from the
water you may use to brew your coffee.
First look for the MR. COFFEE@ Filtration Friendly symbol _',4'_on the bottom of your filter basket. If you do not see this symbol, please call 1-800-672-6333. v
To use the water filtration system in your MR. COFFEE@ Coffeemaker, please follow these steps:
1. Using the red indicator on the frame water filter, align the indicator to the letter on the frame that corresponds with the month that you are using the disk for the first time. This serves to remind you to change the disk every month (approx. 30 brewing cycles).
2. Place the MR.COFFEE@ paper or permanent filter in the filter basket. Place coffee grounds in the paper or permanent rifler.
NOTE: For optimum results, use the water filtration system with a permanent filter.
3. Place the MR. COFFEE@water filter in the filter basket, making sure that the side marked "this side up" faces you and that the water filter is Jevek
4. Close the filter basket lid. You are now ready to brew great tasting coffee.
5. When you are done brewing your coffee, rinse the water filter with fresh water. Do not put your water filter in the
To replace the water filter disks: twist the gray disk cover from your water filtration system. Remove the used disk. Insert the new disk into the frame and twist the cover back into place.
Red '_1 Indicator
Filter Disk _
Disk Cover _
Adding Water and Ground Coffee
1. Lift and open the filter basket lid. For your convenience, you can liftout the removable filter basket.
Place a MR. COFFEE@ brand 10-12 cup paper basket-style filter or a MR. COFFEE@ permanent filter into the removable filter basket. (Figure 2)
NOTE: If using paper filters, it is important that the sides of the filter fit flush against the side of the filter basket. If filter collapse occurs, dampen the filter before placing in the filter basket and adding ground coffee and water.
Add the desired amount of coffee and gently shake to level the coffee. See the Suggested Coffee Measurement Chart.
If using the Mr. Coffee@ Water Filtration System: after following instructions in the Water Filtration System section, place the Mr. Coffee@ water filter in the filter basket, making sure that the side marked "this side up" faces you and that the water filter is Jevek
Be sure the filter basket is properly centered and all the way down in the filter basket.
(Figure2 - Adding water
andground coffee)
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6. Fill the decanter with cold, fresh water to the desired capacity (1 cup equals 5 ounces). For easy and accurate filling, the water markings on the glass decanter and on the dud water windows show the amount of water needed to make the corresponding desired number of cups. Do not fill past the "MAX line" or water will flow out of the overfill hole in the back of the water reservoir.
The amount of coffee brewed will always be slightly lessthan the amount of water poured in the water reservoir. This isdue to the minimum absorption of water by the coffee grounds.
7. Pour the water into the water reservoir. Close the lid and place the empty decanter onto the warming plate.
NOTE: Make sure the decanter is fully placed on the warming plate or the water and the grounds will overflow from the filter basket. An overflow may cause personal injury or damage to property.
//_ CAUTION! Toreducetheriskof damaging the decanterand/or theriskof personal
injury,do notadd cold water to the decanterif the decanterisalready hot. Allow the decantertocool before using.
1. After completing the steps in the "Adding Water and Coffee" section and with the decanter and the filter basket securely in place, turn the coffeemaker on.
For Programmable models (DRX20/DRX23 & DRTX84/DRTX85): Pressthe ON Button to begin the brewing cycle. The green indicator light will turn on to signal that the coffeemaker is brewing. When the brewing cycle is complete the coffeernaker switches over to the warming mode. Your coffeernaker will keep your coffee hot for 2 hours, then automatically shut off. Thermal units will shut off immediately after the brewing cycle is complete. While the coffee is brewing, the Pause 'n Serve feature allows you to sneak a cup of coffee from
To turn the coffeemaker off, push the OFF button. For Switch models (DR12/DRJ 3/DRS12/DRS13): press the ON/OFF Switch on the
control panel so the green indicator light illuminates. The light indicates that the coffeernaker is on an that the brew cycle will begin.
While the coffee is brewing, the Pause 'n Serve feature allows you to sneak a cup of coffee from the decanter. REPLACETHE DECANTER ON THE WARMING PLATEWITHIN 30 SECONDS TO
PREVENTOVERFLOW AND POSSIBLEINJURY. To turn off the coffeemaker, push the switch so the light is no longer illuminated. Your coffeemaker will keep your coffee hot for 2 hours and then automatically shut off.
(DRS12/DRS13 only)
i/_lf the brew basket overflows or fails to empty into the decanter, do
not open the brew basket. Turn off the coffeemaker. Unplug the
€offeemaker and wait for the contents to cool before handling.
2. After the used coffee grounds have cooled, carefully open the filter basket and discard them.
3. Make sure the decanter is empty before starting to brew coffee.
4. Be sure to turn your coffeemaker off when no longer using it.
(DELAY BREW on DRX20/DRX23 & DRTX84/DRTX85 only)
1. You must first set the time for when you would like the coffeemaker to begin brewing your coffee as described in "Setting the Clock and the Delay Brew Timer" section.
2. Prepare your coffeemaker as described in "Adding Water and Ground Coffee" section.
3. To activate DELAY BREW and program your coffeemaker to brew coffee at a later time, press the Delay Brew button. The DELAY indicator light will illuminate. The coffeemaker is now set to automatically brew coffee at the pre-set later time.
4. At the pre-set time the Green On indicator light wiJJgo on and the DELAY light wiJJ go off, indicating the brewing has started.
5. The coffeemaker warming plate will keep your coffee hot for 2 hours and then will automatically turn off. Thermal units will shut off immediately after the brewing cycle is complete.
As a safety feature, your coffeemaker will NOT start again automatically the next day. If you want your coffee to brew at the same time the following day, simply add a new filter, coffee and water and set DELAY BREW, by repeating Steps 2 and 3 above.
To cancel DELAYBREW: PresstheOFFbutton.TheDELAYBREWgreenindicator light will go off.
Daily Cleaning
Always unplug the coffeemaker and allow to cool before cleaning. Remove the filter basket, permanent filter (not included on all modds), decanter and decanter lid and
wash them in a solution of hot water and mild liquid soap.
Never use abrasive cleansers, steal wool pads or other abrasive materials. Dishwasher top rack safe parts: glass decanter and lid, filter basket and permanent filter. The water filter disk and
Thermal decaner are not dishwasher safe.
/_ CAUTION! Never immersethecoffeemakeritself in water,
in any other liquid or placein thedishwasher.
Regular Cleaning and Maintenance Decakifying your MR. COFFEE@ Coffeemaker Minerals (calcium) found in water will leave deposits in your coffeemaker and will affect it. It's
recommended that you regularly remove these deposits by using MR. COFFEE@ Cleaner or vinegar. MR. COFFEE@ Cleaner is available at many retail stores or by calling the MR. COFFEE@Consumer Service Department at 1-800-MR COFFEE (1-800-672-6333).
1. Follow package instructions to prepare one batch of MR. COFFEE@Coffeemaker Cleaner. Pour the mixture into the water reservoir. If using water filtration, remove the water filtration disk from the machine vefore decakifing.
NOTE: 4 cups or 20 fh oz. of undiluted, white household vinegar may be used as a substitute for the cleaner.
2. Placean emptyMR.COFFEE@10-12 cup basket-stylepaperfilter or MR.COFFEE@permanent filter into the filter basketand closereservoirlid.
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