Moxa Technologies WE-2100T User Manual

WE-2100T Series User’s Manual
Third Edition, June 2008
© 2008 Moxa Inc., all rights reserved.
Reproduction without permi ssion is pr ohibited.
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in
accordance with the terms of that agreement.
Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2008 Moxa Inc.
All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permi ssion is pr ohibited.
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All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Moxa.
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This product might include unintentional technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the publication.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ...............................................................................................1-1
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 1-2
Package Checklist................................................................................................................. 1-2
Product Features................................................................................................................... 1-2
Product Specifications.......................................................................................................... 1-3
Chapter 2 Panel Layout and Pin Assignments ........................................................2-1
Dimensions........................................................................................................................... 2-2
WE-2100T.................................................................................................................... 2-2
WE-2100T-ST.............................................................................................................. 2-3
Pin Assignments................................................................................................................... 2-4
WE-2100-ST LED Indicators............................................................................................... 2-5
Chapter 3 Getting Started ..........................................................................................3-1
Wiring Requirements............................................................................................................ 3-2
Installing onto the WE-2100T -ST Evaluation Board............................................................ 3-2
Circuit Pad.................................................................................................................... 3-3
Connecting to the Network................................................................................................... 3-4
Connecting the Power........................................................................................................... 3-4
Connecting to a Serial Device.............................................................................................. 3-4
DI/O T est Settings................................................................................................................ 3-5
LED Circuit Diagram ................................................................................................... 3-6
Chapter 4 Selecting an Operation Mode...................................................................4-1
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 4-2
TCP Server Mode................................................................................................................. 4-2
TCP Client Mode.................................................................................................................. 4-3
UDP Mode............................................................................................................................ 4-3
Real COM Mode .................................................................................................................. 4-3
Chapter 5 Initial IP Address Configuration...............................................................5-1
Selecting an IP Address or Configuration............................................................................. 5-2
Assigning IP Address with Network Enabler Administration Suite..................................... 5-2
Assigning IP Address with ARP........................................................................................... 5-2
Assigning IP Address with Telnet Console........................................................................... 5-3
Assigning IP Address with Serial Console........................................................................... 5-6
Chapter 6 Web Console: Basic Settings...................................................................6-1
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 6-2
Web Browser Settings.................................................................................................. 6-2
Navigating the Web Console........................................................................................ 6-3
Basic Settings ....................................................................................................................... 6-4
Server Name................................................................................................................. 6-4
Server Location............................................................................................................. 6-4
Time Zone .................................................................................................................... 6-4
Local Time.................................................................................................................... 6-5
Time Server.................................................................................................................. 6-5
Chapter 7 Web Console: Network Settings.............................................................. 7-1
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 7-2
Network Settings> General Settings..................................................................................... 7-2
DNS Server 1 and 2...................................................................................................... 7-2
Network Settings> Ethernet Settings.................................................................................... 7-3
IP Configuration........................................................................................................... 7-3
IP Address ....................................................................................................................7-4
Netmask........................................................................................................................ 7-4
Gateway........................................................................................................................ 7-4
Speed ............................................................................................................................ 7-4
Network Settings> WLAN Settings> WLAN ...................................................................... 7-5
IP Configuration........................................................................................................... 7-5
IP Address ....................................................................................................................7-5
Netmask........................................................................................................................ 7-6
Gateway........................................................................................................................ 7-6
Network Settings> WLAN Settings> Profile....................................................................... 7-7
Network Type............................................................................................................... 7-8
General Settings for WLAN Profile ..................................................................................... 7-9
Profile Name............................................................................................................... 7-10
Operation Mode.......................................................................................................... 7-11
SSID ........................................................................................................................... 7-11
