MR RS 2001, RS, RS 2001/V, RS 2001/R, RS 2003 Operating Instructions Manual

Protective relay RS
Operating instructions
1800059/09 EN
© All rights reserved by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen
Dissemination and reproduction of this document and use and disclosure of its content are strictly prohibited unless expressly permitted.
Infringements will result in liability for compensation. All rights reserved in the event of the granting of patents, utility models or designs.
The product may have been altered since this document was published.
We reserve the right to change the technical data, design and scope of supply.
Generally the information provided and agreements made when processing the individual quotations and orders are binding.
The original operating instructions were written in German.

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Validity ................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Manufacturer....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Subject to change without notice ........................................................................................................ 5
1.4 Completeness..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Safekeeping........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.6 Notation conventions .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.6.1 Hazard communication system .............................................................................................................................6
1.6.2 Information system................................................................................................................................................7
1.6.3 Instruction system .................................................................................................................................................8
2 Safety................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Appropriate use .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Fundamental safety instructions ......................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Personnel qualification...................................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Personal protective equipment ......................................................................................................... 12
2.5 Drying transformer ............................................................................................................................ 13
2.5.1 Drying transformer in furnace..............................................................................................................................13
2.5.2 Drying the transformer in the transformer tank ...................................................................................................14
3 Product description.......................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Scope of delivery .............................................................................................................................. 15
3.2 Function description.......................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Design/versions ................................................................................................................................ 16
3.4 Nameplate ........................................................................................................................................ 18
3.5 Safety markings ................................................................................................................................ 18
4 Packaging, transport and storage ..................................................................................19
4.1 Packaging ......................................................................................................................................... 19
4.1.1 Suitability.............................................................................................................................................................19
4.1.2 Markings..............................................................................................................................................................20
4.2 Transportation, receipt and handling of shipments........................................................................... 20
4.3 Storage of shipments........................................................................................................................ 21
4.4 Unpacking shipments and checking for transportation damages ..................................................... 22
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Table of contents
5 Mounting ...........................................................................................................................23
5.1 Installing protective relay in piping and connecting .......................................................................... 23
5.1.1 Electrical protection.............................................................................................................................................23
5.1.2 Checking function of protective relay ..................................................................................................................24
5.1.3 Installing protective relay in piping ......................................................................................................................27
5.1.4 Making the electrical connections for the protective relay...................................................................................31
5.2 Checking protective relay ................................................................................................................. 36
5.2.1 Checking protective relay (RS 2001, 2001/V, 2001/H, 2001/E, 2001/5, 2001/R, 2001/T, 2003) ........................36
5.2.2 Checking protective relay (RS 2004) ..................................................................................................................37
6 Commissioning................................................................................................................. 38
7 Operation........................................................................................................................... 39
7.1 Tripping the protective relay and re-commissioning the transformer................................................ 39
7.1.1 Flap valve in OPERATION position ....................................................................................................................39
7.1.2 Flap valve in OFF position ..................................................................................................................................40
7.1.3 Re-commissioning the transformer .....................................................................................................................40
8 Maintenance...................................................................................................................... 41
8.1 Inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 42
9 Disposal............................................................................................................................. 43
10 Technical data for protective relay ................................................................................. 44
10.1 Protective relay with CO change-over contact as tripping switch ..................................................... 47
10.2 Protective relay with several dry-reed magnetic switches ................................................................ 48
10.3 Tests ................................................................................................................................................. 48
Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 49
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1 Introduction

1 Introduction
This technical file contains detailed descriptions on the safe and proper in­stallation, connection, commissioning and monitoring of the product.
It also includes safety instructions and general information about the prod­uct.
This technical file is intended solely for specially trained and authorized per­sonnel.
