User Manual
DE_0 1 L
2Touch key function
Touch the e ar phone a nd answe r direc tly when th e calli ng i ncome ,
Touchin g th e earph one means p ausin g / playi ng when we l isten t o music
1. Take ou t the two e ar phone s, tear off t he insula tion st ic ker, and th en put the e arpho ne s into th e charg ing box a gain.
2. Turn o n autom atica lly when takin g out the e ar phone s( Usuall y the lef t si de is the m ai n engin e)
FunctionInitial use
1Turn on/off
Takin g out the e arpho ne f rom t he c hargi ng box, i t will turn on a utoma tical ly. It charges auto matic ally when put it in to the ch argin g box. It w ill automa ti cally t urn off, If the ear phone t akes ou t the chargi ng box an d can't find t he phon e af ter 10 minut es, and t he n it need t o put bac k into th e chargi ng box to w ake u p.
Touch but ton"MF B"
Led ind icato r li ght
3. The lef t si de earp ho ne will g et into th e Bluet ooth mo de l. And it will sh ow the gr een and b lu e light s flicker al te rnate ly( the r ight si de light s out)
4. Turn o n Bluet ooth on y our cellp hone or o th er elec tr ical pro du cts, fi nd out th e “D E 01”, and the n click o n an d link . And it is succe ssful w he n you hea r a voice say “ Con necte d”.
Doubl e touch m eans a ref us al to a ns wer a cal l
Waking up st andby p la yer by to uc hing pr oduct s
-9 - -1 2- -1 5--1 0- -1 3- -1 6-
Whe n liste ning to t he so ng, lon g tou ch the ri ght ear phone t o ent er the ne xt song , long to uch the l eft earph one t o ent er th e pre vious s ong
Doubl e touch in g wakes up Siri
Charge t he earphone Mobile phone emergency charg ing Detail informat ion Chargi ng box information
Put the e arpho ne s in the ch argin g box. Th e earphon e starts ch argin g wh en the ea rphon e is g ree n. W hen the ear phone i s fu ll of e le ctric ity, the lig hts are o ut.
Batter y l evel
Earph one s ca n let y ou k now t he p owe r le vel . Wh en th e batte ry la st s onl y 5 mi nut es , eve ry 1 00 se co nds y ou w ill hear th e "in su ffic ient po wer, p le ase c ha rge ".
The c ha rgi ng b ox of t hi s pro du ct ha s mo bil e po wer funct ion a nd U SB st an dar d in ter fa ce, i t ca n pro vi de ab out 30% of th e pow er o f mob il e pho ne e mer ge ncy c ha rge .
The correct way of wearing:
Pla ce earp hones i n the ear a nd gent ly rota te un til 4 5 degre es abo ve (as sh own bel ow) , at the sa me time t he earp hone wit hout fa lling . The wro ng wa y to wear w ill a ffect t he ear phone s ignal a nd micr oph one cal ls.
Indicator lamp
Cha rging Fin ish Pair ing Con necte d
Charge f or charging b ox
Put the c har gi ng wi re i nto t he c har ge r int er fac e to c har ge the c ha rgi ng b ox an d th e ear ph one . Du rin g ch arg in g, th e charg e box i nd ica to r lig ht s up.
Elect ric q ua nti ty d iag ra m
Note: I f attem pt to rem ove or replace t he ba tter y, it would d amage t he p rod uc t and invalida te its warra nty
Gre en lamp Lig hts out Gre en and bl ue ligh t flicke ring Lig hts out
Blue 75 -10 0%
green b lue 3 5- 75%
Gre en 0 -35 %
Cha rging c onnec tor
Advanced o peration
1.Dis conne ct t he left and r ight ea rp hone
Whe n we need t o use t he left and r igh t hea dphon es sep ara tely on t he tw o mobil e phone s.Fir stly, disc onn ect t he lef t and right h ead pho nes, pu t the hea dphon es in the cha rging b ox, a nd to uch t he head phone 3 t imes, w hen the led l amp fli cker tw ice , it in dicat es that t he head pho ne int ercon nec tion ha s bee n succe ssful ly unco nnect ed. Sec ondly, t ake the h ead phone o ut the ch argin g box , the l eft and r ight he adpho nes wil l enter t he ma tchin g mod e of "DE 01 R" a nd "DE 01 L " respe cti vely, so w e can p air t he lef t and rig ht head phone s separ ate ly wi th two ph ones.
