Moxa Technologies V2416, V2416-XPE User Manual

V2416 Series WinXP Embedded
User’s Manual
First Edition, April 2011
© 2011 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
V2416 Series WinXP Embedded
User’s Manual
The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with
the terms of that agreement.
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Copyright ©2011 Moxa Inc.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Software Specifications........................................................................................................................ 1-2
Application Development Environment ........................................................................................... 1-2
Networking and Communication Capabilities ................................................................................... 1-3
Supporting Services and Daemons ................................................................................................ 1-4
How to Determine Firmware Build Versions ............................................................................................ 1-4
Inserting a USB Mass Storage Device into the Computer ......................................................................... 1-5
Inserting a CF Card in the Computer ..................................................................................................... 1-5
Inserting SATA hard disks into a V2416 Computer .................................................................................. 1-6
Four RS-232/422/485 Serial Ports ................................................................................................. 1-7
Digital Input/Output Channels ....................................................................................................... 1-7
2. Software Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 2-1
Starting Your V2416-XPE Computer ...................................................................................................... 2-2
Resetting Your V2416-XPE Computer .................................................................................................... 2-2
Configuring the Display Settings ........................................................................................................... 2-2
Changing the Network Settings ............................................................................................................ 2-5
Operating Your V2416-XPE Computer with a Telnet Client ........................................................................ 2-5
Adjusting the System Time .................................................................................................................. 2-6
Starting and Stopping Services ............................................................................................................. 2-7
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ....................................................................................... 2-7
Remote Desktop (RDP) ........................................................................................................................ 2-8
Serial Ports ........................................................................................................................................ 2-9
Enhanced Write Filter ........................................................................................................................ 2-10
File Based Write Filter ....................................................................................................................... 2-10
HDD Hot Swap Function Configuration ................................................................................................. 2-12
Starting the mxhtspd Function .................................................................................................... 2-12
Configuring the Disk Drive Letters for Disk Removal ...................................................................... 2-13
Programming the Scripts ............................................................................................................ 2-14
Checking the Log File ................................................................................................................. 2-16
3. Management Tools ............................................................................................................................ 3-1
Computer Management ....................................................................................................................... 3-2
Component Services ........................................................................................................................... 3-2
Event Viewer ...................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Internet Information Services (Web/FTP) ............................................................................................... 3-3
ODBC Data Source Administrator .......................................................................................................... 3-6
Performance Monitor ........................................................................................................................... 3-7
Services ............................................................................................................................................ 3-7
4. System Recovery ............................................................................................................................... 4-1
Recovery Environment ........................................................................................................................ 4-2
Recovery Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 4-2
1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the Moxa’s V2416 x86 ready-to-run embedded computers. This manual introduces
the software configuration and management of V2416 computers running the Windows Embedded Standard
2009 operating system. For hardware installation, connector interfaces, setup procedures, and upgrading the
BIOS, please refer to the V2416 Hardware User’s Manual.
Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 2009 is a specialized operating system consisting of componentized
Windows XP Professional features that allows you to build a wide range of innovative, small footprint devices.
Windows developers will find Moxa’s V2416 computer plus Windows Embedded Standard 2009 operating
system to be the right solution for a wide range of applications.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Software Specifications
Application Development Environment
Networking and Communication Capabilities
Supporting Services and Daemons
How to Determine Firmware Build Versions
Inserting a USB Mass Storage Device into the Computer
Inserting a CF Card in the Computer
Inserting SATA hard disks into a V2416 Computer
Four RS-232/422/485 Serial Ports
Digital Input/Output Channels
V2416 WinXP User's Manual Introduction
V2416 embedded computers come with four RS-232/422/485 serial ports, making it ideal for connecting a wide
range of serial devices. The dual 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports offer a reliable solution for network
redundancy, delivering continuous operations for data communication and management. As an added
convenience, the V2416 computer has six DIs and two DOs for connecting digital input/output devices.
In addition, the CompactFlash and USB sockets provide the V2416 computer with the reliability needed for
industrial applications that require data buffering and storage expansion. Most importantly, the V2416
computer comes with 2 removable slots for inserting additional storage media, such as hard disks or SSD drives;
it also supports hot swapping for convenient, fast and easy storage expansion. The V2416 provides
user-defined programmable LEDs and a related API for storage management, supporting storage plug/unplug
functionality, automatic storage removal and storage status display. Moreover, API Library is included for easy
development and storage capacity notification.