Channel....................................................................................................................... 7-11
Security Settings for WLAN Profile................................................................................... 7-12
Authentication ............................................................................................................ 7-14
Encryption .................................................................................................................. 7-15
PSK Passphrase.......................................................................................................... 7-15
Security Settings for WEP Encryption ............................................................................... 7-16
WEP Key Length........................................................................................................ 7-16
WEP Key Index.......................................................................................................... 7-16
WEP Key Source........................................................................................................ 7-17
WEP Passphrase......................................................................................................... 7-17
WEP Key Format........................................................................................................ 7-17
WEP Key 1 Through 4 ............................................................................................... 7-17
Security Settings for WPA, WPA2......................................................................................7-18
EAP Method............................................................................................................... 7-19
Tunneled Authentication ............................................................................................ 7-19
Username.................................................................................................................... 7-19
Password..................................................................................................................... 7-19
Anonymous Username................................................................................................7-20
Verify Server Certificate............................................................................................. 7-20
Trusted Server Certificate........................................................................................... 7-20
User Certificate........................................................................................................... 7-20
User Private Key......................................................................................................... 7-20
Network Settings> Adva nced Settings ............................................................................... 7-21
Gratuitous ARP........................................................................................................... 7-21
Auto Report To........................................................................................................... 7-21
Auto Report Period..................................................................................................... 7-22
Active Interface .......................................................................................................... 7-22
Chapter 8 Web Console: Serial Port Settings ..........................................................8-1
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 8-2
Serial Port Settings> Port 1> Operation Modes....................................................................8-2
Application................................................................................................................... 8-2
Mode............................................................................................................................. 8-3
Settings for RealCOM Mode................................................................................................ 8-3
TCP Alive Check Time ................................................................................................ 8-4
Max Connection ........................................................................................................... 8-4
Delimiter 1 and 2.......................................................................................................... 8-5
Force Transmit.............................................................................................................. 8-5
Settings for RFC2217 Mode................................................................................................. 8-5
TCP Alive Check Time ................................................................................................ 8-6
TCP Port....................................................................................................................... 8-6
Delimiter 1 and 2.......................................................................................................... 8-6
Force Transmit.............................................................................................................. 8-7
Settings for TCP Server Mode.............................................................................................. 8-7
TCP Alive Check Time ................................................................................................ 8-8
Inactivity Time ............................................................................................................. 8-8
Max Connection ........................................................................................................... 8-8
TCP Port....................................................................................................................... 8-8
Delimiter 1 and 2.......................................................................................................... 8-9
Force Transmit.............................................................................................................. 8-9
Settings for TCP Client Mode ............................................................................................ 8-10
TCP Alive Check Time .............................................................................................. 8-10
Inactivity Time ........................................................................................................... 8-11
Destination Address 1 to 4.......................................................................................... 8-11
Connection Control..................................................................................................... 8-11
Delimiter 1 and 2........................................................................................................ 8-12
Force Transmit............................................................................................................ 8-12
Settings for UDP Mode...................................................................................................... 8-13
Destination Address 1 to 4.......................................................................................... 8-13
Local Listen Port ........................................................................................................ 8-13
Delimiter 1 and 2........................................................................................................ 8-14
Force Transmit............................................................................................................ 8-14
Serial Port Settings> Port 1> Communication Parameters................................................. 8-14
Port Alias.................................................................................................................... 8-15
Baud Rate ................................................................................................................... 8-15
Data Bits..................................................................................................................... 8-15
Stop Bits ..................................................................................................................... 8-15
Parity........................................................................................................................... 8-15
Flow Control............................................................................................................... 8-15