1.1 Validity
This technical file applies to the following types of the protective relay:
▪ RS 2001 (standard design)
▪ RS 2001/V (seals made from Viton)
▪ RS 2001/H (for high oil conservators)
▪ RS 2001/E (increased protection from vibration)
▪ RS 2001/R (extra inspection window)
▪ RS 2003 (design for Canada)
▪ RS 2004 (design for Canada with automatic reset)
1.2 Manufacturer
The product is manufactured by:
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH
Falkensteinstraße 8 93059 Regensburg, Germany Tel.: (+49) 9 41/40 90-0 Fax: (+49) 9 41/40 90-7001 E-mail:
Further information on the product and copies of this technical file are avail­able from this address if required.
1.3 Subject to change without notice
The information contained in this technical file comprises the technical speci­fications approved at the time of printing. Significant modifications will be in­cluded in a new edition of the technical file.
The document number and version number of this technical file are shown in the footer.
1.4 Completeness
This technical file is incomplete without the supporting documents.
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1 Introduction
The following documents are considered supporting documents:
▪ Supplements (included in the scope of delivery)
▪ Dimensional drawing (included in the scope of delivery)
▪ Routine test report (included in the scope of delivery)
Also observe generally valid legislation, standards, and guidelines as well as specifications on accident prevention and environmental protection in the re­spective country of use.
1.5 Safekeeping
Keep this technical file and all supporting documents ready at hand and ac­cessible for future use at all times.
1.6 Notation conventions
This section contains an overview of the symbols and textual emphasis used.
1.6.1 Hazard communication system
Warnings in this technical file are displayed as follows. Warning relating to section
Warnings relating to sections refer to entire chapters or sections, sub-sec­tions or several paragraphs within this technical file. Warnings relating to sections use the following format:
Type of danger!
Source of the danger and outcome.
► Action
► Action Embedded warning information
Embedded warnings refer to a particular part within a section. These warn­ings apply to smaller units of information than the warnings relating to sec­tions. Embedded warnings use the following format:
DANGER! Instruction for avoiding a dangerous situation.
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1 Introduction Signal words and pictograms
The following signal words are used:
Signal word Definition
DANGER Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in
death or serious injury.
WARNING Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result
in death or serious injury.
CAUTION Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result
in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE Indicates measures to be taken to prevent damage to property.
Table1: Signal words in warning notices
Pictograms warn of dangers:
Pictogram Definition
Warning of a danger point
Warning of dangerous electrical voltage
Warning of combustible substances
Warning of danger of tipping
Warning of danger of crushing
Table2: Pictograms used in warning notices
1.6.2 Information system
Information is designed to simplify and improve understanding of particular procedures. In this technical file it is laid out as follows:
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Important information.
1.6.3 Instruction system
This technical file contains single-step and multi-step instructions.
Single-step instructions
Instructions which consist of only a single process step are structured as fol­lows:
Aim of action
ü Requirements (optional).
► Step 1 of 1.
ð Result of step (optional).
ð Result of action (optional).
1 Introduction
Multi-step instructions
Instructions which consist of several process steps are structured as follows:
Aim of action
ü Requirements (optional).
1. Step 1.
ð Result of step (optional).
2. Step 2.
ð Result of step (optional).
ð Result of action (optional).
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2 Safety

2 Safety
This technical file contains detailed descriptions on the safe and proper in­stallation, connection, commissioning and monitoring of the product.
▪ Read this technical file through carefully to familiarize yourself with the
▪ This technical file is a part of the product.
▪ Read and observe the safety instructions provided in this chapter in partic-
▪ Observe the warnings in this technical file in order to avoid function-re-
lated dangers.
▪ The product is manufactured on the basis of state-of-the-art technology.
Nevertheless, risks to life and limb of the user or impairment of the prod­uct and other material assets may occur during use due to function-re­lated dangers.
2.1 Appropriate use
The protective relay protects the on-load tap-changer and the transformer when a malfunction occurs in the diverter switch oil compartment or selector switch oil compartment. The product is designed solely for use in electrical energy systems and facilities. If used as intended and in compliance with the requirements and conditions specified in this technical file as well as the warning notices in this technical file and attached to the product, then the product does not present any danger to people, property or the environment. This applies throughout service life of the product, from delivery to installa­tion and operation through to disassembly and disposal.
The following is considered appropriate use:
▪ Use the product only with the on-load tap-changer and transformer speci-
fied in the order.