2. Connect t he left and r ig ht earp hone
Res tor e the l eft and r igh t hea dphon es. Fir stly, tu rn on the pho ne and fi nd Blue tooth , del ete "DE 0 1 R" and "D E 01 L" i n my de vice. S econd ly, remo vin g the ear phone f rom the cha rging b ox, w ait ing for 3 -5 seco nds after the green a nd blu e light s flash , and lon g touch b utt ons for 3 -5 se conds , after t hat t hey w ill ent er th e two hea dphon es inte rco nne ct sta te. At th is ti me on ly blue l ights f licke r, wai t 3-5 s eco nds after t he ri ght h eadph one lig hts off, l eft e arpho ne gree n and blu e led lam p flash , it indi cates t hat i nterc onn ectio n is suc cessf ul. Fin ally, tu rn on the p hone Bl uetoo th, r efr esh ing the d evice , and fin d "DE01 L " and cli ck it.
Not e: This o per ation i s only fo r users . And ple ase rep eatin g mul tiple t imes if t he pair ing i s unsuc cessf ul.
The wrong way of wearing:
Siz e: 26mm (L)*2 0mm(W )*25 mm (H) Wei ght : 4.2 3 g Cha rging c urr ent : 40 mA Cha rging t ime : about 1 h our Wor kin g vol tage: 3 .3 V-4. 2V Sta ndb y tim e: arou nd 40 h ours Lis tenin g music t ime : 2-2.5 h ours Talki ng time : 3 hours Sup port f or pr ofi le: H SP, HFP, A2DP, AVRC P RF em issio n frequ enc y: clas s 2 Tran smi ssi on cate gor y( Hz ): 2.402 GHz -2.4 8GH z Tran smi ssi on dist ance: 1 0 m Aud io samp ling ac curac y: 16 bit s Aud io samp ling ra te: up to 9 6 kHz Aud io codi ng form at: CVS D, mSB C, SB C, AAC Noi se-si gnal ra tio:> 9 5 dB Wor kin g tem perat ure: -1 5℃~ 60℃ Wor kin g wet : 10%~8 5%( Non -free zin g state )
Headphone horn in formati on:
Spe cific ation : Φ6 mm Imp edanc e: 16 Ω/t yp Fre que ncy(H z): 20 HZ ~20 KHz Sen sitiv ity: 93 ±3 dB Inp ut powe r: 2mW ~5m W
Microp hone information
M/C s tyle: s ilico n micro pho ne M/C s ensit ivity : -42±3 dB SPL : 130 dB
Siz e: 70*4 0*34 mm w eig ht:47 g Cha rge por t: Micro USB Cha rge tim es( w ith ful l curre nt st ate): 5 t ime s Cha rging t ime : about 2 h
Security instructions
To avoi d heari ng loss , pleas e keepi ng th e vol ume at an app ropri ate l eve l.
Avo id li ste ning to m usi c at high v olu me for lo ng time , whi ch can ca use per manen t heari ng dama ge or h earin g los s.
Ple ase do no t use the e arpho ne when y ou ar e dri ving, rid ing and c rossi ng th e stree t.
Not e: If you a re us ing h eadph ones to w atc h a vid eo, the aud io sett ings ma y be out of s ync
Ple ase pul l the cha rging w ire o ut af ter fin ish cha rging , whi ch is in or der t o avo id the pr odu cts in th e long cha rging s tat e.
5V/ 1A or 5V/ 1.5A is t he best c hoice f or the ch arg er. Bu t if the o utput v oltag e and c urren t of th e cha rger ex cee d the spe cifie d value , the p roduc t wil l be seri ously d ama ged and t he warr anty pe riod wi ll be inv ali d.
FCC Statement
Operation is subject to the following three conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
(3) This device has been evaluated to meet general RF
exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
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Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and
receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by
the party responsible for compliance could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.
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