FIFO ........................................................................................................................... 8-16
Interface...................................................................................................................... 8-16
Chapter 9 Web Console: System Management........................................................9-1
Overview.............................................................................................................................. 9-2
System Management> Misc. Network Settings> Accessible IP List.................................... 9-2
System Management> Misc. Network Settings> SNMP Agent Settings..............................9-3
SNMP........................................................................................................................... 9-3
Community String ........................................................................................................ 9-3
Contact Name............................................................................................................... 9-3
Location........................................................................................................................ 9-3
System Management> Auto Warning Settings> Event Settings........................................... 9-4
System Management> Auto Warning Settings> Serial Event Settings................................. 9-4
System Management> Auto Warning Settings> E-mail Alert.............................................. 9-5
Mail Server................................................................................................................... 9-5
From E-mail Address.................................................................................................... 9-6
To E-mail Addr ess 1 t o 4.............................................................................................. 9-6
System Management> Auto Warning Settings> SNMP Trap............................................... 9-7
SNMP Trap Server IP or Domain Name...................................................................... 9-7
Trap Version................................................................................................................. 9-7
System Management> Maintenance> Console Settings....................................................... 9-8
HTTP Console.............................................................................................................. 9-8
HTTPS Console............................................................................................................ 9-8
Telnet Console .............................................................................................................. 9-8
SSH Console................................................................................................................. 9-8
System Management> Maintenance> Ping.......................................................................... 9-9
System Management> Maintenance> Firmware Upgrade................................................. 9-10
System Management> Maintenance> Configuration Import ..............................................9-11
System Management> Maintenance> Configuration Export............................................. 9-12
System Management> Maintenance> Load Factory Default............................................. 9-13
System Management> Maintenance> Change Password................................................... 9-14
System Management> System Settings> Serial Command Mode...................................... 9-15
Serial Command Mode............................................................................................... 9-15
S/W Trigger Character................................................................................................ 9-15
System Management> System Settings> Digital IO.......................................................... 9-16
DIO0 through DIO8.................................................................................................... 9-16
All DIO....................................................................................................................... 9-16
DIO Function.............................................................................................................. 9-16
TCP Port..................................................................................................................... 9-17
System Management> Certificate> Ethernet SSL Ce rtificate Import................................. 9-18
System Management> Certificate> WLAN SSL Certificate Import.................................. 9-19
System Management> Certificate> WPA Server Certificate Import ..................................9-20
System Management> Certificate> WPA User Certificate Import..................................... 9-21
System Management> Certificate> WPA User Key Import............................................... 9-22
System Management> Certificate> Certificate/Key Delete ............................................... 9-22
Chapter 10 Web Console: System Monitoring.........................................................10-1
Overview............................................................................................................................ 10-2
System Monitoring> Serial Status> Serial to Network Connections.................................. 10-2
System Monitoring> Serial Status> Serial Port Status....................................................... 10-2
System Monitoring> Serial Status> Serial Port Error Count.............................................. 10-3
System Monitoring> Serial Status> Serial Port Settings.................................................... 10-3
System Monitoring> System Status> Network Connections.............................................. 10-4
System Monitoring> System Status> Network Statistics................................................... 10-4
System Monitoring> System Status> WLAN Status.......................................................... 10-5
System Monitoring> System Status> WLAN Site Survey................................................. 10-5
System Monitoring> System Status> Digital IO State....................................................... 10-7
Chapter 11 Web Console: Save and Restart ............................................................11-1
Save Configuration..............................................................................................................11-2
Restart> Restart System ......................................................................................................11-2
Restart> Restart Ports..........................................................................................................11-3
Chapter 12 Using Network Enabler Administrator ..................................................12-1
Overview............................................................................................................................ 12-2
Installation.................................................................................................................. 12-2
Navigation .................................................................................................................. 12-4
Configuration...................................................................................................................... 12-6
Broadcast Search ........................................................................................................ 12-7
Specify by IP Address ................................................................................................ 12-7
Unlock ........................................................................................................................ 12-7
Assign IP Address ...................................................................................................... 12-8
Configure.................................................................................................................... 12-8
Upgrade Firmware...................................................................................................... 12-9
Import and Export Configuration ............................................................................... 12-9
Monitor............................................................................................................................. 12-10