▪ The serial numbers of on-load tap-changer and on-load tap-changer ac-
cessories (drive, drive shaft, bevel gear, protective relay, etc.) must match if the on-load tap-changer and on-load tap-changer accessories are sup­plied as a set for one order.
▪ Operate the product in accordance with this provided technical file, the
agreed delivery conditions and technical data.
▪ Ensure that all necessary work is performed by qualified personnel only.
▪ Only use the equipment and special tools included in delivery for the in-
tended purpose and in accordance with the specifications of this technical file.
2.2 Fundamental safety instructions
To prevent accidents, disruptions and damage as well as unacceptable ad­verse effects on the environment, those responsible for transport, installa­tion, operation, maintenance and disposal of the product or parts of the prod­uct must ensure the following:
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2 Safety
Personal protective equipment
Loosely worn or unsuitable clothing increases the danger of becoming trapped or caught up in rotating parts and the danger of getting caught on protruding parts. This increases the danger to life and limb.
▪ All necessary devices and personal protective equipment required for the
specific task, such as a hard hat, safety footwear, etc. must be worn. Ob­serve the section "Personal protective equipment" [Section 2.4, Page 12].
▪ Never wear damaged personal protective equipment.
▪ Never wear rings, necklaces, or other jewelry.
▪ If you have long hair, wear a hairnet.
Work area
Untidy and poorly lit work areas can lead to accidents.
▪ Keep the work area clean and tidy.
▪ Make sure that the work area is well lit.
▪ Observe the applicable laws for accident prevention in the relevant coun-
Protection against electric shock
If the terminal box cover of the protective relay hangs from the wire on the side of the enclosure, this can lead to damage to the wires. This poses a danger to life and limb.
▪ Always remove the terminal box cover with wire from the protective relay
for any work which involves opening the protective relay.
▪ Remove the slotted head screw for potential tie-in and remove the termi-
nal box cover with wire.
Working during operation
The product may only be operated in a sound, operational condition. Other­wise it poses a danger to life and limb.
▪ Regularly check the operational reliability of safety equipment.
▪ Comply with the inspection work, maintenance work and maintenance in-
tervals described in this technical file.
Explosion protection
Highly flammable or explosive gases, vapors and dusts can cause serious explosions and fire. This increases the danger to life and limb.
▪ Do not install, operate or perform maintenance work on the product in ar-
eas where a risk of explosion is present.
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2 Safety
Safety markings
Warning signs and safety information plates are safety markings on the product. They are an important aspect of the safety concept.
▪ Observe all safety markings on the product.
▪ Make sure all safety markings on the product remain intact and legible.
▪ Replace safety markings that are damaged or missing.
Ambient conditions
To ensure reliable and safe operation, the product must only be operated under the ambient conditions specified in the technical data.
▪ Observe the specified operating conditions and requirements for the in-
stallation location.
Auxiliary materials and operating materials
Auxiliary materials and operating materials not approved by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH can lead to personal injuries, damage to the product and product malfunctions.
▪ Only use conductive and grounded hoses, pipes, and pump equipment
that are approved for flammable liquids.
▪ Only use lubricants and auxiliary materials approved by the manufacturer.
▪ Contact Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH.
Modifications and conversions
Unauthorized or inappropriate changes to the product may lead to personal injury, material damage and operational faults.
▪ Only modify the product after consultation with the manufacturer.
Spare parts
Spare parts not approved by the manufacturer may lead to physical injury, damage to the product and operational faults.
▪ Only use spare parts approved by the manufacturer.
▪ Contact the manufacturer.
2.3 Personnel qualification
The person responsible for assembly, commissioning, operation, mainte­nance and inspection must ensure that the personnel are sufficiently quali­fied.
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2 Safety
Electrically skilled person
The electrically skilled person has a technical qualification and therefore has the required knowledge and experience, and is also conversant with the ap­plicable standards and regulations. The electrically skilled person is also pro­ficient in the following:
▪ Can identify potential dangers independently and is able to avoid them.
▪ Is able to perform work on electrical systems.
