1. General Description
MRC 3040 is a wireless gateway that receives and transmits events. It operates within ISM band . It is intended for use
as high-performance for robust frequency agile, half-duplex bi-directional RF links, and where stable and constant RF
performance is required over the full operating range of the device.
The Gateway has three main modes of operation. It can function as:
Terminal unit: the unit will receive the events and is normally connected to the computer/server that is used
for processing the events.
Receive/Transmit unit : the unit will receive the events from end user devices such as bracelet or pendant. It
will communicate this event wirelessly to the the terminal unit or to an intermediate repeater unit.
Repeater unit: It functions as the unit above but it will receive its event from another MRC 3040 gateway
instead of end user devices.
2. Package Contents:
The package contains the following elements:
Gateway MRC 3040
5V DC power supply
RS232 cable
In addition to the above, a factory supplied programmer , Picket 3, and computer/laptop is provided separately on
loan or purchase arrangement.
3. Assembly Instructions
Connect the antenna
Connect the power supply
Connect the programmer to the unit
Select the mode of operation i.e. how the unit will function i.e. Terminal, Receive/Transmit or Repeater
Perform programming instructions as shown in section 4.
The unit should be ready for use after the above steps.
Installation of this product should only be done by professional installer trained by MRC Networks.
4. Programming and Setup Instructions
Run the installed software by double clicking on the icon “mrc 3040 gateway setup”
Select the mode of operation