Add Target................................................................................................................ 12-10
Remove Target ......................................................................................................... 12-11
Load Configured COM Port..................................................................................... 12-11
Settings..................................................................................................................... 12-11
Go............................................................................................................................. 12-12
Stop........................................................................................................................... 12-12
Port Monitor..................................................................................................................... 12-13
COM Mapping.................................................................................................................. 12-14
Add Target................................................................................................................ 12-15
Remove Target ......................................................................................................... 12-15
COM Settings........................................................................................................... 12-15
Apply and Discard Change....................................................................................... 12-18
Import and Export COM Mapping........................................................................... 12-18
IP Address Report............................................................................................................. 12-18
Settings..................................................................................................................... 12-19
Go............................................................................................................................. 12-19
Stop........................................................................................................................... 12-19
Clear ......................................................................................................................... 12-19
Chapter 13 Serial Command Mode............................................................................13-1
Overview............................................................................................................................ 13-2
Serial Command Format..................................................................................................... 13-2
Command Structure.................................................................................................... 13-2
Reply Structure........................................................................................................... 13-2
Command Set..................................................................................................................... 13-3
Basic Commands........................................................................................................ 13-3
Accessible IP Commands........................................................................................... 13-3
Operation Mode Commands....................................................................................... 13-5
TCP Server Mode Commands.................................................................................... 13-5
Real COM Mode Commands..................................................................................... 13-6
TCP Client Mode Commands..................................................................................... 13-6
UDP Mode Commands............................................................................................... 13-7
Digital IO Commands................................................................................................. 13-8
Serial Command Mode Commands............................................................................ 13-8
Operation Flow Chart......................................................................................................... 13-9
Configuring Trigger Type................................................................................................... 13-9
Using Network Enabler Administrator..................................................................... 13-10
Using Telnet Console ............................................................................................... 13-11
Using Web Console.................................................................................................. 13-12
Using Serial Console................................................................................................ 13-12
Entering Serial Command Mode...................................................................................... 13-12
Determining the Active Mode ..........................................................................................13-13
Serial Command Examples .............................................................................................. 13-14
Example 1: Use Hardware Trigger, Get Model Name.............................................. 13-14
Example 2: Use Hardware Trigger, Change IP Address .......................................... 13-14
Example 3: Use Software Trigger, Get IP Mode...................................................... 13-15
Example 4: Use SW Trigger, Change TCP Port Number......................................... 13-15
Appendix A Well Known Port Numbers ......................................................................A-1
Appendix B NECI Library..............................................................................................B-1
Appendix C DIO Commands ........................................................................................ C-1
Appendix D SNMP Agent with MIB II & RS-232 Like Group ......................................D-1
RFC1213 MIB-II supported SNMP variables ..................................................................... D-1
Appendix E IP Address Report Protocol .................................................................... E-1
IP Address Report Structure .................................................................................................E-1
Hardware and AP ID.............................................................................................................E-2
Chapter 1 Introduction
The WE-2100T is a small embedded serial-to-WLAN module that gives your serial device the ability to connect to a wireless network. It comes with built-in TCP/IP and wireless security/authentication protocols for fast integration, saving you time and energy on programming.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Overview Package Checklist Product Features Product Specifications
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Introduction
The WE-2100T is a very compact module that installs in a serial device to connect it to a wireless LAN. With such a small size, around half the size of a credit card., it can be installed into almost any kind of serial device. The WE-2100T also comes with a built-in TCP/IP stack for fast integration with your serial devices. This means that your engineers can spend less time with the TCP/IP and wireless details, and more time on developing major features, shortening your product’s time to market. The reliable TCP/IP communication firmware can be configured easily using a Windows utility, a web browser, serial console, or Telnet console. In addition, a Windows-based NECI (Network Enabler Configuration Interface) library is available to help you develop your own Windows utilities.
An integration kit and a complete development kit are both available for evaluation and development use. The development kit contains a development board, documents, sample code, cables, and accessories.
Package Checklist
z 1 WE-2100T Series module (depending on which model you order) z 1 WE-2100T-ST (the evaluation board ) z WE-2100T Series Documentation & Software CD z 1 power adaptor z 1 null modem cable z 1 cross-over Ethernet cable z Product W arranty Booklet z Quick Installation Guide
NOTE: Notify your sales representative if any of the above items is missing or damaged.