▪ Is specially trained for the working environment in which (s)he works.
▪ Must satisfy the requirements of the applicable statutory regulations for
accident prevention.
Electrically trained persons
An electrically trained person receives instruction and guidance from an electrically skilled person in relation to the tasks undertaken and the poten­tial dangers in the event of inappropriate handling as well as the protective devices and safety measures. The electrically trained person works exclu­sively under the guidance and supervision of an electrically skilled person.
The operator uses and operates the product in line with this technical file. The operating company provides the operator with instruction and training on the specific tasks and the associated potential dangers arising from im­proper handling.
Technical Service
We strongly recommend having maintenance, repairs and retrofitting carried out by our Technical Service department. This ensures that all work is per­formed correctly. If maintenance is not carried out by our Technical Service department, please ensure that the personnel who carry out the mainte­nance are trained and authorized by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH to carry out the work.
Authorized personnel
Authorized personnel are trained by Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH to carry out special maintenance.
2.4 Personal protective equipment
Personal protective equipment must be worn during work to minimize risks to health.
▪ Always wear the personal protective equipment required for the job at
▪ Never wear damaged personal protective equipment.
▪ Observe information about personal protective equipment provided in the
work area.
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2 Safety
Personal protective equipment to be worn at all times
Protective clothing
Close-fitting work clothing with a low tearing strength, with tight sleeves and with no protrud­ing parts. It mainly serves to protect the wearer against being caught by moving machine parts.
Safety shoes
To protect against falling heavy objects and slip­ping on slippery surfaces.
Special personal protective equipment for particular environments
Safety glasses
To protect the eyes from flying parts and splash­ing liquids.
2.5 Drying transformer
To protect the face from flying parts and splash­ing liquids or other dangerous substances.
Hard hat
To protect from falling and flying parts and mate­rials.
Hearing protection
To protect from hearing damage.
Protective gloves
To protect from mechanical, thermal, and electri­cal hazards.
2.5.1 Drying transformer in furnace
Observe the following information when drying the transformer in a furnace.
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2 Safety
Damage to protective relay, on-load tap-changer and trans­former!
If the protective relay is dried in a furnace, this may cause damage to the protective relay and restrict its correct function.
► Do not dry protective relay in a furnace.
2.5.2 Drying the transformer in the transformer tank
If drying takes place in the transformer tank, the protective relay can remain fitted during the drying process.
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3 Product description

3 Product description
This chapter contains an overview of the design and function of the product.
3.1 Scope of delivery
The product is packaged with protection against moisture and is delivered as follows:
▪ Protective relay
▪ Technical files
Please note the following:
▪ Check the shipment for completeness on the basis of the shipping docu-
▪ Store the parts in a dry place until installation
▪ The product must remain in its airtight, protective wrapping and may only
be removed immediately before installation
3.2 Function description
The protective relay is looped into the circuit breaker tripping circuit, thus protecting the on-load tap-changer and transformer in the event of a fault within the on-load tap-changer oil compartment. It is tripped when the speci­fied speed of flow from the on-load tap-changer head to the oil conservator is exceeded due to a fault. The flowing insulating fluid actuates the flap valve which tips over into position OFF. The contact in the dry-reed magnetic switch is thereby actuated, the circuit breakers are tripped, and the trans­former is de-energized.
The protective relay is a component of an on-load tap-changer filled with in­sulating fluid and its properties conform to the respective applicable version of IEC publication 60214-1.
Diverter switch operations at rated switching capacity or at permissible over­load will not cause the protective relay to trip.
The protective relay responds to flow, not to gas accumulated in the protec­tive relay. It is not necessary to bleed the protective relay when filling the transformer with insulating fluid. Gas accumulation in the protective relay is normal.
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3.3 Design/versions
Front view
3 Product description
Figure1: Protective relay RS 2001
1 Inspection window 2 Pressure equalization element
Rear view
Figure2: Protective relay RS 2001
1 Dummy plug 2 Nameplate
The protective relay RS 2001/R has an extra inspection window on the rear.
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+ 36 hidden pages