For Model No.
MP3 & Video Player
Instruction Manual
Please read this instruction carefully before the operation

Congratulation for the purchasing of the MP4 Player. The high integration reduces the device weight and the
dimensions and the use is comfortable. The big display with TFT technology offers clear and sharp
information and the USB 2.0 High Speed interface make easier the data transfer operation from/to the
computer. The MP4 Player has built-in a Li-Polymer battery rechargeable by computer USB port. By the
microphone inside it is possible to record voice messages and play them directly with the device or by computer.
Before using this product, please read this manual and retain the instruction for future reference.

Here below you will find a product description
Power ON/OFF
Play [] / Pause []
3. Previous [] / Backward []
Earphone Connector
USB Connector
1. Display
Here below you will find a display description
VOL – (Decrease the Volume)7.
VOL +(Increase the Volume)
MICRO SD Card Slot10.
2. Current Song Location
3. Volume
4. File Format
5. Elapsed Time
6. Total Time
7. EQ Animation
] / Forward [Next [
8. Song Name
9. Repeat Mode
10. Battery Life
11. EQ Mode
12. Play Rate

2. Use
The player can be rechar ged by the provided USB cable by connecti ng to the P C.
2.1 Power ON/OFF
The MP3 player has bui lt-in a rechar geable batter y. At the first use we suggest to rechar ge the batter y for a
long period (around 8 hours). To recharge the battery please connect the MP3 player to USB computer port.
Powering On:.
1. Turn on On/Off button to On position
Powering Off:
1. Hold the Play [] / Pause [] key until the power-off animation begins
2. Then, turn the On/Off button to Off position.
2.2 Recharge the Player
During charging, an ic on on the right will s how. You should first turn on you PC ,
and then connect the pla yer to the PC throught the U SB cable. The player sho uld
be fully charged in 2 to 3 hours.
3. Main Menu
After powering on the MP3 player, you can see the main menu with 8 submenus (optional), whic h allow you
to select different functions and options.
By using the [] or [] buttons, you can select the desire option, and then press MENU [M] button to
confirm the selection.
To access at the main m enu while you are inside any of these submenus, press and hold MENU [M] switch
for a few seconds. (Short pressing the MENU [M] switch usually opens the submenu option of each

Select this option to play song.
Select this option to play AMV video.
Select this option to record voice messages by the microphone inside.
Select this option to play recorded voice message.
Select this option to use the FM radio.
Select this option to read text.
Select this option to browse and see photos.
Select this option to access at system setup.
] to start to play a song. Press the play button again to
Press [] or [] to select the previous or the next song.
Press [VOL+] button to increase the volume and press [VOL-] button to
1. Power ON the MP3 Player, the screen will display the main menu
The available options are:
3.1 Music Mode
The music player option allows playing songs. To activate this option please follow here below instruction:
2. By using [] or [] buttons , select MUSIC PLAY optio n then press [M]
3. Press PLAY [] button to start to play the first song available.
3.1.1 Key Function at Music Mode
During the song play it is possible to activate the following controls.
pause the song. To restart to play the song press play button again.
Hold the play button for longer time will eventually turn off the player
Press and Hold the [] or [] buttons to rewind or fast forward the song.
decrease the volume.