Product Features
The WE-2100T has the following features:
z 802.11 a/b/g compliance z Auto-sensing TTL to 10/100 Mbps Ethernet interface z Compact size and ready-to-go design z Ready-to-use TCP/IP firmware for fast integration z TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP, Real COM, RFC2217 operation modes z Serial Command Mode for configuration through the data port z Easy configuration by web console, serial console, Windows utility, or Telnet console z 9 GPIOs for user-developed applications z Software reset function
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Introduction
Product Specifications
Spread Spectrum Technology DSSS,CCK,OFDM Standards Compliance 802.11 a/b/g
Tx Power
5.15~5.25 GHz: 15 dBm@6 Mbps; 12 dBm@54 Mbps
5.725~5.825 GHz: 15 dBm@6 Mbps; 12 dBm@54 Mbps
2.412~2.483 GHz: 17 dBm@6 Mbps; 15 dBm@54 Mbps
2.412~2.472 GHz: 18 dBm@1~11 Mbps
Transmission Distance Up to 100 meters (in open areas) Security AES, WEP 64/128-bit, WP A, WPA2, 802.11i
Network Modes
Infrastructure for 802.11 a/b/g Ad-Hoc for 802.11 b/g
Security AES, WEP 64/128-bit, WP A, WPA2, 802.11i
Ethernet 10/100 Mbps
Interface TTL Digital I/O Channels 9
Serial Communication Parameters
Parity None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark Data Bits 5, 6, 7, 8 Stop Bit 1, 1.5, 2 Flow Control RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF, DTR/DSR
Transmission Speed
50 to 921.6K bps (standard baudrates), 250K and 500K bps (nonstandard baudrates)
Software Features
Protocols ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP, DHCP, Telnet, DNS, SNMP, HTTP, SSH, HTTPS Operating
TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP, Real COM, RFC2217
Utilities Configuration utility supported by Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista
COM Driver
Windows Real COM drivers for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, XPx64, 2003x64, Vista Linux Real TTY driver UNIX Fixed TTY d river for SCO Unix, SCO OpenServer 5, UnixWare 7, UnixW are 2.1.x, SVR4.2, QNX
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Introduction
Web console, serial console, Telnet console, Windows utility, serial command
Power Requirements
Power Input 3.3V ± 5% VDC Power
950 mA @ 3.3 VDC (max.)
Operating Temperature
0 to 55 °C (32 to 131 °F), 5 to 95% RH
Storage Temperature
-20 to 85 °C (-4 to 185 °F), 5 to 95% RH
Regulatory Approvals
CE EN550022 Class A FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class A Safety: EN60950, CUL, TUV
CE ETSI EN 301 489-17 CE ETSI EN 301 489-1 FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class A FCC Part 17 Subpart B, Class A
5 years
Chapter 2 Panel Layout and Pin Assignments
This chapter includes information about the panel layouts and pin assignments for WE-2100T. The layouts and reference circuit diagrams for the evaluation boards are also covered. The evaluation boards are used for evaluation an d development of applications for WE-2100T.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
¾ WE-2100T
¾ WE-2100T-ST Pin Assignments WE-2100-ST LED Indicators
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Panel Layout and Pin Assignments
Unit: mm
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Panel Layout and Pin Assignments
Unit: mm
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Panel Layout and Pin Assignments
Pin Assignments
Pin Function Pin Function
1 3.3V 2 GND 3 3.3V 4 GND 5 3.3V 6 GND 7 Console_TxD 8 Console_RxD
9 Console_RTS 10 Console_CTS 11 Console_DTR 12 Console_DSR 13 PIO0 14 Console_DCD 15 PIO1 16 PIO4 (WLAN strength 1) 17 PIO2 18 PIO5 (WLAN strength 2) 19 PIO3 20 PIO6 (WLAN strength 3) 21 Data_TxD 22 PIO7 (WLAN strength 4) 23 Data_RTS 24 Data_RxD 25 Data_DTR 26 Data_CTS 27 Ready_LED 28 Data_DSR 29 Fault_LED 30 Data_DCD 31 Eth_Tx+ 32 WLAN_Act_LED 33 Eth_Tx- 34 SW_RESET 35 Eth_Center_TAP 36 HW_RESET 37 Eth_Center_TAP 38 Eth_100M_LED 39 Eth_Rx+ 40 Eth_10M_LED 41 Eth_Rx- 42 Reserved 43 PIO8 (WLAN strength 0) 44 Reserved
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Panel Layout and Pin Assignments
WE-2100-ST LED Indicators
Type Color Status Meaning
Power is off. Unit is booting or rebooting.
Off Off
IP error condition occurs.
Steady On Unit is functioning normally.
Unit is responding to software Locate function.
Reset button is being held down. Power is off.
Off Off
Unit is functioning normally.
Steady On Unit is booting or rebooting.
IP conflict, DHCP or BOOTP server did not respond properly.
Off Off Unit was booted with Ethernet cable plugge d .
Green Steady On
Wireless LAN is activated. (Unit was booted with Ethernet cable unplugged.)
Off Off JP3 is opened.
WLAN Strength
Green/Off Steady On/Off
JP3 is shorted, each LED corresponds to 20% WLAN signal strength.