Pre-installed with Windows Embedded Standard 2009, the V2416 provides programmers with a friendly
environment for developing sophisticated, bug-free application software at a low cost.
Software Specifications
The software features of the V2416-XPE embedded computers are listed below:
Application Development Environment
The V2416 is fully compatible with the XP Professional Development Environment.
The V2416’s use of Windows Embedded Standard 2009 with SP3 provides the following common, popular
application development features that make programming convenient and easy.
Every application that runs in Windows XP can be executed in the V2416, so there is no migration cost.
Windows Embedded Standard 2009 is based on the same binary files as Windows XP Professional; Windows
Embedded Standard 2009 enables you to rapidly develop reliable and full-featured connected devices.
Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5—This component includes the common language runtime (CLR) and
the .NET Framework class library.
Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) Core—Provides the basic functionality for ADSI. This
component routes any requests to the corresponding provider according to the path it is provided.
Active Template Library (ATL) —Supports ATL applications.
ASP.NET 2.0—A unified Web application platform that provides the services necessary to build and deploy
enterprise-class Web applications.
Certificate Request Client & Certificate Auto enrollment—This component includes the common
language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework class library.
COM Base—Component Object Model (COM) includes a programming model and a set of application
programming interfaces (APIs), and does not include a dedicated user interface.
Common Control Libraries—(Side by Side) the component provides common user interface (UI)
Common File Dialogs—Support for common dialog boxes.
Direct3D—The infrastructure for two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics.
DirectPlay—Provides a networking API that can enable any application to operate over both a peer-to-peer
and client/server topology.
DirectShow—Base filter graph and device enumeration support for all DirectShow applications. This
component also provides most DirectShow filters.
V2416 WinXP User's Manual Introduction
Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) —A distributed transaction facility for Microsoft
Windows systems, which uses transaction-processing technology. MSDTC exploits loosely coupled systems
to provide scalable performance.
Enhanced Write Filter—An upper filter in the storage device driver stack that redirects disk write
operations to volatile (RAM) or non-volatile (disk) storage.
Event Log—A dynamic-link library (DLL) that runs as part of Services.exe. This component stores and
retrieves events that can be viewed in the event viewer.
Internet Explorer 7—The Internet Explorer Web browser that allows customers to connect to the Internet
or to an intranet (see properties via inetcpl.cpl).
Mapi32 Libraries—The infrastructure for e-mail support.
Message Queuing (MSMQ) Core—Message Queuing is a messaging infrastructure and a development
tool for creating distributed messaging applications for Microsoft Windows operating systems; it provides
guaranteed message delivery, efficient routing, increased security, support for sending messages within
transactions, and priority-based messaging.
Microsoft Visual C++ Run Time Libraries—The Microsoft C++ Runtime Library.
NTFS—The NTFS File System driver (NT File System). Use NTFS instead of FAT for optimum file system
Power Management—This component includes a dynamic-link library for power management features in
the xpepm.dll file, and a command-line tool for using power management on a run-time image in the
xpepm.exe file. Note: Instead of using this component, Shutdown.exe is the preferred method to shut
down the system.
Registry Editor—The Registry Editor (regedit.exe, regedt32.exe).
RPC—Facilitates local remote procedure calls (RPCs) using the ncalrpc and ncacn_np protocol sequences,
and provides support for dynamic endpoint resolution. The RPC name service provides remote procedure
call (RPC) named services functionality, such as the RPC Locator. The RPC Named Service component
exposes all RpcNs* RPC functions. The RPC server provides a variety of RPC and Component Object Model
(COM) services, including RPC Endpoint Mapper, COM Service Control Manager (SCM) and COM Object
Smart Card Cryptographic Service Providers—Supports features such as smart card logon and
improved e-mail security. Smart cards must be capable of certain RSA public key cryptographic operations.
These functions are exposed by using CryptoAPI and, specifically, through a CSP. Typically, each type of
smart card requires a CSP, which is provided by the card vendor.
USB 2.0—The core drivers needed to communicate with an Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI) that
is compliant with USB .95 or 1.0.
Windows API—User—Provides the user-mode component of the Windows operating system API.
Windows Media Player 11—Playback functionality for digital media that includes videos, CDs, and DVDs
for end users and developers.
Windows Script Engines—A complete scripting environment for Windows, including command-line
scripting, script languages, and the ability to host script engines within your applications.
