1. Overview
2. Music Play
2.1 Switch the On/Off switch to turn on the player. After
entering Main Menu page, select Music and press
Mode button to enter Playing Song Mode.

2.2 Press Play/Pause button to start playing the
selected song.
2.3 Press Mode long to show the lyric and press Mode
again to return it.
2.4 Press Previous / Next buttons to jump to the
previous or next song.
2.5 Hold Previous / Next buttons long to move your
song forward or rewind it.
2.6 In music stop or playing Mode,press Mode button
to select Volume. Press Mode button to confirm, then
you can adjust the volume by pressing Previous/Next
2.7 Hold Mode button long to back to the Main Menu.
3. Recording Play Back
3.1 After entering Main Menu page, press
previous/Next buttons to select Music and press
Mode button to enter Music stop Mode.
3.2 press Mode button to enter the stop menu list ,
then slect Local folder .
3.3 press Mode button to enter the Local folder sub
menu, then select Record.
3.4 Press Mode button to enter the Record voice
list , press Previous /Next buttons to seleclt your
desired record voice.
3.5 Press Play/Pause button to start playing the