Off Off Ethernet cable is unplugged.
Orange Steady On 10M Ethernet connected.
Green Steady On 100M Ethernet connected.
Off Off No data is being transmitted from unit.
Serial TXD
Green On Data is being transmitted from unit.
Off Off No data is being transmitted to unit.
Serial RXD
Yellow On Data is being transmitted to unit.
GPIO mode is input JP2 DO is opened.
Off Off
GPIO mode is output, and state is high.
Green Steady On
JP2 DO is shorted, GPIO mode is output, and state is low.
Chapter 3 Getting Started
This chapter includes information about installing WE-2100T. The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Wiring Requirements Installing onto the WE-2100T-ST Evaluation Board
¾ Circuit Pad Connecting to the Networ k Connecting the Power Connecting to a Serial Device DI/O Test Settings
¾ LED Circuit Diagram
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Getting Started
Wiring Requirements
Before connecting the hardware, follow these important wiring safety precautions: Disconnect power source
Do not install or wire this unit or any attached devices with the power connected. Disconnect the power before installation by removing the power cord before installing and/or wiring your unit.
Follow maximum current ratings Calculate the maximum possible current in each power wire and common wire. Observe all electrical codes dictating the maximum current allowable for each wire size.
If the current goes above the maximum ratings, the wiring could overheat, causing serious damage to your equipment.
Use caution - unit may get hot The unit will generate heat during operation, and the casing may feel hot to the touch. Take care when handling unit. Be sure to leave adequate space for ventilation.
The following guidelines will help ensure trouble-free signal communication:
z Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices to avoid interference. Do not run
signal or communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. The rule of thumb is that wiring that shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together.
z If power wiring and device wiring paths must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at
the intersection point.
z Keep input wiring and output wiring separate. z Label all wiring to each device in the system for easier testing and troubleshooting
Installing onto the WE-2100T-ST Evaluation Board
The WE-2100T-ST evaluation board is a tool to help you develop your WE-2100T application. The module must first be installed on the board before the power supply, network, and serial device are connected. Align the sockets on the WE-2100T module with the pins on the WE-2100T-ST board, as shown in the following figure.
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Getting Started
Circuit Pad
The circuit pad on the evaluation board can be used to develop additional app lication circuits.
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Getting Started
The bottom row of pins is for connecting a 5V power supply; the next row up is for connecting a
3.3V power supply. Digital I/O pins are located on the right side. The top row of pins is for grounding.
Connecting to the Network
When developing your application, you may wish to use Ethernet to configure the WE-2100T, especially if your wireless LAN is not functional yet. You may connect to the network using the evaluation board’s RJ45 Ethernet port. In order to use the LAN connection, make sure the network cable is already plugged in before the unit is powered on.
After power is connected in the next step, the RJ45 connector will indicate a valid connection to the Ethernet as follows:
A green LED indicator indicates a valid 100 Mbps Ethernet network connection and will flicker as data is being transmitted.
A yellow LED indicator indicates a valid 10 Mbps Ethernet network connection and will flicker as data is being transmitted.
Connecting the Power
Connect the 12 to 48 VDC power line to the power jack on the evaluation board.
Connecting to a Serial Device
Use a serial cable to connect the serial device to the data port, P2, on the evaluation board. (P1 is the console port, which is used for the serial console.)
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Getting Started
DI/O Test Settings
The WE-2100T includes 9 digital I/O channels. Each digital I/O channel is a GPIO (General Purpose I/O) channel that can be set to “digital output” or “digital input” mode by software. When developing your own applications, be aware of the voltage limits. The output current is 1 mA.
Min. Max. Unit Conditions
input voltage
Maximum voltage when DI is set
to “Low” status. ----- 0.8 V
input voltage
Minimum voltage when DI is set
to “High” status. 2 ----- V
input voltage
Maximum voltage when DO is set
to “Low” status. ----- 0.4 V
input voltage
Minimum voltage when DO is set
to “High” status 2.4 ----- V The output current for each digital output channel carries only 1 mA. On the evaluation board, the DIO mode jumper selects whether a digital channel will be connected
to the DIP switch for input testing, or to the LED for output testing. If DIO1 is set to digital input mode on the WE-2100T, you can use a jumper setting on the evaluation board to connect DIO1 to the DIP switch. Digit one on the DIP switch will then be the input device for DIO1. When you flip the switch on or off, you can see the status of DIO1 change on the web console or in the Windows utility.