WMI—Bundles the features that combine to create the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
Networking and Communication Capabilities
The V2416-XPE embedded computer provides powerful hardware communication interfaces for
network-centric embedded applications, including 2 Ethernet and 4 serial ports, and also support the
networking and communications capabilities that are built into Windows Embedded Standard 2009 with SP3 OS.
The following features are supported:
DHCP Client Service—Registers and updates Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and Domain Name System
(DNS) records for your target system.
IP Security Services—This component provides IP Security (IPsec) services for all IP traffic.
V2416 WinXP User's Manual Introduction
Dial-Up Networking—Provides the infrastructure necessary to implement a Remote Access Service (RAS)
Microsoft-Windows-HTTP—Services that implement the functionality of the HTTP protocol on a server.
TCP/IP Networking—Implements the core TCP/IP protocol stack, which includes the IPv4 version for the
following protocols: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), raw, Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Internet Group Membership Protocol (IGMP), and Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP). The component also includes Wshtcpip.dll, which is the Winsock provider for TCP/IP to
enable socket-level communication over TCP/IP.
TAPI—A Telephony API (TAPI) Telephony Service Provider (TSP).
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)—SNMP is an agent service that provides management
systems with information about activities that occur at the Internet Protocol (IP) network layer. The SNMP
agent monitors network traffic, and retrieves and updates local management information based on the
requests from the SNMP manager. The agent also notifies registered managers with traps when significant
events occur.
Time Service Core—Synchronizes a workstation's clock with other computers using the Network Time
Protocol (NTP) version 3. For increased accuracy, this component also incorporates algorithmic
enhancements from NTP 4.
Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)—Windows Firewall provides a barrier between
your device and network connections to help reduce attacks by hackers, viruses, and worms across
networks. Strongly recommended..
Wireless Zero Configuration—Support for the Windows implementation of the IEEE 802.11 standard.
This component performs automatic configuration and authentication for IEEE 802.11 wireless network
Unimodem—Provides the infrastructure necessary for applications to communicate with a modem.
Supporting Services and Daemons
In addition to development and communication capability, the V2416-XPE embeds the services and daemons
shown below. These common and easy-to-use application servers help users migrate industrial communication
applications to the V2416-XPE embedded computer very easily and conveniently.
COM+ Services—The next evolution of Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) and Microsoft
Transaction Server (MTS).
Computer Browser Service—Computer browsing functionality exposed by Windows through Microsoft
Networking. It allows a client machine to browse its network neighborhood for available computers,
exposing file and print sharing services.
Disk Management Services—Support for disk and volume management operations. The component
implements a Component Object Model (COM) interface that can be used to query and configure disks and
volumes (both basic and dynamic). The component also monitors disk arrivals and removals and other
changes in the storage subsystem.
IIS Web Server—Allows you to create and manage Web sites.
Terminal Server—Microsoft Terminal Server client application (mstsc.exe).
Remote Registry Service—Enables remote users to modify registry settings on this computer.
Telnet Server—Allows users to connect to Telnet servers from remote computers.
How to Determine Firmware Build Versions
Use the mxver command to obtain the firmware version of the V2416-XPE embedded computer. This
information is particularly important for identifying which features your embedded computer supports.
Execute the mxver.exe command line utility.
Model Name: V2416-XPE
Build Dat: 11030714
Version: V1.0
V2416 WinXP User's Manual Introduction
Inserting a USB Mass Storage Device into the Computer
Inserting a USB mass storage device will generate a new drive on the V2416-XPE. The new drive should be
visible in the File Explorer.
Inserting a CF Card in the Computer
Note that the V2416-XPE computer is shipped with a CompactFlash card already inserted and the Windows
Embedded Standard 2009 platform installed. However, if you have installed the operating system on the hard
disk, the CF card can be used for storage expansion. When inserted, the CF drive will be detected as a new disk
in the File Explorer.
The V2416-XPE does not support CF “Plug and Play” and “Hot Swap.” Please make sure to turn off
the computer before inserting a new CF card.
V2416 WinXP User's Manual Introduction
Inserting SATA hard disks into a V2416 Computer
The V2416-XPE computer offers two removable disk trays that can be fit two SATA hard disks for storage
expansion. Before installing hard disks, make sure that the computer is powered off. Insert the SATA hard disk
devices will create new disks in the V2416-XPE. You should see it in the File Explorer.
You can also find the hard disks in the computer management screen.