1. First, position the jumpers so they correspond with the input/output mode of each digital I/O
channel. In the example below, channels 0 through 3 are output (DO) channels and channels 4 through 8 are input (DI) channels.
2. After setting the jumpers, use the DIP switches to set the status for input channels 0 through 3.
You can set the status to either lo w (on) or high (off). In the example below, channel 0 is set to low, and channels 1 through 3 are set to high. Note that channel 0 corresponds to switch 1.
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Getting Started
3. Use the web console to set the status of output channels. If you set channel 4’s status to
“Low” and the others to “High,” the DO4 LED will glow and the other LEDs will remain dark. Please refer to Chapter 9 for more configuration details.
LED Circuit Diagram
The digital output LEDs is a sink circuit, as shown in the circuit diagram.
Chapter 4 Selecting an Operation Mode
In this section, we describe the available operation modes for the WE-2100T. There is a mode that relies on a driver installed on the host computer, and other modes that rely on TCP/IP socket programming concepts. After determining the proper operation mode for your application, please refer to Chapter 8 for instructions on configuring that mode.
Overview TCP Server Mode TCP Client Mode UDP Mode Real COM Mode
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Selecting an Operation Mode
The WE-2100T connects serial devices to the wireless LAN. It has a built-in TCP/IP stack that saves you the effort of programming networking protocols. Simply select the proper operating mode to allow your computer to access, manage, and co nfigure your serial device over the Internet.
Traditional SCADA and data collection systems collect data from various instruments over serial connections (RS-232/422/485). Since WE-2100T is designed to convert between serial and Ethernet signals, both local and remote devices can be connected to a standard TCP/IP network and made accessible to SCADA and data collection systems.
Real COM and RFC2217 modes allow serial-based software to access the module’s serial port as if it were a local serial port on a PC. These modes are appropriate when your application relies on Windows or Linux software that was originally designed for locally attached COM or TTY devices. With these modes, you can access your devices from the network using your existing COM/TTY-based software, without investing in additional software.
Three different socket modes are available for user-developed socket programs: TCP Server, TCP Client, and UDP Server/Client. For TCP applications, the appropriate mode depends on whether the connection will be hosted or initiated from the module’s serial port or from the network. The main difference between the TCP and UDP protocols is that TCP guarantees delivery of data by requiring the recipient to send an acknowledgement to the sender. UDP does not require this type of verification, making it possible to offer speedier delivery. UDP also allows multi-unicasting of data to groups of IP addresses and would be suitable for streaming media or non-critical messaging applications such as LED message boards.
TCP Server Mode
In TCP Server mode, the module’s serial port is assigned an IP:port address that is unique on your TCP/IP network. It wai ts for the host computer to establish a connection to the attached serial device. This operation mode also supports up to four simultaneous connections, so multiple hosts can collect data from the attached device at the same time.
Data transmission proceeds as follows:
1. A host requests a connection to the module’s
serial port.
. Once the connection is established, data can
be transmitted in both directions—from the host to the device, and from the device to the host.
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Selecting an Operation Mode
TCP Client Mode
In TCP Client mode, the module actively establishes a TCP connection to a specific network host when data is received from the attached serial device. After the data has been transferred, the module can automatically disconnect from the host computer through the Inactivity time settings. Please refer to Chapter 8 for details on these parameters.
Data transmission proceeds as follows:
1. The module requests a connection from the
2. The connection is established and data can
be transmitted in both directions between the host and device.
UDP Mode
UDP is similar to TCP but is faster and more efficient. Data can be broadcast to or received from multiple network hosts. Howe ver , UD P does not support verification of data and would not be suitable for applications where data integrity is critical. It is ideal for message display applications.
Real COM Mode
Real COM mode is designed to work with drivers that are installed on a network host. COM drivers are provided for Windows systems, and TTY drivers are provided for Linux and UNIX systems. The driver establishes a transparent connection to the attached serial device by mapping a local serial port to the module’s serial port. Real COM mode supports up to four simultaneous connections, so multiple hosts can collect data from the attached device at the same time.
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Selecting an Operation Mode
Real COM drivers are installed and configured through the included Windows utility.
Real COM mode allows you to continue using your serial communications software to access devices that are now attached to the WE-2100T module. On the host, the Real COM driver automatically intercepts data sent to the COM port, packs it into a TCP/IP packet, and redirects it to the network. At the other end of the connection, the WE-2100T accepts the Ethernet frame, unpacks the TCP/IP packet, and sends the serial data to the appropriate device.
In Real COM mode, several hosts can have simultaneous access control over the serial port on the module. If necessary, you can limit access by using the Accessible IP settings. Please refer to Chapter 9 for additional information on Accessible IP settings.
Chapter 5 Initial IP Address Configuration
When setting up your WE-2100T module for the first time, the first thing you should do is configure the IP address. This chapter introduces the methods that can be used to configure the WE-2100T’s IP address. For more details about network settings, please refer to Chapter 7.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Selecting an IP Address or Configuration Assigning IP Address with Network Enabler Administration Suite Assigning IP Address with ARP Assigning IP Address with Telnet Console Assigning IP Address with Serial Console
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Initial IP Address Configuration
Selecting an IP Address or Configuration
For most applications, you will assign a fixed IP address to the module, which means that you set the IP address directly. However, for certain network environments, your module’s IP address will need to be assigned by a DHCP or BOOTP server. In this case, instead of directly assigning the module’s IP address, you will need to configure the module to receive its IP address from the appropriate DHCP or BOOTP server.
If you are not sure whether you need to configure your module for a dynamic or static IP address, consult the administrator who set up the LAN. You will also need to consult the network administrator if you wish to use a fixed IP address in a DHCP or BOOTP environment.
Factory Default IP Address
Network Interface IP Configuration IP Address
LAN Static
WLAN Static
If the module is configured to obtain its IP settings from a DHCP or BOOTP server but is unable to get a response, it will use the factory default IP address and netmask.
The set of addresses are private IP addresses, since they cannot be directly accessed from a public network. You cannot ping a device with a address from an outside Internet connection. If your application requir es sending data over a public network, such as the Internet, you will need to assign a valid public IP address, which can be leased from a local ISP.
Assigning IP Address with Network Enabler Administration Suite
Please refer to Chapter 12 for instructions on using Network Enabler Administrator to configure and manage your WE-2100T embedded module.
Assigning IP Address with ARP
The ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) command can be used to assign an IP address to the module. The ARP command tells your computer to associate the module’s MAC address with the specified IP address. You must then use Telnet to access the module, at which point the module’ s IP address will be reconfigured. This method only works when the module is configured with default IP settings.
When using ARP to set the module’s IP address, be aware of the following items:
z Your computer and your module must be connected to the same LAN or WLAN. You may use
a cross-over Ethernet cable to connect the module directly to your computer’s Ethernet port.
z Your module must be configured with the factory default IP address before executing the ARP
command. When connected to a LAN, the default IP is When connected to a WLAN, the default IP is
WE-2100T Series User’s Manual Initial IP Address Configuration
1. Select a valid IP address for your WE-2100T module. Consult with your network
administrator if necessary.
2. Obtain the module’s MAC address from the label on the module.
3. From the DOS prompt, execute the arp -s command with the desired IP address and the
module’s MAC address, as in the following example:
arp -s 00-90-E8-xx-xx-xx
In this example is th e new IP address that you wish to assign to the module, and 00-90-E8-xx-xx-xx is the module’s MAC address.
4. From the DOS prompt, execute a special Telnet command using port 6000, as in the
following example:
telnet 6000
In this example, is the new IP address that is being assigned to the module.
5. You should see a message indicating that the connection failed.
6. The module will automatically reboot with the new IP address. You can verify that the
configuration was successful by connecting to the new IP address with Telnet, ping, or another method.
Assigning IP Address with Telnet Console
Depending on how your computer and network are configured, you may find it convenient to use network access to set up your WE-2100T module’s IP address. T his can be done using the Telnet program.
1. Select Run… from the Windows Start menu.
2. Enter the telnet command using your module’s current IP address and click OK.
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