The disks can also be found in Control Panel/Device Manager
V2416 WinXP User's Manual Introduction
NOTE: The V2416 embedded computer supplies only 5V DC power for 2.5 inch SATA hard disks. If
you want to use a 3.5 inch hard disk, you will need to use an external power supply for your SATA
hard disk.
Four RS-232/422/485 Serial Ports
The serial ports of the V2416-XPE computer from button to top are named “COM1” to “COM4” COM1 to COM4
are RS-232/422/485 serial ports. Each of these ports supports baudrate settings of up to 921.6 Kbps.
Digital Input/Output Channels
The V2416 provides six digital input and two digital output channels. You can set the operation mode by
programming; the example “DIO” can be found under \examples\C++\ of the Software DVD.
The code snippet is as follows:
index[n]: 0 ; BIT 0
1 ; BIT 1
2 ; BIT 2
3 ; BIT 3
data[n]: 0 ; Digital LOW
1 ; Digital HIGH
unsigned int hDIO;
unsigned int port_no;
int data;
int intDout,intDin;
int nDout=0;
int port=0,mode=0;
int n=0;
WCHAR sin,smode;
printf("UART Mode Test Program\n");
printf("\t (0) Exit Program\n");
printf("\t (1) Display DIN\n");
printf("\t (2) Display DOUT\n");
V2416 WinXP User's Manual Introduction
printf("\t (3) Set DOUT value\n");
printf("\t (4) Display both DIN and DOUT\n");
switch (n)
// if char == '1', display the digital input
case 1:
//Open dio
for(int i=0;i<=5;i++)
//Get digital input
printf("Din%d = %d\n",port_no,intDin);
//Close DIO
// if char == '2', display the digital output
case 2:
//Open dio
for(int i=0;i<=1;i++)
//Get digital input
printf("Dout%d = %d\n",port_no,intDin);
//Close DIO
// if char == '3', Set the digital output
case 3:
//Get Port Number
printf("Input the Port Number (0 ~ 1) = \n");
//Get Value
printf("Input the value (0 or 1) = ");
//Open DIO
//Set DOUT
nDout=mxdio_set_dout(hDIO,port_no, data);
V2416 WinXP User's Manual Introduction
printf("Set digital output fail!\n");
printf("Set digital output success!\n");
//Close DIO
case 4:
// if char == '4', Get both digital input and digital output
//Open dio
for(int i=0;i<=5;i++)
//Get digital input
printf("Din%d = %d ",port_no,intDin);
printf(", Dout%d = %d\n",port_no,intDout);
//printf("Din%d = %d, Dout%d =
//Close DIO
sin = getwchar();
n = _wtoi(&sin);
} while (n != 0);
2. Software Configuration
In this chapter, we explain how to operate a V2416-XPE computer directly or from a PC. Instructions are given
on how to adjust the system time, troubleshoot network connectivity, and manage other functions. Some of
these operations can be done with system commands after gaining access to the computer, and others can be
done from the “Control Panel,” which is described in a later chapter.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
Starting Your V2416-XPE Computer
Resetting Your V2416-XPE Computer
Configuring the Display Settings
Changing the Network Settings
Operating Your V2416-XPE Computer with a Telnet Client
Adjusting the System Time
Starting and Stopping Services
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Remote Desktop (RDP)
Serial Ports
Enhanced Write Filter
File Based Write Filter
HDD Hot Swap Function Configuration
Starting the mxhtspd Function
Configuring the Disk Drive Letters for Disk Removal
Programming the Scripts
Checking the Log File
V2416 Series Software Configuration
Starting Your V2416-XPE Computer
Connect the CRT monitor or LCD monitor to the target computer, and then power it up by connecting it to the
power adaptor. It takes about 30 to 40 seconds for the system to boot up. Once the system is ready, the
Desktop will appear on your monitor.
Resetting Your V2416-XPE Computer
Reset Button
A Reset button is located on the front panel of V2416-XPE. Press the reset button to shut down your
computer, just as you would do with a standard PC.
Software Shutdown / Reboot
Click Start
Turn Off Computer to reboot or shutdown the V2416-XPE computer.
Configuring the Display Settings
The V2416-XPE computer offers dual displays which allow users to connect the displays in VGA or DVI-I
interfaces. The default setting will allow one display only. If you would like to use dual displays, Use the
following steps to adjust display settings.
1. Double-click the display icon at the bottom right of the screen.
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